Vanessa Carlton => Live Shows => Topic started by: rainforestspirit on December 01, 2007, 12:54:13 am

Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: rainforestspirit on December 01, 2007, 12:54:13 am
Wow! The concert was amazing! There must have been at least 5,000 people, if not more, in this tiny place! Of course it was a free show but it was excellent publicity for V (I do ask, where in the world was the merchandise and CD's? What was she thinking??).

She wasn't as animated and humorous as usual (most likely because of the crowd since she couldn't be as non-PC with the jokingly anti-VH1 and record label rants or swear words) but the audio was excellent!! Her voice was amazing and the piano was incredible. Best audio of any of the 6 concerts I have been to but the least animation by V....

I got the set list from the sound guy that is not named Mark (anyone know his name, long curly hair?) which I will post tomorrow after some sleep.

I also took a TON of photos with my Canon 20D and 300mm lens. And they are amazing! It will take several days to process them, but here is a teaser....





You gotta love the bracelet....

NESAHOLICS were there loud and proud tonight and a bunch of others got some video. And we all got to meet her afterwards!!!

Details once sleep is had....well worth the 4.5 hour drive each way!!
Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: Martin. on December 01, 2007, 01:19:18 am
Wow, I'm glad you had a great time at the concert!

Great turn out too.
Title: Re: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Revi
Post by: kaysha on December 01, 2007, 02:39:08 am
Quote from: "rainforestspirit"
She wasn't as animated and humorous as usual (most likely because of the crowd since she couldn't be as non-PC with anti-VH1 and record label rants or swear words) but the audio was excellent!! Her voice was amazing and the piano was incredible. Best audio of any of the 6 concerts I have been to but the least animation by V....

I got the set list from the sound guy that is not named Mark (anyone know his name, long curly hair?) which I will post tomorrow after some sleep.
I have never heard her make any anti-VH1 remarks, just wanted to clear that up.

I'm guessing the sound guy you got the set list from was Ziggy!  A picture was taken of him at the VA show, is this who gave you the set list?

Also, i can't wait to see the rest of the pics!  So glad you went and drove all that way and the show was so great :)

Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: edwinc1017 on December 01, 2007, 05:57:33 am
Set List:

White Houses
Hands On Me
Heroes and Thieves
Nolita Fairytale
My Best
The One
Ordinary Day
Who's To Say
Fools Like Me


A Thousand Miles
More Than This

The concert was great and the sound was amazing. I'll post some pics and videos later.
Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: edwinc1017 on December 01, 2007, 07:07:06 am
(    (   (  (  (
Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: edwinc1017 on December 01, 2007, 07:18:00 am
Before the concert

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Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: Martin. on December 01, 2007, 07:33:43 am
Those pictures are great!

LOL @ Victor.
Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: edwinc1017 on December 01, 2007, 07:42:28 am
Quote from: "Hazy Eyes"
Those pictures are great!

LOL @ Victor.

Thanks! Yeah Victor likes to pose for the cameras
Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: edwinc1017 on December 01, 2007, 08:19:49 am
(       (    (      (  (
Title: Re: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Revi
Post by: rainforestspirit on December 01, 2007, 08:55:23 am
Quote from: "kaysha"
Quote from: "rainforestspirit"
She wasn't as animated and humorous as usual (most likely because of the crowd since she couldn't be as non-PC with anti-VH1 and record label rants or swear words) but the audio was excellent!! Her voice was amazing and the piano was incredible. Best audio of any of the 6 concerts I have been to but the least animation by V....

I got the set list from the sound guy that is not named Mark (anyone know his name, long curly hair?) which I will post tomorrow after some sleep.
I have never heard her make any anti-VH1 remarks, just wanted to clear that up.

Sorry! Maybe it is just my humor and the way I phrase things. She has talked about her videos being banned by MTV and VH1 and then after these comments said, "god damn those people!" In a joking way of course! I always loved these kind of comments. I was just meaning that she could not say things like this at a show this large because it is a bit risky if she is quoted and people do not know she is kidding. I can edit my previous post if it makes you think I am misrepresenting her in any way. But I meant the anti-VH1 remarks in a joking sort of way!

Quote from: "kaysha"
I'm guessing the sound guy you got the set list from was Ziggy!  A picture was taken of him at the VA show, is this who gave you the set list?

Yep, that was him! Thanks!!!

