Other Topics => Completely Off-Topic => Topic started by: itsthefiveofus on January 11, 2008, 04:09:54 pm

Title: are AP classes hard?
Post by: itsthefiveofus on January 11, 2008, 04:09:54 pm
I am going to be taking 2 AP classes next year (junior) are they hard???? Some people are like its ok and some are like "worst mistake you just did by agreeing to take them"

feedback? I am going to be taking US History AP and English 3 AP oh and French 3 honors.....

are those hard????

Title: are AP classes hard?
Post by: LimeTwister on January 11, 2008, 04:21:00 pm
I loved AP US's not hard, but it can be a whole lot of work that you should be willing to put into the class in order to be successful.

The pros outweigh the cons.  If you're doing well in school now, then you SHOULD be fine then.
Title: are AP classes hard?
Post by: TSE on January 11, 2008, 04:33:16 pm
I LOVED History, English, and Chem....Physics and Calc were good too.

My teacher built the History test up to be sooo hard.  She was told us none of us worked hard enough to pass...and about 2/3's of the class (including me) got credit.  hahaha

I <3333ed my Chem teacher.  Now I am studying to be a Chemical Engineer.

Title: are AP classes hard?
Post by: Jophess on January 11, 2008, 10:05:30 pm
I'm taking AP US as a junior right now. Obviously it depends on the teacher, but I think that (in general) it's a lot of work. We do a lot of writing and analysis - they looked at our English grades for admission into the class. It's an interesting class and it can be rewarding if you put a lot of effort into it. Case in point - I just got back a 12-page research paper and I got an A+ on it. I put in a lot of work and it payed off.
Title: are AP classes hard?
Post by: itsthefiveofus on January 11, 2008, 10:27:17 pm
cool. Yeah my teachers looked up my English grades from this year and last year as well. I spoke to one of the 3 teachers that teach the AP U.S history and he said that its a lot of writing and analysis as well. Fun  oh well he did say that it was rewarding as well.

thanks for the advice and stuff guys!
Title: are AP classes hard?
Post by: heyheyitsaiste on January 12, 2008, 04:09:19 am
yeah its not that hard it's just a lot of work.

but you seem like you'll be fine.
Title: are AP classes hard?
Post by: NoelleNC on January 12, 2008, 11:52:46 am
The only AP class I took in high school was English bc I love English and didn't feel like working too hard in anything else. haha, it didn't matter I still got into a really good college. The only thing I wished I'd taken more AP for was credits because then you don't have to worry about meeting the reqs.

ANYWAY, my English AP was actually really easy and I ended up with over a 100 GPA because it gets weighted. It depends on the teacher I'd say. There was a lot of reading compared to other high school English courses I'd taken, but nothing like college. Once I was actually in college I realized how much more work it was. I don't even remember doing work in high school, but there are some projects & things I did in college that I know I'll never forget. I'm glad I went because I definitely learned a ton.
Title: are AP classes hard?
Post by: whitehouses81680 on January 15, 2008, 07:48:34 am
i took AP world history in the 9th grade.
after the insane work load, i ended up getting a 5.
it was crazy hard, but its worth it.
Title: are AP classes hard?
Post by: whitehouses81680 on January 15, 2008, 07:48:57 am
just try taking IB
now that's the hardest.
Title: are AP classes hard?
Post by: jessica73 on January 15, 2008, 08:04:43 am
AP Chem made me want to die. It wasn't that hard looking back, but I hate Chemistry. :/

AP Lit... :heart: