Vanessa Carlton => General Vanessa Carlton Discussion => Topic started by: Rabbits_on_the_run on November 25, 2010, 06:09:42 am
Tracklist, cover, production... how do you imagine the new album to be like??
I think the album won't have the usual 11 tracks but 12 or 10. I don't know why... maybe because I have this feeling that the album will be released independently and will be entirely produced by Vanessa :) I also think the album will be mostly raw, piano, guitar and the choir voices. Like I said in a previous post I imagine "Rabbits" being a spring version of Harmonium which was more of a fall/winter album so we probably won't have songs as depressing as the songs on the second half of "Harmonium" but stuff like "San Fran" etc. About the cover art, I assume we already know the font that will be used which is the one on her website. I expect to see rabbits everywhere on the blooket, maybe even a real on the cover which I hope will be a photo and not a drawing... Ahah thanks for reading but that means nothing, it's just wishful thinking...
I agree with you. But I hope there would be more than 12 tracks in this album.
And I can't wait to hear the children's choir singing as back up in her songs. That would be hauntingly epic.
And I also think that ROTR would also contain some 'dark' songs, I'd like to call them. We already have TTFS, so I guess there would be songs of similar sound in the rest of the album.
And album art? I'm visualizing something like in the HAT, but of green, lavender, and blue color combination. I guess that'd reflect the spring feel. And I can't wait to see the pictures. I guess they'd be like these candid shots that are more raw and less studio-ey.
As for the album art. i think it will be like the art in the web site. And i really like it. I expect it to be minimallistic, im ok if it just whites, blacks and greys, and i dont expect any pictures (maybe a V pic), i like the drawings :D I definitely would not like to see a real pictures of a rabbit...that would be kinda meh. I really like all that typographic and gallygraphic stuff she's been doing so, I'm quite excited :D
Thanks guys for your ideas =)
If there will be dark songs à la TTFS it's far from being as despressing as "She Floats" for exemple, in my opinion. Well I LOVE the dark songs, to me "All Is Well" is one too but I don't see it fitting in the record but I'd die to have a studio recording of it =)
Any ideas about the tracklist? I'd love to have "Carousel" as the closing track of the record and I won't be surprised if it is. The line "rabbits on the run" has to close the record =) =) I love it when albums end with up-tempo songs and close the record when you don't really expect it like in "Carousel"
I agree. "Carousel" closing the album would be great. But if she does choose it as the last, I think V ought to start the album with equally up-tempo song.
i could see the album cover looking something like this:
only it'd be vanessa with a rabbit running ahead into its' hole. and there'd be a tree instead of a house perhaps. something like that anyway.
i could see the album cover looking something like this:
only it'd be vanessa with a rabbit running ahead into its' hole. and there'd be a tree instead of a house perhaps. something like that anyway.
Oh boy, I hope not. I love Kate Nash, but I can't picture Vanessa doing an album cover like that. For Kate Nash's song style, the album cover works, but for someone with deep, cryptic lyrics like Vanessa's, the cover would be more metaphorical than what Kate does.
i could see the album cover looking something like this:
only it'd be vanessa with a rabbit running ahead into its' hole. and there'd be a tree instead of a house perhaps. something like that anyway.
Oh boy, I hope not. I love Kate Nash, but I can't picture Vanessa doing an album cover like that. For Kate Nash's song style, the album cover works, but for someone with deep, cryptic lyrics like Vanessa's, the cover would be more metaphorical than what Kate does.
I agree. An album art that would suit the kind of music V makes is something un-bubbly, but more of the artsy.
i guess.
i suggested v dress as superwoman & a pirate for the 'heroes & thieves' cover. kidding!!!
I've been looking for Vanessa's pictures on google and found this one : ($file/Vanessa+Carlton+2.jpg) Couldn't say for sure that it actually is V but you'll get my idea anyway. I'd love a picture like that as the album cover, black and white. Then I would add a few rabbits running in the field and the name of the album and of the artist in white letters =) Oh and why not the shape of a piano on the ground, not a drawing but a shadow.
