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Messages - Grakthis

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Completely Off-Topic / need help recreating a look.
« on: July 03, 2008, 01:01:18 pm »
Seriously... where do you think you are?

Completely Off-Topic / CABIN PARTY
« on: July 02, 2008, 01:13:49 pm »
Those are nice 3d models.  It would be more plausible if those were pictures instead.

Completely Off-Topic / Diet help???
« on: June 16, 2008, 11:26:17 am »
Quote from: "milla"
For one thing, you have to start somewhere; if you start out running a mile you wont carry on doing that forever, you'll gradually get fitter and be able to run further. And maybe some people just like's not like everything you do in life has to be based around losing weight and burning calories.

If you like running, why would you only run 1 mile?

And that's a horrible logical fallacy.  Everything in life doesn't have to be based around not stabbing yourself in the throat, but I immagine you still don't stab yourself in the throat, and if anyone asked, you would tell them that stabbing yourself in the throat is a bad idea.

Completely Off-Topic / Diet help???
« on: June 13, 2008, 12:11:01 pm »
Quote from: "itsthefiveofus"
I have a path thats just a bit under a mile and I try to run it everyday ever since I have finished school. And you can guess how that has been going. I just can't get off my lazy bottom and get out there!

Running a mile, while better than nothing, isn't enough to really do you any good.  A 12 minute jog is barely enough to wake your body up.

Completely Off-Topic / Diet help???
« on: June 13, 2008, 12:09:49 pm »
Quote from: "Holly"
My tip is try to have a protein shake every day. I use a whey protein powder and mix it with fresh fruit, nf yogurt/milk and ice and it makes a good fruit shake. Whey protein is really good for building lean muscle.

Yeah.. that's a common myth.  Whey protien is good for providing your muscles with energy and allowing them to grow in size and if you are a heavy body builder, by all means, go for it.  But how "lean" your muscles are is a fact of genetics and not what you consume.  Nothing you eat will make your muscles "leaner."  Which is a non-sense phrase anyways...

On top of that, no one who eats a healthy diet EVER needs to add protien into their food.  You get plenty of protien from your yogurt/milk.  Anything you add on top of that is a waste of time and money.  So unless you're a vegetarian or otherwise protien deficient...

And your muscles only crave protien right after a workout.  So unless you are drinking that shake within 30 minutes of lifting.... then again, it's a waste.

Don't take my word for it though.  Research it some.

Completely Off-Topic / Recent Pictures Thread Part 3
« on: June 11, 2008, 06:51:09 am »
Quote from: "nicole"
Quote from: "Si"
Quote from: "Grakthis"
Nicole, you are way too pretty to wear so much makeup all the time.

I was thinking almost the same thing

Aww thank you guys.  You guys just need to embrace my drag queen make up skills and love me as I am.  

Andrew:  You change your mind about satisfying my KY requirement? HAHA

Is that better?

Much better.

And your weight wasn't the reason I declined last time ;P

Completely Off-Topic / Recent Pictures Thread Part 3
« on: June 10, 2008, 07:11:08 am »
Nicole, you are way too pretty to wear so much makeup all the time.

Completely Off-Topic / Re: I need your help :)
« on: June 10, 2008, 07:09:23 am »
Quote from: "milla"
Hey, I'm sure loads of you know this because of my like, incessantly asking you to listen to my songs, but I'm a singer and songwriter, and I was wondering if anyone could help me with making and designing a website? I have the domain name, and a myspace, but they both look rubbish and completely unprofessional. This summer I'm releasing my first EP so I need to do loads of promotional stuff and I don't want everyone to have to come and see what they look like now! Could anyone help? I would be so so grateful as I have no idea what I'm doing.... thank you in advance! x x x

I'm a web developer, but not a designer.  i'd be happy to give you some advice and guidance, but I can't help you make things look better... but if you need with things like "How do I...", then feel free to PM me.

Completely Off-Topic / Running
« on: June 10, 2008, 07:08:06 am »
Quote from: "iluvvanessa"
Quote from: "_all_is_well_"
Quote from: "iluvvanessa"
Yes i love the feeling of my lungs collapsing and knees giving in.

