Other Topics => Polls => Topic started by: Laura on May 10, 2003, 03:20:32 pm

Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: Laura on May 10, 2003, 03:20:32 pm
Yeah so in California (Im pretty sure it's just in Cali) we have to pass a highschool English, & Math exit exam. And if we don't we don't get a diploma. Do me a favor:If you ever get a chance to meet Gov. Gray Davis, kick him in the arse for me and every other highschool student in California.  :lol:

P.S. blah can someone fix my poll? it keeps coming back, disapearing, and adding more answers, can a mod help please?
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: B on May 10, 2003, 03:26:48 pm
That is pretty crappy you don't even get a diploma.
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: Laura on May 10, 2003, 03:30:11 pm
Quote from: "GJenkins05"
That is pretty crappy you don't even get a diploma.

I know, it sucks. It's hard to find a job without a diploma. Do you think if I get over 1000 signatures on a petition and send it to the Gov. of California-the person who came up with this stupid idea, do you think he'll do anything about it? lol eh, just a thought.
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: B on May 10, 2003, 03:33:27 pm
Not really. You could try, but I doubt it. Institutions of education are usually very rigid about their decisions.

Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: Laura on May 10, 2003, 03:34:42 pm
Maybe I should just move to Wisconsin  :D
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: B on May 10, 2003, 03:47:04 pm
You REAAAAAALLY don't want to do that. Trust me, DON'T. Our school systems are incompetent and ass-backwards lol

Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: Katia's Lover on May 10, 2003, 03:55:34 pm
I for one don't think an exit exam is half bad.  

We have them here in Georgia, and for one--they're the easiest things ever.  If you can't pass them, you don't deserve a diploma.  Just my opinion.

Plus, it will only help prepare you for college.
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: Laura on May 10, 2003, 05:30:13 pm
Quote from: "GSUCarltonFan"
I for one don't think an exit exam is half bad.  

We have them here in Georgia, and for one--they're the easiest things ever.  If you can't pass them, you don't deserve a diploma.  Just my opinion.

Plus, it will only help prepare you for college.

Okay...then answer me this: If we haven't learned, and aren't gonna be able to get a chance to learn half of the stuff thats on the exam, how are we supposed to pass it? Im barely even understanding algebra as it is. Even the people at my school that are straight A students can't even pass the darn thing.
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: Laura on May 10, 2003, 05:33:31 pm
Quote from: "GJenkins05"
You REAAAAAALLY don't want to do that. Trust me, DON'T. Our school systems are incompetent and ass-backwards lol


LOL but guys still get a diploma if you pass all of your classes and work hard don't you? I mean our school systems could be a complete mess, but just as long as they don't hold us back from getting a diploma i'd be fine with it...

p.s. Some of my family lives up in Wisconsin, betcha never would have guessed that  8)
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: B on May 10, 2003, 05:41:43 pm
Quote from: "Me&myPiano"
Okay...then answer me this: If we haven't learned, and aren't gonna be able to get a chance to learn half of the stuff thats on the exam, how are we supposed to pass it? Im barely even understanding algebra as it is. Even the people at my school that are straight A students can't even pass the darn thing.

Well then I guess it is the school's fault for teaching it half-assed, or it could be the students, it is hard to say. But they have a good idea, it probably just isn't implimented correctly, which doesn't suprise me. I say that because sometimes some of the stuff they say is "most essential" in high school doesn't mean crap once you get into college. It is like you start over and basically throw half of the stuff you "learned" out the window. At least that is how it was for me.

By the way, that is cool some relatives live in WI, where abouts?

Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: Laura on May 10, 2003, 06:01:44 pm
Quote from: "GJenkins05"

Well then I guess it is the school's fault for teaching it half-assed, or it could be the students, it is hard to say. But they have a good idea, it probably just isn't implimented correctly, which doesn't suprise me. I say that because sometimes some of the stuff they say is "most essential" in high school doesn't mean crap once you get into college. It is like you start over and basically throw half of the stuff you "learned" out the window. At least that is how it was for me.

By the way, that is cool some relatives live in WI, where abouts?

-Brian teachers haven't taught us half of the stuff that's on there.

