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Topics - czarina

Pages: [1]

Whats this? (7/17) Should I start screaming with excitement yet?

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Promosquad-This Time
« on: May 17, 2006, 05:49:14 pm »
I didnt see this discussed anywhere else-please direct me to it if it has been. A fellow fan just told me they are hearing at least one Nessa song on Promosquad now, including This Time. Does anyone have it recorded or know if this means they are testing for a first single?!
(Sorry, Im excited, Vanessa is a musical goddess to me)

Completely Off-Topic / Looking for a Vanessa fan-Velcro-Pulse music boards
« on: November 07, 2005, 04:11:08 pm »
This is a shot in the dark, but I am looking for a fan that I believe used to post here and a message board called Pulse. Please say hey if you are here! I need to get in touch :)

(I didnt know where else to post this-its not really a Vanessa discussion :p )

Entertainment - Movies / TV / Books / Didion's The White Album
« on: September 01, 2004, 06:55:15 pm »
Ok I did a search and no results pulled up so I hope Im not double posting this :p
Has anyone read this? Its a collection of essays.
I LOVED some parts of it but thought it a tad dry and devoid of real meaning in others.
My favorite section was about Nancy Reagan...and where she is talking about water and the orchids.

Introduce Yourself / Raging newbie!
« on: August 29, 2004, 03:55:16 pm »
Hello. Im a newbie...kind of. I lurk a lot because posting at new forums is hard. Kind of like moving to a new school :p
My name is Amelia but you can call me Amy if you would like. I prefer Amelia.
Ive been a fan of Vanessa's since before her first cd came out. I remember when her official board only had like, 20 members haha.
Anyways Im rambling and no one probably cares. Hopefully I will decide to start posting more :)

I am looking for a rare Vanessa mp3
Yes I know you are probably all groaning right now.
I did genuinely try to find it myself. I did a search on this forum for it and I looked at like, 15 different Vanessa sites.
Searching this forum all I saw was people saying check the Faqs-well I checked all the Faqs I could find and I genuinely cant find any info on it.
Im looking for the She Floats live mp3. I had it at one time...and my stupid computer crashed and I lost all my music including it. I am desperate to hear it again.
So if anyone wants to help me out-in any way...point me EXACTLY to where in the Faqs the info is...or giving me a site...or email it to me ( or...aim me (Worth It V3) or msn me ( or anything :p
And sorry if this post annoys people :( I did try to find it beforehand...I just cant.

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