Author Topic: Dear Abby  (Read 1397 times)


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Dear Abby
« on: January 03, 2004, 09:17:01 pm »
I've found some funny stories and things on Dear Abby, anyone like her?

DEAR ABBY: My husband and I have worked long and hard on our yard to make it a beautiful, peaceful retreat. Last year, we had it landscaped and added a lovely pond with koi fish and a small waterfall. We both work and time is limited, so we enjoy it mostly in the mornings with our coffee.

The problem is since we added the pond, our yard has become a "public park"! Almost every day we go outside and find people in our yard -- even strangers -- asking questions about the cost of the renovation.

We finally put up a fence, but folks have climbed it to look at the waterfall they could hear from the front walk. How can we stop this? I want to put up a sign that says, "If you weren't invited, you're not welcome."

The clincher came yesterday, when I went out early with my coffee to find a neighbor occupying my lawn chair with HER coffee! She said she was glad we had put in the pond because she had always wanted one -- and now she can come and meditate at ours. -- HAD ENOUGH IN SOUTH FLORIDA

DEAR HAD ENOUGH: It's time to speak clearly. If you're feeling generous, designate one day a month for your nervy neighbor to meditate beside your pond (before you PRE-meditate murdering her), and tell her that the rest of the time you and your husband need your privacy.

If you're not feeling generous, post the sign. There may be repercussions, but the option of having visitors should be yours.

You know that Dirrty feeling when you wake up with no pants on face down on the floor of the city bus and you got like a condom in your ear? Thats the feeling we are trying to create! - Sarah Michelle Gellar


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Dear Abby
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2004, 09:20:20 pm »
This one made me crack up!
DEAR ABBY: I have been married to "John" for 11 years. We have four beautiful children. John earns enough money so I can be a stay-at-home mom to our little ones.


My problem is, John's sexual appetite is insatiable. It's driving me crazy. He demands sex twice a day and more often on weekends. If I tell him I'm tired or stressed, he threatens to find a girlfriend or a hooker. I don't know how much longer I can go on like this. Please help me. -- SEX SLAVE IN WICHITA

DEAR SEX SLAVE: With four children under the age of 10, it's no wonder you're feeling tired and stressed. Has your husband always been this way? If this is new behavior, he may need to be physically and neurologically evaluated by a physician. If it is not new behavior, then I hope you realize your problem isn't about sex as much as it is about dominance. Your husband is using sex as a bludgeon to keep you in line and show you who's boss.

Marriage is supposed to be a union, a partnership. Marriage counseling could help you both bring your real issues out into the open and improve the level of communication between you. If John refuses, go without him so you can learn assertiveness skills. If you continue to tolerate the status quo, well, your signature says it all.

You know that Dirrty feeling when you wake up with no pants on face down on the floor of the city bus and you got like a condom in your ear? Thats the feeling we are trying to create! - Sarah Michelle Gellar


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Dear Abby
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2004, 09:26:50 pm »
DEAR ABBY: I have a serious anger problem. When my fiance and I first met, it was love at first sight. But after six months, everything he does seems to tick me off.

In the beginning, I didn't show him my ugly side. I didn't want to scare him off. Then he said he wanted me to be more open, so I let it all out. Now I'm letting it out every single day. I get mad when he does or says the same things I do or say to him, and I'll isolate myself or give him the silent treatment.

I think I have a serious mental and/or anger problem, but I don't know where it comes from. Everybody thinks I'm crazy. They say, "I don't know when you're happy or mad because you have the same expression."

Maybe they're right. Maybe I'm not happy because I haven't accomplished anything in my life. (I am only 22.) Please help me. -- LASHING OUT IN NORTH CAROLINA

DEAR LASHING OUT: You are only 22. It's too early to declare yourself a failure. However, it is difficult to be loving to others if you don't like yourself.

Before you and your fiance go any further, you must get to the root of what is really bothering you. A call to your local department of social services or mental health association will help you locate a counselor you can afford. A course in anger management would also be helpful for both of you. Please don't wait. You have a right to be happy.

You know that Dirrty feeling when you wake up with no pants on face down on the floor of the city bus and you got like a condom in your ear? Thats the feeling we are trying to create! - Sarah Michelle Gellar


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Dear Abby
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2004, 09:31:12 pm »
I'm seriously hooked to this lady.........



You know that Dirrty feeling when you wake up with no pants on face down on the floor of the city bus and you got like a condom in your ear? Thats the feeling we are trying to create! - Sarah Michelle Gellar