Sounds like your out of shape!

no, i just dont enjoy running very much. i can do a 7.30 mile which is good for someone who dislikes running and only does it in pe.  :D


Completely Off-Topic / Diet help???
« on: June 10, 2008, 07:04:53 am »
Quote from: "iluvvanessa"
[why would i even do that?]

Because you're an attention whore?

I mean, we've got the full checklist...

Step 1: horrible looking artsy myspace pictures. Check.
Step 2: Thread claiming to be a model.  Check.
Step 3: Thread claiming to have completed some amazing feat or overcome some amazing difficulty in life.  Check.
Step 4: Respond to all criticisms with "YOU DON'T KNOW ME!  YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I'VE BEEN THROUGH!  MY LIFE IS SO HARD!"  Check.

It's like a blueprint from being a drama queen on the internet.

Let me put it this way... if you REALLY had lost 50 pounds in 6 months, why would you possibly need help from a VC message board in losing a few more?

Completely Off-Topic / Diet help???
« on: June 10, 2008, 06:59:37 am »
Quote from: "iluvvanessa"
i dont think over the course of about 6 months its a dramoatic loss, people on like weight watchers or whatever lose weight like this.

People on weight watchers eat specifically controlled meals, they lose a bunch of water weight due to the low sodium diets, their controlled meals are specifically targeted towards lots of green leafy vegetabls and the proper mix of protiens.  My brother and his wife did weight watchers and they ate HEALTHY foods in the proper proportions.

Remember, my initial assesment was that he was probably making stuff up.  It wasn't till he claimed he did it by living on 400 calories and RICE CAKES that I called bullshit.  You CANNOT lose weight that way.  The human body doesn't work like that.

Completely Off-Topic / Diet help???
« on: June 10, 2008, 06:52:17 am »
Quote from: "iluvvanessa"
When you weighed as much as i did, it wouldn't be that hard to lose the weight, when you weigh more you lose faster, and guys burn about 26% more calories.

You still don't get it.

It doesn't matter how much you weigh (which, BTW, you only lose faster if you weigh more IFF you are exercising and even then it's like 10-15% more calories depending on how much you weigh).  If you reduce your calories by more than a specific % (and it's always 10-20ish) then your body goes into starvation mode.

In starvation mode, your body puts all of it's energy into STORING FAT.  It only burns the minimum energy needed to survive.  It sends massive signals to your brain demanding that you consume more fats and protiens and it puts you into a state of virtual shock.  You get lethargic, you put on weight, you retain water and you feel miserably hungry all the time.  And long before you would lose 50 pounds in this state, you would go to the hospital for malnutrition.

Completely Off-Topic / Diet help???
« on: June 10, 2008, 06:45:37 am »
Quote from: "iluvvanessa"
Quote from: "Grakthis"
Quote from: "iluvvanessa"
ok first of all how dare you call me a liar. You don't fucking know me, you have no idea how hard this was for me to sit in a restaurant with my family eating food and me sitting there with a dry salad if that, you have no clue how many people have called me anorexic for not eating lunch, and seeing that i dramatcally lost weight, I put in so much to do this diet and lose weight because I HAVE WILL POWER! If you want to fucking call me a liar you go ahead, but you are the one who is lying, i admit that i didn't lose my weight the healthy way, but i lost it, a person on a diet defined healthy loses about 1 pound of body fat per WEEK, I took health last semester and i know that what i do to diet MIGHT have been classified as VERY MINOR anorexia, but i know myself well enough to know my limits. I worked extremely hard to lose all the weight that i lost in that time, i ate very little, and didn't end up in a hospital. i am still a normal person. You can't judge people like me and call them a liar on something that you obviously can't prove wrong, if you were my mother or in my family you would know that i am not lying.

your help is very  much appreciated, but you calling me a liar isnt.

I can fly and lift over 800 pounds with 1 arm.

It's true because I said it on the internet.  And if you call me a liar you are a terrible person.

you're an asshole! bitch! You have no fucking idea what I am going through and how fucking stressed out I am at this point and time. you telling me that i am a terrible person you are so fucking wrong you have no idea. i would go into a huge rant about how i am not a terrible person but i dont need to prove anything to you people.