Oh and im not sure where in WI some of my relatives lives, all I know is that it has ALOT of snow  :lol:
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: Will on May 10, 2003, 09:55:21 pm
Quote from: "Me&myPiano"

Even the people at my school that are straight A students can't even pass the darn thing.

Are we talking about the same California State High School Exit exam?

Of the approximately 300 people who took it at my school last year, only two people failed. This is a below average public HS (too many non-English speakers bringing our scores down).

Honestly, that test was so hella easy. Are you sure you are talking about the same exam? BTW, the people who wrote it were idiots. I found two mistakes on the math portion. I told my proctor, as did about a quarter of the people taking the test. It turns out that we were correct.

And the English section. "The budget cuts led to a reduction in services. Using the context, what is the meaning of reduction?"

The test is a waste of money. And they want to cut the education budget. Something like the CASHEE should be the first to go.
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: nicole on May 10, 2003, 10:18:02 pm
Quote from: "GSUCarltonFan"
I for one don't think an exit exam is half bad.  

We have them here in Georgia, and for one--they're the easiest things ever.  If you can't pass them, you don't deserve a diploma.  Just my opinion.

Plus, it will only help prepare you for college.

I agree as well.  *shrugs* sorry?
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: rosieposy87 on May 11, 2003, 02:15:06 am
Personally i think you are luckier than you could ever imagine. Take a look at the subjects i have to take exams in over the next month(i am 15):

*= We must get at least a C in this exam

-English Language*
-English Literature*
-Double Science*
-Food Technology
-Information Technology
-Media Studies

If we do not get a C in at least 5 of those we do not get to go to Sixth Form College, then at 6th form college if we do not get the required grades in 5 subjects we do not get to University. I think you've got it easier than you think.
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: neos on May 11, 2003, 05:20:27 am
In Spain, there's this official exam you have to take at the end of year 12 which includes:


and 2 more subjects which can be either Physics/Chemistry/Biology or Geography/Latin/Economics depending on what you've chosen the previous year. If you don't pass that exam you can't go to university. Public universities really look at the mark you've had in that exam and if you haven't made the grade they ask for in whatever you want to study (i.e. journalism is sth like 8.5), you can't enter and have to choose some other course. I have friends who wanted to study medicine but because the mark they needed was sth like 8 and they had 7.5 they had to choose a completely different course like biology or engineering.
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: Laura on May 11, 2003, 10:44:05 am
Maybe we do have it a little easier than some of you guys, but you all are not seeing my point.

Just my opinion...I just don't see why we have to take it when we haven't learned anything that's on the exam. Some people just don't understand math as hard as they try...they just don't get it. Including me.
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: rosieposy87 on May 11, 2003, 10:49:16 am
But surely there should be a basic level at which you have to understand? otherwise you just can't get by in the world. Believe me, i hate maths but i understand why i have to take an exam in it.
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: Laura on May 11, 2003, 10:54:53 am
Exactly. I blame the school. It's mostly the juniors that are in this mess. When I last took the exam, I had no idea what the heck they were talking about, lol because I haven't learned anyof it. I may understand some of the stuff better now that im in Algebra B, but I don't know.
I guess you'd just have to ask the people who still haven't passed it to understand what I mean. I mean heck, all my teachers even think it's screwed up. That's gotta say something.
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: rosieposy87 on May 11, 2003, 11:01:17 am
The clearly the teaching is the problem here, i think everyone has to take exams- but if you're not prepared for them then how can they be a true judge of your ability and knowledge?
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: Laura on May 11, 2003, 11:10:14 am
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
The clearly the teaching is the problem here, i think everyone has to take exams- but if you're not prepared for them then how can they be a true judge of your ability and knowledge?

Exactly! Finally someone see's my point...@ least it looks like you do, lol They aren't really preparing us at all.

