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Topics - Grakthis

Pages: [1] 2
Completely Off-Topic / IIT The Pope Was Right
« on: September 20, 2006, 05:44:01 am »

So yeah... the pope quotes a 14th century emperor in a speech where the emperor said that muhhammad brought "only evil and inhumman" things to the world... and the muslim faith, worldwide, proves the Byzantine emperor right by burning Catholic Churches, killing a nun and firing bullets and throwing maltoff cocktails at churches.

Way to show the Pope, muslims.  Way to show him, and the rest of the world, just how civil and respectful your faith is!  BRAVO!

Completely Off-Topic / Peanut Butter: A Lesson for our English Friends!
« on: October 10, 2004, 06:50:26 am »
Peanut butter, largely credited to George Washington Carver in 1880, was part of the inventors list of 300 uses for peanuts.  Carver did this to encourage farmers to rotate crops and, specifically, to plant peanuts because of their ability to reknew the soil between tobacco and cotton crops.

In 1922, Joseph L.Rosefield began selling a number of brands of peanut butter in California. These peanut butters were churned like butters they were smoother than the gritty peanut butters of the day. He soon received the first patent for a shelf-stable peanut butter which would stay fresh for up to a year because the oil didn't separate from the peanut butter.

One of the first companies to adopt this new process was Swift &Company for its E.K. Pond peanut butter, renamed Peter Pan in1928. In 1932, Rosefield had dispute with Peter Pan and began producing peanut butter under the Skippy label the following year. Rosefield created the first crunchy style peanut butter two years later by adding chopped peanuts into creamy peanut butter at the end of the manufacturing process. In 1955, Procter & Gamble entered the peanut butter business by acquiring W.T. Young Foods in Lexington, Kentucky, makers of Big Top Peanut Butter. They introduced Jif in 1958 and now operate the world's largest peanut butter plant, churning out 250,000 jars every day!

One-half of all edible peanuts produced in the United States are used to make peanut butter and peanut spreads.

Peanut butter is an excellent source of protien, niacin and magnesium.  As well as being downright tasty with chocolate, grape jelly, bannanas or just a glass of milk!

To help our confused English (or just taste impaired) friends, here is a step by step illustrated guide to peanut butter.


It's early sunday morning.  Whatever will I have for breakfast?   How about a healthy and nutritous peanut butter sandwich!

But do I have the neccesary ingredients?  Let's see!

Bread, Check.  Toaster, Check.

Wait, I'm forgetting something.

Oh yeah!  Peanut butter! hahahahahahahaha!

So, first things first.

Take 2 slices of bread and add them to the toaster.

When it's done, the tast should be nice and toasty brown.  If it's not, then you forgot to turn on the toaster!  Silly n00b!

Next, take your knife and gently spread the peanut butter on your two pieces of toast.  Make sure to lick the knife when you're done!

When you're done, putt the two pieces of toast together with the peanut butter coated sides facing eachother.

When you're done, add a glass of milk and enjoy!

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmm good!

Even Frodo loves it!

Now go make your own peanut butter sandwich for breakfast.

And remember, JUST SAY NO to vegimite and marmite!

Completely Off-Topic / Good Morning / Good Night Thread
« on: October 07, 2004, 04:59:35 pm »
What this MB needs is a place where we can come and post random stuff.

Like, for example, when I wake up in the morning, I might want to mosey on over and say "Morning! How is everyone today?"

Then Pete might respond back with "Hey Andrew! I'm swell.  Work sucks though."

And I might say back "Oh yeah? What's wrong?"

And Pete might say "Well, see, my boss is a goat sucker"

And I might say "A goat sucker? Litteraly or figuratively?"

And Pete might say "No, I mean.  He's a chubacabras.  VEnezualan goat sucking monster."

And I might say "Wow, I guess it's a good thing you're not a goat then.  How does he feed so far away from Venezuela?"

And Pete might respond with "WEll, he doesn't need to drink Venezualan goats.  He's just from Venezuela."

