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Title: First Job
Post by: itsthefiveofus on June 06, 2008, 04:31:31 pm
Anyone have tips for getting a job? I want to get one since its summer and I finally 16. Tips? thanks oh and if anyone has any stories or experiences.
Title: First Job
Post by: Morgan on June 06, 2008, 06:43:56 pm
That would be nice, haha.
I don't have a job or ever had one if you discount babysitting.
Title: First Job
Post by: B on June 06, 2008, 07:07:07 pm
It really depends on what you want (or are willing to do). Different stores/companies tend to have different hiring policies for minors too, depending on their hours, etc. It can't hurt to just kind of search around for entry level stuff, think about places you might want to work or things you'd be interested in doing and start pursuing stuff from there. :)
Title: First Job
Post by: LimeTwister on June 07, 2008, 05:34:18 pm
friends with connections.
Title: First Job
Post by: iluvvanessa on June 07, 2008, 06:15:56 pm
I'm searching for a job too [having no luck though] look for jobs on and walk around town and go to the small family owned businesses and drop off a resume, thats what I did, but it's a little late to start looking now. AMC movie theaters hires at ages 15+.
Title: First Job
Post by: zurielshimon on June 11, 2008, 06:02:32 pm
I'm looking for a job right now as well, but its industrial stuff, so I really couldn't recommend anything to a 16-year-old. One thing I think would probably help is to try not to act as immature as a lot of the teens out there looking for jobs. It may get someone a job behind a McDonald's counter, but it's a big turnoff if you're wanting something worthwhile.
Title: First Job
Post by: Manda on June 12, 2008, 12:44:35 am
I worked at DQ when I was in High School, it was pretty fast paced and busy and the typical high school job.

Then I worked at Best Buy, I absolutely loved it until people were getting fired or quitting on a weekly basis. I didn't like how they called us a "family" and when we were rewarded with blue crew bucks we never saw any of it. Managers were switched all the time, the way they treated employees was disgusting. I was hired at Circuit City too, but decided not to go through that again.

Now I work for Peet's Coffee & Tea. We had our one year anniversary tonight, we truly are a family. We are making better tips, the customers are wonderful! I have to take coffee and tea classes, and its very fast paced. Its not a laid back job, and there is a lot of growth with the company. I'm an example of that...I only took the job while my bank application went through, and when things were all said an done and they were ready for me to actually start I could not leave Peet's.

Do what makes you happy. Seriously. Don't take a job just for the money, you will be miserable. I may not make a lot, but I make enough and then some, and tips every week. At least $50 cash for gas or what I put in my savings for books and stuff for school. The flexibility is great with my classes sometimes being all over the place. Its a great college student job and I'm happy.
Title: First Job
Post by: iluvvanessa on June 12, 2008, 05:35:54 am
I went around the "downtown" area of my area where lots of family owned buisnesses are, and handed out resumes and stuff, yesterday i got a call for an interview, so my tip is just get your name out there, walk around ask a bunch of places if they're hiring dont be picky, the place that i am going ot today for an interview is a candy shop.
Title: First Job
Post by: SadAsBlue on June 12, 2008, 05:50:42 am
Quote from: "Manda"
I worked at DQ when I was in High School, it was pretty fast paced and busy and the typical high school job