That's why im hella nervous. I have to take them on Thursday. Im like freaking out here...they are trying to pass a bill where you won't have to take it until a couple more years, but until then, im mad   :evil: lol
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: Dancernl on May 11, 2003, 11:14:58 am
Quote from: "neos"
In Spain, there's this official exam you have to take at the end of year 12 which includes:


and 2 more subjects which can be either Physics/Chemistry/Biology or Geography/Latin/Economics depending on what you've chosen the previous year. If you don't pass that exam you can't go to university. Public universities really look at the mark you've had in that exam and if you haven't made the grade they ask for in whatever you want to study (i.e. journalism is sth like 8.5), you can't enter and have to choose some other course. I have friends who wanted to study medicine but because the mark they needed was sth like 8 and they had 7.5 they had to choose a completely different course like biology or engineering.

Nerea, que es basque?
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: rosieposy87 on May 11, 2003, 11:15:13 am
Its weird, because surely after 18 years (am i right?) of education you should be prepared for a maths and english test? what are the teachers doing at ur school!? lol
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: Laura on May 11, 2003, 11:19:22 am
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
Its weird, because surely after 18 years (am i right?) of education you should be prepared for a maths and english test? what are the teachers doing at ur school!? lol

haha!  :lol: don't get me wrong, the teachers are actually teaching at my school, lol but alot of us haven't had geometry and stuff that's actually on the exam, lol which is why I think there should be separate test's, since we don't have to take geometry at my school, wouldn't that make more sense? if they did that I would be so happy  :D
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: rosieposy87 on May 11, 2003, 11:20:58 am
Quote from: "Dancernl"
Quote from: "neos"
In Spain, there's this official exam you have to take at the end of year 12 which includes:


and 2 more subjects which can be either Physics/Chemistry/Biology or Geography/Latin/Economics depending on what you've chosen the previous year. If you don't pass that exam you can't go to university. Public universities really look at the mark you've had in that exam and if you haven't made the grade they ask for in whatever you want to study (i.e. journalism is sth like 8.5), you can't enter and have to choose some other course. I have friends who wanted to study medicine but because the mark they needed was sth like 8 and they had 7.5 they had to choose a completely different course like biology or engineering.

Nerea, que es basque?

are you asking what Basque is? Because Basque is the language of the area in which Nerea lives (The Basque Country suprisingly) and they are taught it up to a certain level despite the fact the majority of people speak spanish there.
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: neos on May 11, 2003, 01:10:21 pm
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
Quote from: "Dancernl"

Nerea, que es basque?

are you asking what Basque is? Because Basque is the language of the area in which Nerea lives (The Basque Country suprisingly) and they are taught it up to a certain level despite the fact the majority of people speak spanish there.

Yup! It's a local language. It's mostly spoken in rural areas, not very much where I live, but they make everyone study it at school, in an attempt to create a bigger Basque-speaking community, but it's not really working, cos the level taught at many schools is really poor and ppl don't study it any further than school. The problem comes when you wanna work in some goverment institution and they ask for it, but most ppl don't speak it, so they need to take courses & things that just don't make sense when you're 40 (!!)... never mind lol I'm getting into too much detail, sorry.

It's a very different language from Spanish, very very different, so it makes it even tougher to learn. It's actually everyone's nightmare at school lol I was lucky I didn't have to study it from year 8 on cos I spent a year in England and when I came back I was exempt from it (lol did I just made that word up or does it exist?)
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: vive-la-france on May 11, 2003, 02:02:53 pm
in France we have exit exams in each schools, i mean school, college, high school. none at the University  :D (4 exams sets at University = every 3 months  :(  )

Nerea : Basque ?? strange subject , we don't have it in France even in "Pays Basque" perhaps only as an facultative subject

Quote from: "GSUCarltonFan"
If you can't pass them, you don't deserve a diploma.  Just my opinion.

i think the same
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: emmy on May 11, 2003, 02:14:38 pm
In Connecticut we don't have exit exams, although they do make us take CAPT tests, and supposedly if we don't do well, it doesn't look good if we attempt to go to an in state college.  Dunno if it's true tho.  Oh well.
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: neos on May 11, 2003, 02:16:40 pm
Quote from: "vive-la-france"

Nerea : Basque ?? strange subject , we don't have it in France even in "Pays Basque" perhaps only as an facultative subject

I know... but that's because the French Basque country is a lot smaller than the Spanish one, and it's inside Aquitaine (it's Aquitaine isn't it? I'm not sure), it doesn't have an autonomy of its own like in Spain. Here there's a regional government with more power than most of the rest of the regional governments in Spain (there's special taxes and everything, unlike in most of the regions in Spain, which have standard taxes ruled by the central government), which happens to be ruled byt the Basque Nationalist party PNV, so they make all the efforts possible to promote Basque and everything to do with it (Basque independence and things like that, if you've ever heard of those issues, you know what I'm talking about). The pro-Basque political organisation is a lot stronger here than in France, so it has an influence in education too. When I spent some time near Bayonne I was surprised how little Basque culture was present in there, it was present but not in a political way like it is here. I'd even say more ppl speak Basque in the French Basque country, basically cos it's more rural, but they're less worried about the pro-Basque politics like ppl are here. That's just my little knowledge of it though
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: vive-la-france on May 11, 2003, 02:29:21 pm
your little lnowledge is that BIG

yep it's Aquitaine you got it right

Here Basque are as Corse people : they are wanting and asking their independance but i think that french governement will never give it to them cuz otherwise people from Bretagne will want it too , Corse people , then it will be Landais people ...... France would explode, it would be the Non-united States of France  :(
You would have a strange country for neighbour  :P
Even if i'm 50% landais and 50% pyrénéen i don't want Landes and Pyrénées to be independant countries. We are just in France but people should be alowed to keep their rural cultures alive.
France is so understandable sometimes  :cry:  :wink:
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: nicole on May 11, 2003, 02:33:36 pm
Quote from: "Emily"
In Connecticut we don't have exit exams, although they do make us take CAPT tests, and supposedly if we don't do well, it doesn't look good if we attempt to go to an in state college.  Dunno if it's true tho.  Oh well.

haha I remember those DUMB tests! I love the first week in May when I was a freshman! I would show up late for school all week! ;)
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: emmy on May 11, 2003, 02:46:50 pm
Quote from: "nikkee"
haha I remember those DUMB tests! I love the first week in May when I was a freshman! I would show up late for school all week! ;)

Really?  They let you do that?  They made us have regular classes for like 3 hours at a time and we couldnt leave the room and everything, so we couldn't skip or come late.  The only people they let come in late were the seniors methinks... i'm not sure because i never did my senior year here.  Oh well.
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: Dancernl on May 11, 2003, 03:21:22 pm
we in NY are the only crazy ones still giving regents exams.  And they have changed the standards so now they are even harder.  When i graduated you could get a local or regents diploma, and now there's no local diploma anymore.  It's going to get to the point where they are going to have to make a super regents, lol.  But I agree with whomever said that they prepare you for college, it's true.
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: tricia on May 11, 2003, 03:43:59 pm
Your school sounds pretty jacked Laura.  At my school, we started with Algebra in the 8th grade.  Geometry was 9, Algebra 2 was 10, Pre-Calc was 11, Calc was 12.  

If you were behind, you might start Algebra in 10, but most kids were in it by 8 or 9.

*shrug*  I think the exam is a good idea.  Would have kept a lot of the dumbasses from my class from getting a diploma.  Alas, the Class of 2001 did not have the test.
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: freshlettuce on May 11, 2003, 05:02:23 pm
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
Personally i think you are luckier than you could ever imagine. Take a look at the subjects i have to take exams in over the next month(i am 15):

-Food Technology

Hee-hee, I bet the exam for food technology went something like this:

Make a significant improvement to English cuisine.

Just Kidding!  *kisses!!!!*

Now you can make fun of Americans for hamburgers and hormones in our cattle.   :wink:
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: Laura on May 11, 2003, 05:46:19 pm
Quote from: "vive-la-france"
in France we have exit exams in each schools, i mean school, college, high school. none at the University  :D (4 exams sets at University = every 3 months  :(  )

Nerea : Basque ?? strange subject , we don't have it in France even in "Pays Basque" perhaps only as an facultative subject

Quote from: "GSUCarltonFan"
If you can't pass them, you don't deserve a diploma.  Just my opinion.

i think the same

That's messed up. Why shouldn't we deserve a diploma? After going to school for how many ever years, and working our arses off in highschool for the past 4 years, and getting good grades, we shouldn't deserve a diploma for not passing a Math exam? that's like saying "even tho you went to school for 12 years, and working as hard as you could, you don't deserve anything". I'm not trying to yell at you, lol but im just kinda irritated that people think we don't deserve a diploma.
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: Laura on May 11, 2003, 05:50:53 pm
Quote from: "DixieChck615"
Your school sounds pretty jacked Laura.  At my school, we started with Algebra in the 8th grade.  Geometry was 9, Algebra 2 was 10, Pre-Calc was 11, Calc was 12.  

