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Messages - Giuliana

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General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Nessa Tips
« on: May 25, 2009, 03:46:45 pm »
Random tips:

  ;) Has a hybrid Even better: "I don't own a car," says Vanessa. "But if do I rent one, like when I'm in L.A., I rent a Prius."

  ;) Bikes or walks when possible "I don't have a bike but I walk everywhere," says the New Yorker.

  ;) Takes mass transit If her destination's not in walking distance, "I take the subway...unless I'm in a total bind, and then I take a taxi."

  ;) Recycles "Yes! Glass, aluminum, plastic, cardboard and paper."

  ;) Collects compost "I don't have the machine for it. Plus, I don't cook -- I mostly eat granola when I'm at home."

  ;) Brings reusable bags to the grocery Vanessa loves collecting cloth bags from the 1950s and '60s, and also digs the cool designs made by Enviro Sax

  ;) Uses filtered (instead of bottled) water And her Britta sits atop her countertop as proof!

  ;) Uses eco-light bulbs "They're longer-lasting too! I haven't changed mine in years!"

  ;) Wears organic or second-hand clothes "I like the line put out by Bono's wife [Edun]. But in general, I wear vintage." Her favorite store: New York's Exquisite Costume.

  ;) Eats organic food. She's no longer a vegan ("I turned green -- I mean, literally: my skin tone!"), "but when I do eat meat, it has to be organic. I shop at local markets where I can trust the sellers. It's hard to trace exactly where your meat is from -- I mean, sometimes you're in an airport and you have a chicken sandwich. But I do what I can."

Original page:


General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Nessa Quiz
« on: May 25, 2009, 03:40:39 pm »
How much do you know about Nessa?
Just to have fun, enjoy!:


- (What Vanessa song are you?)


Vanessa Songs / Lyrics / Sheet Music / New Instrumental Song
« on: May 25, 2009, 03:12:25 pm »
I'd just heard this new Nessa song. Instrumental called "Waltz". I think is quite cool:


-  (longer, followed by HOM)


Introduce Yourself / Re: I'm coming from another V forum...
« on: May 09, 2009, 01:38:44 pm »
Welcome !!

Vanessa Songs / Lyrics / Sheet Music / Re: Making album 2 (Harmonium)
« on: April 28, 2009, 05:55:10 pm »
Those are not all her pianos..... She has the Yamaha in her apartment and something like a korg and another korg X2 plus the one she tours with (a digital yamaha in a piano shell)

hahaha, no, yes I know that. I just wanted to make a point that it was funny to see so many pianos ,

Title says it all!!!

It's okey guys. I didn't say she was fat, I just though that in the picture of  the 26March she seemed a little bit with more weight than usual, of course she is not fat it would be idiotic to say that. Sorry, I didn't mean to offend anybody.

FAQ / Board Issues / Question! Help!
« on: April 20, 2009, 04:19:59 pm »
Guys, I have a question if someone could explain to me, how do you put/post an image in signature? Do you know what I mean? It would be really helpful. Thanks!

Okey, I was checking out some videos of Nessa in youtube and I though of sharing the best of the, which all include a wonderful song played by her, and a funny speech, so if you weant to have fun check them out! Especially N°3 :
C'est la vie. Not such a good quality but her speech is great, and at the end of the song she expained why she was berfoot  8) :
Who's to say. A little interview ehich she talks about her first compositions and the dream of becaming a ballet dancer. Then she sings Who's to say, and please hear 2:27, how she says how's to say. Is so sweet:D :
Another performance of Who's to say, with a very funny speech about donkeys ;D. This performance I personally think is the best one ever (4:26-3:36, oh bloody hell is so greaaat!). It's really worth watching. A-MA-ZING. :
Nolita Fairytale. I really liked it, she was very natural ;D
Nolita againg. Is great this one, in her won house with Irv Gotti and Victor 8). And  in 6:00, is great. Listen to her :
My favorite performance of White Houses... Loved the dress she has:D :
Pretty baby. I dont like too much this song, probably because it doesnt have piano, I dont know, I though it was strange hearing her without playing the piano, so there you go. Also how she plays with her hands in 2:20 to 2:30 is very hilarious. :
Okay, this is kinda of funny. She forgot the lyrics of White Houses and starts cursing, hahha, is great, check it out.

So hope u enjoy them!

Introduce Yourself / Re: My Story
« on: April 17, 2009, 12:55:53 pm »
Dé la bienvenida y gracias por unir NESSAholics

BTW Los vinos de Argentina son gran  :P

(pardon, but my Spanish is only as good as web-based translation)



Oh, thank you so much! That was so sweet, hahaha.
Thanks a lot! It was quite good translated  ;D
Thank you, really. I appreciate it  :D

Introduce Yourself / My Story
« on: April 13, 2009, 03:10:54 pm »
So hello everybody. Mi nickname is Chula, and I am a Nessa fan 4 a very short time, but love her with so much passion that it seems I know her 4 ages... It's just that she is so amzing. First song I heard was Hands On Me, in 2007, and couldn't stop hearing her. And now I am a total fan. So, I am so happy that Ive found this site, where are thousand of people who love her as much as me, and follow all her steps. I am so happy, It's just hat in Argentina there aren't many Nessa fans, so I am happy to b here.. hahaha, Whatever, thnks 4 everyhing!

Well I always liked "A Thousand Miles" but like most everyone alse I didnt really know Vanessa carltons music.
Fast forward to 2007.
I was in I was in sixth or seventh grade when my friend showed my a song she discovered on it was "White Houses". I loved it so much I went strait to itunes (i didnt use limewire or anything at the time) and started buying randome songs of hers, I soon found out I loved them all. I was SHOCKED to find out she was the one who sang " A Thousand Miles". I slowly downlaoded all her songs.

and thats how she became my favorite musical artist of all time.

I ended up here becuase not alot of people like her music, so I needed people who were in on the news, knew where to download unreleased things, and just to discuss the love for her music.

Gosh, that is so true!

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Re: Vanessa Hearings
« on: April 13, 2009, 01:52:12 pm »
Guys, I might be an idiot, but what exactly is a Single? I know that Vanessa´s  Ordinary Day, A Thousand Miles, Pretty Baby, White Houses, Nolita Fairytale, Hands On Me are singles, but I don't have very clear what they mean. Sorry 4 the ignorance... also I saw that some people wnanted a video of Vanessa - private radio live, I have one, but without images, if you wanna take a look:   I personally think that this version of the song (with an extra paragraph and just played in piano) is much more beautiful. What do you say?
Okay, that's all.

In the record industry, a single is a song usually used from a current or upcoming album to promote the album. Singles are distributed through a number of ways; originally, they were packaged as "single" records with one or two other songs and sold before the release of the album. However, this practice has lessened as the internet has made music more readily accessible to the public without paying for it. Also, singles are commonly played on the radio, and with the advent of music videos in the 1980s, video versions of singles have become a common way of distributing the song to the public.

Thank u so much 4 the info!!!!n  :D

It's ok.   I wasn't lashing out or anything..I've just seen it brought up multiple times the last couple months and thought I'd say something......It's just a bad angle I believe...and even if it isn't shes a musician not a model haha.

Bad angle, of course. Hahaha, and yeah is a singer. The best singer, actually ;D

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