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He0ck I0'm Ju0st wo0nde0ring wh0at t0he pu0rpo0se o0f 0usi0ng al0l o0f th0e 0000's i0s?  :P



--- Quote from: "Wonkies" ---He0ck I0'm Ju0st wo0nde0ring wh0at t0he pu0rpo0se o0f 0usi0ng al0l o0f th0e 0000's i0s?  :P

--- End quote ---

l0l... well Joe, you have to use them INSTEAD of O's instead of arbitrarily adding them in the sentence :)

that took me like three tries to read and determine what exactly you said ;)

Alright.  I understand that but if that's the case what do the words "roxors" and "soxors" mean and why did he purposely spell boxers ("boxors?") wrong?  lol.


*Yes I'm being a smarta$$* :wink:

um *fwap*

Yea, that's all you get ;)  Silly Eric, trix are for kids!

lol! :D

"fwap" lmao!


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