If you were behind, you might start Algebra in 10, but most kids were in it by 8 or 9.

*shrug*  I think the exam is a good idea.  Would have kept a lot of the dumbasses from my class from getting a diploma.  Alas, the Class of 2001 did not have the test.

Yeah Tricia, my school is pretty jacked, lol I mean the teachers are good teachers, but the system is what bugs me. We should have the system like you guys had. We might have and I just don't remember, but somehow alot of people got screwed, lol
I guess an exam would be a good idea, but they should just have separate ones like for the kids that are only in algebra, one for the geometry kids etc. I dunno
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: B on May 11, 2003, 05:58:31 pm
Well technically everyone is SUPPOSED to learn the same thing in high schools, so they are banking on that fact in making the test. Unfortunately sometimes it doesn't turn out that way. But everyone else is right, even if you never use it in college, it prepares you for college in the sense that some college courses assume that you have knowledge of previous things, and even if you don't you need to know it to be successful in that class.... unless you are really smart and pick up things fast  :wink:
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: Katia's Lover on May 11, 2003, 05:58:38 pm
Quote from: "Me&myPiano"
Quote from: "vive-la-france"
in France we have exit exams in each schools, i mean school, college, high school. none at the University  :D (4 exams sets at University = every 3 months  :(  )

Nerea : Basque ?? strange subject , we don't have it in France even in "Pays Basque" perhaps only as an facultative subject

Quote from: "GSUCarltonFan"
If you can't pass them, you don't deserve a diploma.  Just my opinion.

i think the same

That's messed up. Why shouldn't we deserve a diploma? After going to school for how many ever years, and working our arses off in highschool for the past 4 years, and getting good grades, we shouldn't deserve a diploma for not passing a Math exam? that's like saying "even tho you went to school for 12 years, and working as hard as you could, you don't deserve anything". I'm not trying to yell at you, lol but im just kinda irritated that people think we don't desrve a diploma.

All I'm saying is this:

If it's anywhere near like it is in Georgia (where in fact we have to do four tests instead of your two), the tests are so incredibly easy that if you can't pass them YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO BE A HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE.  

And welcome to the real world sweety.  I'd hate to be the bearer of bad news: BUT THE WORLD IS NOT A FAIR PLACE.  I've said it before, I'll say it again: Life's a bitch, and then you die.

Study for them, and I PROMISE you, you will pass.  Otherwise, stop your moaning.

I'm sorry if this seems a bit full of anger.  It probably is--I've been cramped in this room all day with no TV, no telephone, no nothing.  I'm bored, and I'm releasing my anger.
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: Laura on May 11, 2003, 06:01:21 pm
Quote from: "GJenkins05"
Well technically everyone is SUPPOSED to learn the same thing in high schools, so they are banking on that fact in making the test. Unfortunately sometimes it doesn't turn out that way. But everyone else is right, even if you never use it in college, it prepares you for college in the sense that some college courses assume that you have knowledge of previous things, and even if you don't you need to know it to be successful in that class.... unless you are really smart and pick up things fast  :wink:

LOL Brian howcome you are always right?  :lol:
Now I actually get what people are trying to tell me...haha
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: Laura on May 11, 2003, 06:06:14 pm
Quote from: "GSUCarltonFan"

All I'm saying is this:

If it's anywhere near like it is in Georgia (where in fact we have to do four tests instead of your two), the tests are so incredibly easy that if you can't pass them YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO BE A HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE.  

And welcome to the real world sweety.  I'd hate to be the bearer of bad news: BUT THE WORLD IS NOT A FAIR PLACE.  I've said it before, I'll say it again: Life's a bitch, and then you die.

Study for them, and I PROMISE you, you will pass.  Otherwise, stop your moaning.