The people at the DQ by us are evil. No lie. You would think for owning an ice cream shop they could be a little perky but they're angry and grouchy non-stop. It's gotten to the point where the other people in the neighborhood call them Mr. and Mrs. Happy. Fortunately we do not actually live near then so there are no meetings in the grocery store or anything.
Title: First Job
Post by: amberbeads on June 12, 2008, 06:41:18 am
there are always going to be restaurants. it may be cliche but places like mcdonald's and arby's are always going to be hiring.
Title: First Job
Post by: itsthefiveofus on June 14, 2008, 01:06:53 pm
I got my first job interview! Its for Target. I hope it goes well and I get the job. anyone have pros and cons on what to do and not to do during an interview and any tips?
Title: First Job
Post by: iluvvanessa on June 14, 2008, 01:20:24 pm
I had my 1st interview on thursday, i would say smile, be yourself, be positive, present yourself nicely.
Title: First Job
Post by: B on June 14, 2008, 02:38:10 pm
1) Be on time.
2) Dress appropriately (e.g.: no blue jeans, inappropriate tops, etc.)
3) If you have a resume/references page, bring it with you.
4) Be prepared to talk about what skills and abilities you can bring to the job you're applying for (e.g.: good people skills, being a self-starter, being able to follow instructions, etc)
5) Don't fiddle, make eye contact with the interviewer(s)
6) Make sure your answers stay on topic. If they ask you some weird question like "what color would you say you are?" think conceptually, what are the aspects of the color you'd choose to be and describe those.
7) Be yourself and be honest with the employer.

I realize a lot of these things may be common knowledge or over the top for a first job, but the fact you go to the effort to do these things will definitely impress your interviewer.
Title: First Job
Post by: Agent on June 15, 2008, 06:55:07 am
I'm a lifeguard, all non-veterans get paid minimum, it's not a bad job, since you only really sit up there half your shift.  I wasn't interviewed for it though, which I found odd.

You should be to work on time, never be idle (always ask if something needs to be done), do everything to your best effort, if you're boss tells you to do something, do it.
Title: First Job
Post by: zurielshimon on June 16, 2008, 07:06:06 pm
A lot of larger corporations give their prospective employees an intensive litmus test before the interview.  It's full of questions about a person's morals, ethics, and what they would do in hypothetical situations.  I honestly don't believe that honest answers on that test are going to get someone a job.  A large corporation has only one directive, and that's to make money.  In order to feel secure in their directive, they want to believe they have employees who will all but execute someone for stealing or showing up to work under the influence of drugs, and who will not miss work unless they absolutely have to.  

Never mind.  I'm through.
Title: First Job
Post by: iluvvanessa on June 16, 2008, 07:22:48 pm
i hate those test things, big waste of time, i had to do one when i was filling out an application for a movie theater. yuck!
Title: First Job
Post by: SadAsBlue on June 16, 2008, 07:37:31 pm
I've never taken one, but I can see where they would be contradictive to how employers behave. It must work to executive's advantage somehow or they wouldn't waste their time on it.
Title: First Job
Post by: zurielshimon on June 17, 2008, 11:11:02 am
Q: What would you do if you caught an employee stealing, even if just something small?

A: Have him executed by firing squad.

Q: Do you think it's okay to come to work if you've only thought about marijuana within the past 48 hours?

A: Hell no, I don't even deserve to have a job.

Q: If you were a manager and you have an employee who has not shown up for work without calling in, what would you do?

A: Organize a party and burn his house down.

That's about what they want right there.  And they have a habit of asking you the exact same question, maybe only slightly reworded, several pages later just to make sure you haven't changed your mind.
Title: First Job
Post by: VanessaCarltonMania on June 17, 2008, 11:25:09 am
Quote from: "zurielshimon"
Q: What would you do if you caught an employee stealing, even if just something small?

A: Have him executed by firing squad.

Q: Do you think it's okay to come to work if you've only thought about marijuana within the past 48 hours?

A: Hell no, I don't even deserve to have a job.

Q: If you were a manager and you have an employee who has not shown up for work without calling in, what would you do?

A: Organize a party and burn his house down.

That's about what they want right there.  And they have a habit of asking you the exact same question, maybe only slightly reworded, several pages later just to make sure you haven't changed your mind.