And here's my tracklist ;) :
1. Rabbits On The Run
2. Tall Tales For Spring
3. Fair-Weathered Friend
4. Best Behaviour
5. London
6. Instrumental
7. March 21st
8. Faster
9. Moneymaker
10. Irv Gotti's TV show song =)
11. I Don't Want To Be A Bride
12. Carousel
Deluxe edition bonus track :
13. All Is Well
I think a black and white cover would suit this album. I would also love if she put "Waltz" on there! Or other instrumentals. Don't get me wrong, V, is a great lyricist and singer, but I would also love some instrumental versions of her songs, like "Half a Week Before The Winter." I love the piano-only version that she plays live with the introduction and everything.
i wouldn't like the idea of having a song called Rabbits On The Run. albums don't have to be called with songs names. and we already have the sentence "white rabbits on the run" in Carousel, so...
i think the tracklist can be something like
~Rabbits On The Run~
1. Fair-Weather Friends
2. I Don't Wanna Be A Bride
3. Tall Tales For Spring
4. Moneymaker
5. ?
6. ?
7. ?
8. ?
9. ?
10. London
11. Carousel
i also would like if it had like 4 countries with differents bonus track.
Rabbits_on_the_run, of course that is V, haven't u watched White Houses video? :)
I would love and instrumental track, i think she creates awesome melodies. In her case, lyrics can not be always necessary cause some melodies are just perfect on their own.
I would love and instrumental track, i think she creates awesome melodies. In her case, lyrics can not be always necessary cause some melodies are just perfect on their own.
I agree. An instrumental alone can be awesome.
And here's my tracklist ;) :
1. Rabbits On The Run
2. Tall Tales For Spring
3. Fair-Weathered Friend
4. Best Behaviour
5. London
6. Instrumental
7. March 21st
8. Faster
9. Moneymaker
10. Irv Gotti's TV show song =)
11. I Don't Want To Be A Bride
12. Carousel
Deluxe edition bonus track :
13. All Is Well
Where did you get those titles? Are those pure imagination or something? If it is, I would say that I like your thinking.
Ok. There isn't gonna be a song named Rabbits on the Run. DUH.
(I'm gonna have to unroll my eyes if there is one though. :P)
I am really looking forward to the album art. I am so sure she is at her canvas doing that as we speak. Making rabbits every where. It's gonna be nice and gothic and ZOMG-like! The kinda art that I'm gonna be staring at over and over again a la Where's Waldo but more or less looking for Rabbits :P
What I am looking forward to is what the first track is gonna be cos like knowing her and if she is following a trend, the first single isn't any of the songs we know right now. It's gonna be something like totally unheard.
Anticipation is killing me!
Rabbits_on_the_run, of course that is V, haven't u watched White Houses video? :)
Oh... how humiliating :P White Houses is actually my favorite music video =)
And here's my tracklist ;) :
1. Rabbits On The Run
2. Tall Tales For Spring
3. Fair-Weathered Friend
4. Best Behaviour
5. London
6. Instrumental
7. March 21st
8. Faster
9. Moneymaker
10. Irv Gotti's TV show song =)
11. I Don't Want To Be A Bride
12. Carousel
Deluxe edition bonus track :
13. All Is Well
Where did you get those titles? Are those pure imagination or something? If it is, I would say that I like your thinking.
Thanks =) I completely made up the "March 21st" and "Faster" tracks. and yes, Joey, there probably won't be a song called "Rabbits on the run", but I'd like it though... We never know, don't forget to unroll your eyes in case there is one... lol And I'd love an instrumental in the middle of the album =)
Does someone have an idea of the name of the song we heard on Irv's tv show??
I just call it "Forever's Just A Dream"
Okay, I hope it's not the real title. I have a problem against song titles with an A in capital letters in it... lol I was so relieved when I first read that V's third album will be called Heroes & Thieves and not Heroes And Thieves. I'm weird I know.
Okay, I hope it's not the real title. I have a problem against song titles with an A in capital letters in it... lol I was so relieved when I first read that V's third album will be called Heroes & Thieves and not Heroes And Thieves. I'm weird I know.
LOL! Anyhow, you're going to have to deal with "I Don't Want to Be A Bride" haha.
