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Messages - Tweedtheatre

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / Blast from the past
« on: October 22, 2003, 01:59:23 pm »
WHAT'S UP NESSAHOLICS?  I'm sure some of the newer people don't know who I am and maybe some of the older people with bad memories are in the same boat, but I got an IM from the lovley Nicole (I remember when it was nikkee) and she reminded me about the site.  I had long lost the link and I actually visited the old board the other day just to see if anyone was still around.  It wasn't and I can see why people never went back to it.  So I haven't heard any of VC's new songs and I know she doesn't have a new album coming out yet.  Any word on the second one?  Other then that, just saying hello and making my face known once again.  Hope everything is going well in VCland, I'll probably be around more often now.

this works better in Introduce Yourself -Vulture

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