Other Topics => Completely Off-Topic => Topic started by: Moogs21 on June 19, 2003, 09:53:29 pm
(i'm being serious here)
Do you think love is real?
why or why not?
if you do...
do you believe in love at first sight?
can one person be in love with another, while they dont love him/her back?
can you fall in love more than once?
have you ever been in love?
please fill that out. please. i beg of you
in light of recent events has gotten me thinking...
thanks, more than you can imagine, thanks
Do you think love is real? Yes
why or why not? It just is.
do you believe in love at first sight? Yes
can one person be in love with another, while they dont love him/her back? It happens all the time.
can you fall in love more than once? yes
have you ever been in love? possibly
Do you think love is real? Yes
why or why not? Because I said so..: )
do you believe in love at first sight? Yes.
can one person be in love with another, while they dont love him/her back? Yes.
can you fall in love more than once? Yes.
have you ever been in love? Yes.
define it..a strong attraction?
a mixture of the three?
can it be definable?
can one person love another without them even knowing??
do you use the word love carlessly? as in jr.high when you liked someone did you write I <3 (name) everywhere?
because when ihad my jr.high bf i wouldnt write i <3 daniel everywhere...because it wasnt love...and they call me crazy...
and now...nevermind
Love . . . Lve is when you can't stop thinking about the other person. When you're heart stops when you see them. When you fall on words when you try to speak them. When you're as nervous as ever to talk to the person; But at the same time you're more comfortable whle you're talking to him than you've ever been in your life. You keep the persons picture, only because you're afraid you'll forget their face.
Trust? Certainly. A big part of it, I think is Appearance. And it's strange because, someone's personality can be so attractive, it can make, even an ugly person, physically attractive.
Can one person love another without them even knowing? Of course. It happens all the time.
Do you use the word love carelessly? I'm in Middle School, and yeah . . . we do. But we don't say "I LOVE him,'' was say ''I LOVE him when he's in his baseball uniform. He's so sexy.'' Which, DAMN! If you could see the guy I'm talking about you'd faint, but . . .
.............. <3 :!: :?: :?:
Love . . . Lve is when you can't stop thinking about the other person. When you're heart stops when you see them. When you fall on words when you try to speak them. When you're as nervous as ever to talk to the person; But at the same time you're more comfortable whle you're talking to him than you've ever been in your life. You keep the persons picture, only because you're afraid you'll forget their face.
Trust? Certainly. A big part of it, I think is Appearance. And it's strange because, someone's personality can be so attractive, it can make, even an ugly person, physically attractive.
Can one person love another without them even knowing? Of course. It happens all the time.
Do you use the word love carelessly? I'm in Middle School, and yeah . . . we do. But we don't say "I LOVE him,'' was say ''I LOVE him when he's in his baseball uniform. He's so sexy.'' Which, DAMN! If you could see the guy I'm talking about you'd faint, but . . .
Evil Genius: )
Do you think love is real? Yes
why or why not? its only real if you can feel it
do you believe in love at first sight? can someone believe in that....its like you're actually falling in love with their looks but not the person itself....
can one person be in love with another, while they dont love him/her back? Yes most def
can you fall in love more than once? Yes. there isn't a limit.
have you ever been in love? yes
Love can be very painful sometimes though....and honesty and trust is what is most important....and being there for that person even when you dont feel like it....
But i can't disagree..pibby said it all...theres nothing really more to say..
except for this picture
lol annoying!
Do you think love is real? Yes
why or why not? its only real if you can feel it
do you believe in love at first sight? can someone believe in that....its like you're actually falling in love with their looks but not the person itself....
can one person be in love with another, while they dont love him/her back? Yes most def
can you fall in love more than once? Yes. there isn't a limit.
have you ever been in love? yes
Love can be very painful sometimes though....and honesty and trust is what is most important....and being there for that person even when you dont feel like it....