LMAO!!!! :lol: :lol:
Title: First Job
Post by: iluvvanessa on June 17, 2008, 11:49:37 am
they normally give you a question and say do you
a. strongly agree
b. agree
c. disagree
d. strongly disagree
Title: First Job
Post by: zurielshimon on June 17, 2008, 12:55:41 pm
Yep, and it's loads of questions like

1. I do my best work in a group.

2. People say I'm a dependable worker.

3. I often let my anger get the best of me.

4. A manager should help employees with personal problems.

5. It's okay to come to work if I'm having diarrhea.

6. It's important to me to be on time.

7. Some people are hard to please.

8. Accidents will happen regardless of how careful you are.

9. I sometimes ignore certain safety rules if I know no one will get hurt.

10. People say I'm easy to get along with.
Title: First Job
Post by: iluvvanessa on June 17, 2008, 01:05:59 pm
Ya, and they should know people aren't gonna be honest, they're going to choose the answer that will make them look best.
Title: First Job
Post by: B on June 17, 2008, 04:09:27 pm
They ask the questions in multiple formats to ensure that people are reading the questions thoroughly and aren't just clicking through. If there are incompatible answers, it will be flagged on the output results.

I took a class on standardized psychological testing, it was pretty sweet! :thumbsup:
Title: First Job
Post by: iluvvanessa on June 18, 2008, 06:16:51 pm
I just went and applied at a hot dog/hamburger place in my area, lets just say I am desperate! I am a vegetarian, lol. I need a job extremely bad. hopefully i'll get this one!
Title: First Job
Post by: Ryou-Neko on June 18, 2008, 09:42:39 pm
My first job was as a prostitute up on 3rd street.
Title: First Job
Post by: NESSAussie on June 19, 2008, 04:54:33 am
Quote from: "Ryou-Neko"
My first job was as a prostitute up on 3rd street.

My first job was at down by the river also, on an Oyster Lease. I didn't like
eating them at the time, but after spending so much time farming them, its
like you want to be able to taste the fruits of your labour. Payed ok too  :razz:



Title: First Job
Post by: Kate on June 19, 2008, 07:23:33 am
I'm gonna work for the first time this summer! I'm impatient!! I'll tell you if it was ok or not!  :?
Title: First Job
Post by: zurielshimon on June 19, 2008, 07:42:28 am
I remember my first job.  I was right out of high school, had just wrecked the car I was given, and had to pay to get it fixed.  I went to work for my dad at his plastics molding factory.  They started me in assembly, which was cool, but when demand for the products we were assembling slowed down (or rather, never picked up), they moved me from that to various other jobs in the plant, mostly ones for which I had not been properly trained.

One day I was operating a molding machine, and parts that were incomplete were to be tossed onto a pile to be reground and run through again.   My regrind pile was getting awful high, and the last part I tossed onto it skipped across the top and struck the back of the molding machine next to mine, sparks flew everywhere, and that machine shut down.  They took me off the molding machine and had me to operate a hot stamp machine, stamping lettering on some kind of water level gauge for a clothes steamer.  Something went wrong and the stamper came down a little crooked, hit the gauge, and jammed.  And that was the day I shut down half the factory with my dad away on a business trip.

Six weeks in, they had me doing some dangerous job with an acetylene torch, melting down rough edges on some type of part.  Everything went well until I burned my hand, and they had to treat me and send me home.  This is not a recommended use for an acetylene torch anyway, and I decided I had enough of these goofy games and so I stayed at home for the rest of the summer.

Came October, and the car was still wrecked.  Out of nowhere we found out that since the car had been used as collateral on a loan, the bank had taken out full-coverage insurance on it just two days before the wreck.  It was covered!  I never had to take that stupid, dangerous job in the first place!  The car got fixed, and then wrecked again less than a week later because during all this time, no one ever had time to let me get any experience driving so I really didn't know what I was doing.

