Other Topics => Completely Off-Topic => Topic started by: eliseaboo on July 25, 2002, 05:00:27 pm
8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O
moved to off topic even tho the point of the topic alludes me. -Vulturemod
let me join you in being alone.
Then we're together
:cry: Where all alone :cry:
I mean wer'e all alone(spelling mistake) :mrgreen:
I'm alone
is this Vanessa-Related?
and what are you talking about? :?
nope, lol. but I found it here.
Manda :lol:
"we're all know what that means...MCDONALDS!"
lmao. yes, sorry, i just had to share that haha.
oh I call it "Micky Dee's" lol
so are you all alone too, or just saying Mc donalds, because you had to share it. hehe
both of course, haha. the ultimate would be being alone at mcdonalds, which COULD work, if i was at mcdonalds, but i am not lmao...but i AM alone..sitting the living room..alone..nobody's dark...*hides under couch* lmao.
*goes under couch too*
I'm Amanda-Lynette, nice to meet you. whats your name?
want some fries?
I'm not alone, my sister is watching a DVD at the moment, but I'll pretend to be alone if you want me too.
Manda :razz:
hahaha, oi, i am cheyenne (pronounced like shy ann (so many people promounce it wrong hahah..) fries? WHERE? *jumps up* :twisted: yayy.
haha, here *hands fries* My brother Jonathan is your age.
He's 12, he was born on Apr 30, 1991.
My sister, brother, and myself are all born in april.
haha, i have a sister, she's 21, and moved out about two years ago, (she has a baby, which is in the kitchen crying right now lol) my siser, and her boyfriend wenty out to eat last night so the baby stayed here all night heeee..and my brother is 16 almost 17 who is also in the kitchen, complaining that he is bored lol.
thats really neat.
I only have an annoying older sister and a very selfish little brother, he has a dirty mouth, might I add. some of the things he likes to call me I have never heard before.
*joins group in being alone... mmm mickey dees fries*
i feel SOOO alone... there's a deep darkness penetrating my soul. what am i alive for... there is no purpose for me...
lmao just a lil cheesy something i made up. do people always feel alone and uncared for when they have the flu, or is it just me??? lol
I think its the flu
my brother just called me a dirty sl*ut. what a potty mouth he has!!!
I dont deserve that kind of
oh well, can't change little pissant brothers.
*group hug*
Psss, dont take my fries anymore missy!
awww no fries? :( lmao i'll just get MY OWN then!!!
you aren't the westide's only nessaholic!!!
I live on the westside and I am a nessholic so :P
lol i mean the westSIDE of the CITY i live in... not the westside of AMERICA. i would say the CITY name, but i don't wanna get stalked.
lol i mean the westSIDE of the CITY i live in... not the westside of AMERICA. i would say the CITY name, but i don't wanna get stalked.
is you city that small?
no it's actually a somewhat big city... it's devided into sections...eastside, westside (my side lol) central, downtown, northeast, far eastside, lower valley, and upper valley. and there's suburbs too, but those are only located behind either the eastside or the westside.
eh, girl you won't get stalked.
I tell where I live and play lacrosse all the time and I dont get stalked. lol
I am proud to say that I live in the South Bay Area, here in Southern California, we have many places to go, and like you chloe we are divided into many different sections.
welllllll... it's a somewhat large city in west texas... not naming any names though!!! lol
thats okay.
I would love for a nessaholic to stalk me anytime. LOL
I would be very happy to see them, we could catch up and talk about my favorite thing in the whole world, NESSA!!!
Manda :blueblob:
*looks around to make sure that chloe and manda are deep in conversation and runs in and steals fries* 8)
*goes to eat a fry*
what? where the hell are my fries?????
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
sees cheyenne....*arrrg*
Manda :roll:
*stuffs fries quickly under chair* wasn't me! IT WAS HER, I SWEAR! *points to random person*
*gasps* Chloe? but I was talking to her the whole time!!!
*sniffs air* hmm, when you told me that just now i could have swore your breath smelled like fries!!!!
ohhh, no of course not! would i do such a thing? *hides fries behind back*
hey give Manda her fries back!!! *gives Cheyenne her own fries* are ya happy now? lol
*looks for fries*
uh chloe, cheyenne at them all!!!
when I get my hands on you this is going to happen:
just kiddin' haha
*gives hug*
we can eat the fries together
yaaaay, okay.
*walks up to someone who is occupying only booth left*
"GET OUT...NOW!" *person runs screaming and runs into wall*
alrightie...*orders fries*
lmao, don't be complaining! if it wasn't for my rude impatience we'd still be waiting in line !!!!! :razz:
I brought the fries!
LMAO, not you!
You *ahem* stole them from me.
Manda :D
ugh no way! you wish! stealing my fame..*trips*
*points and laughs*
OHMYGOD, that was hilarious!
*helps pie up*
Manda :blob: