Vanessa Carlton => General Vanessa Carlton Discussion => Topic started by: PintOGuinness on August 08, 2002, 12:29:36 pm

Title: The "Official" Message Board...
Post by: PintOGuinness on August 08, 2002, 12:29:36 pm
Is starting to drive me insane...   :evil:  I remember when I dropped in, most of the posts were from a relatively small few of truly die-hard Vanessa fans.. most noticably Let, Mike, Joe Wonkies, Nikkee, Tricia, Kas, Rich... I was a new person, I would have never presumed to jump in on EVERY SINGLE thread and post... and I woudl have never presumed as a newbie to post 50 individual topics each asking a retarded question...  Maybe it's just me but if I'm new somewhere I tend to learn how things work rather than make a specticle of myself...

Slowly some new folks like me came along and we got Andrew, Pete, Holly, Sierra, Zena, The Sass & Talia, David Hart, Colin...  folks that knew how to join a community and become part of it...

But just in the last few days.. I have been so annoyed with all these goofy folks who drop in and literally "take over..."  We're having to endure Political attacks, Lifestyle Attacks, playing "20 freaking retarded questions", someone even had the audacity to send a racial slur to Shayshen after sheeing that she wasn't white in the pics she posted...

I know some of you may be saying, whatever man, you're a newbie yourself.. we were here months before oyu showed up... who are YOU to say these things...  and you're right... But I'll tell you who I am:
I'm a guy that came to a place where I found people I liked a lot.. I built strong solid friendships and had some really great conversations.. and now I see some of those folks drifting away...  and the little "home" where i met them crumbling... and honstly it makes me sad...  

I guess it could have been expected... with Vanessas success comes the growth of her fanbase... I just didn't expect it so soon.

Well... I just want to let you "die-hards" know that I love ya... and I hope to see ya more often... I'm looking so forward to the Atlanta get together... and if ya ever need me I'll be here...
Title: The "Official" Message Board...
Post by: MBMBrocks! on August 09, 2002, 02:45:01 am
yah... sure, right.
Title: The "Official" Message Board...
Post by: Wonkies on August 10, 2002, 12:12:48 am
I agree with you Jason.  It's not the same as it was when it felt like we were a "family"  We actually had couple of threads about it on the board today.  And of course a lot of the "old timers" feel exactly the way you do.  We just don't seem to be as tight as we used to.  I guess it's just because there are so many people now.  We did have a new "Hey Yo!" thread going with many of the oldies in it.  It almost felt like the old days.

Hello, MBMBRocks.  I'm glad you could join us here on our little board.  Although it seems that you're just here to ridicule, you're welcome anyway.  I hope you have fun here and see that were are many loving Vanessa Carlton fans that just want to support one of our favorite artists.

Title: yes Jason
Post by: superscientific on August 10, 2002, 01:26:07 pm
I agree too and I feel bad also at the same time :(
I love vanessa and Our Official board has gone into a deep change...
I am "one" of the people who have chatted their butts off and I feel bad.
I am a hardcore VC fan and I cannot wait for the ATL show either....
See you there Jason.....
we will do our best to "take it back to the old school" on the official board
thanks for once again dropping wisdom Jason lol

Title: Jason's Sig
Post by: kaysha on August 10, 2002, 02:12:59 pm

i like the smiley face drinkin in your sig Jason :)

and i agree about the forums... i can't even keep up there are so many posts/day.  it seems like it's more used as a chat program instead of a forum.  perhaps there should be something setup similar to the vc aim chats where people can talk instead of using the forums?

Title: The "Official" Message Board...
Post by: Trolan on August 12, 2002, 10:38:13 pm
Why do I think I know where this is leading...

/me hides.
Title: The "Official" Message Board...
Post by: nicole on August 13, 2002, 03:24:39 pm
ehh there is nothing that can be done...
Title: Well...
Post by: Wonkies on August 19, 2002, 11:11:00 am
One big thing I notice is that if you talk about how peaceful the Official board used to be, people jump down your throat for just mentioning it, which just proves the whole point.  It's just nuts.  I guess there are just too many people there now.  Nikkee, I remember you telling me that the No Doubt board got that way and that all of the original "die-hard" members moved to a different board.  I wonder if that will happen here?  

( (
Title: The "Official" Message Board...
Post by: DioPolytropos on August 19, 2002, 12:25:21 pm
folks, believe me.  the vc board is in no way unique in what's happening to it.  I've said repeatedly since I joined there in may that all band message boards follow the same life cycle.  every single change that has occured there was easily predictable, including the formation of this board, and the subsequent complaining about the old board (don't get me wrong, it's always a warranted complaint).  So just take this advice from me:

Title: The "Official" Message Board...
Post by: Wonkies on August 19, 2002, 02:04:01 pm
Of course we're not a "family," Dio.  That's why I've always tried to put that term in quotes whenever I've used it, but we were a tight little group once.  I see your point though.  As I stated above, nikkee told me that the same thing happened at the No Doubt board.  I've never belonged to a message board before this and it's just a bummer that it "has" to be that way.  But as the artist's popularity grows, the more and more people join and the more diverse the opinions become.  I guess I can move on.  I'll have fun here in the mean time and as much fun there as I can.


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Title: YEAH
Post by: superscientific on August 25, 2002, 11:18:27 pm
True Joe we can have as much fun here!
These are where the real fans will come to be
thanks for pushing this place Joe....
I try to get people to come here too...
You guys are very much appreciated

Title: Dio...
Post by: PintOGuinness on August 27, 2002, 07:50:35 am
is completely right...  I was in the same situation... a samll group slintered off and created our own smaller private group...  it was actually quite wonderful...

Unfortunately, it has kinda gone down hill after a few years too...  but it did bring back that closeness that some of us really enjoyed... :)

As you guys can see.. I certainly never took off and I most likely never will... but i can't always guarantee I'm going to be nice, kind, friendly Jason either :)
Title: yeah
Post by: KULPDOGG on September 02, 2002, 08:16:39 am
:? our message boards have gone through very unique changes...well i think if we just ignore the bad people and just be ourselves we'd be a lot better off
Title: What about me?
Post by: Wagella on September 04, 2002, 09:38:40 am
I am not in the Oldie catagory, I just go to have fun. I have never been serious, always sarcastic. I never meant to offend anyone. I hope I am not one of the annoying ones.
Title: i would tend to agree with you, jason.
Post by: snapple936 on September 26, 2002, 01:10:50 am
i've been on the official board since late january, and i've seen it's transformation.  once a place of excitement, the board now offers very little love and hoards of new people. i would never say that having a lot of newbies is a bad thing, because i, for one, love having new people to talk to and i too was a newbie at one point, however it gets difficult when daily there are the same questions, the same topics, the same comments... then if they are ignored, the newbies feel like people are not interested in talking to them, and sometimes spam the board with threads containing the classic line, "why doesn't anyone like me?" :-)
i miss some of the older board members (anyone heard from kas lately, by the way?) and the way it was.  however, that doesn't mean i'm not looking forward to visiting it daily to talk to the friends that i have made while there.
by the way jason, i miss seeing you at the board! your wisdom and presence is truly missed.

anyway, there's my two cents. i love you guys.
Title: The "Official" Message Board...
Post by: zurielshimon on March 30, 2005, 12:30:40 am
Not often do I drag up an old thread, but as much time as I spend on here, I see a discussion now and then that is worth rehashing.  I'm two weeks away from being a two-year member of, and I see no reason not to stay another two.  When I first got on the official website and registered for the m.b., I found out about NESSAholics the first day and though at first I tried to keep up with both boards, I quickly got bored with the other board.  (Pun, yes, I know. :razz: )  In Internet time, two years is like a geologic period, and still I feel the sense of community here I did then, only now it's getting stronger somehow.  I believe the two biggest elements of community is involvement and and reasonable regulation, and it seems we have both here.  Much love for you all! :D

Title: The "Official" Message Board...
Post by: Chloe on March 31, 2005, 04:27:50 am

wow antique thread....sort of.

Vanessa hasn't posted in a VERY long tiiiiiime again.....Gee I wonder why. </sarcasm>
Title: Attack of the Weezer fans
Post by: Danny R on March 31, 2005, 07:04:24 am
Apparently a bunch of Weezer fans are invading the o-board currently.  I went to the weezer website and it appears they just changed forum software (something the o-board really needs!) which prompted the invasion.
Title: The "Official" Message Board...
Post by: Dora on March 31, 2005, 08:59:32 am
oh god, I hated the o board...theyre so weird  8O

I don't think I knew about this place for a while, can;t remember when *shrugs*  and yeah...then I got all excited about harmonium and came here  :lol:

*hugs everyone*  :D
Title: The "Official" Message Board...
Post by: DeepWithinMyself on March 31, 2005, 09:00:05 am
:lol:  @ dora.
Title: The "Official" Message Board...
Post by: emmy on March 31, 2005, 10:05:27 am
Quote from: "Dora"
oh god, I hated the o board...theyre so weird  8O

I go over there every once and a while when I'm bored and need a laugh... in that sense its good that they are weird... more to laugh at  :lol:
Title: The "Official" Message Board...
Post by: Dora on March 31, 2005, 10:32:00 am
Quote from: "emmy"
Quote from: "Dora"
oh god, I hated the o board...theyre so weird  8O

I go over there every once and a while when I'm bored and need a laugh... in that sense its good that they are weird... more to laugh at  :lol:

mmm, yeah, heehee
Title: The "Official" Message Board...
Post by: nosticker on March 31, 2005, 11:23:51 am
This is weird. Vanessa mentioned that she met up with Rivers and showed him some of her unfinished songs while working on Harmonium at the Chance show on Tuesday....figured that the board invasion was some kind of vandalism.