Hahahahahahahah apparently you are also illiterate.

Completely Off-Topic / Pet Peeves
« on: June 09, 2008, 11:08:45 am »
I know, right?  When you're in church, you should totally just not participate if you're not very good at it, right?  I find myself thinking terrible things about people in church all the time too.

No, wait.  That doesn't sound right.

Completely Off-Topic / Diet help???
« on: June 09, 2008, 08:15:08 am »
Quote from: "nicole"

I have learned plenty during my lifelong ride on the diet roller coaster.  I still have not managed to get off the fucking ride.  But that will be changing in 14 pounds.  

There is no magic pill or miracle diet.  Hate to break it to you, but all of that is worthless and temporary.  You have to make a lifestyle change.  You need to be aware of what you are eating and remember you have to feel satified & not full.  Let's not forget that exercise is key.  If you starve and not exercise...  you will be gross and saggy!  

For gals... make sure you have a low fat, low carb and low calorie diet.  The lowest amount of caloric intake recommended by a doctor is 1,200 calories a day.  For guys its 1,800 (if I remember correctly).  Don't waste your calories by drinking them!  Drink water or diet drinks.  Make sure you stick to whole grains, lean meats, low fat dairy, veggies & fruits.  You can get creative and make some really tasty stuff.  

I highly recommend the biggest loser work out DVDs.  I love them!  They are fun and make you sweat like crazy.  Its very inspirational to see the contestants of the show in the video.  Some of the videos even include workout and nutrition tips (recipes) .  They have 4 different DVDs.  The DVDs mostly have a bunch of short workouts that you can combine however you want.  You should do at least 30-45 minute workouts 3 times a week.    It goes by quick and you will feel great once it gets easier and easier.    If you have a gym membership, make sure to sculpt along with your cardio.  Muscle is a hot plate for melting fat.  The more (lean) muscle you form, more calories are burned.  

I've done a lot of those wacky diets.  I've done Jenny Craig, Cabbage Soup Diet, Atkins, Nicole's Diet (400-600 calories a day with no exercise) blah blah  Nothing has worked best and had me feeling great like what I described above.  Over the last 6 years I've been on the damn coaster.  I estimate that I have lost 106 pounds from my peak weight about 6 years ago.  I love to help with this crap... so feel free to ask if you'd like.

I agree with all of this except the low fat dairy and diet drinks.

If you need them for some reason, fine. Better to be healthy and eating processed things than to be overweight (I say the same thing to people who eat sugar free deserts and such... better to just not eat desert... but if you NEED them...).  But in the long run, the less processing done to your food the better.  Diet drinks and low fat dairy (and this includes dairy derivatives like salad dressings) are frequently heavily processed to obtain the results without the usual fat requirements (for example, without fat, sour cream is not creamy, so you don't get ranch dressing without it, etc).

Dairy fat is largely healthy fat.  It contains a ton of the protiens you need for your muscles to work efficiently.  You will rarely find a runner or other casual athlete who would touch low-fat products.  In fact, Cottage Cheese is so popular with athletes because of the high concentration of good protiens in the fat.

Diet sodas are even worse for you.  They are full of chemicals and syrups and preservatives and god knows what else.  Again, if you need them, go for it.  But you're much better off with water.

Note: this doesn't include low-fat dairy things that are just made with like 2% milk or whatever.  Some dairy products can be made with 2%, which is just whole milk + water (not tap water, it's some of the byproduct of the dairy process, but same idea).

I've found that eating healthy, fresh, natural (unprocessed) things AUTOMATICALLY causes you to consume fewer calories.  Let me give you an example... a cheeseburger you buy at Burger King could easily have 1000 calories in it.  But if you make one yourself with half lean ground beef and half turkey, a whole wheat bun and whatever condiments you like, I guarantee you that you save yourself 200+ calories.  Now, an 800 calorie cheeseburger is still not good for you, but if you changed nothing else about your diet except that you'd be losing 10 pounds a year.

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