Vanessa Carlton => General Vanessa Carlton Discussion => Topic started by: itsthefiveofus on March 06, 2007, 01:26:05 pm

Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on March 06, 2007, 01:26:05 pm
Can anyone else go to her website? When I go it it always says can not deslpay page or forbidden..........
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: IfICouldFall on March 06, 2007, 02:01:36 pm
Umm I think that it's getting redone!!!! OMG!!! Yay!  :D  :D  :D
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: KULPDOGG on March 06, 2007, 02:37:54 pm
I downloaded an add-on for firefox that lets me refresh a page every 5 seconds, so i did that to

i'm keeping it open and if i see anything happen, i'll post about it right away.
Title: omg I can feel it
Post by: itsthefiveofus on March 06, 2007, 05:11:20 pm
They are probabley redoing the site =] this is sooooo cool
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Nessaholic4Ever on March 06, 2007, 06:13:50 pm
OMG! Yeah, I tried to go on it before I came on here and I got mad because it wasn't working! (I was like, "Fine, forget you then"  8) ) But I am thrilled now!!! AT LAST: PROGRESS!!! CHANGES!!! And that means Heroes and Thieves will be released soon!!!!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Martin. on March 06, 2007, 07:40:08 pm
About damn time too.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: KULPDOGG on March 06, 2007, 09:04:26 pm
ughhh, its still down, how long does it take to update the site?? >_>
I wanted to be there when it opened :(
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: clamicas on March 06, 2007, 09:48:40 pm
still saying "Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)"

I really hope that they'll put a new site up. and if there is any hint of beige in the new website, I'm gonna be seriously disappointed :lol:
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Will on March 06, 2007, 11:14:29 pm
I don't think it's a redesign. If it were a redesign, they would have a smooth transition. Something like this indicates to me that a server or two took a crap and died.
Title: That is true
Post by: itsthefiveofus on March 07, 2007, 01:26:43 pm
and also they usually right way put up a thing like hold on updaitng new webstie stuff like that but this just has some freaky forbidden stuff and stuff oh well
Title: perhaps
Post by: Nanc77 on March 07, 2007, 02:25:40 pm
vanessa didn't pay the bill  :D

she's a stealthy one ya know..
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PutYourHandsOnMe101 on March 07, 2007, 02:37:44 pm
I really hope it's being updated.... I wanna see the look for this new album sooo bad.... :(
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: VaderDawsn on March 07, 2007, 03:30:54 pm
Maybe the site was funded by her old label and they cut the cord...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: B on March 07, 2007, 05:45:28 pm
It makes me wonder if they are going to go away from Fullerene completely now since V is off Interscope. I was thinking the same thing VaderDawsn was with it is possible Interscope pulled the plug. Although, since there is a link to on TheInc's site, I'd guess either V or one of her peeps has the property rights to, or TheInc may have bought property rights from Interscope.

Either way, it will be interesting to see what happens.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: walking in the rain on March 07, 2007, 07:35:43 pm
v's myspace still links to too, for whatever that's worth...

it would be nice to have a more user-friendly and a regularly updated website for v, whether it's through fullerene or not.  she certainly deserves it -- and so do we!!  :)   i hope that's what the web techies are working on for her, whoever they are.  (

oh well, 'til the site comes back up, i'm just going to sit here and try to wait patiently...and try not to bite my nails as i anxiously await an update and new album news!!  (
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Gingernut on March 08, 2007, 09:21:59 am
Directory Listing Denied
This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed.

Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: VaderDawsn on March 09, 2007, 06:14:02 pm
Does anyone have any "insider connections" that can give us the scoop on the lack of a VC homepage?
Title: ugh
Post by: daydrop on March 10, 2007, 07:05:30 am
we're really getting played.... we're just waiting f0r vc's post and  now her site is down... what more?... she's fading lil by lil.... hope n0t.... hope she comes out betterr..coz she owes us alotttt....waitingggggg hereeee...... lol(that's over reacted, but true)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: amberbeads on March 10, 2007, 07:17:08 am
that was really annoying.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Gingernut on March 10, 2007, 08:45:21 am
Quote from: "amberbeads"
that was really annoying.

i kn0w.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: ordinaryday6 on March 10, 2007, 11:06:21 am
um yeah.. not to mention completely wrong...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Dora on March 11, 2007, 08:55:42 am
so retarded of them. they could have gotten the site ready while leaving the old one up sheesh.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: kaysha on March 12, 2007, 04:07:18 am
Quote from: "Dora"
so retarded of them. they could have gotten the site ready while leaving the old one up sheesh.
pure imcompetence, there is no other word for it.

People move websites all the time... from registar to registrar.  from host to host.  Hell, we have moved and the forum and didn't experience several days of outages.

It's just amazing to me, Vanessa needs to have her name out there.  What if someone new heard of Vanessa and wanted to check her out, goes to her website and it is DOWN?  so lame.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: amberbeads on March 12, 2007, 07:05:59 am
honestly, i don't think it's a big deal right now. new people AREN'T going to hear about vanessa because nothing is happening with vanessa. she's in the studio, the end. yeah, she should have a site up but it's not like we can't get our vanessa news fix since the site is down; there is no news. and i'm sure once there is some, the site will be back up to announce it.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: tylor2000 on March 12, 2007, 07:32:28 am
Maybe she'll come here and post and let us know. ;)  (You always wanted her to anyway.)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: saphire on March 12, 2007, 10:37:34 am
when i try to open there appears the webside of "universal motown records group". is that a fault or does it mean the end of vanessas official website.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Ghisy on March 12, 2007, 11:54:38 am
Quote from: "saphire"
when i try to open there appears the webside of "universal motown records group".

All I get is this (after clicking on the home page link):


Nice 404 error Fullerene... :roll:
Plus if I try to click anything on the menu, it basically freezes the site.  :?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: KULPDOGG on March 12, 2007, 12:03:12 pm
yeah the site is weird right now.

i tried again, and I got redirected to


edit again:
tried again and got the site working fine,
keep refreshing and got part 404 errors, like the pic above...


I figured it out. redirects you to
but without the www. gives you the regular site.
Title: It let me in now
Post by: itsthefiveofus on March 12, 2007, 12:15:31 pm
just when I click on the chat for the forum it says they are down for maintances =[
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Ghisy on March 12, 2007, 01:43:36 pm
Quote from: "KULPDOGG" redirects you to
but without the www. gives you the regular site.

Sounds like a bad re-direction to me since both URLs should point to the same site (either or
But good find man!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: B on March 12, 2007, 09:12:52 pm
UMRG is Irv's parent label, so it would appear that they've obtained the site and are probably working on redesigning it.

That is just my guess from putting all the pieces together.  :lol:
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: kaysha on March 12, 2007, 09:37:00 pm
Quote from: "amberbeads"
honestly, i don't think it's a big deal right now. new people AREN'T going to hear about vanessa because nothing is happening with vanessa. she's in the studio, the end. yeah, she should have a site up but it's not like we can't get our vanessa news fix since the site is down; there is no news. and i'm sure once there is some, the site will be back up to announce it.
this attitude is exactly why it's down.

these people get paid money to move websites.  It isn't a complex process.  From someone that has worked in the industry for over 10 years if they actually gave a sh*t they could do this seamlessly.

I really don't think it is "acceptable" for someone to take a site down for days of a major recording artist.  It is the overall level of acceptance for incompetence that allows people to do things like this without competence.

I run a major network with many customers, if i operated it as such where it was "optional" for something to be up then we wouldn't have many customers.

Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: amberbeads on March 13, 2007, 04:36:59 am
i don't really understand why you're surprised. vanessa hasn't been a priority for interscope or the dumbasses at fullerene for a couple years now. of course they don't give two shits about her website, it's always been a piece of crap with impractical software.
yes, they should have the site up because she is a customer. from a business standpoint this is correct. but like i said, we have an entire 20pg thread devoted to the o-site and how horrible it is. i figured most would be used to the incompetence by now. besides, unless you go work for fullerene yourself, i doubt things will get better in the future if irv and vanessa decide to keep them on board.
and it might sting a little to think that not that many people are actually missing out on vanessa because her site is down, but at this point, it's true.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: charmedguy18 on March 13, 2007, 06:45:33 am
Quote from: "amberbeads"
i don't really understand why you're surprised. vanessa hasn't been a priority for interscope or the dumbasses at fullerene for a couple years now. of course they don't give two shits about her website, it's always been a piece of crap with impractical software.
yes, they should have the site up because she is a customer. from a business standpoint this is correct. but like i said, we have an entire 20pg thread devoted to the o-site and how horrible it is. i figured most would be used to the incompetence by now. besides, unless you go work for fullerene yourself, i doubt things will get better in the future if irv and vanessa decide to keep them on board.
and it might sting a little to think that not that many people are actually missing out on vanessa because her site is down, but at this point, it's true.

Interscope has nothing to do with Vanessa anymore. They've not been her label for years. The fact is that WHOM EVER the fault goes to is incompetent as a web host. I doubt that V's site is going to have a makeover, and I don't see her CD coming out until probably October from what's happening right now. It sucks, yes, but it's the truth. And that's all.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: ordinaryday6 on March 13, 2007, 07:07:15 am
Quote from: "charmedguy18"
Interscope has nothing to do with Vanessa anymore. They've not been her label for years. The fact is that WHOM EVER the fault goes to is incompetent as a web host. I doubt that V's site is going to have a makeover, and I don't see her CD coming out until probably October from what's happening right now. It sucks, yes, but it's the truth. And that's all.

no, it's your opinion.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: joey on March 13, 2007, 07:58:38 am
hmmmm :roll: ... the front page of the site is opening as of now... but it is still showing Hamronium graphics...

But the forum is apparently under design or somethin like that...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Martin. on March 13, 2007, 08:28:04 am
Okay, when I type in the web address, it just goes to a different site with that little girl Jojo popping up.

Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Ghisy on March 13, 2007, 10:22:44 am
Quote from: "white_houses"
Okay, when I type in the web address, it just goes to a different site with that little girl Jojo popping up.

*ahem* ;)
Quote from: "KULPDOGG" redirects you to
but without the www. gives you the regular site.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Martin. on March 13, 2007, 01:39:01 pm
Quote from: "Ghisy"
Quote from: "white_houses"
Okay, when I type in the web address, it just goes to a different site with that little girl Jojo popping up.

*ahem* ;)
Quote from: "KULPDOGG" redirects you to
but without the www. gives you the regular site.

Oops, my bad lol.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: B on March 14, 2007, 05:19:15 am
We could just as easily be super-anal mods about everything and delete every and any post that might be seen as offensive, controversial, etc. We just like to think most people have the common sense and decency to respect others and participate in the discussions without picking fights and insulting each other.

It is a fact of life that in some course of time you'll have to interact with people you don't agree with. In the real world there isn't anyone to tell you how or how not to interact with them, so we like to think people have learned to be respectful of others, even when you disagree. If not, that is when we need to step in. You guys were asked nicely twice to drop it, and it didn't happen. There were definitely some inappropriate comments made, and now those are gone.

Lets return to the original discussion. -B
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: KULPDOGG on March 14, 2007, 07:22:14 am
good news! I think..... no longer re-directs you to a different website!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: charmedguy18 on March 14, 2007, 11:16:47 am
Quote from: "KULPDOGG"
good news! I think..... no longer re-directs you to a different website!

Yay we have the old website back!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: whitehouses81680 on March 14, 2007, 02:59:40 pm
When i click on CHAT it says "Down for Maintenance."
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Dancernl on March 14, 2007, 05:24:06 pm
hmmm, now i know why V hasn't posted a message since December 19.  Hope something goes up soon.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: kaysha on March 14, 2007, 07:46:07 pm
Quote from: "charmedguy18"
Quote from: "KULPDOGG"
good news! I think..... no longer re-directs you to a different website!

Yay we have the old website back!
omg, they figured out the webserver configuration!

btw, this has nothing to do with interscope.  She left them, they kept her site up.  When you are assuming a site the receiving host should be ready for it... you can even do clever things like set it up in advance, get everything working, customize your hosts file so when browsing to BOTH and it goes to the proper place and TEST all the links.

Whomever is taking over now seems just as incompetent as the past.  That is why this is still an interesting topic of discussion.  The home for a better admin seems to not be the case.

Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Will on March 14, 2007, 07:59:57 pm
V should hire teh kat as her sysadmin. ;)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: charmedguy18 on March 15, 2007, 08:41:53 am
Quote from: "kaysha"
Quote from: "charmedguy18"
Quote from: "KULPDOGG"
good news! I think..... no longer re-directs you to a different website!

Yay we have the old website back!
omg, they figured out the webserver configuration!

btw, this has nothing to do with interscope.  She left them, they kept her site up.  When you are assuming a site the receiving host should be ready for it... you can even do clever things like set it up in advance, get everything working, customize your hosts file so when browsing to BOTH and it goes to the proper place and TEST all the links.

Whomever is taking over now seems just as incompetent as the past.  That is why this is still an interesting topic of discussion.  The home for a better admin seems to not be the case.


