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Messages - Lord Star

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Plus it's her music that counts. It'll never change, it will always have artistry in it.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Re: "Rabbits on the Run" Thread
« on: June 23, 2010, 07:07:18 am »
I really feel that the next record is gonna be awesome! Tall tales for spring reminds me of Morning Sting..
I don't wanna be a bride could be a good single though, it sounds very likeable.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Re: Vanessa on Twitter?
« on: May 30, 2010, 05:00:02 pm »
Oh another update!

Rabbits on the run
I don't wanna be a bride
Money Maker

Her song and album titles are the best haha!

Thank God she's using twitter to update us. Really excited for the album now! :)

I'm just really excited for her new album. It doesn't matter what she's gonna name her 4th album, just as long as she gets to make more music then I'm ok.  ;D

Tall tales for spring or Rabbits on the run will be fine.  Haha

Really awesome, imagine V's melodies on a guitar! Wooooot! Haha
Come on she should update us more!

I wish it were still called "Tall Tales for Spring". Who invented that thing that it can only contain "Spring" if released on Spring? For example, Kelly Clarkson's "My December" was released on June ;D

Buuut, like I posted earlier, maybe she can use this title on a future record. Can't really wait to hear the songs, especially the studio version of "London". There's gotta be "London"! >:(

TRUE! I can not wait for the studio version of London, I bet it's gonna sound like it's the best thing ever produced by V. Hope it's gonna be a single from her new album. Oh and I also would wanna hear the songs she wrote using a guitar!

I think we just have to wait for a detailed explanation of why V decided to entitle her latest album as "Rabbits on the run". Hey, just as long as we know that she's working on one seems fine with me.

I agree with you.

I like the new title she came up with, though I also think that the 'Tall Tales for...' is better. But hey, maybe she got something meaningful why she chose to have that title for her new record. Besides, maybe her track list seems to suit the title record. Let's just trust V.  ;)

Yep, hehe remember the time when V announced that the name of her 2nd album is Harmonium and we were like "WHAAAAt???" and then she explained it and we were "oh that's cool" hahaha! Tall tales for spring sounds awesome too.

Here's to hoping she'll tweet more now.  ;D

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Re: Vanessa on Twitter?
« on: May 10, 2010, 08:30:29 pm »
Oooh! She should preview new songs!

I think we just have to wait for a detailed explanation of why V decided to entitle her latest album as "Rabbits on the run". Hey, just as long as we know that she's working on one seems fine with me.


Have you guys read about this?

Pocono Record Writer
May 07, 2010

Pop songstress Vanessa Carlton set out on her daily run along the streets of Shohola, a rural area about 20 miles outside of Milford.

Her father, Ed, has a home in the Walker Lake community. The neighborhood doesn't have sidewalks, so Carlton runs in the roadway.

About two blocks from her dad's house, Carlton passes a home with three dogs in the yard: A Pomeranian, a Jack Russell Terrier and a 9-month-old pit bull named Bella. The yard is surrounded by an invisible fence.

Bella bolts the yard and bites Carlton on the calf. The singer is bleeding from five puncture wounds, and retreats home.

Two days later after the May 2 attack, Vanessa and Ed Carlton go back to Bella's home and confront its owners, Ben and Jo Anne Teichberg.

"They are branding Bella as a dangerous animal and want her put to death," Ben Teichberg said. "They said because Bella is a pit bull, it is known to be bad."

The victim, Vanessa Carlton, is a 26-year-old singer-songwriter-pianist who spent three years touring with Fleetwood Mac's Stevie Nicks. Carlton's been nominated for three Grammy awards and just released her third album, called "Heros and Thieves."

James Rickert, the dog warden for Wayne and Pike counties, put Bella under a 10-day home quarantine. The dog must be either confined or on a leash during that period.

The quarantine is a precaution against rabies, according to Ellen Howarth, region supervisor for dog law enforcement at the state Department of Agriculture. The Teichbergs must monitor Bella for changes in her health, behavior or attitude. At the end of the 10 days, Rickert will return for a health check. If Bella shows any signs of illness, she'll be sent to the family's vet for an exam.

During the quarantine, Rickert will also check Bella's license and rabies vaccination status. Only under rare circumstances — such as if a dog was found to be dangerous by a court and there was a subsequent attack — will a dog warden ever seize a dog. Even under those circumstances, euthanizing an animal is unusual.

Because there were no witnesses to the incident, it would be up Carlton to file a written statement and no such statement has been filed, Howarth said.

Meanwhile, Carlton continues to recover. She's been seen by a doctor, who is monitoring her for infection. She's also taking antibiotics, according to her father.

Carlton will be notified of the medical results regarding Bella's condition at the end of her 10-day confinement.

And after that, she might have to find another running route.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / White Houses Cover/Parody
« on: August 01, 2005, 01:48:18 am »
It's so so funny!!!! sex ahahaha

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Where can i download _____ ???
« on: July 06, 2005, 01:50:26 am »
Quote from: "angelheart56"
the new sngs are once again on my site and hopefully will remain there. Just save the target as...

Thank you so so much!!!!!

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Where can i download _____ ???
« on: July 04, 2005, 10:26:34 pm »
Can you guys please post "this time" and "put your hands on me" again? Only the one can be downloaded from rapidshare.. thanks!

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