Other Topics => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: Suicidalboobs on July 30, 2007, 08:42:28 pm
maybe some of you went there? anywho, mebbe u remember me. sry it's a little late to make this thread. I had a lot of fun on the old board. It was that crappy fullrene (sp?) board. everyone called it fullurine cuz it sucked. good times.
I'm amandaz2rad4u. 8)
welcome to these boards!!
its NessFan12 from the o-boards :)
hey! on the nessa board I am still itsthefiveofus =]
ooo... yeah remember ya!!! nice to see you on here....!!!
I'm amandaz2rad4u. 8)
Of course you are! :wink:
oh yes, I remember some of you guys.
I remember you from the boards =]
I posted there a lot too...
I don't feel like giving out my username ;)
Suicidalboobs hey
yea ive tried to keep in contact with some, nothing stays the same i guess. anyways whats been happenin?
Suicidalboobs, how could I forget that usename? LOL :D
oh yes, I remember you bopzero. and yeah, who could forget a username like this. most people think I'm a girl and/or just crazy, but I made it was I was 13, so go figure.
Welcome to the boards!
I don't suppose you're of any relation to Parsley Boobs?
um, no. I don't know them.
It's a strange little British cartoon. But it has nothing to do with parsley or boobs, the best I can tell.