I thought it had nothing to do with Interscope =]
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: B on March 15, 2007, 09:30:12 am
Quote from: "Will"
V should hire teh kat as her sysadmin. ;)

We've said that for years, LOL.  :lol:
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Ghisy on March 15, 2007, 10:20:56 am
Quote from: "B"
Quote from: "Will"
V should hire teh kat as her sysadmin. ;)

We've said that for years, LOL.  :lol:

W-E-R-D.  8)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: walking in the rain on March 15, 2007, 08:15:27 pm
just out of long does it take to fix/upgrade/transition (or whatever the heck they're doing) a website anyway?  :?   it feels like has been messed up for ages now.  besides anxiously awaiting news and updates from v, i miss lurking on the o-board!  :lol:
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: kaysha on March 15, 2007, 10:45:18 pm

with proper prep work?  5 minutes.

Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: charmedguy18 on March 16, 2007, 05:45:03 am
Quote from: "kaysha"

with proper prep work?  5 minutes.


Yeah, and that's with a high volume site like or something. With a site that considerably less people go to, it's a lot easier to update a site. It should have not been down at all.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: NoelleNC on March 16, 2007, 07:47:03 am
Last night I randomly tried connecting and it went to her homepage, and it was the same as it used to be. It wouldn't go to the forum, though. It said it was down for maintenance. So idk =\
Title: OMG!!!
Post by: itsthefiveofus on March 17, 2007, 09:55:01 am
It is still saying down for matnance! lksdfajdsfldsjf asdkljfadsl  8O I am going crazy. Oh well I will wait for news just know that when we hear news I am going to be all over my house yelling and jumping.
Title: Truly so?
Post by: TheDarkCarnival on March 18, 2007, 07:27:02 pm
I've been on, and seen the normal Harmonium theme. It says nothing of "down for maitenance..." this is we are speaking of, correct?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: kaysha on March 19, 2007, 03:27:18 am
i think the point was that even tho is back up the forums are still down.

I wonder if they plan on keeping the forums?  Do other Inc artists have forums?

For as much posting as V does, they could get by with just a journal like so many other sites have and avoid the upkeep of a forum.

Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: KULPDOGG on March 19, 2007, 07:21:24 am
heres the thing...
the company Fullerene is kind of strictly an interscope message board.

I've seen it happen before when a band moved from interscope to a new label, their fullerene board is gone, and a new one was put up.

it's pretty standard for a musician or band to have a message board of some kind on their website, so I'm guessing pretty soon we're going to get a new Vanessa Carlton one.

i about 99% can say that the fullerene board we used so much and hate so much will soon be gone :-p
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: whitehouses81680 on March 19, 2007, 12:22:09 pm
nessaholics is the place to go for nessa news and chats. As long as this site never goes down, I'll be a happy woman 8)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: kaysha on March 20, 2007, 10:43:45 pm
Quote from: "KULPDOGG"
it's pretty standard for a musician or band to have a message board of some kind on their website, so I'm guessing pretty soon we're going to get a new Vanessa Carlton one.
it has actually gotten less "standard" over the years because a message board can be such an annoyance.  I have seen quite a few artists just go for journals where they can "post" ... we all know how much priority they have put into the message board over the years so maybe they'll just pass on the board thing.

at least we'll still be here and we have archived all of Vanessa's posts =)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: zurielshimon on March 21, 2007, 09:25:38 pm
Quote from: "kaysha"
at least we'll still be here and we have archived all of Vanessa's posts =)

Amen to that! 8)
Title: aaaaaaaagggggggghhhhhh
Post by: itsthefiveofus on March 28, 2007, 07:41:02 pm
Vanessa!!! I am going crazy!!! Just to hear that its almost out from her the cd and stuff if she could give a time frame would be awesome = ]
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Imaginary Ocean on March 30, 2007, 12:52:10 am
Vanessa where are you ??? Post on this website  :)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: joey on April 08, 2007, 06:25:45 am
Wow... Its been a month...   :|
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: KULPDOGG on April 08, 2007, 06:42:03 am
Quote from: "joey"
Wow... Its been a month...   :|

wow,... it has...

Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Manda on April 08, 2007, 07:53:17 am
I wonder why it has been so long.

Maybe there aren't really changes 'coming soon' and it really is going to be taken down.  :(
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on April 08, 2007, 08:07:03 am
oh oh does it take that long to like take photo shoots for the CD and stuff? I am sure it does but whoo last time she posted I remember or not her but irv? anyways someone said the album was 60% done and that was like 3 months ago.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: joey on April 08, 2007, 08:54:23 am
its wierd that at one moment we are over flowing with info regarding the new album and suddenly everything goes quiet... its such a tease!!!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: ordinaryday6 on April 08, 2007, 09:10:35 am
the album is supposed to be done by now.. a couple weeks ago. i dunno what's going on, other than that.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: ManuelD on April 08, 2007, 09:29:26 am
Quote from: "ordinaryday6"
the album is supposed to be done by now.. a couple weeks ago. i dunno what's going on, other than that.

Really?, then we should be hearing sonmething, anything, sometime soon.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: ordinaryday6 on April 08, 2007, 09:59:03 am
yeah.. my thoughts exactly.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: whitehouses81680 on April 08, 2007, 02:04:24 pm
I'm really starting to get fed up with her and this album. The label keeps pushing and pushing the release date of HAT and it seems like the longer they wait, the more people are forgetting about her.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: VaderDawsn on April 08, 2007, 03:37:16 pm
I think many of us are a bit frustrated.  Her site/board may have been down, but her myspace has been up, with no updates (as far as I am aware).
I am wondering if something private has come up..or business-wise. I hope VC realizes that her fans have not forgotten about her or abandoned her. We're just eagerly awaiting some news. We want to help promote her efforts. But keeping us out of the loop makes that almost impossible.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: kaysha on April 09, 2007, 02:48:02 am
they must have something in the works for a whole new site redesign... but i still think they should have some teasers up =)
Title: Myspace
Post by: liquidblue244 on April 09, 2007, 10:36:06 am
Weird, now when you type in the url it goes to her myspace....
Title: Re: Myspace
Post by: KULPDOGG on April 09, 2007, 11:46:51 am
Quote from: "liquidblue244"
Weird, now when you type in the url it goes to her myspace....

yeah that's kinda strange :/

well, at least SOMETHING changed...
Title: Re: Myspace
Post by: PutYourHandsOnMe101 on April 09, 2007, 11:47:18 am
Quote from: "liquidblue244"
Weird, now when you type in the url it goes to her myspace....

I love her myspace..... and listening to White Houses  :D
Title: Re: Myspace
Post by: KULPDOGG on April 09, 2007, 11:48:28 am
Quote from: "PutYourHandsOnMe101"
Quote from: "liquidblue244"
Weird, now when you type in the url it goes to her myspace....

I love her myspace..... and listening to White Houses  :D

her myspace makes me angry.

the bio is wrong, she's not from "Mitford"

and they have incorrect lyrics for White houses.
Title: Re: Myspace
Post by: PutYourHandsOnMe101 on April 09, 2007, 12:02:19 pm
Quote from: "KULPDOGG"
Quote from: "PutYourHandsOnMe101"
Quote from: "liquidblue244"
Weird, now when you type in the url it goes to her myspace....

I love her myspace..... and listening to White Houses  :D

her myspace makes me angry.

the bio is wrong, she's not from "Mitford"

and they have incorrect lyrics for White houses.

Well... at first glance I love her myspace then... :oops:
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: whitehouses81680 on April 09, 2007, 02:21:01 pm
then that probably means that there will be no more, just a myspace page.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: joey on April 09, 2007, 02:27:15 pm

I'm hearing that Irv Gotti is going further into the pop world, after signing pop sensation Vanessa Carlton. He's signed another group that has garnered a buzz, from what I am getting. I heard he's brought another group called The Thunderkatz in to his realm. The TKz are like a mixed bag of music. Pop. Rock. Hip-Hop. Punk. All rolled into one. They have several different races and a female too so there have been comparisons to everybody, including the Black-Eyed Peas, N.E.R.D. and others. Anyway, they might have formally signed them after expressing his admiration for them earlier this year. Irv's on the move!

I hope hes not forgotten Vanessa!!! (
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: ManuelD on April 09, 2007, 02:28:34 pm
There has to be an official page before the release of Heroes and Thieves, even if it's not Vanessa is not like those indie musicians that are starting their careers, she has a significant fan base and it would be too lame not to built an new site soon.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on April 09, 2007, 06:11:15 pm
I got that same web page on my google alert and I hope what you hope that they have not forgotten. Eh I mean I am sure they are just workig on stuff to to promote the album and in no timr stuff will happen. Like me ok I live in illinois- suburbs about 1 hour away from chicago and boy has it been cold over here! I figure once the days start to clear up and warm up we will here news. Or so I hope.  :cry:
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: kaysha on April 10, 2007, 02:12:37 am
that was smart of them to redirect to the myspace.  Let's hope it's just to get some freedom to redesign before the H&T launch.  I agree with kulpy tho, they should fix the myspace page to be accurate :)


p.s. we should keep making suggestions, maybe someone is watching ;)  any other issues with it kulp?  heh
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: jen_spen on April 10, 2007, 06:37:33 am
usually they release a new website with the new CD. Like even Christina Aguilera and Jessica Simpson's site was down for a couple of months while they worked on the site......but then again they did have a page saying 'new website coming soon'..... :(   oh i don't know what to think anymore!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: ManuelD on April 10, 2007, 02:34:05 pm
Quote from: "jen_spen"
usually they release a new website with the new CD. Like even Christina Aguilera and Jessica Simpson's site was down for a couple of months while they worked on the site......but then again they did have a page saying 'new website coming soon'..... :(   oh i don't know what to think anymore!

That's true!, Christina's site was down for a while and it started working again a few weeks before the release of Back to Basics with the new theme. Maybe we are all worried over nothing, I mean, Christina has a huuuge fan base and her site was down too.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on April 10, 2007, 05:17:03 pm
true about the website updating page thing oh well I mean just a page saying that its being updated is reasuring
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Star7 on April 10, 2007, 05:19:56 pm
i don't get why they would shut it down in the first place because it's not like having it up was hurting anything. Either way we aren't going to know everything about the album  until it comes out .  :?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: lavender skies on April 10, 2007, 06:30:10 pm
i'm getting antsy. i need some information about anything vanessa. a RELEASE DATE would be nice.  :lol:
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Stromata on April 10, 2007, 09:17:59 pm
seriously, what's the hold up? if we haven't heard a release date yet it's definitely not being released until after June. blech.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Manda on April 10, 2007, 10:43:25 pm
True. No spring release thats for sure! I'm not happy camper.  :x  :evil:
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: tylor2000 on April 10, 2007, 11:43:02 pm
It could still be released in the spring.  It is not over yet.  Maybe they just want everything to be set up completely before they launch everything.  There could be a whole number of things going on in the background we just don't understand the whole nature of.  Be patient. :)  If Irv was true to the extent he wants to promote her then maybe they are building a whole production behind the scenes and then Blam!  Vanessa will be everywhere all the time.

But remember who's saying this, I don't have any idea either on what is up.  I'm just guessing and hoping.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: daydrop on April 11, 2007, 06:24:59 am
perhaps the reason why they shut down the website, coz many people are fighting, some are really bumb waiting for v's post. And there's this one guy who hates irv coz he's black or something... and we we just try to push him out of there, he's racism wasn't so right. Everybody there was so mad at him and just everything g0t messed up...topics are all about hating...blechh...  but still we try to keep it down low and just ignore the guy. and keep the site all about vanessa and be patient for her comeback... apparently they shut it down...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: KULPDOGG on April 11, 2007, 06:41:31 am
Quote from: "daydrop"
perhaps the reason why they shut down the website, coz many people are fighting, some are really bumb waiting for v's post. And there's this one guy who hates irv coz he's black or something... and we we just try to push him out of there, he's racism wasn't so right. Everybody there was so mad at him and just everything g0t messed up...topics are all about hating...blechh...  but still we try to keep it down low and just ignore the guy. and keep the site all about vanessa and be patient for her comeback... apparently they shut it down...

they wouldn't do this just because of a few stupid people on the message board.

that's what moderators are for...
even though that board basically didn't have any...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PutYourHandsOnMe101 on April 11, 2007, 06:47:58 am
Well... that guy Channel 7's album is supposed to be released July 7th and the lead single will be MAKELOVETOME. I think they want to use that song to bring V back again and THEN release her album a little later...  :?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on April 11, 2007, 03:18:32 pm
Quote from: "PutYourHandsOnMe101"
Well... that guy Channel 7's album is supposed to be released July 7th and the lead single will be MAKELOVETOME. I think they want to use that song to bring V back again and THEN release her album a little later...  :?