I'm sorry if this seems a bit full of anger.  It probably is--I've been cramped in this room all day with no TV, no telephone, no nothing.  I'm bored, and I'm releasing my anger.

I would study for it, except how can I study for geometry & other stuff thats on there when I don't know it!? lol And it's NOT easy to some people. Your not getting that. For alot of people maybe it's easy, but some kids just don't get math, that's all I gotta say. I don't wanna keep arguing so im probably done in this thread, lol I didn't realize it was going to get this many replys...
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: B on May 11, 2003, 06:08:04 pm
Quote from: "Me&myPiano"
Brian howcome you are always right?

'Cause I know how it is to go to jacked ass schools that don't teach the curriculum correctly. If nothing else, it will prepare you for college where they tell you that you need this class, this class, and that class, and then those classes are never offered... or wait, is that just MY whack college?  :roll:

But seriously, don't worry about the exam too much. Just dust up on it and you will do fine. Brainpower is a wonderful thing, like my friend says : "If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with BS", if these tests are anything like the tests we had to take, you get partial credit for trying to answer the question and showing your work ;)

Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: Laura on May 11, 2003, 06:11:39 pm
Brian, you are the man, lol

Man im getting a headake from all this replying and reading, I need to lay down, lol
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: B on May 11, 2003, 06:15:05 pm
Ha, alright.
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: rosieposy87 on May 12, 2003, 08:37:08 am
Quote from: "freshlettuce"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
Personally i think you are luckier than you could ever imagine. Take a look at the subjects i have to take exams in over the next month(i am 15):

-Food Technology

Hee-hee, I bet the exam for food technology went something like this:

Make a significant improvement to English cuisine.

Just Kidding!  *kisses!!!!*

Now you can make fun of Americans for hamburgers and hormones in our cattle.   :wink:

Lmao, you ever had fish and chips mate!? Cos if you had, you wouldn't say English food is crap. And the only reason American food is good is cos its a mix of everyone else's cultures!! lmao

For Food Tech its absoloute bollocks- did u know there is actually a word for when you defrost sth and there's water on the top!? UGH there's nothing worse than making a practical subject academic.
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: Grakthis on May 13, 2003, 06:04:03 am
Ok, hold up one minute.  There is NO such thing as good ENGLISH food.  Traditional english food is very BLAND and plain.  The saxons weren't exactly into the cullinary arts.

They did the same thing as the Americans did... they imported other peoples food.  Now there is traditional Irish and scottish food... and some of it is good.  Most of it is VERY bland though.

Why do you think the route to India was so important?  One of the biggest imports was spices because there just weren't that many spices in europe.
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: rosieposy87 on May 13, 2003, 10:20:30 am
Have you ever actually been to England Andrew? tried toad in the hole? fish and chips? Yorkshire pudding? Sticky toffee pudding? bangers and mash? Have you ever tried a full english roast Andrew? I thought not...
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: Grakthis on May 13, 2003, 10:54:37 am
First off.  For all you know, I have been to England and I have tried all of those things.  I dont know why you would presume I haven't.  Hell, my parents and grandparents are in england right now.  They've been there for 2 weeks now.  My older brother spend 2 months there.  Granted, I haven't been there, but you had no way of knowing that.  Bad form.  :wink:

Second of all, im telling you about history.  And historically, the descendants of the british didn't contribute anything to cooking.  They just didn't.  Maybe in modern (as in, last 400 years or so) times the English have taken credit for some dishes... but by then they had protectorates and colonies and what not all over the world.  Where do you think all of these "british" recicpies came from?  India. Greece. Africa. etc.

Im not saying those aren't all great foods.  And im not saying there is anything wrong with taking the dishes of other countries..... hell, I LOVE mexican food and Indian food.  I'm just saying, don't demean Americans for doing it when the British are just as guilty.

Both the British and American cultures are a mish-mash of other countries.  Which is why we are the two most powerful countries in the world.  Diversity = Strength.
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: neos on May 13, 2003, 11:02:13 am
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
tried toad in the hole? fish and chips?

