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Messages - Journey_to

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That's awesome,joey!!! It's nice to see Nessa getting more radio coverage outside the US...
I've made my requests here, but I've yet to hear it on the radio....My fingers are crossed though!!!!!!!

What a methodical way to do it! :)

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Vanessa's Shout-out
« on: August 27, 2007, 08:17:32 pm »
I was new to the fandom when I read the lyric book to harmonium and saw that she had given the nessaholics a shout out....It made me feel that the nessaholics were something special and also resulted in an evermounting repect for nessa..I hope she does it again- it'd really stand for everything that's happened these past years and show that she knows we're still out there and will be there to the very end..

Completely Off-Topic / Help with banners
« on: August 27, 2007, 08:07:14 pm »
Thanks once more, Natalie!!

Introduce Yourself / Hi guys ;)
« on: August 27, 2007, 08:06:07 pm »
Shalom Bar!
That's basically all I know... :( It's funny that after living there for 8 years, I never picked up Hebrew...
I lived in Jerusalem.where do you live???

Live Shows / List of VC shows you've attended!
« on: August 27, 2007, 03:46:17 am »
I've gone to none either....i agree with itsthefiveofus....this year i will get into one even if it's an over 18 one..only 2 and a half more years.. onyl 2 and a half more years.......that's what i tell myself to keep myself sane about securely going to v's shows... :)

Other Musicians / Stevie Nicks
« on: August 27, 2007, 03:19:04 am »
That's an amazing performance and i got to see the Edge walk too!!!The highest thanks!!

Introduce Yourself / Better late than never..
« on: August 27, 2007, 03:10:49 am »
I joined this forum about not a month ago and skipped the inroduction process.....Now,I regret it..
I'm Nadirah, a 15 year old mexican american and live in a remote part of the United Arab Emirates( and have done so for a year), the latest site of my dad's job, which because of i've moved around alot...I don't mind it though.. actually, I enjoy it....I've been a fan of Nessa's since Harmonium.. however it was not the first time I had heard her music: i was going through a rough patch the summer before I found Nessa officially and heard a thousand miles while shopping...i burst into tears because i connected  with it.. but i didnt know who sang it until i saw white houses on vh1 and loved it enough to research the artist....i promptly went out and somehow got a copy of harmonium( music store where i was living was ridiculously unvaried in music selection... mostly had rap and heavy metal rock... which i'm not really into) and fell in love with Nessa's music.....I  was so enchanted by her music that i managed to secure copies of it for 2 really good friends whose birthdays were coming up.....And i've never looked back....
I adore music..besides nessa , i love fleetwood Mac,Stevie Nicks,A Fine frenzy,La oreja de van gogh,Keane,Elton John, John Lennon, and more...I also adore musicals.....My favourites are Rent  and the phantom of the opera....
I also love reading..... among my many favourites authors are jane austen, the bronte sisters,truman capote, victor hugo,george orwell, oscar wilde, shakesere and many more....I also enjoy poetry, especially the works of william blake...
I also write alot... and am always lugging a notebook around so whenever i feel the need to write, i can do so....I'm in the middle of writing a short story inspired by Noita Fairytale's effect on me and it's one of the most innate works i've ever done.. my fingers are crossed for it's development..

I've never been a member of a forum before.. and joined this one to get to know the's nice for a change, after viewing the posts and topics, to finally see people who love nessa like i do!!

other than that,I'm just a normal 15 year old...... dealing with the trials of high school, wishing i  could grow up and stay a kid at the same time......
I just hope i didnt bore anybody with my bio! :D

Completely Off-Topic / Help with banners
« on: August 27, 2007, 02:07:08 am »
I'm new to forums and am basically internet illiterate:can somebody please  tell me how to upload a banner into my signature?? :D

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hi guys ;)
« on: August 27, 2007, 02:05:27 am »
Quote from: "Bar"
My name is Bar, 14 years old, from Israel.

Cool!i lived in Israel for 8 years on account of my dad's job...

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / OMG how lame!!!!!!!
« on: August 27, 2007, 01:57:27 am »
Quote from: "HeroesAndThieves"
Haha, i bet the person that wrote that was some overweight junky that sits on his computer all day looking at bad things to say about celebs, just coz he can't do anything that they do.

My thoughts exactly....if they're taking the time to trash anybody, they obviously have nothing better to do.....This backlash against this comment proves that they are wrong to criticize someone based on their appearance, as we all love nessa regardless of how she looks( an assumption.. i may be wrong though.....just speaking for myself), and also that it's just garbage...

She'll remember us.. the fans who appreciate her music... and who've stood by her these past few years...She's always held a dedication to us,her loyal fanbase, the nessaholics.........Hopefully this new CD will reveal her to people who mirror us and join our numbers to support Nessa..
This is great about the video!! She will be huge.. i can feel it deep within me.......the excitement is mounting!

Completely Off-Topic / The Official Sig Makers Thread...Part 2.
« on: August 27, 2007, 12:44:13 am »
Thanks Natalie!! I think it's needless to say once more that you're uncomprehendingly talented!

Completely Off-Topic / The Official Sig Makers Thread...Part 2.
« on: August 25, 2007, 08:29:22 pm »
Quote from: "Journey_to"
Can somebody please make me a banner with the picture at this link ( but without the white block with almost lover):
and the lyrics:
running against the wind
playing the cards you get
something is bound to give
thank you!!!! :D

I'm sorry but I've changed my request for a  signature banner..Can somebody please make me a banner with pics from the Nolita Fairytale  music video with the lyrics:want a garden by the ocean tide because i lose my way searching for stagelights...

If somebody's already made the banner i originally requested.. just ignore this... I apologize.. :?

Polls / Pop Music
« on: August 25, 2007, 08:23:40 pm »
I dont really mean in voice, but in sound, i've always found some bands( on certain songs or most) to remind me of her, like Keane( like their song a bad dream or hamburg song) or the fray.. etc...

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