Thats what i was thinking sure they will wait until after his album is out...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: lavender skies on April 11, 2007, 05:17:41 pm
So then are there no hopes for a summer tour? Would she tour before the album is out?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Ghisy on April 12, 2007, 08:49:27 am
I hope the tour will take place in the Fall or late Summer.
It's easier for me to get days off at that time of the year!
But I also wanna see Kelly in Europe and hopefully both tours won't be at the same time.  :?
Vanessa is still my #1 priority though.  8)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: me and my piano---tim on April 12, 2007, 10:49:06 am
Quote from: "devil in the dark"
So then are there no hopes for a summer tour? Would she tour before the album is out?

she did start a tour a couple months or so before the release of Harmonium.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on April 12, 2007, 12:25:01 pm
well now whether you put or both take you to her myspace so they are working on the website.

and I was wondering you know how they call it new music tuesday for new cd's and stuff is the for like new singles and stuff we can concentrate on just tuesdays if thats the case
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: VaderDawsn on April 12, 2007, 03:42:13 pm
I would feel so much better If I heard a statement from VC or Irv about her album's status and possible tour! Vanessa, if you are reading, please throw us a bone and give us an update! Pretty Please.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on April 12, 2007, 06:33:38 pm
Its all good I am just going to be patient (giong crazy half the time) but I will manage. I just know that when I hear news of an album release date I am going to be runing all around where I am at I don't care if I am at school I am going to run and jump for joy.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoGirl4444 on April 13, 2007, 11:06:56 am
From her Myspace blog:

Heroes and Thieves update


i know i've had a bit of a "pregnant pause" between this note and the last. i am in sf now finishing up vocals on a brand new song that's definitely making the album. possibly the first single : ) it's called "my best" and it makes me sad when i sing it (in a good way). i'm heading down to la to mix a few songs this weekend. i finally got to listen through the entire record last week and it's been non stop on my speaker since. (my neighbors think i'm an ego-maniac for sure). i feel like i'm sitting on a record that is my most honest to date. and i enjoy hearing it as if it was somebody elses. that's a first. lots of bold moves on this one. it is dear to me, partially because of the process it took to get made. the stevie tours, the switching labels, weeks of feeling like i'm in slow motion and then intense giddy night sessions, writing in cafes, these moments (there are 2 many 2 mention) add up in my mind and become this album. i'm in the home stretch. your interest in what i'm up to, despite such a long break, makes me overwhelmed with feelings of luck and appreciation. Heroes and Thieves!!! xo v

Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Ghisy on April 13, 2007, 11:17:06 am
I just saw the entry on her MySpace too.
Can't wait, can't wait, can't FREAKING wait!!  :D
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: NolitaFairytale on April 13, 2007, 11:36:50 am

Too bad she didn't say nothing about the website. but still, yayy. It is coming :D:D:D:. I am so excited xD.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: KULPDOGG on April 13, 2007, 12:07:35 pm
yay for updates!  :D

so, the name of the song is "My Best" ?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on April 13, 2007, 12:45:33 pm
what is says. My best sounds cool
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on April 13, 2007, 07:04:49 pm
cant wait omg I am sooo thrilled right now!  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: me and my piano---tim on April 14, 2007, 05:08:05 pm
Awesome! I wonder if this song will be her best? So psyched to hear this album.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PutYourHandsOnMe101 on April 14, 2007, 07:39:07 pm
If it might be a possible first single then it has to be good... :D ..... she said she's listening to the album in full so we should get more info/ release dates pretty soon  :)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on April 14, 2007, 08:17:28 pm
Everything should be coming and happening really fast. Before we know it she will be on the radio and everything!!!!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: lavender skies on April 14, 2007, 08:21:04 pm
Quote from: "itsthefiveofus"
Everything should be coming and happening really fast. Before we know it she will be on the radio and everything!!!!

i know!

the first time i hear one of her new songs on the radio will be an amazing day.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Martin. on April 15, 2007, 06:51:39 am
^^ Yep :D

I can't wait to be sat in the garden sunbathing in the summer and then Vanessa's new single comes on the radio.'ll be great.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on April 18, 2007, 01:28:08 pm
I know LAst summer was when I discovered Harmonium best summer ever.
Title: .....
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on April 18, 2007, 03:27:30 pm
heyy....i just listened to this like 10 second irv gotti interview...and the interviewer mentions how irv is also working with Vanessa Carlton....and then irv says how she is is V.....and then says she is BUSY...and something about how thats on some whole other world....its not really news...but at least we know she is really really hard at work... :)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on April 21, 2007, 01:27:14 pm
I just cant wait. How long do you think it takes to get the music approved for the CD and the photo shoots and planning and stuff!?!?!?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Martin. on April 21, 2007, 04:41:06 pm
I think she's already done the album artwork hasn't she? So I would imagine we should be hearing something by July hopefully.

I hope at least one new song leaks though. I feel starved of Vanessa.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: walking in the rain on April 22, 2007, 07:55:58 am
oh, wow....i hope she's not redoing the art work as often as she seems to be changing the album itself.  we could be waiting 'til xmas!! ARRRGH!!   :lol:
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on April 22, 2007, 06:52:43 pm
Quote from: "white_houses"
I think she's already done the album artwork hasn't she? So I would imagine we should be hearing something by July hopefully.

I hope at least one new song leaks though. I feel starved of Vanessa.

July?!?!?!  8O  :(  :?   :?:  does it take that long? oh jeeze by that time I would already be dead. from starving of her musica.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on June 05, 2007, 10:09:06 pm
anyone know when the website is going to be back on?!?!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: B on June 06, 2007, 12:19:39 am
Quote from: "itsthefiveofus"
anyone know when the website is going to be back on?!?!

I'd imagine sometime between now and when the single drops.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: tylor2000 on June 06, 2007, 12:23:13 am
I don't want any of her music to leak out.  At least we know things are really rolling along.  Just be patient, and in a little over a month we can hear the single and cheer it on and watch it go up the charts.  I know she said she will keep making music no matter how big the album but if you like her music and want her to do well we just have to be patient so they can be ready for the blitz.  If Irv is behind her as much as we keep hearing then I think she will do well.  Support real music!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: portions.for.foxes on June 06, 2007, 09:46:57 am
Unfortunately nearly every album leaks prior to its release date, I really don't think there's much any of us or the record label can do in preventing a leak. Let's just hope that the album is good enough so that it'll warrant a purchase from those who will download it. And if it's given enough promotion I'm sure people who don't know how to use file sharing programs such as bittorrent will go to stores to purchase it.

I remember when Harmonium leaked I was all very annoyed with you guys from attempting to keep the files to yourselves in an effort to prevent it from leaking further. lol So I found a bittorrent of the album and downloaded it that way. Haha. I still purchased the album though, naturally. Actually I pre-ordered it at the Vanessa show I went to and she signed the little album cover slip that you recieved with the pre-order.

ANYWAYS, my point is, if people really want to download Heroes and Thieves, they'll find a way to download it. We can only hope that they'll purchase the album as well.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: KULPDOGG on June 06, 2007, 01:16:06 pm
strange, the photos are still accessible...


I tried other things, but I kept getting the Forbidden error.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on June 06, 2007, 03:21:28 pm
Well ive been told that the wesite should be up soon. :)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on June 06, 2007, 08:37:00 pm
Quote from: "PianoPlayer12"
Well ive been told that the wesite should be up soon. :)

who told you?

and freaky on that photo! lol
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on June 06, 2007, 09:18:24 pm
i dont really know if im allowed to say who.... but they know what they are talking about, so it is a reliable source...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: tylor2000 on June 07, 2007, 05:28:10 am
Quote from: "portions.for.foxes"
Unfortunately nearly every album leaks prior to its release date, I really don't think there's much any of us or the record label can do in preventing a leak. Let's just hope that the album is good enough so that it'll warrant a purchase from those who will download it. And if it's given enough promotion I'm sure people who don't know how to use file sharing programs such as bittorrent will go to stores to purchase it.

I remember when Harmonium leaked I was all very annoyed with you guys from attempting to keep the files to yourselves in an effort to prevent it from leaking further. lol So I found a bittorrent of the album and downloaded it that way. Haha. I still purchased the album though, naturally. Actually I pre-ordered it at the Vanessa show I went to and she signed the little album cover slip that you recieved with the pre-order.

ANYWAYS, my point is, if people really want to download Heroes and Thieves, they'll find a way to download it. We can only hope that they'll purchase the album as well.

Why do albums keep leaking?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Twilight_Angel on June 07, 2007, 11:11:44 am
what many people do it hear a few songs off the album...then download about 5 that are heard of alot. So they dont give the rest of the album a chance.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: portions.for.foxes on June 07, 2007, 06:03:11 pm
Quote from: "tylor2000"
Quote from: "portions.for.foxes"
Unfortunately nearly every album leaks prior to its release date, I really don't think there's much any of us or the record label can do in preventing a leak. Let's just hope that the album is good enough so that it'll warrant a purchase from those who will download it. And if it's given enough promotion I'm sure people who don't know how to use file sharing programs such as bittorrent will go to stores to purchase it.

I remember when Harmonium leaked I was all very annoyed with you guys from attempting to keep the files to yourselves in an effort to prevent it from leaking further. lol So I found a bittorrent of the album and downloaded it that way. Haha. I still purchased the album though, naturally. Actually I pre-ordered it at the Vanessa show I went to and she signed the little album cover slip that you recieved with the pre-order.

ANYWAYS, my point is, if people really want to download Heroes and Thieves, they'll find a way to download it. We can only hope that they'll purchase the album as well.

Why do albums keep leaking?

It basically boils down to an issue of money, much like everything else in the world. People don't want to pay the inflated prices for CDs, so they find other means aquiring them. When a CD leaks it's usually an advance copy of the album sent out to radio stations and such, and someone will get ahold of it and distribute it online. *Shrugs* Such is the way of the failing music industry.

I mean, years and years ago when an album reached number 1, the numbers needed to achieve that were quite the feat. Now albums that reach number 1 can barely maintain that position because number 1 albums are lucky to even sell 50,000-100,000 copies on their debut week. The Internet has changed things enormously. iTunes has also impacted the music industry in a negative way. Now instead of purchasing an album, you can pick and choose the songs you like from an album. And these sales aren't figured into sales charts either.

iTunes is an interesting thing, it's great and convieniant sure, but it's forced the music industry to morph and change in ways to suit Apple and iTunes, not artists. I'm ranting again, I'll shut up. lol
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: tylor2000 on June 07, 2007, 07:13:45 pm
Quote from: "portions.for.foxes"
Quote from: "tylor2000"
Quote from: "portions.for.foxes"
Unfortunately nearly every album leaks prior to its release date, I really don't think there's much any of us or the record label can do in preventing a leak. Let's just hope that the album is good enough so that it'll warrant a purchase from those who will download it. And if it's given enough promotion I'm sure people who don't know how to use file sharing programs such as bittorrent will go to stores to purchase it.

I remember when Harmonium leaked I was all very annoyed with you guys from attempting to keep the files to yourselves in an effort to prevent it from leaking further. lol So I found a bittorrent of the album and downloaded it that way. Haha. I still purchased the album though, naturally. Actually I pre-ordered it at the Vanessa show I went to and she signed the little album cover slip that you recieved with the pre-order.

ANYWAYS, my point is, if people really want to download Heroes and Thieves, they'll find a way to download it. We can only hope that they'll purchase the album as well.

Why do albums keep leaking?

It basically boils down to an issue of money, much like everything else in the world. People don't want to pay the inflated prices for CDs, so they find other means aquiring them. When a CD leaks it's usually an advance copy of the album sent out to radio stations and such, and someone will get ahold of it and distribute it online. *Shrugs* Such is the way of the failing music industry.

I mean, years and years ago when an album reached number 1, the numbers needed to achieve that were quite the feat. Now albums that reach number 1 can barely maintain that position because number 1 albums are lucky to even sell 50,000-100,000 copies on their debut week. The Internet has changed things enormously. iTunes has also impacted the music industry in a negative way. Now instead of purchasing an album, you can pick and choose the songs you like from an album. And these sales aren't figured into sales charts either.

iTunes is an interesting thing, it's great and convieniant sure, but it's forced the music industry to morph and change in ways to suit Apple and iTunes, not artists. I'm ranting again, I'll shut up. lol

I remember about the advanced copy situation.  You would think they would learn to use the internet to their advantage instead to their determent.  They could use a secure website with login names for people who need to listen to albums in advance that stream the music instead of giving a download or hard copy.  It doesn't totally solve the problem because people could rip it off the stream but there are things people can to try and do to solve the problem of leaking albums.  They would just have to consult the right software companies and IT professionals to find a way to make it safe to share copies with a much reduced risk of there being the same problems there is now.  Banks use internet banking, why can't record companies do the same?  They could steam it and then also send them a program the radio stations use on the computers they stream on to make sure there isn't ways to transfer the streams, rip them, ect., ect.

I don't know enough about i-tunes to know how to solve that problem.  I don't have or ever have had an i-pod.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Will on June 07, 2007, 07:28:38 pm
I see the issue of pre-release leaks as distinct from that of piracy in general. I make no apologies about downloading pre-releases. I don't do it because I'm cheap (although, I am). I do it because I'm anxious to hear the new music. Of course, once the album drops, I will do the right thing. I preordered Harmonium long before I downloaded a leak of it.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: me and my piano---tim on June 08, 2007, 01:25:07 am
please.. i hardly feel sorry for the record companies. there's tons of money in the music industry. the problem isn't distributing the music properly, it's about properly distributing profits. besides, most record companies only care about putting music on the radio that is immediately appealing, crap that sounds the same because most people don't like hearing something that's different. I think illegal downloading will be beneficial to the music industry in the long run as it gives indie bands a chance to get their music to the masses, and at the same time diminishes the power of the major labels.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: rainforestspirit on June 08, 2007, 02:27:44 pm
Quote from: "me and my piano---tim"
please.. i hardly feel sorry for the record companies. there's tons of money in the music industry. the problem isn't distributing the music properly, it's about properly distributing profits. besides, most record companies only care about putting music on the radio that is immediately appealing, crap that sounds the same because most people don't like hearing something that's different. I think illegal downloading will be beneficial to the music industry in the long run as it gives indie bands a chance to get their music to the masses, and at the same time diminishes the power of the major labels.

I second that!!!

I guess one way to solve the itunes problem is just to record how many times a song is downloaded on itunes/napster and then just add that number to sales for the record. It's the same as if someone is just buying the CD of the single - they are just buying the mp3 of the single instead. itunes and napster already keep track of this number so it shouldn't be that hard to transfer the music industry. it is just a matter if they want to do it or not - paying for the person to transfer the numbers and varify that they are true or something...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on June 09, 2007, 03:57:57 pm
Quote from: "PianoPlayer12"
i dont really know if im allowed to say who.... but they know what they are talking about, so it is a reliable source...

ok thats very mysterouis totally spelled wrong those last two words anywho thats pretty cool
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on June 09, 2007, 04:27:52 pm
Quote from: "itsthefiveofus"
Quote from: "PianoPlayer12"
i dont really know if im allowed to say who.... but they know what they are talking about, so it is a reliable source...

ok thats very mysterouis totally spelled wrong those last two words anywho thats pretty cool

do you mean i spelt reliable source wrong?? lol or that you spelt mysterious wrong? hahahah
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on June 09, 2007, 07:50:35 pm
Quote from: "PianoPlayer12"
Quote from: "itsthefiveofus"
Quote from: "PianoPlayer12"
i dont really know if im allowed to say who.... but they know what they are talking about, so it is a reliable source...

ok thats very mysterouis totally spelled wrong those last two words anywho thats pretty cool

do you mean i spelt reliable source wrong?? lol or that you spelt mysterious wrong? hahahah

I am telling you....I suck at spelling! anywho....
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on June 15, 2007, 06:16:11 am
ok so I was searching for Vanessa websites and I clicked on her webtise and it went through... but it only went trhough if its like this..

if you just type in it just sent me back to the myspace.Everything worked but the board. I dont know if thats just me but try it out to see if it still works...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Twilight_Angel on June 15, 2007, 09:49:54 am
I'm pretty sure they're just editing it...or something. I mean it will have to be different for heroes and thieves wont it?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Gingernut on June 15, 2007, 01:51:52 pm
Quote from: "Twilight_Angel"
I'm pretty sure they're just editing it...or something. I mean it will have to be different for heroes and thieves wont it?

Probably, her old website people did change it for Harmonium.. sooo.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: KULPDOGG on July 02, 2007, 04:30:06 pm
on the window thingy, where it used to say "Untitled Document"

also, the Inc Records website was updated on the audio section for Vanessa Carlton

featuring a different version of Nolita Fairytale, possibly the full album version?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: VaderDawsn on July 02, 2007, 05:47:25 pm
I still don't understand why the stuff that's on the INC site for VC isn't on her .com site.... It doesn't make sense...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Angelcorrine on July 02, 2007, 06:03:46 pm
Quote from: "KULPDOGG"

featuring a different version of Nolita Fairytale, possibly the full album version?

When I open it in VLC, it says "Nolita Fairytale (Pre-Release, Alternate Version)

I like the longer drum intro.

Edited to add: thanks for posting this :)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: KULPDOGG on July 02, 2007, 08:13:08 pm
Quote from: "Angelcorrine"
Quote from: "KULPDOGG"

featuring a different version of Nolita Fairytale, possibly the full album version?

When I open it in VLC, it says "Nolita Fairytale (Pre-Release, Alternate Version)

I like the longer drum intro.

Edited to add: thanks for posting this :)

yeah i think i might've named it that.
nothing officially known
and you're welcome :p
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on July 02, 2007, 08:28:42 pm
mmhmm I use AOL browser Explorer most of the time and they have this thing like um power browsing and than "who owns this website..." and um it gives me this. and it says it was last updated today. so that explains the changing of the tab name.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Ghisy on July 03, 2007, 12:36:04 am
Quote from: "KULPDOGG"
featuring a different version of Nolita Fairytale, possibly the full album version?

Sweeeeet!! Good find Kulp! ;)
This version is also much clearer, I like!! :D
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: ordinaryday6 on July 03, 2007, 03:50:50 am
is everything the same besides the intro? i think we got a marching band in this song.. lol. but i kinda like the extended drum intro.

ah.. the rhythm with which she sings the second verse is different.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Twilight_Angel on July 03, 2007, 08:34:29 am
ah crap. I cant get that. can someone save it as a different mp3?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on July 04, 2007, 08:39:48 pm
Quote from: "KULPDOGG"
Quote from: "Angelcorrine"
Quote from: "KULPDOGG"

featuring a different version of Nolita Fairytale, possibly the full album version?

When I open it in VLC, it says "Nolita Fairytale (Pre-Release, Alternate Version)

I like the longer drum intro.

Edited to add: thanks for posting this :)

yeah i think i might've named it that.
nothing officially known
and you're welcome :p

i cant wait to listen to in mexico and this comp has no fricken
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on July 13, 2007, 12:22:34 pm
there is this coutndown thingy on the page now!!!! eh some preogress.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: KULPDOGG on July 13, 2007, 01:48:30 pm
oh, awesome!!!

link for countdown by itself:
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on July 13, 2007, 02:05:55 pm

i was gunna put something like that on my site :)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on July 13, 2007, 02:51:06 pm
Quote from: "KULPDOGG"
oh, awesome!!!

link for countdown by itself: is it supposed to show up? it does not do anything when I click on it.


forget it...I am stupid sometimes...I just saved it with the save target as...anways..thanks for that.
Title: Date
Post by: liquidblue244 on July 13, 2007, 03:16:12 pm
What date is that? 87 more days? I'm too lazy to count...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Martin. on July 13, 2007, 03:20:56 pm
86 more days now! ;)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: VaderDawsn on July 13, 2007, 04:36:15 pm
That counter on her site is cool, but where's the content? Heck the INC site has more VC info than her own site..weird.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on July 13, 2007, 04:45:26 pm
eh I just hope they will update and put everything on her site soon. I mean they have to right? with the song coming out people are going to be flocking to the computer to learn more about her or catch up on her stuff so natruly they will want to go to so they have to put it up pretty soon.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: charmedguy18 on July 13, 2007, 09:42:20 pm
Quote from: "itsthefiveofus"
eh I just hope they will update and put everything on her site soon. I mean they have to right? with the song coming out people are going to be flocking to the computer to learn more about her or catch up on her stuff so natruly they will want to go to so they have to put it up pretty soon.

I'm sure it will be up the seventeenth.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: ManuelD on July 13, 2007, 10:30:32 pm
That countdown is so annoying, on the bright side only 86 days, 23 hours, 31 minutes, 22 seconds and 897 miliseconds left.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: jfarrell22 on July 14, 2007, 12:59:45 am
URG! When is her site gonna be back up?!?!? And 86 days seems like WAY too long. Oh well, I guess we've been waiting for awhile now, what's a few more months . . .
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Dora on July 14, 2007, 03:59:14 am
if you're gonna have a site promoting a new album, you should at least give it a new approximate look of what the new album style will be, not use the harmonium stuff...blah, just the web designer in me! lol
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: VaderDawsn on July 14, 2007, 05:03:56 am
At least they spelled "Heroes" correctly this time... :razz:
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: me and my piano---tim on July 14, 2007, 01:50:52 pm
hahaha that countdown thing is so random. But I'm really happy about it because this means the release date probably wont be pushed back again.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: jen_spen on July 14, 2007, 05:52:20 pm
they do it to all artists who release new albums, christina aguilera's site wasn't up until her album release date even though she already had a song out, same with jessica simpson. it's a very common marketing ploy
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: portions.for.foxes on July 15, 2007, 03:30:22 pm
They should at least put the stupid message board up. Or post a link to since this place is basically the official unofficial site. lol
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on July 20, 2007, 05:48:30 pm
they changed the status under her name on the website now it says under consruction New website coming soon and than the next upcoming show at the roxy.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on July 20, 2007, 10:43:13 pm
Quote from: "itsthefiveofus"
they changed the status under her name on the website now it says under consruction New website coming soon and than the next upcoming show at the roxy.

ooo im excited to see the new site...i guess when we see the new site, we'll know for wure that the theme of the album cover will be...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on July 25, 2007, 02:34:02 pm
OMG! They changed the main picture and stuff its pretty sweet! check it out!!!!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Martin. on July 25, 2007, 02:40:35 pm
That big picture on the left is beautiful.

Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: whitehouses81680 on July 25, 2007, 02:41:04 pm
thats the same dress she wore to the bowery ballroom show
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: portions.for.foxes on July 25, 2007, 03:11:00 pm


She looks extremely hot in that red dress. I wonder if the picture with her at the piano will end up as the album cover. I kinda hope not.  She should use the picture to the left, just so when people look at the CD it'll be all, "BAM! SMOKIN' HOT VANESSA IN YO FACE!" Ehhh? Eh?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on July 25, 2007, 03:56:23 pm
lol... can anyone get the flash thingy from her page since its new? I think Kulpdog did it last time. Thanks if you can. =] I agree that picture to the left is extremely hot.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: NolitaFairytale on July 25, 2007, 03:57:50 pm
Those pics, are just... wow. I also have a feeling that the picture to the left (the very hot one) will be the front cover, and the one with the piano and the hat, will be the back cover, LOL that is if they use it :razz:. I can imagine it now.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on July 25, 2007, 05:04:45 pm
thats a really good picture!!

im guessing that hat picture will be the back of the album picture :)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Jophess on July 25, 2007, 05:11:07 pm
Wow, that picture is HAWT. She looks really good without the hat.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: IfICouldFall on July 25, 2007, 05:27:20 pm
DAMN!!! She's sooo effin' HOT!
Pictures are beautiful and every guy who stumbles upon it will be like  8O  hehe that's what I did...
 :D  :D  :D
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: ManuelD on July 25, 2007, 05:36:31 pm
I love the new photo.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: KULPDOGG on July 25, 2007, 05:51:26 pm
oh wow, they changed all the images, actually.
everything is red text instead of green text.

and the countdown is still located at
i can't really do anything with it  :?

amazing picture!
I'm surprised its the same dress from the bowery ballroom show :D
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: LimeTwister on July 25, 2007, 05:56:06 pm
holy mother of hotness.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Suicidalboobs on July 25, 2007, 07:44:08 pm
sweet damn.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: B on July 25, 2007, 08:43:49 pm
Yeah, that picture is hot. LOL
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: joey on July 25, 2007, 10:03:18 pm
and the best part is the combination shes chosen is red black and white... which is my all time fave combination of colours...

Cant wait for the site to be completed...!!!!Oh and that pic is soooo amazing!!!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Ghisy on July 25, 2007, 11:48:31 pm
New pic = :heart:
It's funny: if you save the .swf file and play it, that's what you get: ;)

Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: me and my piano---tim on July 26, 2007, 12:57:46 am
Quote from: "Ghisy"


Now I get the hat!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: joey on July 26, 2007, 02:13:58 am
Or maybe the hat is basically the whole Heroes And Thieves thing... get it ... H.A.T. ->Heroes And Thieves...

Ok really retarted explanation...!!!...:P
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Rainy night on July 26, 2007, 03:20:47 am
8O  That new pic is total awesomeness!!!!! I love the colors!! It's hot!! Wooo I cannot wait... 74 days left...  :razz:  

Quote from: "joey"
Or maybe the hat is basically the whole Heroes And Thieves thing... get it ... H.A.T. ->Heroes And Thieves...

Ok really retarted explanation...!!!...:P

But that's a funny explanation though  :D  lol
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Martin. on July 26, 2007, 06:59:55 am
Ugh. They've put the old picture up and changed the colour to green again.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: IfICouldFall on July 26, 2007, 07:02:42 am
ew... its green again.  :(

God, the red scheme and pictures are so hot and better than the old Harmonium pics.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: portions.for.foxes on July 26, 2007, 07:06:52 am
I actually really liked the colors and themes for Harmonium. Well, green's also my favorite color, so that's probably why.

I wonder why the changed it again though, what happened to out with old and in with the new.

The people working on her website apparently can't make up their minds on what the hell to do with it. lol Or maybe they're just teasing us.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: IfICouldFall on July 26, 2007, 07:09:42 am
Quote from: "portions.for.foxes"
I actually really liked the colors and themes for Harmonium. Well, green's also my favorite color, so that's probably why.

I wonder why the changed it again though, what happened to out with old and in with the new.

The people working on her website apparently can't make up their minds on what the hell to do with it. lol Or maybe they're just teasing us.

I like the Harmonium pics tooo but I just think that they should just stick to one scheme and leave it... or maybe they can do different schemes and use different and hopefully new pictures.

Ooh! The people on the site should do a poll on which scheme we like best!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Martin. on July 26, 2007, 07:14:18 am
The pictures from that era should stay in that era. Even if they're changing the layout still, they could have kept that new picture up. She looked fucking gorgeous in it.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: KULPDOGG on July 26, 2007, 07:14:40 am
actually, the top image is a new one...
the green from before had some white in it,
this is pure green.

I know because I've been keeping records of the images, lol.
I'm saving all the variations of the images every time they change :D

I've got 4 different 'top' images so far.

also, i think its weird how if they wanted to change the theme back to green, why didn't they change the bottom image back to green...
notice it's still red...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: portions.for.foxes on July 26, 2007, 07:15:57 am
Quote from: "IfICouldFall"
Quote from: "portions.for.foxes"
I actually really liked the colors and themes for Harmonium. Well, green's also my favorite color, so that's probably why.

I wonder why the changed it again though, what happened to out with old and in with the new.

The people working on her website apparently can't make up their minds on what the hell to do with it. lol Or maybe they're just teasing us.

I like the Harmonium pics tooo but I just think that they should just stick to one scheme and leave it... or maybe they can do different schemes and use different and hopefully new pictures.

Ooh! The people on the site should do a poll on which scheme we like best!

I wish they'd take polls from us. lol I think the site is still under construction because maybe Vanessa still hasn't had a chance to work on any artwork and themes for the album since she's so busy getting the single into gear and what not. I think once she gets some awesome artwork planned out, they'll incorporate it into the website and it'll open up sometime afterwards, hopefully shortly. lol

When I listen to the songs we've heard from Hs&Ts though, I really don't think a black, red, and white color theme would suit them well. I do picture dark colors though, like... varying shades of blues and greens.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: portions.for.foxes on July 26, 2007, 07:18:13 am
Quote from: "KULPDOGG"
actually, the top image is a new one...
the green from before had some white in it,
this is pure green.

I know because I've been keeping records of the images, lol.
I'm saving all the variations of the images every time they change :D

I've got 4 different 'top' images so far.

also, i think its weird how if they wanted to change the theme back to green, why didn't they change the bottom image back to green...
notice it's still red...

Oh wow. Look at you. lol Maybe they're giving us subliminal messages? :o
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on July 26, 2007, 09:34:41 am
hah mabey they saw that we were taking copys of the picture lol so they took it back eh who cares I am sure it will be back up soon.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: NolitaFairytale on July 26, 2007, 09:37:28 am
Or maybe they're changing it every day or whatever? Like on a constant basis they will change it back and forth? I hope so at least. The new pics are awesome, but so are the old xD. This way we get the best of both :razz:.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: ManuelD on July 26, 2007, 09:59:36 am
I think they should put the new pictures back and leave them there; I like the Harmonium pics too but she is trying to release a new album, so everything should be about Heroes and Thieves.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: clamicas on July 26, 2007, 12:27:05 pm
^I agree. if they want to alternate between heroes and thieves' promo pics fine, but old ones, then new ones,what's next bnn promo pics?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on July 26, 2007, 01:36:08 pm
Quote from: "clamicas"
^I agree. if they want to alternate between heroes and thieves' promo pics fine, but old ones, then new ones,what's next bnn promo pics?

lol dont say that they might see it and might be all like not a bad idea... eh its all good.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Martin. on July 26, 2007, 01:39:36 pm
Quote from: "clamicas"
^I agree. if they want to alternate between heroes and thieves' promo pics fine, but old ones, then new ones,what's next bnn promo pics?

Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: divasteph on July 26, 2007, 03:23:52 pm
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Suicidalboobs on July 29, 2007, 02:32:22 pm
anyway to get that .swf countdown to play on a blog or something?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: clamicas on July 29, 2007, 02:37:34 pm
try this:

<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" pluginspage="" height="425" width="363"></embed>
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Suicidalboobs on July 29, 2007, 03:42:38 pm
oh yes! it worked. thank you. i know nothing of all that html stuff...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Will on July 29, 2007, 04:32:32 pm
Hotlinking isn't cool. Put up the .swf on your own server.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: kaysha on July 29, 2007, 04:53:13 pm
Quote from: "Will"
Hotlinking isn't cool. Put up the .swf on your own server.
given how much putting the swf on other sites is going to promote Vanessa, i would assume in this case it isn't an issue... plus if they change it (colors, etc) then all the sites that link to it will have the updated version... assuming they keep the name the same.

Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Suicidalboobs on July 29, 2007, 05:46:09 pm
oh, i was unaware i was even hotlinking. Like i said, i'm not cpu savvy. What happens if i do that?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on July 29, 2007, 06:34:28 pm
Quote from: "Suicidalboobs"
oh, i was unaware i was even hotlinking. Like i said, i'm not cpu savvy. What happens if i do that?

yes same here I only know like the basic (not fully) things of HTML and all that junk...whats hotlinking anways?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: portions.for.foxes on July 29, 2007, 07:41:13 pm
Quote from: "itsthefiveofus"
Quote from: "Suicidalboobs"
oh, i was unaware i was even hotlinking. Like i said, i'm not cpu savvy. What happens if i do that?

yes same here I only know like the basic (not fully) things of HTML and all that junk...whats hotlinking anways?

It's when you go straight to the source code and steal another site's bandwidth. Which costs money.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on August 03, 2007, 02:21:08 pm
OMG Check out the website  8O

Loveing it! its not up yet but its like a new update thing.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Martin. on August 03, 2007, 02:30:23 pm
I like the 'Heroes & Thieves' logo! :D

Not sure about them using the font of the previous two albums though.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on August 03, 2007, 02:32:17 pm
Quote from: "Hazy Eyes"
I like the 'Heroes & Thieves' logo! :D

Not sure about them using the font of the previous two albums though.

eh I don't mind the font I mean in countless things where you see her handwriting she writes both ways so I mean its like her trademark so why not use it? now I really can't wait.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Martin. on August 03, 2007, 02:37:18 pm
Well, it's a new era with new music, a new sound and a new image. I'm not that bothered about the font, although if I had the option of her using it or not using it, I know which one I'd go for! :P
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: IfICouldFall on August 03, 2007, 03:07:18 pm
it looks good. I think that the "Heroes and Thieves" title is definitely drawn and it adds to the whole artsy feel to it.  :)
Edit: ew they mispelled "thieves" on the the very top. it says "Vanessa Carlton- Heroes & Theives". I before E!!!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on August 03, 2007, 03:34:27 pm
oh ha they did on the tab thingy oh well the site looks fine love how the album logo is drawn!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: clamicas on August 03, 2007, 04:03:07 pm
I do like the logo :D , however I think they should have vectorized it like most graphic things are done, not just scanned it and put it up, as well as that picture of that cameo, looks a bit unprofessional that way... imo
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: VaderDawsn on August 03, 2007, 04:18:01 pm
I like how it says Vanessa Carlton along the top of the album name ornamentation.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: ManuelD on August 03, 2007, 06:11:39 pm
Great!!!, now we see a change.
Title: Vanessa Site: Complete change
Post by: charmedguy18 on August 03, 2007, 08:04:34 pm
Clicky. (

It's all red and pretty. And it's got a nice historic, eighteenth century-esque touch.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Suicidalboobs on August 03, 2007, 08:37:02 pm
ok, i stared at it a while. maybe i am blind or stupid, but how, exactly does it make the symbol "and" cuz it doesn't look like "&" in the middle of the ''S''. Am I missing it?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: portions.for.foxes on August 03, 2007, 09:14:22 pm
Quote from: "Suicidalboobs"
ok, i stared at it a while. maybe i am blind or stupid, but how, exactly does it make the symbol "and" cuz it doesn't look like "&" in the middle of the ''S''. Am I missing it?

It's the small part around the middle of the "S" that looks like an uppercase cursive "I". "&" is just a more elaborate means of writing the word in short form, there are other signifiers for "and" as well, such as "+". Which I believe is the sign used for the logo, but the way it's positioned (So that it lines up with the "S" for artistic purposes) and the way that two ends of the plus sign connect in a loop (This is common with use of the plus symbol in writing, the loop allows the symbol to be written in one fluid stroke, instead of making two short strokes to write the symbol, which takes up more time) make it look like a cursive "I" here in the logo.

Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Suicidalboobs on August 03, 2007, 10:02:25 pm
Ah yes. I see it now, and it's in a very artistic use, if you ask me.  :thumbsup:
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: charmedguy18 on August 03, 2007, 10:05:30 pm
Quote from: "Suicidalboobs"
Ah yes. I see it now, and it's in a very artistic use, if you ask me.  :thumbsup:

Are you really in my closet?  8O

Oh, and I love the broach thingy on the new red website.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Suicidalboobs on August 03, 2007, 10:18:53 pm

return to topic under this line
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: charmedguy18 on August 03, 2007, 10:33:42 pm
Quote from: "Suicidalboobs"

return to topic under this line


You changed your icon and your sig thingy.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Imaginary Ocean on August 04, 2007, 12:54:39 am
I like the logo too. Can't wait to see the "real website"  :)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: joey on August 04, 2007, 03:45:51 am
I just love the way she puts her name about a dotted phoenix... Its done rather well...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Suicidalboobs on August 04, 2007, 09:34:49 am
the .swf countdown file has also changed to just a red background behind the numbers.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on August 05, 2007, 10:22:58 am
OOO i really like how the site is coming...i like the colors and the fonts :)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: blueglove on August 05, 2007, 11:21:48 am
is that really up there.. it looks like she got bored and wrote it on a napkin... the Hero's and thieves logo thing... but i guess it is new.. I kinda like it... maybe I just am so use to a computer black perfect text thing lol

It is growing on me... Nolita did
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on August 06, 2007, 05:36:23 pm
that little pendent thingy at the top of the heroes and thieves logo is like colored well like peach or whatever but its not black and white anymore Like it better.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: clamicas on August 06, 2007, 05:56:31 pm
Quote from: "itsthefiveofus"
that little pendent thingy at the top of the heroes and thieves logo is like colored well like peach or whatever but its not black and white anymore Like it better.

me too. the actual picture of it looks much better without that cheap dark version they had before :P
( (

( (
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on August 06, 2007, 05:57:42 pm
mmhmm I agree the newer version makes it look bright...even though its still black...thats just me.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: clamicas on August 06, 2007, 06:00:28 pm
^yeah, and it's not the same cameo, the previous one had a less pretty face and wasn't well cut. now they've cut it better and even did a little shadow underneath, that's something:)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on August 06, 2007, 06:01:51 pm
i think that little pic looks a lot better now :)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on August 06, 2007, 06:05:24 pm
oh and they corrected the misspelling of thieves on the tab thingy
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: me and my piano---tim on August 07, 2007, 12:31:29 am
Quote from: "clamicas"

( (

that's hot!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: clamicas on August 07, 2007, 06:27:21 pm
On the Universal Motown Newsletter they have this for v's cover:

Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on August 07, 2007, 06:38:18 pm
Where was that from?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: whitehouses81680 on August 07, 2007, 06:43:05 pm
it looks like antigone
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: clamicas on August 07, 2007, 06:57:18 pm
Quote from: "itsthefiveofus"
Where was that from?

Quote from: "clamicas"
On the Universal Motown Newsletter they have this for v's cover:

Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: cassiemoy on August 07, 2007, 07:09:02 pm
Quote from: "joey"
I just love the way she puts her name about a dotted phoenix... Its done rather well...

it's a phoenix? i thought it was a horse-like thing. because of the head? :squints:
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on August 07, 2007, 07:18:35 pm
Yes I read that part of the newsletter...but like did everyone else get it? I did not... I sighned up for that list thing on her website mmhmm don't know .... jeeze.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on August 07, 2007, 07:28:16 pm
kool....if that is the actual cover, i know its a bit plain...bu i actually like it :)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: KULPDOGG on August 07, 2007, 08:52:43 pm
what are you talking about?

I don't see any animal at all 8O
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on August 07, 2007, 08:55:53 pm
Quote from: "KULPDOGG"
what are you talking about?

I don't see any animal at all 8O

What I was thinking.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on August 07, 2007, 10:09:36 pm
hmmm...i see the animals i think their talking about...but i dunno if they are really animals intentionally or just the way the dots are placed...i dont really see the animals they make out..but i know what you guys are talking about...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: tylor2000 on August 07, 2007, 10:26:03 pm
It looks like VC backwards to me.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on August 07, 2007, 10:35:51 pm
Quote from: "tylor2000"
It looks like VC backwards to me.

ohh yes i agree i see that as well...i kinda see a birds head ontop of the a...but then i dont know what the rest of the stuff on the left would be....

but i dunno...who knows if the dots are even supposed to shape anything...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: KULPDOGG on August 07, 2007, 11:26:14 pm
wow, you guys are thinking way too much into that..

they're just dots that kinda flow around the name.
i like to think they're like a fountain....
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: tylor2000 on August 07, 2007, 11:58:15 pm
Quote from: "KULPDOGG"
wow, you guys are thinking way too much into that..

they're just dots that kinda flow around the name.
i like to think they're like a fountain....

Yeah probably, I only looked at it for a few minutes when I first went to the site and saw all those things they were talking about and then the mirror of VC stuck out at me.  The same stuff happens with clouds when people look at them, even though they are just water drops with dust.  People naturally make more out of something then it really is, especially if you are a dreamer and it is something randomly sketched out like that.  I personally apologize for making it more than it really is.  You are right it is just dots that flow around the name like a fountain.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: cassiemoy on August 08, 2007, 04:22:41 am
:apologizes as well: i just thought there was horse-like thing by the "nes" part of her name.

maybe all this recent flurry of H&T has gone to my head and messed up something up there.

it's very pretty all the same.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: TRINIST on August 08, 2007, 02:22:35 pm
Now it just shows the H&T logo. They've added a link to buy NF on itunes but it no longer says "new website coming soon". I hope this doesnt mean the site is delayed and we wont see it for ages....
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Suicidalboobs on August 08, 2007, 02:48:15 pm
but it still says "coming soon october 2007" I'm sure the website is still being worked on.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: KULPDOGG on August 08, 2007, 02:54:40 pm
the new image is located at:

still work  :?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Martin. on August 08, 2007, 06:49:00 pm
Just a small addition - "Nolita Fairytale on iTunes" - at the bottom.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: IfICouldFall on August 09, 2007, 04:39:30 pm
I see the phoenx thing... but it's weird.

