Author Topic: It's that time again...  (Read 1284 times)


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It's that time again...
« on: July 13, 2004, 12:49:59 pm »
Okay anyone who can guess what that quote is from (I know it's been said tons) and what I was thinking when I put that up there (meaning, the thing that the quote is from) gets nothing but a slight feeling of superiority and the knowledge that for maybe a second they were inside my brain.

It's time to tell what I got at the grocery store! (along with all the other crap I did today)
I woke up late and missed Pilates class
I was still early enough to move 10 HEAVY ass boxes full of books from my old apt into my new apt. It was 80 degrees already though and I got kinda sick.
Then i unpacked the boxes and put the stuff away somewhere.
Then I hauled the empty boxes back to my old apt to be refilled with more junk.
I have my dance floor barre and mirror installed. I also have my huge bookshelves and my exercise machine, so at least the big stuff's done.
THEN I went to the grocery store
This is waht I got:
homemade wheat bread
Fresh carrots (with the tops n' everything)
sliced turkey
3 boxes of brownie mix for just over a buck
carmel rice cakes
Soy milk

Can you believe all that cost me 20 bucks? Damn, and there's still nothing to eat!
Got pointe shoes to sew. Gotta get back to that for a while, till I get sick of it and interupt myself to do something more important, like get back online, or take a nap.

My boring blog

"I lose my way, searching for stage lights..."