Other Topics => Completely Off-Topic => Topic started by: NolitaUnicorn on September 28, 2007, 10:16:12 pm

Title: What breed of dog is Victor?
Post by: NolitaUnicorn on September 28, 2007, 10:16:12 pm
I kind of remember there being a thread with the answer to this but I don't remember which one.................does anyone here know this off hand?

I'm thinking about buying one tomorrow.........

 :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)
Title: What breed of dog is Victor?
Post by: NolitaUnicorn on September 28, 2007, 10:44:04 pm
Ok nevermind I found it :)

Title: What breed of dog is Victor?
Post by: NoelleNC on September 29, 2007, 08:05:19 am
Aww, I want a dog. Long haired dachshunds are CUTE, but I don't really have the time for a doggy right now.
Title: What breed of dog is Victor?
Post by: Si on September 29, 2007, 09:18:16 am
Quote from: "NoelleNC"
Aww, I want a dog. Long haired dachshunds are CUTE, but I don't really have the time for a doggy right now.

I want a dog (actually 2) too, but don't have time either. Working fulltime will do that. So I won't get a dog

Sometimes people are too selfish to see they really CAN'T get a dog, but do anyway. (just so they can "be like their idol"?)
I say: 'poor dogs'...
Title: What breed of dog is Victor?
Post by: NoelleNC on September 29, 2007, 09:48:13 am
Yeah :( I've just always had a dog, I think I'm going to go through dog withdrawal without one now that I'm moving. But I'll be working full time and  I wouldn't have the time. But idk if I'll ever get the time, and this is why I'm sad haha. I need a dog sometime in my life!!
Title: What breed of dog is Victor?
Post by: NolitaUnicorn on September 29, 2007, 05:17:24 pm
OMG I baught the cutest little dachshund puppy ever!

Pics coming soon.........
Title: What breed of dog is Victor?
Post by: HeroesAndThieves on September 29, 2007, 07:09:34 pm
I got 2 Siberian Huskies [ones a cross with a Samoyed]. But when i have my own home/apartment i'll probably try to get a Samoyed.
Title: What breed of dog is Victor?
Post by: Twilight_Angel on September 30, 2007, 01:19:36 am
I have a English springer spaniel (Bracken) and a border (sp?) terrior(kelly)    ^ typical  :lol:

I would love a new puppy!
Title: What breed of dog is Victor?
Post by: Twilight_Angel on September 30, 2007, 01:20:21 am
Quote from: "Twilight_Angel"
I have a English springer spaniel < typical  :lol: (Bracken) and a border (sp?) terrior(kelly)    
I would love a new puppy!
Title: What breed of dog is Victor?
Post by: malchikgej on September 30, 2007, 02:49:14 am
I have a Collie named Sadie how i love her so!
Title: What breed of dog is Victor?
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on September 30, 2007, 05:38:34 pm
I cant wait to see pics Nolita Unicorn. :D
Title: What breed of dog is Victor?
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on September 30, 2007, 05:40:14 pm
also....mandy did you go to that colorado concert V just did??
Title: What breed of dog is Victor?
Post by: Martin. on September 30, 2007, 05:41:36 pm
Quote from: "PianoPlayer12"
also....mandy did you go to that colorado concert V just did??

I've just been reading her blog. There's some pictures up there of the concert & with her and V. It sounds like she had a good time. :D
Title: What breed of dog is Victor?
Post by: NoelleNC on September 30, 2007, 07:01:37 pm
Quote from: "Hazy Eyes"
Quote from: "PianoPlayer12"
also....mandy did you go to that colorado concert V just did??

I've just been reading her blog. There's some pictures up there of the concert & with her and V. It sounds like she had a good time. :D

On that note, her myspace is the oddest thing I think I've ever come across. Half of her pictures that she claims are of her look like a totally different person! A few of them look like the same girl, but then the other half it's just a far stretch. Have you already had multiple surgeries and these are pictures beginning from your natural state to your now post-surgery states? I'm really confused....
Title: What breed of dog is Victor?
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on September 30, 2007, 08:07:41 pm
ohh tahnks. i just saw the blog :)
Title: What breed of dog is Victor?
Post by: Manda on September 30, 2007, 09:39:05 pm
Quote from: "NoelleNC"
Quote from: "Hazy Eyes"
Quote from: "PianoPlayer12"
also....mandy did you go to that colorado concert V just did??