But i can't disagree..pibby said it all...theres nothing really more to say..
except for this picture
lol annoying!
have you ever been in love? Yes.
hmm...i'm curious... :lol:
Do you think love is real?
why or why not?
well, wouldn't life be pretty lame without having someone you care about being by your side.
if you do...
do you believe in love at first sight?
no, lust at first site perhaps 8) but i think you at least have to know someone for a time, get to know them before you can say you love them for all that they personify.
can one person be in love with another, while they dont love him/her back?
yes. ah, unrequited love.. what a pain it the ass. an unfortunate fact of existence.
can you fall in love more than once?
i guess.
have you ever been in love?
yes :wink:
love could be easily defined as
an underlying sense of oneness
only really a small part of it, but its dead true from what ive felt
Do you think love is real? Yes
why or why not? Because if you can feel it,then it's real
if you do...
do you believe in love at first sight? no
can one person be in love with another, while they dont love him/her back? definately, people fall out of love at different times...
can you fall in love more than once? I think everytime you love someone, you are gonna think this is it, i'm in love, but then another person comes in to your life and if you feel stronger for that person, then u know it wasn't love what u felt little confusing...but i think so
have you ever been in love? YES!!!!...
"what do you think about love?"
i think it doesn't think about me...
have you ever been in love? Yes.
hmm...i'm curious... :lol:
You, you, you, you, you, its always been you Tia.: )
I'll go ahead and take up my role as the resident pessamist and inform you all that Love is esentially just hormones. It's chemical. It's not magical or mystical. It does not conquer all, it is not preordained and it ends tragically MORE often than it ends happily.
Love is clearly visible in the human brain BY chemical reactions. It is scientifically explainable and scientifically plausible. We know what it is and why it is. Which means that if you consider yourself a practical or reasonable person, you cannot believe in love as a magic thing.
Love at first site is called Lust or Infatuation. Romantic love is nothing more than being friends with someone you wanna (or do) have sex with. Platonic love is just close friendship.
And if any of you try to give me some religious "God creates matches and love is how they reveal themselves blah blah" i would point you to the THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of people in love who end up divorced, hating eachother or worse, resulting in violence.
The End.
I'll go ahead and take up my role as the resident pessamist and inform you all that Love is esentially just hormones. It's chemical. It's not magical or mystical. It does not conquer all, it is not preordained and it ends tragically MORE often than it ends happily.
Love is clearly visible in the human brain BY chemical reactions. It is scientifically explainable and scientifically plausible. We know what it is and why it is. Which means that if you consider yourself a practical or reasonable person, you cannot believe in love as a magic thing.
Eh... I have a few Humanist friends that would drive you crazy. In addition to the Christians (myself included), of course...... :wink:
Ok, we understand the effects of love (good feeling hormones, etc....) but what difference does that make when experiencing them? Ultimately, we all trust our bodies more than our rational thought, deep down at least.
We don't understand love. Matchmakers throughout the ages have tried to predict and understand it. We don't know why some people love others when they seem all wrong for each other, or why some people hate each other when they seem perfect together.
We as humans are complex systems. We can never be understood or predicted, save by complete unapproximated simulation. In my opinion, we are more complex than weather systems. And even the NEC Earth Simulator (the world's fastest and most powerful computer) can't understand the weather. Too many variables. And human neurology is worse......
So what if we know why we feel a certain way? We will never understand the ultimate cause of it. Sit back and enjoy it anyway.
And you are a pessimist. :wink:
Love . . . Lve is when you can't stop thinking about the other person. When you're heart stops when you see them. When you fall on words when you try to speak them. When you're as nervous as ever to talk to the person; But at the same time you're more comfortable whle you're talking to him than you've ever been in your life. You keep the persons picture, only because you're afraid you'll forget their face.
Trust? Certainly. A big part of it, I think is Appearance. And it's strange because, someone's personality can be so attractive, it can make, even an ugly person, physically attractive.
Can one person love another without them even knowing? Of course. It happens all the time.
