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Topics - silenceisasong

Pages: [1]
Other Musicians / You are not going to believe this O_O
« on: September 11, 2008, 04:32:47 pm »
Listen to this:

oh my gosh what the heck?!?!?!?!
does anyone know what this is about?
what is the world coming to?
how does he get by with this?

Other Musicians / Secondhand Serenade
« on: April 17, 2008, 11:15:03 am »
Have any of you heard of him? What do you think?

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / how many copies did you get?
« on: October 12, 2007, 11:07:20 am »
how many copies of H&T did you all get? I got 1 on Tues, then I was at Target a little bit ago and bought another. I was so mad, in the new releases section there were a ton of her cds left...grrr i wish more people knew how wonderful she is

anyway im done with my rant now :D

Vanessa Songs / Lyrics / Sheet Music / Dark Carnival
« on: September 18, 2007, 01:36:58 pm »
does anyone know where I could get the song Dark Carnival to download? Thank you very much!

Vanessa Songs / Lyrics / Sheet Music / Music video version of Pretty Baby?
« on: September 17, 2007, 11:33:23 am »
Hey Guys you've probably heard this question before, but I couldn't find anything on it, but did Vanessa re-release Be Not Nobody at one point? Because I reallllly wanted the music video version of Pretty Baby, I looked it up on Amazon, and listened to the clip and it was the video version, so I went ahead and ordered the cd. Is the the only way I could have gotten the video version, and do you thnk it will actually be the right one?

Introduce Yourself / Hey guys
« on: September 03, 2007, 10:52:56 am »
Hey guys I'm new, I just registered today, my name is Amanda... I'm sooo glad I've found a bunch of people that share my love for Vanessa! I have loved her to death since I first heard A Thousand Miles!! I SERIOULSY CAN'T WAIT till Oct. 9...its driving me crazy anyway, just wanted to say hi... :)

Pages: [1]