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Messages - Agent

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I hope she doesn't stop making music, she's one of the best artists I've heard of in my opinion, I only find it sad that she doesn't get promoted that often, honestly, I mean, she's a lot better than a lot of stuff I hear on the radio everyday.  I don't really get it, but then again, the same thing happens to me, I do a lot of good things but the only ones who get credit are the ones who don't do anything except slack off (I'm referring to boy scouts in this).

Also, who made that graphic version of Vanessa?  It's really good.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Oh, Vanessa
« on: June 15, 2008, 07:14:55 am »
She reminded me of me in that interview.

Completely Off-Topic / Pet Peeves
« on: June 15, 2008, 07:00:37 am »
I don't like it when people try to cut you off when you're saying something to say something that is usually stupid or insulting.  Wait until I finish before you make your attempt at an insult or inputting your opinion.

Completely Off-Topic / First Job
« on: June 15, 2008, 06:55:07 am »
I'm a lifeguard, all non-veterans get paid minimum, it's not a bad job, since you only really sit up there half your shift.  I wasn't interviewed for it though, which I found odd.

You should be to work on time, never be idle (always ask if something needs to be done), do everything to your best effort, if you're boss tells you to do something, do it.

Completely Off-Topic / Running
« on: June 15, 2008, 06:48:11 am »
I like running, though I hate competitive running, just like I hate competitive anything.  It's fun, I get to places quickly, and it's good for you.

I've been able to run 6min 10 secs recently on a mile, which sucks. oh well, I'll have to try harder, my best is 5 min 58 seconds, which is better.

Completely Off-Topic / Running
« on: May 10, 2008, 06:11:20 pm »
I like running.

Once the teacher said we had to run 5 laps on the track, I ran ten.

Oh, missed that bit, sorry about that.

I hate drugs and alcohol.

A lot of people around here drink and do other drugs (and sexual activity that I'm not going to discuss) because they think they're being cool or something, I don't accosiate with these people, even though it outcasts me, which is pretty much the only way I'll have it.

Polls / Learning how to drive a car
« on: April 18, 2008, 03:01:45 pm »
I'm learning to drive right now too, I'm hopefully getting my provisional liscense on my birthday.

It's not a big deal to me at all, I only want to because I need to.

Polls / Guys who Straighten their hair.
« on: April 18, 2008, 02:58:36 pm »
I do that to get knots out, but it usually stays the way I like it without me doing anything.

Spring Street is way too sad for me (in my opinion).

Still a great song, glad to see Vanessa is actually getting out there a little.

I like This Time, along with all her other songs, I just can't listen to half of the songs because they make me too sad.

Introduce Yourself / Hi everyone
« on: April 13, 2008, 04:21:41 pm »
Hello good sirs and *insert feminine version of sire here*,

My name is Brandon, I'm a boy scout (almost Ealge hopefully).  And I'm a sophmore in high school.  I discovered this site while trying to find downloads of some of Vanessa's songs, since they weren't on itunes or her CDs and she is my second favourite artists.  I listen to a wide variety of music, ranging from Colbie Calliat to Divine Heresy and Slipknot (being my favourite artist).

I play Warhammer 40k, it's a game, involving overly-priced, highly-detailed models that we use to beat up other expesive models.  It involves dice, rulers or tape measurers and lots of rules.  If anyone plays it, tell me, I play the forces of Chaos (I picked them because they look cool, not because they're overpowered).

That's about all I can think of about myself for now.

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