Okay, I hope it's not the real title. I have a problem against song titles with an A in capital letters in it... lol I was so relieved when I first read that V's third album will be called Heroes & Thieves and not Heroes And Thieves. I'm weird I know.
LOL! Anyhow, you're going to have to deal with "I Don't Want to Be A Bride" haha.
OMG that's right... I might secretely call it Bride... :p
First: grammatically, words such as 'a' 'the' 'of' 'and' are not capitalized in titiles. Second, here are my thoughts:
While I think she could go in the direction of ending on a happy note with a song such as Carousel, I hope that she takes it in a different direction, for she has done the storybook beginning and ending with Heros and Thieves. I instead hope she takes the approach of starting on a light note and ending with a dark one (Harmonium-esque I suppose), using a song like "Tall Tales for Spring" to end. This also may be why she at first chose to name the album after that song -- it would be the ending to the album and would act like a little bow on a present, tying everything together.
I don't think she would do the telling a story idea for another album; I believe she has more depth and creativity than to do the same thing over again. I also don't see her using any older songs in the album, as she has grown past them in a way and are no longer relevant to where she is right now (that also may be why I have seen comments in the past about her looking so bored when singing "A Thousand Miles"). Though I too would enjoy studio versions of ALL of them, including demo tape ones, on a separate "never before released" album.
The imagery of the album art will most definately be dark. Black and white with little if any color (possible bursts of red or geen). If there are any sceneries they will take place at night with a moon playing a dominant role. Instead of the American "Man in the Moon" sentiment it will reflect the rabbit in the moon, as many cultures see a rabbit rather than a man. Also the fact that the album is Rabbits on the Run. I also pictures wolves -- white wolves to be exact -- possibly howling to the moon as "wolves howl to the moon, and she never answers back." This also plays into the whole rabbit in the moon idea. Maybe I am taking this all very literal, but that's what I envision.
Furthermore, a March 20th release date speaks to me.(and i was inspired by the previous post with the march 21st date as a song title, it got my brain going..) It is the spring equinox -- a day traditionally thought of as equal amount of light and darkness. The ablum seems to reflect that with positive songs like "Carousel", and "I don't want to be a Bride ," along side darker ones such as "Tall Tales for Spring" and the melencholy "London."
Funny that also this is Easter time...rabbits...
There are also many religious implications to this release date, but I don't see V as being overly religious (or maybe that's just me projecting). Though "Tall Tales of Springs" is most certainly about Christianity and the faith related to it.
Some cultures/religions hold the Spring equinox as the start of their new year--new beginnings -- this album could signify a fresh start; a departure from what has come before.
umm that's all for now!
That was a lot. Thanks for sharing those ideas!
On the contrary, I'd love the track listing to start on a darker note and to end on the lighter ones. Like from fall to spring.
yes, it was a lot! I had a lot of time to think about it before I posted.
I can see the idea of fall to spring rather than beginning to end like a book.. something to chew on..
First: grammatically, words such as 'a' 'the' 'of' 'and' are not capitalized in titiles.
Sorry, but that's completely false. I've been a writer for ten years now, so I know a little about grammar. "The" in "The Happening" is capitalized. "The" in "The Sixth Sense" is capitalized. What it comes down to is a matter of style. Some people do it one way, some people do it another.
First: grammatically, words such as 'a' 'the' 'of' 'and' are not capitalized in titiles.
Sorry, but that's completely false. I've been a writer for ten years now, so I know a little about grammar. "The" in "The Happening" is capitalized. "The" in "The Sixth Sense" is capitalized. What it comes down to is a matter of style. Some people do it one way, some people do it another.
Thanks for backing me up =) To me, when it comes to songs titles, books, movies, etc I always write every first letter in capitalized letters and that's how I see it in newspapers and stuff :)
First: grammatically, words such as 'a' 'the' 'of' 'and' are not capitalized in titiles.
Sorry, but that's completely false. I've been a writer for ten years now, so I know a little about grammar. "The" in "The Happening" is capitalized. "The" in "The Sixth Sense" is capitalized. What it comes down to is a matter of style. Some people do it one way, some people do it another.