Anyway, I would really like for Vanessa to be the one doing the profile shot on top of the title. It would be so cool if she were to do that, like Renaissance style... it would be pretty awesome!  :D
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: portions.for.foxes on August 09, 2007, 08:03:42 pm
Quote from: "KULPDOGG"
wow, you guys are thinking way too much into that..

they're just dots that kinda flow around the name.
i like to think they're like a fountain....


The rest of you guys are on crack. There are no phoenix's or horses all up in there. Get your eyes checked. :P
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on August 09, 2007, 08:10:35 pm
eh I dont really see it but I mean I get where they would see a head type thing but I don't see all the details or what not.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: clamicas on August 09, 2007, 08:19:50 pm
Quote from: "portions.for.foxes"
Quote from: "KULPDOGG"
wow, you guys are thinking way too much into that..

they're just dots that kinda flow around the name.
i like to think they're like a fountain....


The rest of you guys are on crack. There are no phoenix's or horses all up in there. Get your eyes checked. :P

lol I agree, for me it's also just dots.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: tylor2000 on August 09, 2007, 10:07:31 pm
Quote from: "clamicas"
Quote from: "portions.for.foxes"
Quote from: "KULPDOGG"
wow, you guys are thinking way too much into that..

they're just dots that kinda flow around the name.
i like to think they're like a fountain....


The rest of you guys are on crack. There are no phoenix's or horses all up in there. Get your eyes checked. :P

lol I agree, for me it's also just dots.

man, you guys are so uninspired.  I was going to write a poem on phoenixes and horse heads and whatnot.  Now you've reduced it to something about just dots:

Dot here
Dots there
Everywhere a dot dot
Dots flowing from every spot
in the air
like flowing water
in the shower
thru your hair.
or air
like wind though the mane of a mare
wait I mentioned a horse, did I not?
I think it is time to stop
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: IfICouldFall on August 10, 2007, 05:23:02 am
Quote from: "portions.for.foxes"
Quote from: "KULPDOGG"
wow, you guys are thinking way too much into that..

they're just dots that kinda flow around the name.
i like to think they're like a fountain....


The rest of you guys are on crack. There are no phoenix's or horses all up in there. Get your eyes checked. :P

Uh Oh...  :crazyeyes:  

:mm: <-- He's on crack.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Twilight_Angel on August 10, 2007, 05:44:57 am
erm.....whats with the queenish thing on the page?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: reveng_desire on August 10, 2007, 06:06:04 am
Quote from: "tylor2000"
Quote from: "clamicas"
Quote from: "portions.for.foxes"
Quote from: "KULPDOGG"
wow, you guys are thinking way too much into that..

they're just dots that kinda flow around the name.
i like to think they're like a fountain....


The rest of you guys are on crack. There are no phoenix's or horses all up in there. Get your eyes checked. :P

lol I agree, for me it's also just dots.

man, you guys are so uninspired.  I was going to write a poem on phoenixes and horse heads and whatnot.  Now you've reduced it to something about just dots:

Dot here
Dots there
Everywhere a dot dot
Dots flowing from every spot
in the air
like flowing water
in the shower
thru your hair.
or air
like wind though the mane of a mare
wait I mentioned a horse, did I not?
I think it is time to stop

Oh, god forbid haha :P
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Ghisy on August 10, 2007, 06:12:54 am
Quote from: "Twilight_Angel"
erm.....whats with the queenish thing on the page?

Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: KULPDOGG on August 10, 2007, 08:42:15 am
Quote from: "Ghisy"
Quote from: "Twilight_Angel"
erm.....whats with the queenish thing on the page?


the lady in the oval.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on August 10, 2007, 09:48:30 am
mmmhm it goes with the theme its all good.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Twilight_Angel on August 10, 2007, 11:30:57 am
thats the one. The lady in the oval. Whats with that?? Isn't it an english thing? (i have seen it alot here in jewelerry, not sure if its in america alot or not)

and yes. I suck at spelling.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on August 10, 2007, 11:33:16 am
im not sure..but one interview she said the artwork was inspired by like gothic german or russian (or something like that) horror tales. i could be totally off from what she said but i dont feel like findign the intervew she said it
Someone please correct
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Twilight_Angel on August 10, 2007, 11:34:49 am
It looks like old Lizzie  :lol: but Pianoplayer12 (sorry, name again?) you seem to have more idea about it. So i'll take your word for it.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on August 10, 2007, 11:46:51 am
LOL i was soo off...hahaha
here'es what she said....
"i was reading and inspired by alot of german fairytales, kinda gothic tales, when i was writing the record, and it inspired alot of the artwork as well"

So thats what she said....mayybe that girl in the mirror or portrait of whatever was imspired by this as well. :)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Ghisy on August 10, 2007, 01:13:26 pm
Quote from: "KULPDOGG"
Quote from: "Ghisy"
Quote from: "Twilight_Angel"
erm.....whats with the queenish thing on the page?


the lady in the oval.

Ohhhh, gotcha.
But it's a camee (sp?), does it have anything to do with royalty??
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Journey_to on August 10, 2007, 01:35:37 pm
I think there was once a picture  of Vanessa with one of those cameo things(the lady in the oval) pinned to her jacket...........I'm not sure if it's relative to this though...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: amberbeads on August 10, 2007, 02:10:49 pm
it's cameo
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Twilight_Angel on August 11, 2007, 05:02:22 am
What's cameo... :oops:
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Martin. on August 11, 2007, 05:13:19 am
Quote from: "Twilight_Angel"
What's cameo... :oops:

One of these:


You'll see something similar to that on Vanessa's logo. ;)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Twilight_Angel on August 11, 2007, 10:47:16 am
oh right!

no offence to V, but on auction shows old ladies are always selling them as broches :/

not a good sign, really.  :(
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on August 11, 2007, 11:37:53 am
well I mean its just a thing to go on with the theme its not biggy really.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: amberbeads on August 11, 2007, 02:16:15 pm
i love cameos, i have a brooch and a necklace. and i'm not an old lady, i'm 20. i think they're beautiful.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: All I Ask2003 on August 11, 2007, 02:52:15 pm
Quote from: "amberbeads"
i love cameos, i have a brooch and a necklace. and i'm not an old lady, i'm 20. i think they're beautiful.

me too, only i'm not 20.  they're nice to add to outfits to make it look a little more sophisticated, i think.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Twilight_Angel on August 12, 2007, 04:52:54 am
ohh, hehe. I only talk from what I have seen-sorry for any offence. I dont think they're that bad but I didnt know what kinda age they appealled to, so sorry for saying that. I stand corrected  :oops:
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Dianthus on August 13, 2007, 02:21:08 am
I thought it would be cool if the cameo face was of her :)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Ghisy on August 13, 2007, 11:57:25 am
^ Word.  8)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: KULPDOGG on August 14, 2007, 11:29:00 am
it changed again

and no, I don't mean the recent change that says the video premiere date..
they changed it again.
still basically the same, only the nolita fairytale thing is bigger and at the top now.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on August 14, 2007, 11:57:38 am
They keep like changing the placing of things!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: kaysha on August 14, 2007, 07:27:38 pm
I kinda get the impression they're using the live site as development lol...

like the division that does the graphics uploads the new page, sends an email like "how do ya'll like this?" and they say "nah, make this bigger, ooh i like that, but how about this color" and they change it up again :)

Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Ghisy on August 15, 2007, 02:11:03 am
Quote from: "kaysha"
I kinda get the impression they're using the live site as development lol...

My thoughts exactly!  :lol:
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: charmedguy18 on August 27, 2007, 03:38:33 pm
The video is on the website now. Just thought I'd post it. =]

edit: I swear I'm not crazy... It was there!!!
editedit: If you look in the page source, there's a flash object that's hidden. I'm sure that's a placeholder for what was for about a minute, the video.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PutYourHandsOnMe101 on August 27, 2007, 05:15:57 pm
^^^ Now there's a link to the VH1 top 20 vote page so people can vote for Nolita Fairytale!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Suicidalboobs on August 27, 2007, 06:21:43 pm
the source says:

video {

is that what you're talking about?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on August 27, 2007, 06:42:11 pm
im glad they put that VH1 thing on the site..i was hoping they would...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Suicidalboobs on August 28, 2007, 08:50:28 am
the video is on the website now. In the middle of the page. It's really small though.

Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: NolitaFairytale on August 28, 2007, 12:45:10 pm
It now has an awesome screen thing around the vid. :D.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: hearingballads on August 28, 2007, 12:54:39 pm
ooo I do like the picture frame thing. I like how her website and her cd designs are coming along. So Goth and Vanessa-y and cool. :) SO excited! Can't wait to buy her cd in a little more than a month!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Suicidalboobs on August 28, 2007, 12:58:20 pm
That is cool.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: charmedguy18 on August 28, 2007, 01:14:03 pm
Quote from: "Suicidalboobs"
That is cool.

Those images are entirely large in size. you need to compress them.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on August 28, 2007, 01:19:55 pm
Quote from: "Suicidalboobs"
That is cool.

aww the frame thing does not show up when I go on it but thats cool how they have it on there now
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on August 28, 2007, 01:46:27 pm
it looks alot better now with the frame around it :)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: VaderDawsn on August 30, 2007, 03:25:56 pm
Nolita fairytale is now playing on her site:
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: TRINIST on August 31, 2007, 06:43:14 am
it now says "COMING THIS FALL" in the header. Is that new? don't like the sound of that...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on September 13, 2007, 02:22:17 pm
On the music video a Marquee says the album is out 10/9....Nice! It's official 10/9!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on September 16, 2007, 05:52:35 am
double post....

can anyone else get on the website? I can't it just says "failed to open"

and thats if I put www. before the website and than without the www.

can anyone get on it?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: malchikgej on September 16, 2007, 05:55:32 am
I hope their updating it finally :)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on September 16, 2007, 01:29:32 pm
it works for me when i go here:
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: garry_coombs on September 16, 2007, 10:27:44 pm
The site is back up, but without any change, except only 21 days and 16 hours left!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Rick on September 16, 2007, 10:59:01 pm
There was a little difference that I saw. I don't think that many people notice it first time around. If you look at the stream of the Nolita Fairytale video, there are like words going across it advertising the album. That's all I got.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: marxu on October 05, 2007, 08:56:17 am
so, what do you think of the new design? I think it looks cute, very artistic..V and Victor sitting in a forest :) (at least it looks like them!?)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: ste_uel on October 05, 2007, 09:02:34 am
love it!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: All I Ask2003 on October 05, 2007, 09:09:59 am
Wow, I love it! It's really fantastic!  It seems like this one must've taken a lot of effort (and creativity) to make.  It looks good, and it's comprehensive.  Yay!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Gingernut on October 05, 2007, 09:13:56 am
That was well worth the wait! It's fantastic.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: All I Ask2003 on October 05, 2007, 09:15:20 am
Did anyone else see that there are new pictures?  I'd link you guys to it, but no matter what page on the site you go to, the URL stays the same.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Saulo on October 05, 2007, 09:19:15 am
:lol:  @ the news section:
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Dancernl on October 05, 2007, 09:22:57 am
I am very impressed with the new web site!  Although, the Bio section has some old information in it, like Heroes and Thieves having a Spring 2007 release.  Also the Heroes and Thieves page has a different track list from what's on the VH1 The Leak site.  

Looking forward to the store, performances, lots of tour dates and maybe new message boards (sans drama?  Ha.)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: nonotmebob on October 05, 2007, 09:28:12 am
i like the site :)
and I hope the new message boards are nicer and less confusing then the old ones honestly
Title: New Publicity Shots
Post by: nonotmebob on October 05, 2007, 09:46:11 am
Located on the new website..
I'm disappointed because I know somebody else could have taken better photos. V is too beautiful and we've all seen some lovely shots..

thankfully we'll be getting new photos all around aside from these promo shots
Title: Love the new site!
Post by: LostDwarf on October 05, 2007, 09:50:34 am
Wow what an amazing job the front page looks great!!  Very Lewis Carrol ish (author of Alice In Wonderland)

Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: B on October 05, 2007, 09:54:19 am
The new site layout is pretty cool. It isn't exactly user friendly, but as far as pizazz goes, it is fun. I like the whole scavenger hunt feel to find different pages.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: LostDwarf on October 05, 2007, 09:56:54 am
Like I said it's very Alice In Wonderlandish =)

I like it dammi!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: zurielshimon on October 05, 2007, 09:58:34 am
Okay, is this topic 9962 or 10990?! That was irritating because I was trying to reply right when that happened, but I guess that's what happens when you change the title. :x

Anyway, it is me or does it seem like most of the information in the bio was written by fans? :?:

It was 9962 but I broke it, so now it is 10990  :lol: -B
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: LostDwarf on October 05, 2007, 10:01:16 am
her bio has wrong information in it, says album release is spring 07
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: All I Ask2003 on October 05, 2007, 10:07:59 am
something interesting...
the little scroll bar thing and icon that comes up in the address bar on macs(idk the real name for it) on's sub-pages (the music page, for example) are the same as her earrings in this picture...

( (
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: joey on October 05, 2007, 10:18:36 am
WOW... amazing....

Very well done...