To which I would probably respond "wait a minute, Pete.  This isn't another scam to get me to stake your boss is it?  Cause the last time we went through this I had to change names and move to a different county."

Obviously, this conversation is purely hypothetical, but you see what I mean.

Then, periodically, as the thread gets too big.  It gets whiped out!  Erased! and I create a new one!

That way we can spam in this thread and it doesn't affect our post count.  See?

Maybe this will stop people from creating pointless threads all the time.  They can all just go in here!

For example, I almost created a thread called "WHAT KIND OF LOTTERY DID MY NOSE JUST WIN!?!?"  purely because that comercial is the dogs bollucks.  I laugh every time I see it.



That is all.

There is no text here

Edit: Oh yeah.  Good evening Nessaholics!

Other Musicians / Lucky Boys Confusion
« on: April 15, 2004, 04:49:20 am »
hey all... so I saw these guys open for Story of the Year last week.  They were awesome.  Bought the CD for 5 bucks at the show, and now I come to find out that their song "Hey Driver" is getting some national airplay.

They really kick some serious ass.  Kind of a mix between Emo and Pop-punk depending on the song.  Think Simple Plan or Yellow Card mixed with the Get Up Kids and Saves the Day.

It's really good.

Check out;
Medicine and Gasoline
Hey Driver
Mr Wilmington

Other Musicians / The Adjectives
« on: March 09, 2004, 09:02:28 am »
Hey all... this is an up and coming band out of Cincinnati, OH.  Some really good stuff.  They just got their temporary website up and running and have a 3 song demo out and are working on a real album while playing shows around the cincy, dayton, N.KY area.

They should have a real website up within the next couple of months.

For now, go to

Go and take a listen to the 3 songs they have posted on the site right now, and let them know what you think.

Completely Off-Topic / New Diet!
« on: March 03, 2004, 11:18:21 am »
If you're not educated, don't bother.  You won't get it :)

I, however, cannot stop laughing.

Completely Off-Topic / NO PANTS FOR ME!!!!!
« on: March 03, 2004, 08:16:07 am »

Discuss, or something.  :grakthisjam:

Creative Endeavors / Short story...
« on: February 11, 2004, 06:19:38 am »
Ok, so I almost never post here... but I am gonna make an exception.

A friend of mine is putting together a collection of creative works by friends of his.  He wants to actually spend the money to either publish it or make an interactive CD out of it.

So this is what I was thinking of submiting to him, but I know it needs some cleaning up.  I wrote it like 2 years ago....

Anyways, the point is, I am interested in hearing some honest feedback.  I don't want the "wow! That is sooooo good!!" type responses from people who think they are supposed to be nice.  If you don't like it, or some part of it, tell me WHAT and WHY so I can work on improving it.

Make sense?