*drools* haha how about salt & vinegar Pringles?? huh??  :wink:  Ok ok I know you get them in more places... but they're SO English!
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: rosieposy87 on May 13, 2003, 11:07:35 am
nere: hahaha, do u want me to send u some more? cos i happily will, just not sure how welll they'd do through the post! lmao, oh i know- you could come here and get some! bwhahaha
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: neos on May 13, 2003, 11:10:58 am
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
oh i know- you could come here and get some! bwhahaha

Yess! That doesn't sound too bad at all  :wink: Hmm maybe later this year, I'll try to do some convincing around the house, after all we owe you a visit huh? And since the summer family hols to Paris are not happening well... they might just as well agree, you never know *fingers crossed*
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: Manda on January 12, 2004, 10:17:09 am
Yes, I passed it my first year, it was easy.

Manda :wink:
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: Jessica on January 12, 2004, 09:44:45 pm
i go to private school and i dont think we have to take that?
im a senior and they never told us anything..
but its okay my school makes up for it for making us think we're not gonna ever get into college if we have a C and threatens us with not graduation for any little thing you do
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: Manda on January 15, 2004, 08:33:21 pm
My friend goes to a private school also, and she did not have to take it. So I'm guessing maybe it only applies to those in public school like myself.

either way, its a very easy test, most pass it the first year they take it. I passed, then it got taken away because we didn't have money at the time, but they are going to start it back up again this year, I feel sorry for the freshaman.

I remember the test being like a couple of hours for like three days. It was really time consuming.

Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: Holly on January 15, 2004, 08:41:02 pm
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
Have you ever actually been to England Andrew? tried toad in the hole? fish and chips? Yorkshire pudding? Sticky toffee pudding? bangers and mash? Have you ever tried a full english roast Andrew? I thought not...

Andrew seems to know everything, lol
or atleast think he does
just because you have tried something, doesnt mean everyone thinks it's the same way you think so.

I have tried english food when i was in london years ago, I thought it was good!

Oh, I had fish and chips last week! yum! :)
Title: Re: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: Holly on January 15, 2004, 08:46:54 pm
Quote from: "Laura"
Yeah so in California (Im pretty sure it's just in Cali) we have to pass a highschool English, & Math exit exam. And if we don't we don't get a diploma. Do me a favor:If you ever get a chance to meet Gov. Gray Davis, kick him in the arse for me and every other highschool student in California.  :lol:

P.S. blah can someone fix my poll? it keeps coming back, disapearing, and adding more answers, can a mod help please?

I never heard of that law... maybe it's only mandatory for public schools?
we dont have to take a test to get our diploma. As long as we pass the needed classes and don't get too many c's or lower we're good to go. We do have more course requirements though.
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: Manda on January 15, 2004, 09:16:40 pm
I really think its only for those in Public Schools.

Loyola and Notre Dame Academy and other schools like those don't have to pass the exams or take them at all.

My friends told me about this, and I really think it shouldn't have to be passed to pass high school, at our school its you who takes the classes, if you don't take a certain class and don't graduate basically its your fault.

classes are all up to you.

Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: PIBby on January 16, 2004, 07:54:12 am
Quote from: "Katia's Lover"
We have them here in Georgia, and for one--they're the easiest things ever.  If you can't pass them, you don't deserve a diploma.  Just my opinion.

That's what I was thinkin'. Granted, I'm not in high school, but it seems like if people learned what they were supposed to high school, the exit exam should be easy enough and they would pass it. Plus, it's just Math and English - Two things EVERY person should know when he or she graduates 8th grade.

Just a thought.
Title: Should we have to pass a highschool exit exam?
Post by: rosieposy87 on January 16, 2004, 08:04:54 am
Quote from: "PIBby"
Quote from: "Katia's Lover"
We have them here in Georgia, and for one--they're the easiest things ever.  If you can't pass them, you don't deserve a diploma.  Just my opinion.

That's what I was thinkin'. Granted, I'm not in high school, but it seems like if people learned what they were supposed to high school, the exit exam should be easy enough and they would pass it. Plus, it's just Math and English - Two things EVERY person should know when he or she graduates 8th grade.

Just a thought.

I agree, though i think the general point of this thread was that she hasn't been taught what she was supposed to learn, and therefore has no opportunity to learn it. So hmmm.