And the way the pages turn like a book... totally worth the wait...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: B on October 05, 2007, 10:30:34 am
Now the front page countdown is back, did someone realize the site wasn't supposed to go live yet and take it away?  :lol:
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: LostDwarf on October 05, 2007, 10:33:01 am
there was a lot of test stuff up on it i did notice going through all the pages, also it said it debuted at # 1 test test test  funny

Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: KULPDOGG on October 05, 2007, 10:35:31 am
yeah i was about to say, i don't see any new website up  :cry:

if anyone can, take screenshots, please =)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: LostDwarf on October 05, 2007, 10:40:54 am
for those of you who didn't get a chance to see it.......

it's like an alice in wonderland story book

it's all sketched out and you have to click on different objects in the pictures to go to a different area

very well done from what i saw
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Bar on October 05, 2007, 10:54:14 am
I got into the website like 5 minutes ago and I saw the new website
and now when I get into it I see only the other one
with the Nolita Firytale video !

Anyway,the new website is so cool ! I love it..
hope to see it again soon S:
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Ghisy on October 05, 2007, 11:26:45 am
Dang, I missed it too!! :(
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: lauraanne on October 05, 2007, 11:34:26 am
yeah i just got very confused cause everyone said 'the site looks great!' and i flipped out cause i thought it was open and when i got there it was the same. i wonder how long it will take to get it back up again
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: portions.for.foxes on October 05, 2007, 11:35:05 am
Whaaat, why did they change it back?! Ergh.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Dancernl on October 05, 2007, 11:47:09 am
If it goes live again and I see it I'll take some screen shots.  The intro page was the red background with just the Cameo and you had to click it to get to the main page.  If you look in the "I have the album" thread there is a picture of the back of the album case.  The main page looks like that, but with Vanessa and Victor drawn in the middle around a camp fire.  There was also a music player at the top of the page.  The songs I got to before I had to close out the page were Spring Street, Nolita and Hands on Me.  

As mentioned above you had to scroll over certain parts of the drawing to get to news, tour, boards (coming soon), store (also coming soon), a performances secion, music, and photos.  The music section was basically the three albums cover art and track listings.  You could click on some titles from Heroes and Thieves to listen.  The photos were basically the same as the promos we have, except for two I haven't seen of her posing in a white outfit with Victor.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: portions.for.foxes on October 05, 2007, 11:48:49 am
I'm pretty excited about the store, it took me a little while to realize that it was actually there, lol, it's so tiny and hidden in the background.

We need new VC merchandise like woooaaaahhh.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on October 05, 2007, 12:35:11 pm
agh missed it! oh well when it comes back up it should be amazing!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: reveng_desire on October 05, 2007, 12:46:58 pm
Damn it's not up. Oooo there's a store? Any t-shirts??? lol
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: IfICouldFall on October 05, 2007, 01:07:23 pm
Aww i missed it too! That's totally not fair for putting it up and then taking it down!!! I'm sad now.. Lol  :D
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: LostDwarf on October 05, 2007, 02:54:13 pm
i'm not even kidding you it was up less than 10 minutes and the amount of people who saw it are i guess "lucky"  probably was just a test

Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on October 05, 2007, 03:49:19 pm
agh keep missing it! oh well wonder when its going to be officialy up?

mabey Tuesday ?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on October 05, 2007, 04:55:21 pm
ya she said the website would be up thinking it'll be up on tuesday :)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: zurielshimon on October 05, 2007, 06:05:38 pm
Wow!  I'm never lucky about anything!

It was a really pretty site, though, and I kinda liked the "scavenger hunt" thing, but I am concerned if some people will have the patience for it.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: emil0ca on October 05, 2007, 07:32:04 pm
Man, missed it too. Sounds like it was pretty interesting? Same them as the back of her CD? 'Cause I really love that.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: pedrojoper on October 06, 2007, 04:51:10 am
Yeah. I saw it and tought that was it. When I came back later it was gone! I'm gessing it will be up and runing pretty soon...
Nice looks. Could be more user-friendly though. A bit hard to find the links...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: ste_uel on October 06, 2007, 07:18:45 am
I saw the weVsite and it looks awesome!  :lol:
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Bar on October 07, 2007, 08:06:48 am
I only sufficed to see the Bio, it was differenet from the other one or her Myspace or anyplace eles..and then I accidentally closed it, and when I entered again it was the old one :?

I hope it will come back 'till Oct. 9th
I'm sure it will be awesome
well I'm lucky for seeing this :)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: TRINIST on October 07, 2007, 09:05:10 am
Has anyone noticed that V's section on has also been updated? it used to be pics from the harmonium shoot with pink swirls but now theyre using H&T pics, including beautiful close-ups of her face.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: wiedzma_ple_ple on October 07, 2007, 09:37:40 am
Hahahah... I was there! :D
Me and my friend! Och, god, the site is fantastic!  :o
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on October 07, 2007, 10:32:11 am
veryyy nice :) i like the closeups. :D
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: amberbeads on October 07, 2007, 11:05:55 am
i can't see her section. the inc site doesn't load correctly for me.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: HarmySandwhich on October 08, 2007, 02:10:37 pm
Alright - now the website won't show up. I'm not sure how far the countdown as gone down to so i'm just checking it now. It's too bad the website won't load.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on October 08, 2007, 02:13:24 pm
wont open up for me either.

can it be a sign that they are updating it like fully now?!?!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: HarmySandwhich on October 08, 2007, 02:14:34 pm
Quote from: "itsthefiveofus"
wont open up for me either.

can it be a sign that they are updating it like fully now?!?!

Nope. It's loaded now but it's still loading...check again. Oh wait - the countdown and everything is gone. Only the top part appears. The video and the countdown and the label designs are gone.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Star7 on October 08, 2007, 02:15:04 pm
yea i thought it eas just me
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Star7 on October 08, 2007, 02:15:19 pm
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: HarmySandwhich on October 08, 2007, 02:16:16 pm
...and now it's not working again...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Martin. on October 08, 2007, 02:19:59 pm
i can't wait to see it.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: HarmySandwhich on October 08, 2007, 02:24:37 pm
Well they've added back the black Heroes and Thieves logo.

EDIT: Nope, everything is back on. Apparently, we have about 36 minutes left. I'm going to wait to see what happens after the countdown.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: garry_coombs on October 08, 2007, 02:30:19 pm
Quote from: "HarmySandwhich"
Well they've added back the black Heroes and Thieves logo.

EDIT: Nope, everything is back on. Apparently, we have about 36 minutes left. I'm going to wait to see what happens after the countdown.

I am waiting too, I'm tired but decided i'll regret it if i miss it so staying up till midnight (uk time) to see it countdown fully, its the most exciting thing ever!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Martin. on October 08, 2007, 02:31:43 pm
the site looks the same to me?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on October 08, 2007, 02:38:49 pm
Quote from: "Hazy Eyes"
the site looks the same to me?

mmhmm its back to how it was, but f or a while it was not working.
I am staying up to see what happens, plus to download the cd and finish a paper I have to write.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: lauraanne on October 08, 2007, 02:55:49 pm
the countdown can be changed. if you change the computer clock (for PC's atleast) the countdown changes with it.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: HarmySandwhich on October 08, 2007, 02:57:48 pm
Quote from: "lauraanne"
the countdown can be changed. if you change the computer clock (for PC's atleast) the countdown changes with it.

I thought of that but I never actually tried it. Does it just remain at 0 and nothing else happens?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on October 08, 2007, 03:03:56 pm
well you can also right click it and click on loop or something like that and it fast forawrds and it just says Heroes and Thieves: Out Now
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: HarmySandwhich on October 08, 2007, 03:06:26 pm
Quote from: "itsthefiveofus"
well you can also right click it and click on loop or something like that and it fast forawrds and it just says Heroes and Thieves: Out Now


It says "IN STORES NOW!"

And that's all...dammit, i'm disappointed
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on October 08, 2007, 03:07:18 pm
ah there we go I thought it said out now oh well I was close lol =]
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: garry_coombs on October 08, 2007, 03:10:35 pm
Oh my goodness that was awesome! I really enjoyed watching the countdown timer with VC in the background saying 'Take away my record deal, go on I don't need it'

Wooo! Amazing
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: rainforestspirit on October 08, 2007, 04:36:17 pm
I'm a bit confused - shouldn't the new site be up soon since the record comes out tomorrow? I guess they just still have too much work to do before they can officially put it up. But it would look so much more professional for her to have a real page that functions when the CD comes out....especially for people who are watching her on Regis and Kelly or Leno and start googling her.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on October 08, 2007, 04:58:13 pm
Quote from: "rainforestspirit"
I'm a bit confused - shouldn't the new site be up soon since the record comes out tomorrow? I guess they just still have too much work to do before they can officially put it up. But it would look so much more professional for her to have a real page that functions when the CD comes out....especially for people who are watching her on Regis and Kelly or Leno and start googling her.

I think the site is gunna be up as soon as the countdown hits 0.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Saulo on October 08, 2007, 06:48:27 pm
17 minutes left guys! I can't believe I've been following this countdown thingie since it first started, almost 100 days ago I think. Well I can't wait to see what happens when it hits the 0 mark.

Oh here we go, 16 minutes left already!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Martin. on October 08, 2007, 06:53:55 pm
the counter has already finished now on mine! 8)

"in stores now".

Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Rick on October 08, 2007, 09:17:47 pm
4 hours 48 minutes! :)))))))
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: amberbeads on October 09, 2007, 04:40:05 am
ummm maybe they should have her website up since you can officially purchase the record.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PutYourHandsOnMe101 on October 09, 2007, 04:42:26 am
Quote from: "amberbeads"
ummm maybe they should have her website up since you can officially purchase the record.

yeah...they should.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on October 09, 2007, 05:29:54 am
Quote from: "PutYourHandsOnMe101"
Quote from: "amberbeads"
ummm maybe they should have her website up since you can officially purchase the record.

yeah...they should.

Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Bar on October 09, 2007, 05:31:50 am
I want to see the websiteee!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Saulo on October 09, 2007, 06:16:28 am
The new website is up again guys!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: reveng_desire on October 09, 2007, 06:16:43 am
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Martin. on October 09, 2007, 06:18:06 am
woah. the site is pretty hot.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: reveng_desire on October 09, 2007, 06:18:54 am
Darn it all to hell it took me five minutes to find the store and then when I found it , it said coming soon lol
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Martin. on October 09, 2007, 06:24:58 am
the lyrics are up on the site too!

i love this site! it's hot.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Saulo on October 09, 2007, 06:26:34 am
And so after approximately 500 listens, I find out she's singing "And so our truths wait patiently" instead of "We sow our, truths wait, patiently" on Nolita Fairytale.  :roll:

And by the way it's elegant reposT on Come Undone  :razz:
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Martin. on October 09, 2007, 06:29:11 am
have you checked the photos?! 8O
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Saulo on October 09, 2007, 06:29:50 am
They're fantastic  8O

Although I HAD seen most of them on Friday :P
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Dancernl on October 09, 2007, 06:32:49 am
Yay it's live!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Twilight_Angel on October 09, 2007, 06:59:41 am
wow, it is now HOT.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: KULPDOGG on October 09, 2007, 07:16:56 am
wow, awesome!!!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: LostDwarf on October 09, 2007, 07:18:24 am
fijnally it's back up!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Dora on October 09, 2007, 07:46:27 am
its so beautiful
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PutYourHandsOnMe101 on October 09, 2007, 07:50:52 am
I'm dumb...hahaha. I just saw the cameo thing and I'm thinking "where's the new site!?!?!?" :x .....I figured it out though.

I wonder why they chose to have only Nolita Fairytale, Hands On Me, Spring Street, The One, & Home on the music player thing...Those are the five songs that i would choose as singles though so I'm happy. :D
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: CidadeLE on October 09, 2007, 08:44:15 am
It looks like in a fairy-tale.  Great idea. If V has this?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: HarmySandwhich on October 09, 2007, 08:47:14 am
The website works! AND IT HAS A DIARY!

EDIT: ffs...i'm too late.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: CidadeLE on October 09, 2007, 08:52:12 am
But the diary is empty.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Martin. on October 09, 2007, 08:55:25 am
Quote from: "CidadeLE"
But the diary is empty.

...for now ;)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: BWilli on October 09, 2007, 08:58:16 am

i wonder if all our old names will work on the boards or if we'll have to re-register...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: HarmySandwhich on October 09, 2007, 09:04:59 am
Quote from: "BWilli"

i wonder if all our old names will work on the boards or if we'll have to re-register...

Reregister probably...hang on. Are you not a green bean anymore?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: BWilli on October 09, 2007, 09:09:55 am
a what?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: HarmySandwhich on October 09, 2007, 09:11:01 am
Quote from: "BWilli"
a what?

I was referring to your modship.

Weren't you a mod before? Did you decide to give the position up?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: BWilli on October 09, 2007, 09:16:23 am
Quote from: "HarmySandwhich"
Quote from: "BWilli"
a what?

I was referring to your modship.

Weren't you a mod before? Did you decide to give the position up?

oh...nope.  that wasnt me
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Ghisy on October 09, 2007, 10:37:45 am
Ahhhhh yay, new site!!!!
It looks really nice, I like it. :)
Did you guys try to click on the drawing of Victor? ;)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: HarmySandwhich on October 09, 2007, 10:39:53 am
Quote from: "Ghisy"
Ahhhhh yay, new site!!!!
It looks really nice, I like it. :)
Did you guys try to click on the drawing of Victor? ;)

Yeah - there's a few articles there. It's pretty cool so we don't need to ask one of us to post various articles etc for each other.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: vcfan on October 09, 2007, 10:42:33 am
the most creative website i've ever seen! i'm at work.. and we're only allowed to go to certain websites on our computers (ie forums like these) so i had to go to the breakroom and use those computers so i can check what everyone was talking about. i'm in love with it, it's so cool!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Bar on October 09, 2007, 10:59:48 am
yayyy finally!
It is amazing !
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: HarmySandwhich on October 09, 2007, 11:01:40 am
Fingers Crossed for a completely different VCMB. Old style ftw!! I remember there were so many complaints about the new system.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: nolitafairytale2007 on October 09, 2007, 11:02:21 am
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new website!! SOOO creative. Great job V!!!!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: rainforestspirit on October 09, 2007, 11:45:18 am
Wow! Nice!!! I am in love with how creative it is!