What about when the "the" is not the first word in a title? When it's in the middle. Same question with 'a' 'of' 'and'.
English is not my first lenguage so i want to know : )
err, guess I recalled wrong because I do not write as a profession but do care for it a great deal. I also question the middle of the title rather than the beginning.
Any other thoughts on the entire second portion of the post? The one relating to Vanessa and the album?
First: grammatically, words such as 'a' 'the' 'of' 'and' are not capitalized in titiles.
Sorry, but that's completely false. I've been a writer for ten years now, so I know a little about grammar. "The" in "The Happening" is capitalized. "The" in "The Sixth Sense" is capitalized. What it comes down to is a matter of style. Some people do it one way, some people do it another.
check out:
rule 8
First: grammatically, words such as 'a' 'the' 'of' 'and' are not capitalized in titiles.
Sorry, but that's completely false. I've been a writer for ten years now, so I know a little about grammar. "The" in "The Happening" is capitalized. "The" in "The Sixth Sense" is capitalized. What it comes down to is a matter of style. Some people do it one way, some people do it another.
check out:
rule 8
that's what i wanted to know and how i thought it was, thanx sarab : )
No problem, Rabbits_on_the_run.
Sarab, the link you posted is correct. For the creator of that website, her way is correct; for me, my way of capitalizing all words is correct. We're both right. It's still a matter of style. Some people hate it, some use it religiously. :)
Any thoughts on my theories?
First: grammatically, words such as 'a' 'the' 'of' 'and' are not capitalized in titiles. Second, here are my thoughts:
While I think she could go in the direction of ending on a happy note with a song such as Carousel, I hope that she takes it in a different direction, for she has done the storybook beginning and ending with Heros and Thieves. I instead hope she takes the approach of starting on a light note and ending with a dark one (Harmonium-esque I suppose), using a song like "Tall Tales for Spring" to end. This also may be why she at first chose to name the album after that song -- it would be the ending to the album and would act like a little bow on a present, tying everything together.
I don't think she would do the telling a story idea for another album; I believe she has more depth and creativity than to do the same thing over again. I also don't see her using any older songs in the album, as she has grown past them in a way and are no longer relevant to where she is right now (that also may be why I have seen comments in the past about her looking so bored when singing "A Thousand Miles"). Though I too would enjoy studio versions of ALL of them, including demo tape ones, on a separate "never before released" album.
The imagery of the album art will most definately be dark. Black and white with little if any color (possible bursts of red or geen). If there are any sceneries they will take place at night with a moon playing a dominant role. Instead of the American "Man in the Moon" sentiment it will reflect the rabbit in the moon, as many cultures see a rabbit rather than a man. Also the fact that the album is Rabbits on the Run. I also pictures wolves -- white wolves to be exact -- possibly howling to the moon as "wolves howl to the moon, and she never answers back." This also plays into the whole rabbit in the moon idea. Maybe I am taking this all very literal, but that's what I envision.
Furthermore, a March 20th release date speaks to me.(and i was inspired by the previous post with the march 21st date as a song title, it got my brain going..) It is the spring equinox -- a day traditionally thought of as equal amount of light and darkness. The ablum seems to reflect that with positive songs like "Carousel", and "I don't want to be a Bride ," along side darker ones such as "Tall Tales for Spring" and the melencholy "London."
Funny that also this is Easter time...rabbits...
There are also many religious implications to this release date, but I don't see V as being overly religious (or maybe that's just me projecting). Though "Tall Tales of Springs" is most certainly about Christianity and the faith related to it.
Some cultures/religions hold the Spring equinox as the start of their new year--new beginnings -- this album could signify a fresh start; a departure from what has come before.
umm that's all for now!
Wow your theory is interesting and very clever! I really had that thought too, it sort of being a light and dark album, which I can see it being. I think from the website, yeah you can tell that the album won't have tons of colors. I love all of the implications of spring; probably true, since she was originally going to call the album Tall Tales For Spring. From that album title, to Rabbits On The Run, I still envision a lot of fantasy and a fairy-tale type of theme also, much like you envisioned. Awesome theory there!