I've just been reading her blog. There's some pictures up there of the concert & with her and V. It sounds like she had a good time. :D

On that note, her myspace is the oddest thing I think I've ever come across. Half of her pictures that she claims are of her look like a totally different person! A few of them look like the same girl, but then the other half it's just a far stretch. Have you already had multiple surgeries and these are pictures beginning from your natural state to your now post-surgery states? I'm really confused....

I also noticed that. I think they look very different. If I were Vanessa, I would be afraid.
Title: What breed of dog is Victor?
Post by: Boy of Summer on October 01, 2007, 07:36:06 am
yep. amanda has had various work done over the past few years...

i believe she is planning on getting more done this next month or so.

i honestly fear for her new dog. lets just hope he actually looks exactly like victor
Title: What breed of dog is Victor?
Post by: All I Ask2003 on October 01, 2007, 12:02:41 pm
Quote from: "Boy of Summer"
yep. amanda has had various work done over the past few years...

i believe she is planning on getting more done this next month or so.

i honestly fear for her new dog. lets just hope he actually looks exactly like victor

lmao and pray that we don't have to witness the first-ever doggy plastic surgery.

mandy's really had plastic surgery?
Title: What breed of dog is Victor?
Post by: Boy of Summer on October 01, 2007, 01:26:49 pm
shes had various procedures done on her eyes, lips and her nose (i think).

mandy is very rich
Title: What breed of dog is Victor?
Post by: BWilli on October 01, 2007, 01:38:22 pm
Wait!  Hold the phone!   Victors a dog?

Title: What breed of dog is Victor?
Post by: Manda on October 01, 2007, 01:38:47 pm
Quote from: "Boy of Summer"
shes had various procedures done on her eyes, lips and her nose

all of which have left her psychotic, oh and, butt ass ugly.
Title: What breed of dog is Victor?
Post by: Boy of Summer on October 01, 2007, 01:43:11 pm
Quote from: "Manda"
Quote from: "Boy of Summer"
shes had various procedures done on her eyes, lips and her nose

all of which have left her psychotic, oh and, butt ass ugly.


oh no , she was well off her nutt waaaaaay before any of the surgeries
Title: What breed of dog is Victor?
Post by: xxlovelyxx on October 01, 2007, 01:49:13 pm
Quote from: "Manda"
Quote from: "NoelleNC"
Quote from: "Hazy Eyes"
Quote from: "PianoPlayer12"
also....mandy did you go to that colorado concert V just did??

I've just been reading her blog. There's some pictures up there of the concert & with her and V. It sounds like she had a good time. :D

On that note, her myspace is the oddest thing I think I've ever come across. Half of her pictures that she claims are of her look like a totally different person! A few of them look like the same girl, but then the other half it's just a far stretch. Have you already had multiple surgeries and these are pictures beginning from your natural state to your now post-surgery states? I'm really confused....

I also noticed that. I think they look very different. If I were Vanessa, I would be afraid.

Title: What breed of dog is Victor?
Post by: NoelleNC on October 01, 2007, 02:21:28 pm
So she's having multiple surgeries (at 21) to try and look like Vanessa. She buys the same dog that Vanessa has and she is planning on moving to NYC soon. Freaky. I hope she doesn't stalk V.

I wonder if her parents know what she's doing. Cause I'm sure she's not independently wealthy enough for all of these surgeries at 21.

The weirdest thing is that her surgeries must be drastic- because she doesn't look slightly different in them, she seriously looks like a different person. That's why I think they might not really be her or she photoshops them.
Title: What breed of dog is Victor?
Post by: xxlovelyxx on October 01, 2007, 02:31:22 pm
she probably stole them off the internet somewhere or used photoshop in some way etc..

i dont think she had surgery...
Title: What breed of dog is Victor?
Post by: BWilli on October 01, 2007, 03:24:47 pm
i'm confused...
Title: What breed of dog is Victor?
Post by: NoelleNC on October 01, 2007, 03:42:26 pm
^ We all are Brian. =D Just click on NolitaUnicorn's myspace page, look at all the pictures she claims are of her and you will see what we are confused about!
Title: What breed of dog is Victor?
Post by: BWilli on October 01, 2007, 04:29:10 pm
haha, i did...thats why im confused....but now i'm glad to know that everyone is just as confused as me   :D