I think it is strange that Spring Street is the song that comes up first though...shouldn't NF be the first song that plays automatically instead of SS? Oh well...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on October 09, 2007, 03:33:47 pm
does anybofy have any idea on what The Moon, and Happy Thoughts might be?? it says it says they were written by Robert Lewis Stevenson under the credits section....
Title: WEBSITE!!!
Post by: thewreckage on October 09, 2007, 03:33:59 pm
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Martin. on October 09, 2007, 03:34:51 pm
we know, lol...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: thewreckage on October 09, 2007, 03:35:17 pm
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: portions.for.foxes on October 09, 2007, 03:37:14 pm
Quote from: "PianoPlayer12"
does anybofy have any idea on what The Moon, and Happy Thoughts might be?? it says it says they were written by Robert Lewis Stevenson under the credits section....

Poems, I think.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on October 09, 2007, 03:43:44 pm
ooo are they in the album booklet??? i dont have the album yet :(
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: portions.for.foxes on October 09, 2007, 04:14:23 pm
Quote from: "PianoPlayer12"
ooo are they in the album booklet??? i dont have the album yet :(

Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: All I Ask2003 on October 09, 2007, 04:35:47 pm
Quote from: "All I Ask2003"
something interesting...
the little scroll bar thing and icon that comes up in the address bar on macs(idk the real name for it) on's sub-pages (the music page, for example) are the same as her earrings in this picture...

( (

Now that it's back up for real, did anyone else notice this?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: jsbachsonata on October 09, 2007, 04:42:09 pm
her album sounds like crap to be honest. I am thoroughly disappointed and would not be surprised if the album were a flop. Musically it is not very satisfying as her last two albums... just really primitive song writing in terms of technique. I guess all she can rely on is the image and promo she can get from IRV
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: portions.for.foxes on October 09, 2007, 04:43:39 pm
Quote from: "jsbachsonata"
her album sounds like crap to be honest. I am thoroughly disappointed and would not be surprised if the album were a flop. Musically it is not very satisfying as her last two albums... just really primitive song writing in terms of technique. I guess all she can rely on is the image and promo she can get from IRV

Get out.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: xxlovelyxx on October 09, 2007, 05:30:24 pm
i like the way they did the site, its refreshing
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on October 09, 2007, 05:30:31 pm
Quote from: "portions.for.foxes"
Quote from: "jsbachsonata"
her album sounds like crap to be honest. I am thoroughly disappointed and would not be surprised if the album were a flop. Musically it is not very satisfying as her last two albums... just really primitive song writing in terms of technique. I guess all she can rely on is the image and promo she can get from IRV

Get out.

Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: davidjp on October 09, 2007, 05:46:41 pm
Quote from: "All I Ask2003"
Quote from: "All I Ask2003"
something interesting...
the little scroll bar thing and icon that comes up in the address bar on macs(idk the real name for it) on's sub-pages (the music page, for example) are the same as her earrings in this picture...

( (

Now that it's back up for real, did anyone else notice this?

I've noticed it now.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on October 09, 2007, 06:01:41 pm
mmhmm Its like that for me as well and I don't have a mac.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Butz on October 09, 2007, 06:14:46 pm
Quote from: "jsbachsonata"
her album sounds like crap to be honest. I am thoroughly disappointed and would not be surprised if the album were a flop. Musically it is not very satisfying as her last two albums... just really primitive song writing in terms of technique. I guess all she can rely on is the image and promo she can get from IRV

'eff off!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: emil0ca on October 09, 2007, 06:17:39 pm
Wow, what a gorgeous website. It's beautiful!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: HeroesAndThieves on October 09, 2007, 08:32:53 pm
Does this give us hint's on possible 2nd singles? Spring Street does start 1st? :D And only 5 songs are up  :)

The Book of Heroes And Thieves is stuffed up  :(

I love the photos! The one's in the white dress would make such a good Spring Street cover  :wink:
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on October 09, 2007, 08:39:45 pm
Quote from: "HeroesAndThieves"
Does this give us hint's on possible 2nd singles? Spring Street does start 1st? :D And only 5 songs are up  :)

The Book of Heroes And Thieves is stuffed up  :(

I love the photos! The one's in the white dress would make such a good Spring Street cover  :wink:

Ya i am pretty sure the singles will be between, The One, Home, Spring Street, and Hands on Me...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: HeroesAndThieves on October 09, 2007, 08:45:19 pm
I've realised that Spring Street plays in full, but Hands On Me,The One and Home are samples...

I'm like 75% sure that Spring Street will be the second single  :D .

I hope so as well.. it's so great
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on October 09, 2007, 08:50:36 pm
Quote from: "HeroesAndThieves"
I've realised that Spring Street plays in full, but Hands On Me,The One and Home are samples...

I'm like 75% sure that Spring Street will be the second single  :D .

I hope so as well.. it's so great

Hmm i never noticed that..well because i always turn off the site i listen to them on iTunes instead...ya i think Spring Street would actually do REALLY well as a second single... :)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: HeroesAndThieves on October 09, 2007, 08:52:35 pm
I also noticed in Nolita Fairytale when she says "take away my record deal" it's very different O.O
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on October 09, 2007, 08:57:08 pm
ooo yes it is different..i prefer it like that...

i think we have that version floating around here somewhere...
if we do could someone PLEASE post the download link here :D
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: HeroesAndThieves on October 09, 2007, 09:02:41 pm
Did anyone notice in the Diary it says "October 2" maybe the site was meant to open then  :?:
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on October 09, 2007, 09:07:09 pm
mine doesnt say anythin :(
but my comp is messed up...cuz the tour dates section doesnt work either....

but i guess V won't be posting on the mesage boards anymore, and will be using the diary instead..
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: HeroesAndThieves on October 09, 2007, 09:11:35 pm
My Lyrics Section [heroes and thieves book] is completely stuffed, the lyrics overlap eachother...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Butz on October 10, 2007, 06:32:09 am
Quote from: "HeroesAndThieves"
I also noticed in Nolita Fairytale when she says "take away my record deal" it's very different O.O

It's the 'lil gangsta' version, it's cute.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Dancernl on October 10, 2007, 07:38:58 am
Quote from: "HeroesAndThieves"
My Lyrics Section [heroes and thieves book] is completely stuffed, the lyrics overlap eachother...

Good (well, not really) I thought it was just my computer that did that.  At least we can look in the lyrics section here or the album notes.  I hope they fix it soon.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: HeroesAndThieves on October 10, 2007, 07:40:31 am
Well it works on my computer, on the family computer it's wrecked  :lol:
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Dancernl on October 10, 2007, 07:47:41 am
Quote from: "HeroesAndThieves"
Well it works on my computer, on the family computer it's wrecked  :lol:

I just checked, it works for me now.  :D
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Imaginary Ocean on October 10, 2007, 12:36:12 pm
Great website !!! Better than a lot of singers' websites !
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: zurielshimon on October 10, 2007, 12:39:58 pm
The dern website keeps locking up my web browser, whether I use Fx Or IE.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: vanessafan18 on October 10, 2007, 12:44:47 pm
The new website is so different from how I thought it would be! I really love it though-it's so V! The illustrations are beautiful.

Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Epit on October 10, 2007, 09:41:39 pm
oh i love the website so much..
a lot of infos there...  8)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: saphire on October 11, 2007, 09:42:36 am
well maybe noone else has this problem but the official site doesn't show  then a red background. How can i see everything?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Martin. on October 11, 2007, 11:31:50 am
it works fine for me...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: amberbeads on October 11, 2007, 12:27:54 pm
i can't stand the site. it's a pain.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Martin. on October 11, 2007, 12:47:35 pm
vanessa's updated her diary on the page with tour date information. i guess there's no time for small talk, she just gets to the point. :lol: ;)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: TRINIST on October 13, 2007, 07:22:24 am
They've added More than this and A Thousand Miles to the player  :D
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Angelcorrine on October 13, 2007, 07:33:28 am
Quote from: "saphire"
well maybe noone else has this problem but the official site doesn't show  then a red background. How can i see everything?

I have that problem on my work computer which has an older version of Internet Explorer.  But, I can open it fine using Firefox at home.  Maybe you should update to the latest version of Internet Explorer?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: HarmySandwhich on October 13, 2007, 08:29:29 am
Hey - they've updated the moving pictures section. There now appears a youtube link: "The One ft Stevie Nicks" but the link isn't working for me :(

edit: It does work, it just takes ages to load up. Anyway, here's the link they put up It's the One Live @ the Roxy ft. Stevie Nicks.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: B on October 13, 2007, 09:11:17 am
haha, that's awesome they linked Let's video.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on October 13, 2007, 09:48:09 am
LOL IM SOOO DUMB! now i understand what moving pictures means...LOL i thought they meant like pictures they were moving...but VIDEOS are moving pictures...hahaha god im soo dumb..hahahaa
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: ordinaryday6 on October 13, 2007, 09:57:49 am
this website sucks. it's pretty, but it's incredibly hard to navigate through.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on October 13, 2007, 02:36:03 pm
I don't think its hard to navigate through...

it now has a square at the top left ith review quotes from billboard and other mags and sites.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: liquidblue244 on October 13, 2007, 06:59:26 pm
Quote from: "itsthefiveofus"
I don't think its hard to navigate through...

it now has a square at the top left ith review quotes from billboard and other mags and sites.

It isn't, I like the new site, it's like a story book! :D
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on October 13, 2007, 07:07:29 pm
oo that qoute thing is coool
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: HeroesAndThieves on October 17, 2007, 12:03:30 am
They put up More Than This (new opener) :D and A Thousand Miles, there's also quotes from famous reviews and stuff.  :D
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on October 17, 2007, 03:13:40 pm
is the site working for anyone? It's not for me...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Star7 on October 17, 2007, 03:22:31 pm
it isnt working for me
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on October 17, 2007, 03:43:29 pm
nice they are probableydoing something with the store or the boards!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Martin. on October 17, 2007, 06:03:05 pm
vanessa's myspace picture has changed! 8)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on October 17, 2007, 06:22:10 pm
Quote from: "Hazy Eyes"
vanessa's myspace picture has changed! 8)

ooo it did...i wouldve picked the pic with her hair in front of her face....where its like curled....but it looks good. :)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: rainforestspirit on October 17, 2007, 07:32:22 pm
Quote from: "PianoPlayer12"
Quote from: "Hazy Eyes"
vanessa's myspace picture has changed! 8)

ooo it did...i wouldve picked the pic with her hair in front of her face....where its like curled....but it looks good. :)

Um, I don't really like this photo, it looks like she is stoned or something...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Natalie21 on October 17, 2007, 09:36:00 pm
soo all i see on her page is red its all red lol i hope its up soon
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Nessaholista on October 20, 2007, 01:59:37 pm
I noticed something, there's a credits for every song EXCEPT for Fools Like Me. Why? O.o
Title: site
Post by: dreamday on October 24, 2007, 03:45:43 pm
I miss it  :cry:
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: lauraanne on October 25, 2007, 04:53:22 pm
her page works for me. shes not approving comments and picture comments on her myspace anymore   :?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Bar on October 26, 2007, 03:25:56 am
yeah I send like 3 comments and they were not approved.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on October 26, 2007, 01:34:31 pm
hmmm...i wonder when her message boards will be up...
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: portions.for.foxes on October 26, 2007, 03:01:09 pm
Quote from: "PianoPlayer12"
hmmm...i wonder when her message boards will be up...

Wouldn't it be awesome if it linked to here. lol
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on October 26, 2007, 03:14:03 pm
that would be pretty funny..but i prefered the o-boards. :)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: rainforestspirit on October 26, 2007, 04:54:34 pm
oh man, Nessaholics is MUCH better than the O boards. The people here are much more mature (for the most part that is)
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on October 26, 2007, 05:10:10 pm
Quote from: "rainforestspirit"
oh man, Nessaholics is MUCH better than the O boards. The people here are much more mature (for the most part that is)

i used to think people here were more mature...but with the amount of retarded arguments being started here, im starting to doubt that.
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: Natalie21 on October 29, 2007, 01:03:22 pm
yay soo i got it  working for me and i love it its like a book i made a really cool Layout  for Myspace and YouTube and it look's just like it..
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on October 30, 2007, 07:47:28 pm
lol i find it funny how under the Come Undone Credits it says: Hand claps performaned by everyone at the studio that day.
so does anyone have any  idea why there are no credits for FLM?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on April 11, 2008, 06:30:53 pm
anyone else like the update on the moving pictures section?
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: AisforAdrn on April 12, 2008, 09:38:18 am
I don't like it...really. I mean it's cool that they have all the videos there..but it's whatever.
When is the damn store gonna open?!
Title: Vanessa's Web Site -- (Discuss here!)
Post by: AisforAdrn on April 12, 2008, 09:39:13 am
I just tried to look at a video and it goes to this cheap video player crap.
Oh well.