DIGRESSION:  It was the insurance check from that second wreck, though, that bought my first car, that I actually considered mine, a 1992 Cavalier wagon.  I had that car until about four years ago, drove it from 95230 miles to over 218000 before the summer of '04 finally did it in.  I owned two other Cavaliers in the meantime, an '87 convertible and a '90 Z24.  Since then, I've driven Buick LeSabres because I needed something larger, with the exception of that Cadillac Cimarron I had to have for about a year in between the LeSabres.
Title: First Job
Post by: itsthefiveofus on June 19, 2008, 04:12:18 pm
ok so today I had the job interview. I got there a bit early like 10 minutes. I go to the service desk like the lady on the phone said to. I notify them I am here for a job interview. They say "ok go sit on the gray bench someone will be with you" so I sit there. No one comes so like 10-15 minutes I go back up and shes like "oh um I will try again" so this lady comes up and I'm like ok great lets start. Nope. She asks me "do you have the right day? because Ethel *the lady they told me to ask for* is not here today" so I say "yep she said the 19th @ 5:30" so she leaves and I sit there for God knows how much longer. This guy comes up and he told me to just wait a little longer until she got there. Well another whole bunch of time later he comes up again and hes like its your first interview? "yes I say" so he said he would go pull up my info. So I wait AGAIN *by this time I am just  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted: times a few hundred* so he comes up again and tells me to come back with him. SO I do and he asks questions like why do you want to work here and what would you bring to the job skill wise and random "when was a time when" questions. So he said ok well thats the first half of the interview. Go wait outside again and a manager will come back to do the second half. So I wait again on the stupid little gray bench. he comes back out and tells me "well no one is here right now so we will just call you to re-schedule the interview to finish the second half. By than I just want to leave  :evil: so I said "ok" and shook his hand and left. He did apologize for all the time waiting though. But I don't know what to think of my first job interview. Well the first half, oh jeeze. sorry this was SOOO long....
Title: First Job
Post by: SadAsBlue on June 19, 2008, 06:08:45 pm
Sounds like you're more punctual than the company.
Title: First Job
Post by: iluvvanessa on June 19, 2008, 06:20:48 pm
Maybe they will look at that as something positive, you remained calm and didn't get bitchy with them [i hope] when they made you wait like that.
Title: First Job
Post by: itsthefiveofus on June 19, 2008, 06:46:08 pm
Quote from: "SadAsBlue"
Sounds like you're more punctual than the company.

Exactly what I told my parents.

Quote from: "iluvvanessa"
Maybe they will look at that as something positive, you remained calm and didn't get bitchy with them [i hope] when they made you wait like that.

No I did not get bitchy with them. I just sat there. It was soo boring. Plus all the other employees were just staring if they had nothing to do. But it was just me sitting there annoyed.
Title: First Job
Post by: B on June 20, 2008, 03:45:16 am
Wow. That's an interesting interview experience. Sorry you had to experience something like that. I can definitely tell you that isn't common practice.
Title: First Job
Post by: Manda on June 20, 2008, 11:49:57 am
I would not go back for that interview.

I had an interview similar to that, WHILE I was talking my interviewer just walked out and started saying things like, "Bill! We still on for lunch today?" I was just thinking to myself, "Oh hell no." A few days later she offered me the job and I politely declined. I do not want to work for someone who is going to treat me like that during an interview, respect is a two way street an she was obviously not respectful or polite to me.

Find something else, you don't need to put up with that. Ever.
Title: First Job
Post by: iluvvanessa on June 20, 2008, 01:00:39 pm
Good for you Manda. Recently I have been watching "my super sweet 16" on MYV and these people treat their friends like shit and make them do terrible things to get invited to their parties, if I was one of the friends i would be like hell to the no, i am not diving into the water to get an invitation to your party, I'd like to keep my dignity. Its messed up how disrespectful people are to each other, I hate it when people are bitchy to waitors/waitresses in restaurants, or w/e, major turn off.
Title: First Job
Post by: itsthefiveofus on June 20, 2008, 01:43:49 pm
yeah I don't think I will accept the job if I get it offered because the guy who interviewed me said they would be calling right away to re-schedule and no call. So i'm just going to turn it down anyways.
Title: First Job
Post by: iluvvanessa on June 20, 2008, 01:54:12 pm
I never got a call back from the candy store  :(  and now i'm waiting on that hotdog place. SOMEONE HIRE ME!