Thanks! glad I'm not the only one, lol...I thought I was beginning to be like the weirdo in the corner that no one talks to. I just see her trying to take it a new direction because she strives so hard for everything she does. That is why she doesn't pop out albums every year--she has to make sure there is substance and meaning to what she does, unlike a lot of "popular" artists.
Oh I don't want you to feel left apart sarab ;) I like what you said but like someone else said I think the album should end on a positive note, she was half way done with the record and she still thought it would be named "Tall Tales For Spring" yes in capitalized lettres lol, so it will definitely be a spring record. And I love the fact that album end with an up tempo closing track cause when it's done you're in a way expecting more and it gives you to think about the record, I'm not sure if someone will get what I say. BUT Vanessa could do whatever she wants I know that I will love her album, like Irv Gotti said "she can't do no wrong" :) I probably forgot "shit" somewhere in my quote lol
but like someone else said I think the album should end on a positive note
Omg, I'm so dumb. I tried to look up who said that and it was me... I swear I'm not like that usually !
I liked "Tall Tales For Spring" as an album title. :(
Oh I don't want you to feel left apart sarab ;) I like what you said but like someone else said I think the album should end on a positive note, she was half way done with the record and she still thought it would be named "Tall Tales For Spring" yes in capitalized lettres lol, so it will definitely be a spring record. And I love the fact that album end with an up tempo closing track cause when it's done you're in a way expecting more and it gives you to think about the record, I'm not sure if someone will get what I say. BUT Vanessa could do whatever she wants I know that I will love her album, like Irv Gotti said "she can't do no wrong" :) I probably forgot "shit" somewhere in my quote lol
that's funny becauase I feel the same way about it ending on a dark note! I would expect more after that and give me a lot to think about. That's how I felt with Harmonium. Just goes to show there is no one way to think. (she could be half done but still have an end song... sometimes you know how something ends and have to fill in everything else that leads up to it).
Irv Gotti did get that right. she really can't. Whatever she does will be brilliant.
I liked "Tall Tales For Spring" as an album title. :(
I can't decide which I like better. I think ROTR is clever and different but so is TTFS, though I feel it is a bit more generic. Like anyone could have that title.
that's funny becauase I feel the same way about it ending on a dark note! I would expect more after that and give me a lot to think about. That's how I felt with Harmonium. Just goes to show there is no one way to think. (she could be half done but still have an end song... sometimes you know how something ends and have to fill in everything else that leads up to it).
Irv Gotti did get that right. she really can't. Whatever she does will be brilliant.
Just wanted to add/reiterate that a happy ending would leave me more satisfied and fulfilled than a dark ending. with a happy ending such as with H&T, it completes the story, completes the album. When I first listened to Harmonium and it ended I was like...whaaaat? that's it? I felt completely opposite with H&T.
Isn't it wonderous that one person can make us feel so much? One person we don't even know (but would love to). Just a random thought.
I liked "Tall Tales For Spring" as an album title. :(
I can't decide which I like better. I think ROTR is clever and different but so is TTFS, though I feel it is a bit more generic. Like anyone could have that title.
I actually prefer ROTR as a title, but I don't disregard TTFS like a few Nessa fans. I will be happy with either one. :)
Imagine what (if there are any) B-sides will be on the first single :D maybe All Is Well? I don't think it would fit on the album, which is probably why so many B-sides exist from many other artists :D I really hope that song from Irv Gotti's TV show is on, it's just, perfect.
Imagine what (if there are any) B-sides will be on the first single :D maybe All Is Well? I don't think it would fit on the album, which is probably why so many B-sides exist from many other artists :D I really hope that song from Irv Gotti's TV show is on, it's just, perfect.
I would love a studio version of All is Well as a B-side, but I agree that it wouldn't really fit on the album..
Maybe Best Behavior? Or the song from Irv's TV Show ;D
Alright, I'm gonna try my best to describe what I think the album is about...
With all the music that we have heard of so far, I think Vanessa is going to have a new sound, but not too different. Carousel and Get Good are really the songs that I am using to think this. Those two songs represent gray skies to me. Like the times are hard, but they get better. If London is on the album, that also further makes me think so.