Quote from: "kaysha"
Also, i can't wait to see the rest of the pics!  So glad you went and drove all that way and the show was so great :) -katia

More coming soon including Victor...
Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: itsthefiveofus on December 01, 2007, 09:07:50 am
that was a great turnout! Sounds like you had a great time!
Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on December 01, 2007, 10:57:25 am
sounds like it was great!!! so was this just a V concert or were there a bunch of people performing?
Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: edwinc1017 on December 01, 2007, 11:09:45 am
Quote from: "PianoPlayer12"
sounds like it was great!!! so was this just a V concert or were there a bunch of people performing?

Ingrid Michaelson performed too
Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: Rick on December 01, 2007, 12:04:37 pm
I see a guitarist. Was she playing with one? Since like...Sky is gone? :'(
Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: All I Ask2003 on December 01, 2007, 03:26:04 pm
Fantastic, needless to say.  I met her afterward, and there were some REALLY rude, annoying girls there who met her afterward too.  Vanessa was in a hotel room in some alleyway at City Place where she went before and after the soundcheck and show.  

These girls overheard Mark talking about what room she was staying in, and kept telling the few of us who were waiting for Vanessa to come out what her room number was.  Some random guy came running out of the hotel and was like "Hey, Vanessa Carlton's up there, right?  I wanna see her!"  And so one of the girls, who said she was 17, just blurted out, "She's in room 212!!!"  So rude and stupid of her.

Anyway, my friends and I all met Vanessa, and one of my friends and I reminded her that I was the girl who gave her the shark.  This time, we gave her a collar and matching lead and a Christmas scarf for Victor, "Turn on the Bright Lights" by Interpol, and an alligator head!  hahaha, I was sitting in a potted plant waiting for her to come out, and a snail crawled on to the bag that had the gifts in it.  One of my friends was like "Oh, leave it!  She'll like it!"  So I left it, and she did love it!  lol, she was showing it to Mark and her security guard.  She asked me how to spell my name (Ky).  So I'm like "It's just K-Y, like that vagina...jelly lube stuff". lol I have videos of us meeting her and some pictures that I'll edit into this post, but for now I'll just link you guys to my photobucket page where I'm currently uploading everything.
Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: Suicidalboobs on December 01, 2007, 07:19:23 pm
Oh jeez! What a great show! I didn't know you guys met her afterwards! :( Oh well, i got there freakin early and got her autograph! She stepped out of a white limousine and victor too. I then approached her with a sharpie and my Heroes and Thieves cd. She signed the back of the lyric booklet for me and even put an X and O :)). I was so starstruck I didn't ask any questions or anything.... Which i regreted later. I had so much to tell her, but i was in shock I guess...

  BTW! since I got there freaking early, i got all of the soundcheck footage. Plus victor fooling around. He's so cute. I have TONS of video to upload on Youtube.

 Concert highlights:

During Ordinary Day, the bell tolled in the background (which you will hear on the soundcheck footage. But this was during the actual show, which I didn't get, anyways, On the third verse she was singing "and as I looked to the door, I saw that boy, standing there with a- *TOLL* *TOLL*. etc. then she stopped and said that the moment should be for those overseas. ANd picked back up again afterwards. Lol. My Battery died beacause of all the soundcheck footage so I didn't get the whole setlist, but I did GET: White Houses, Hands On Me, Heroes and Thieves, Nolita Fairytale, My Best, and The One. On the soundcheck footage I got Heroes and Thieves, White Houses, and Who's To Say. It was funny because she looked at us and told us we weren't supposed to be there yet.

I'll upload the videos A.S.A.P! (soundcheck footage was really good)
Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on December 01, 2007, 07:38:54 pm
Quote from: "Suicidalboobs"
Oh jeez! What a great show! I didn't know you guys met her afterwards! :( Oh well, i got there freakin early and got her autograph! She stepped out of a white limousine and victor too. I then approached her with a sharpie and my Heroes and Thieves cd. She signed the back of the lyric booklet for me and even put an X and O :)). I was so starstruck I didn't ask any questions or anything.... Which i regreted later. I had so much to tell her, but i was in shock I guess...

  BTW! since I got there freaking early, i got all of the soundcheck footage. Plus victor fooling around. He's so cute. I have TONS of video to upload on Youtube.

 Concert highlights:

During Ordinary Day, the bell tolled in the background (which you will hear on the soundcheck footage. But this was during the actual show, which I didn't get, anyways, On the third verse she was singing "and as I looked to the door, I saw that boy, standing there with a- *TOLL* *TOLL*. etc. then she stopped and said that the moment should be for those overseas. ANd picked back up again afterwards. Lol. My Battery died beacause of all the soundcheck footage so I didn't get the whole setlist, but I did GET: White Houses, Hands On Me, Heroes and Thieves, Nolita Fairytale, My Best, and The One. On the soundcheck footage I got Heroes and Thieves, White Houses, and Who's To Say. It was funny because she looked at us and told us we weren't supposed to be there yet.