I’ve got a story to tell you”. James stood from his desk and walked across the room to the chair where another figure was seated. “You always said I never opened up to you.”, he began walking slow steady circles around the chair, “That I was too withdrawn.” James, paused, looked back at the figure and half-smiled. “Well, we’ve got a few minutes right now, so here it is. My chance to open up to you, Jenna”. “Maybe it’s too late now… but I believe in fixing my mistakes. They always say, better late than never”. James turned his back to Jenna and, in his mind, counted out the 5 steps back to his desk. His shoes clicked on the hardwood floors. One, for the first day we met. Two, for our first date. Three, for the first time we made love. Four, one for each year we were together. Five, for the five months we didn’t talk to each other. At each step, James would look at back at Jenna, start to speak but then stop and pace again. He stood motionless for several minutes looking out the window at the tall building in the distance. Slowly, he removed his suit jacket, the letters “Armani” emblazoned across the cuff, and hung it in the corner. Both figures remained motionless for several moments. Jenna desperately wanted to say something to James, to break the silence with anything, but instead sat there quietly. Finally, James turned back to his desk, poured himself a glass of bourbon form the cabinet of red-wax covered bottles and settled down into his tall brown-leather office chair.
As James looked down at Jenna he could feel the first few swallows of whiskey dripping their way into his stomach and down into his veins. James’ thick padded leather chair sat easily three inches above the small wooden office chair James chose for Jenna. James was very specific in how he arranged his office. The desk and chair were arranged so that the picture window behind him would let in just enough sun to make anyone sitting across from him a little uncomfortable. Of course the sun had long since gone down this evening. After a few moments he spoke again “I’m sorry, maybe this…”. James looked up from his glass of whiskey and into the eyes of his visitor and then he remembered why they were there. Why she was there. She needed to hear this and he needed to hear what she had to say. He didn’t want to do this. He had to do this. Besides, it was too late to turn back now. In one quick swallow James downed the remaining liquor and placed the crystal glass to the side by the cabinet.
“Growing up, I was never the smartest kid. I was never the most athletic kid. I was never the most popular or the best looking. I was one of those kids who always managed to disappear in the crowd. Lost in the obscurity of the American school system. I spent most of my childhood content to be”, James paused, “average.” He smiled slightly. “When we played basketball, I was never picked first, but I was never picked last either”. “No one ever called on me to make plans, but I always had a long list of people I could count on to include me in their plans if I took the initiative and called them”. “The first girl I asked to a dance rarely said yes, but I always had a date by the time I asked the third girl on my list”, James shrugged.
“I still remember my first real girlfriend. I was in junior high. 8th Grade. My last year before I became a full fledged high school student.” James settled back into his chair and placed his feet up on his otherwise spotless mahogany desk. “There was a whole group of girls some friends of mine always hung out with. As the weeks went by we all kind of paired off with the girls. I guess we had finally realized girls didn’t have cooties and maybe they had something we were interested in after all.”
James’ eyes searched the ceiling, “Her name was Lesley. Lesley…well, I can’t remember her last name anymore. I guess it doesn’t matter really.” His eyes returned back to his guest. “She had shoulder length brown hair, hazel eyes, and more than anything in the world, she just wanted people to like her. Lesley would do anything to feel special. It was easy for a young boy to use that to his advantage.”
“It didn’t last very long though. Just long enough for me to get a taste of the opposite sex. She eventually moved to the next county and I never really saw her again. Of course I would see her out at the mall, or at parties… but I never really talked to her. I guess I knew she was replaceable. And she was.”
“The next one came just a few months later. Sarah. Sarah Coleman. You remember Sarah? She went to college with us” James turned his head slightly “you don’t remember Sarah Coleman? Well, she graduated the same year we did. She was around at a lot of the same parties you that we went to. In fact she was there when… well. I’ll get to the part in a minute” James frowned.
“Then, in High School, there was”, James counted each name off on his fingers, “Kate, Kristin, Erin, Kelly, Catherine and Ashley.” James brought his feet back down to the floor under his desk and leaned forward to get a better look at Jenna. “They were all pretty girls. They all had their good sides and their bad sides. Sarah was really a looker from a distance, but she had one eye that would wander from time to time. Kate would constantly fluctuate between being too skinny and too chubby. Catherine had her terrible mood swings and Kelly was in and out of counseling so much I felt like she was spending more time with her psychiatrist than she was with me.”