You know how in movies sometimes two lovers are fading apart, and one of them has to accept that it's done. They start to play a song... at that point, I picture Get Good. I'm not saying that the album is gonna have a theme of love, but I do think it's going to be a very sad but uplifting album.
I'm not sure. I have this vision in my head of how I see it but I can't put it to words. Spring but gray... lol this isn't coming out well. :(
Alright, I'm gonna try my best to describe what I think the album is about...
With all the music that we have heard of so far, I think Vanessa is going to have a new sound, but not too different. Carousel and Get Good are really the songs that I am using to think this. Those two songs represent gray skies to me. Like the times are hard, but they get better. If London is on the album, that also further makes me think so.
You know how in movies sometimes two lovers are fading apart, and one of them has to accept that it's done. They start to play a song... at that point, I picture Get Good. I'm not saying that the album is gonna have a theme of love, but I do think it's going to be a very sad but uplifting album.
I'm not sure. I have this vision in my head of how I see it but I can't put it to words. Spring but gray... lol this isn't coming out well. :(
Nah, I get what your saying. I feel the same, it's hard to put into words though
Hmm.. It's curious that almost everyone of you guys brought up 'gray' and other black-and-white inspired themes. On the other hand, what I could just imagine from this album is colors, especially blue, lavender, and green. Her album really feels like spring. Like there's new hope. And I think this would be the 'lightest' album she'll make. There's only one song with the dark shade, which is TTFS, and for it's great. I mean, Harmonium was way dark, and I guess it's about time for the light songs. About new hopes and freedom.
And besides, V has this talent to make sweet, light songs without making them cheesy, but rather mysterious yet so good. Like there's a very good story behind everything.
You know how in movies sometimes two lovers are fading apart, and one of them has to accept that it's done. They start to play a song... at that point, I picture Get Good. I'm not saying that the album is gonna have a theme of love, but I do think it's going to be a very sad but uplifting album.
LOL I said that. Or our spirits are connecting in some way... lol
I tend to see music with colors too and I see this one yellow and not grey. I have the feeling that the album will give the same kind of emotions as Afterglow and San Francisco give. But of course in a more evolved way :)
Hmm.. It's curious that almost everyone of you guys brought up 'gray' and other black-and-white inspired themes. On the other hand, what I could just imagine from this album is colors, especially blue, lavender, and green. Her album really feels like spring. Like there's new hope. And I think this would be the 'lightest' album she'll make. There's only one song with the dark shade, which is TTFS, and for it's great. I mean, Harmonium was way dark, and I guess it's about time for the light songs. About new hopes and freedom.
And besides, V has this talent to make sweet, light songs without making them cheesy, but rather mysterious yet so good. Like there's a very good story behind everything.
I prefer dark vanessa over anything. I wanted more dark for ROTR, we had light in H&T but oh well :( I do say grey too, but tbh its mostly because of the design on the website. lol Tho that doesnt mean dark, or sad u know? : )
Hmm.. It's curious that almost everyone of you guys brought up 'gray' and other black-and-white inspired themes. On the other hand, what I could just imagine from this album is colors, especially blue, lavender, and green. Her album really feels like spring. Like there's new hope. And I think this would be the 'lightest' album she'll make. There's only one song with the dark shade, which is TTFS, and for it's great. I mean, Harmonium was way dark, and I guess it's about time for the light songs. About new hopes and freedom.
And besides, V has this talent to make sweet, light songs without making them cheesy, but rather mysterious yet so good. Like there's a very good story behind everything.
I prefer dark vanessa over anything. I wanted more dark for ROTR, we had light in H&T but oh well :( I do say grey too, but tbh its mostly because of the design on the website. lol Tho that doesnt mean dark, or sad u know? : )
I too like the dark Vanessa and I had lots of dark hopes for this album! As I see it coming together differently, I'm not upset because really, she can do no wrong. I see a lot of maturation in the songs we have so far and the way they are styled. Each album has been wonderful in it's own right and as a whole collection she has shown great growth as a musician and person. Each album builds on the last and has progressed in such a beautiful and natural way. Nothing she does is forced or to try and "top" her last album. It's just SO natural and organic. Some people have mentioned B sides and adding some of her older songs to B sides of this album. I don't think she will ever do that because each album represents a different era and to regress is not productive, both in business and personal lives. It would be great, however, if a separate album was released just for B sides or songs that she has never studio recorded before. Those are some of my new thoughts!