Man, if the o-board was lame in 2002, what is it NOW? I may seriously give up 100% on that board, as so many have.

Anyway, it's sad that most of these people don't post anywhere anymore.

Title: The "Official" Message Board...
Post by: LostDwarf on March 31, 2005, 01:03:59 pm
the O board is like a mind of it's own, the smart ones come here

Title: The "Official" Message Board...
Post by: KULPDOGG on March 31, 2005, 01:18:23 pm
apparentally we got a new mod ......again.
 :roll: how original  :razz:  lol

i bet this person wont ever post either.  :? sigh.
when will they learn.
 :evil: what they need is multiple mods, and mods who actually use the message boards.
Title: The "Official" Message Board...
Post by: nosticker on March 31, 2005, 03:03:51 pm
What? a mod that actually moderates?  Don't be playin wit me! WTF, is it April Fool's one day early?

Seriously, though, I was able to get a spammer's post taken down there recently, so who knows?

Title: The "Official" Message Board...
Post by: emmy on March 31, 2005, 03:11:20 pm
Quote from: "KULPDOGG"
apparentally we got a new mod ......again.
 :roll: how original  :razz:  lol.

wasn't there a different person a few days ago?  and I looked and they only had 1 post, and then later on, that post got removed or something, cuz it said they had no posts??
Title: The "Official" Message Board...
Post by: kaysha on March 31, 2005, 03:18:52 pm
VC's mgmt is having to combat trolls from the weezer forums spamming.  So it seems to be a full time job deleting unwanted posts.  It has kinda gotten out of control... the removal of a few posts seems to have ticked off the Weezer fans just looking for an old fullerene board to chat at and turned it into more of a war :-\

It seems like an uphill battle, i feel for everyone working to revive and maintain the official board.

btw, nice bump Dustin.  :D

Title: The "Official" Message Board...
Post by: KULPDOGG on March 31, 2005, 04:44:40 pm
i know how the =w= boardies feel.
i used to post at the weezer boards a lot, it was cool, and always filled with fun conversations  :(

i see why they want a new place to talk at.

....oh yeah, and the mod PMed me(in responce to my PM) apparentally its the same person as the last mod we had ('mcnulty') ...she seems to think that her name was hacked, so its gone now, and her new name is "VCModerator"

I'm trying to get her to get more mods for the boards, but she's avoiding the subject  :roll:  ...meh
Title: The "Official" Message Board...
Post by: kaysha on March 31, 2005, 06:20:41 pm
Quote from: "KULPDOGG"
i know how the =w= boardies feel.
i used to post at the weezer boards a lot, it was cool, and always filled with fun conversations  :(

i see why they want a new place to talk at.

....oh yeah, and the mod PMed me(in responce to my PM) apparentally its the same person as the last mod we had ('mcnulty') ...she seems to think that her name was hacked, so its gone now, and her new name is "VCModerator"

I'm trying to get her to get more mods for the boards, but she's avoiding the subject  :roll:  ...meh
they need to just setup their own board somewhere instead of searching for random fullerene boards to infiltrate. :)

Yea, Jaclyn is having fun with everything going on  :lol:
Title: The "Official" Message Board...
Post by: BlueStar on April 01, 2005, 07:18:58 pm
I noticed the increase of meaningless and flame-worthy posts over at the official board. I really don't chat there that much, I just like to see what everyone else is saying. But today, for example, there were something like 46 people logged in at once. I can only imagine most of them were the people from the other boards. The official boards REALLY need some more moderators. I'm sure the girl there now is doing the best she can, but she needs help. It's really a pain to have to sort through all of the stupid posts to get to the ones with even the slightest hint of substance.  :roll:

Edit: Just a warning to any of you that may frequent the official boards...there are now people that have taken it upon themselves to post pornographic photos within their messages. I'm so incredibly horrified that I PMed the moderator pleading with him/her to do SOMETHING. That forum isn't even enjoyable anymore! And I feel worse for Vanessa who can't even have a nice place for her fans to go on her official website. If you ask me, THIS should be her official message board, and not that other horrible one. Ugh.
Title: The "Official" Message Board...
Post by: Will on April 03, 2005, 12:26:21 pm
How to solve the problem:

Start from scratch with a new board.
Make administrators approve each new member.
Give the moderators the power to ban people. It is cumbersome to request a ban when someone keeps on registering new names.
Give the mods the power to put in a temporary IP ban.
Have a tough, consistant moderating policy.
Use forum software that doesn't suck and is more secure.
Have five or so dedicated mods.
Title: The "Official" Message Board...
Post by: ILoveHanson on April 04, 2005, 05:52:49 am
hey! i am totallyyyyyyyyyyy an original hardcore.