“I don’t know if any of those relationships really made me happy, but each of those girls made me feel safe. Comfortable. Sometimes feeling comfortable can be just as good as being happy.” James rose from his desk again and knelt next to Jenna. James raised a hand to brush the hair back from Jenna’s eyes, and Jenna flinched away from his hand. A dark cloud passed across James’ face, “But that was what was wrong with you, wasn’t it?” James stood and began to pace back and forth in front of Jenna. “Nothing was ever comfortable was it? God forbid anything ever be that easy.”
James stopped his pacing and circled around behind Jenna and whispered into her ear, “but I’m getting ahead of myself aren’t I?” James found a seat on the front edge of his desk and lowered his eyes down to his three hundred dollar loafers. “So skip ahead a few years. It’s the summer before college. I had already settled on State because I knew they would accept me and because that’s where all of my friends were going.” James reached up and loosened his tie. “I didn’t know what I was going to major in, but what freshmen does?”.
“Then, the most amazing thing happened to me”. James looked up at Jenna. “I met this girl. She wasn’t like any of the other girls I had dated. She was perfect. She had perfect hair, perfect eyes, perfect lips…”. Jenna let her eyes lock with James’ for an instant than looked away immediately. “You were at State because it was all your parents could afford. You and I both knew you belonged at a big name school. Hell, you were granted admission to most of them. But the scholarship board saw fit to only give you enough for a state school. So you went and you didn’t complain”.
“But you worked your charm. Everyone at school loved you. By far the most popular girl in our freshmen class. Way out of my league naturally. But every time I’d see you at a party you’d make eye contact with me. Then, when I didn’t have the courage, you approached me!” James raised his voice in mock ire. “Didn’t you know that I’m not good enough for you?” James managed to force a smile. “I was a B and C student! You had straight A’s your whole life. You dated the college football star! I was thrilled when a cheerleader smiled at me once! But something about the way you laughed at my bad jokes, and stood close to me when we talked…” James’ voice trailed off.
“I could recount our years together. Tell you about all of the memorable dates. The long weekend in the mountains. The week in Italy. The hundreds of nights spent sitting in the dorms just being together. But you were there. You remember.”
“But do you really remember what you did to me during that time?”, the anger in James’ voice rose. “You started to reshape me. You told me that business degree would help me get a good job so we could be happy together. You told me how much better I look in dress khaki’s than blue jeans. You suggested that I would be great for student council. You told me that being an officer in the business frat would look good on my resume. You helped run my campaign for class president and helped me write my acceptance speech. You helped me get my first job, hell, you practically got the job for me. You were with me when I got my first raise and landed my first big sale. And I did it all…” James paused and closed his eyes. “I did it all because I just wanted to make you happy”.
James paused, as if he was expecting Jenna to speak, and when she didn’t he continued on, “but you know how the story ends. Eventually the girl gets tired of her play toy. Once she’s reshaped him in whatever image she sees fit, she moves on to the next one. Isn’t that how the game works? Or was it because I couldn’t live up to the expectations you had set for me? Was that why I saw you with HIM downtown last weekend? And if you expected me to believe that ‘he’s just a friend’ bullshit…” James could see tears starting to trickle down Jenna’s cheeks as she shook her head from side to side. She’d denied it since the first time James confronted her. He didn’t expect any less now. James slowly circled around behind Jenna and lowered his mouth down to whisper in her ear.
“So now is the moment of truth, the real reason we’re both here.” James licked his dry lips, “Why did you do it? Why did you take me away from my life and force me to be an ideal I could never live up to? Why did you abandon me when I needed you the most?”
James reached up and removed the bandana from Jenna’s mouth so she could speak. Jenna sobbed uncontrollably, unable to speak through her tears for several minutes. But James was patient. He had been waiting a week for this, he could wait a few more minutes. Jenna’s eyes focused on the now empty red plastic can in the corner of the room and the overwhelming fumes that filled the room. When she was finally able to speak she looked up at James, “I only wanted you to live up to your potential. I just wanted us to be happy.”
“I think I was happy once Jenna. Before things got so … perfect.” James quickly placed the gag back over Jenna’s mouth and, ignoring her muffled sobs, walked down to the garage to look for his matches.

Other Musicians / Joss Stone
« on: February 06, 2004, 06:22:23 am »
16 year old british soul singer who sounds like shes got 25 years of smoking, doing drugs and drinking whiskey under her belt.  An amazing soulful voice.  

Her only release right now is entirely covers, but you're not listening for the songs (which are all good songs anyways) but you are listening for her VOICE.  It's really a throw back.  Much like Norah Jones did, I think this girl could start a mini-revival.

Check out a few songs from her release 'The Soul Sessions'.

Completely Off-Topic / We were wrong? WARNING! POLITICAL CONTENT!
« on: January 30, 2004, 07:01:04 am »

not sure how many people saw this announcement... but without Jason around it kinda falls on me to help educate the youth.

Frankly, this just makes Bush look bad but doesn't so much change my justification for the war.  My justification from day was that Husein broke the rules of the agreement he signed AND that he is a bad man in the first place.  Weather he did or did not have the weapons is irrelevant.

But, even so, makes Bush look like a tool, and I always support that.

Completely Off-Topic / British Lesbian Selling Virginity?!?
« on: January 26, 2004, 07:10:13 am »

Completely Off-Topic / Alcoholism
« on: January 20, 2004, 07:23:19 am »
Ok...... so I am looking for some assistance here.

Has anyone on here experienced a problem with alcoholism in their family or with their friends?  If so, does anyone have stories about how things got better or worse?

I am in the middle of dealing with a situation where someone very important to me has a close friend who is an un-admited alcoholic.  And i think this someone is helping to enable her friend.  Well, this someone has turned to me for help because she's having a real hard time dealing with it and she doesn't know what to do.

I have done some research on the subject, and that is all well and good, but hearing personal stories of sucess or failure would really help me figure out what the next step is.

If you don't feel comfortable posting it on the MB then you can send it to me in a PM or even e-mail me off the MB at andrew at grakthis dot com (spelled out to avoid spambots).

Anything is appreciated.

fixed ur email addy... graktis/grakthis... what is the diff -katia

a good friend of mine just got this in her e-mail...


From: Vanessa Carlton []
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 2:54 PM
To: *Edited out*

Hi, my name is Stephen Jenkins and I am making a movie about Vanessa Carlton, and her new album.

I?m looking for a few (20 to be exact) Vanessa fans to not only be in the film, but also to attend a private showcase where you get to interview Vanessa and account for your experience with her music.

Here is the event:
Date: Saturday December 6th.
Location: Manhattan
Vanessa will play new songs, talk about them and talk to you, and it?s all going in the movie. Also you will get a chance to talk about what you think about her.

We only have room for 20 guests so we are seeking the hardcore, die ?hard, dedicated and devoted Vanessa fans.

Here is what you need to do to get an invitation to this very special performance:

1. Be a fan: tell us how many shows you have been to, if you run a fan site, tattoos help, journeys made and mostly how Vanessa?s music helps you.
2. Tell us the question you want to ask. Tell us knowledge that we don?t know.
3. Be able to get to New York City the afternoon of December 6th

If you want to come please fax Jaclyn at 310-473-1994 or email the how?s and whys. Please include your screen name and contact information so we can let you know.

Good Luck and see you there.

Anyone know anything about this?  Anyone know who owns the address  Given that we are the nessaholics, you'd think we would know something about this....

EDIT:  my friend just pointed out to me that Stephan's frickin name is spelled wrong too.....

Polls / VC Demo Tape: Question 2 - Branch funded or B&P Tree?
« on: November 04, 2003, 08:45:05 am »
Which one?  Where the leaves send a B&P to the branch or where the branches pay for shipping?

If you vote for the branch paid for shipping, are you willing to be a branch?  I expect an answer to this for EVERY SINGLE yes I see.  If you aren't willing to do it, don't hide, just say so.

If I don't get atleast 5 people willing to be paid branches, then that option gets thrown out.

BTW: IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS POLL, THEN SEE THE THREAD "How to obtain YOUR copy of the Demo Tape" under "General Vanessa Carlton Discussion"

Polls / VC Demo Tape: Question 1 - Original or Cleaned Up
« on: November 04, 2003, 08:41:10 am »
Vote, and if you want to give a reason, go for it.  You have 7 days to vote.

BTW: IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS POLL, THEN SEE THE THREAD "How to obtain YOUR copy of the Demo Tape" under "General Vanessa Carlton Discussion"

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