Im sure you've all seen the picture from the shoot by now/the video with her shooting and talking about the album. It looks interesting! Sort of like H&T but not isn't really sad. More like a fantasy type of theme, I feel like.
I'd love if she would would have picked up some Charakters of the Book (Watership Down) and charakterises each with a bunch of Songs. Just something like Tori Amos did with her Doll-Posse but just with a "Rabbit-Posse" ^^ . That would be so conceptional. I still wonder where we'll find / if there will be connections between the songs and the books she called up as her inspiration (beside the lyrical connection of course) ::)
i wouldn't say this is a light-hearted album. there's a lot of loss. above all, lost time and lost faiths and lost loves. things that haunt you. the melodies are definitely sweeter, and there is a lot about mending and second chance romantics, but this album says "wistful" to me more than anything. it is not a story album, but it's tighter around central concepts than i think anything she's done before. it's so grounded in that core feeling of wistfulness; despite heroes & thieves being a story of sorts, i think rabbits on the run will be her most cohesive album.
and i don't think this album is all that new or different in artistry. it's definitely more mature, but i find a lot of echoes of her older work - especially in "tall tales for spring" (which i ADORED as an title) and i just hear the shades of all the previous albums in the new songs - and she has mentioned getting back to demo tape days. i think the razor & tie press release mentioned rediscovering effervescence, which is a beautiful way to put it. not that she isn't growing as an artist, which she also always is, and i think organic is the right way to put it, too.
108 days!
i wouldn't say this is a light-hearted album. there's a lot of loss. above all, lost time and lost faiths and lost loves. things that haunt you. the melodies are definitely sweeter, and there is a lot about mending and second chance romantics, but this album says "wistful" to me more than anything. it is not a story album, but it's tighter around central concepts than i think anything she's done before. it's so grounded in that core feeling of wistfulness; despite heroes & thieves being a story of sorts, i think rabbits on the run will be her most cohesive album.
and i don't think this album is all that new or different in artistry. it's definitely more mature, but i find a lot of echoes of her older work - especially in "tall tales for spring" (which i ADORED as an title) and i just hear the shades of all the previous albums in the new songs - and she has mentioned getting back to demo tape days. i think the razor & tie press release mentioned rediscovering effervescence, which is a beautiful way to put it. not that she isn't growing as an artist, which she also always is, and i think organic is the right way to put it, too.
108 days!
yes. Also, I have learned to love the word "organic" it really does describe how it feels
When I listen to the live songs or the video on her website it makes me envision a countryside somewhere in central Europe (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania).. It makes me want to run through fields. I know that sounds crazy but thats how I think this album will sound (at least to me).
I know in another thread someone mentioned the album being more folk. I think that would be great. I loved BNN because it was so piano driven and the orchestra added to the drama. I think the reason I did not immediately connect with Harmonium was because it was very percussion driven and the piano was often times drowned out by the percussion. It grew on me, but my initial reaction was that there was too much other stuff and not enough piano. H&T was lighter on the percussion but still very...put together. I am hoping that ROTR is more raw and mostly just her and the piano. I know she obviously used percussion (drummer from MMJ) but I am hoping she used him more as an enhancement rather than the driving force of songs.
I don't think that the percussions would overpower the songs in the record. The songs are more acoustic-sounding, so I think that there would be only mild percussions and such.
I don't think that the percussions would overpower the songs in the record. The songs are more acoustic-sounding, so I think that there would be only mild percussions and such.
yes, I sure do hope so! I think the songs do not call for such theatrics!
I don't think that the percussions would overpower the songs in the record. The songs are more acoustic-sounding, so I think that there would be only mild percussions and such.
yes, I sure do hope so! I think the songs do not call for such theatrics!
I definitely agree. V's new batch of songs are simple and sweet, and I think they deserve a stripped down arrangement.