I'll upload the videos A.S.A.P! (soundcheck footage was really good)

LOL sounded like fun.
cant wait for the vids :D
Title: Re: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Revi
Post by: kaysha on December 01, 2007, 10:19:35 pm
Quote from: "rainforestspirit"
Quote from: "kaysha"
Quote from: "rainforestspirit"
She wasn't as animated and humorous as usual (most likely because of the crowd since she couldn't be as non-PC with anti-VH1 and record label rants or swear words) but the audio was excellent!! Her voice was amazing and the piano was incredible. Best audio of any of the 6 concerts I have been to but the least animation by V....

I got the set list from the sound guy that is not named Mark (anyone know his name, long curly hair?) which I will post tomorrow after some sleep.
I have never heard her make any anti-VH1 remarks, just wanted to clear that up.

Sorry! Maybe it is just my humor and the way I phrase things. She has talked about her videos being banned by MTV and VH1 and then after these comments said, "god damn those people!" In a joking way of course! I always loved these kind of comments. I was just meaning that she could not say things like this at a show this large because it is a bit risky if she is quoted and people do not know she is kidding. I can edit my previous post if it makes you think I am misrepresenting her in any way. But I meant the anti-VH1 remarks in a joking sort of way!
i totally understand, it's just people tend to read the forums here too so i always get concerned about a rumor starting that V is "anti-VH1" lol :-P
Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: Suicidalboobs on December 02, 2007, 07:08:50 am
Who's To Say Soundcheck:

White Houses Soundcheck:

Vanessa Arriving:

Vanessa, Victor, Mark, and Ziggy. Mark and Ziggy playing with victor:

Heroes and Thieves Soundcheck:

More Than This Soundcheck:

Concert Footage:
White Houses (First song):

Nolita Fairytale:

Hands On Me and Heroes and Thieves:

My Best:

The One:
Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: edwinc1017 on December 02, 2007, 07:16:15 am

Who's To Say:
The One:
Nolita Fairytale:
Heroes & Thieves:
Fools Like Me:
Hands On Me:
White Houses:
Who's To Say (Soundcheck):
Meeting Vanessa:
More Than This:
Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: Martin. on December 02, 2007, 07:30:54 am
^^ Thanks!

Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: KULPDOGG on December 02, 2007, 09:04:58 am
thanks for the videos!

 :( she doesn't go up at the end of the first extended 'are' in Who's To Say anymore  :(
thats like my only disappointment. lol.
I loved when she did that.
Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: Martin. on December 02, 2007, 09:22:27 am
That "White Houses" intro is so damn hot.
Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: Suicidalboobs on December 02, 2007, 09:45:41 am
yes it is.

keep checking back at that post for I will put all the other vids there once uploaded.
Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: ste_uel on December 02, 2007, 10:12:00 am
its beautiful!  thanks for all the pictures and videos :cry:  :D
Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: Natalie21 on December 02, 2007, 10:28:35 am
Hey look's like it was a good show love the pic's of Victor and Vanessa thank's for posting the video's
Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: edwinc1017 on December 02, 2007, 10:54:22 am
Thanks! If any of you guys want the audio of any of the songs just tell me.
Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: hello000 on December 02, 2007, 11:05:08 am
I'd love the audio, if you're willing to post it!  

She did sound really great on those youtube videos.
Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: PianoPlayer12 on December 02, 2007, 11:28:09 am
thanks for the vids.
yes i would love the audio as well :D
Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: edwinc1017 on December 02, 2007, 12:01:28 pm
Quote from: "PianoPlayer12"
thanks for the vids.
yes i would love the audio as well :D

sure I'll post them asap
Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: Bar on December 02, 2007, 03:09:10 pm
wow what an awsome preformence !
Vanessa went up and did lots of changes in the tones, that was beautiful.
I guess that's because the audience was very supportive [sounds like he was].

glad you had a good time there [: .
and thanks for the vids.
Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: edwinc1017 on December 03, 2007, 05:42:16 am

Who's To Say:
White Houses (Soundcheck):
The One:
Who's To Say (Soundcheck):
Fools Like Me:
Hands On Me:
Heroes & Thieves:
More Than This:
Nolita Fairytale:
White Houses:
Title: 11/30/2007: City Place Plaza - West Palm Beach, FL (Review)
Post by: Suicidalboobs on December 07, 2007, 11:58:06 am
All my vids are up. Check them out for a different perspective! on page 2.