Do you use the word love carelessly? I'm in Middle School, and yeah . . . we do. But we don't say "I LOVE him,'' was say ''I LOVE him when he's in his baseball uniform. He's so sexy.'' Which, DAMN! If you could see the guy I'm talking about you'd faint, but . . .
for a middle schooler you sure know a lot
It's hard to be as skillful as I am. ;)
I wonder what person first decided this feeling was in need of a name... And why it was named love....
have you ever been in love? Yes.
hmm...i'm curious... :lol:
You, you, you, you, you, its always been you Tia.: )
*doesn't quite know what to say* 'lol' appropriate?
Do you think love is real? Yes :)
why or why not? Because I've felt it
if you do...
do you believe in love at first sight? It's very possible
can one person be in love with another, while they dont love him/her back? Absolutely :(
can you fall in love more than once? Yes
have you ever been in love? I'm in it now
define it..a strong attraction? Attraction isn't love, but love will cause attraction.
trust? Love doesn't mean trust, but trust is essential for a fruitful love
caring? To me, love means caring.
a mixture of the three? All three are very involved.
can it be definable? Love may vary as defined by one person to another, but some elements are universal.
can one person love another without them even knowing?? Yes, but not for long if it truly is love. A true lover would never keep that secret long.
do you use the word love carlessly? as in jr.high when you liked someone did you write I (name) everywhere? I learned early on that the word "love" should only be used when it is really love.
as to the question about love at first sight...
Well, when I was younger, I didn't have a dad(my parents got devorced when I was about.. 1-2 years old) so, my sister, my mom and I would do all sorts of things together and of course my sister and I wanted a dad, just because we didn't really know what it was like.. we also wanted a big brother (boy was that something I wish I didn't have now.. haha) but we were happy with it just being the 3 of us... Anyways, what I'm getting at is... One time, my mom was reading the news paper and she found this ad about a religious group that met at a place that wasn't too far from us... So, we all went, we were welcomed and we had a good first experience... Well, when it got started, we were all put in little groups of 5 or 6 people. The person leading the groups told this guy in our group to switch with a guy in another group and they switched... So, the new guy sat next to me, my mom was on my left and my sister was on her left... So, all through the service, the new guy wouldn't stop staring at my mom with his chin resting on his hand with a silly grin on his face.. I was a little weirded out and all thinking "why is this strange man staring at my mom!?" and so we kept going to the services and everything and the guy and my mom got married a year later and now, he's my stepdad of 6 years.. And, he was married at the time when we first met him.. hahahaha.... So yes, love at first sight is real.. Because he felt that she was his soul mate, and they are soul mates.. even if you don't believe in soul mates..
what is your definition of a strong crush, and how is it differnt from love
what is your definition of a strong crush, and how is it differnt from love
what is your definition of a strong crush, and how is it differnt from love
It's the exact same thing. Except in retrospect we call it a crush if it doesn't work out and we call it love if it does.
No one can ever correctly define these "feelings" until after the fact, which just goes to prove my theories on Love. If two people say they are in love, but then break up, they always justify it by saying "well, I thought I was in love, but really it was just..."
Eh... I have a few Humanist friends that would drive you crazy. In addition to the Christians (myself included), of course...... :wink:
Love as a religious thing is soooo silly to me. I mean, I'm Christian... and even I don't believe in that idea.
I'm most assuridly NOT saying Love is a bad thing (tm). I am saying that Love is not this fairy tale that most people immagine it to be. It's a lot more practical than that.
I define Love as the moment when another person's life becomes more important to you than your own. But it doesn't happen because of some magical ethereal force. It happens because of endorphines.
Ok, we understand the effects of love (good feeling hormones, etc....) but what difference does that make when experiencing them? Ultimately, we all trust our bodies more than our rational thought, deep down at least.
See, some people operate by following emotions and other people operate by following their heads (or some mix thereof). I am more of the latter which means I want to know WHY my emotions are pulling me one way or another. Because our emotions lead us astray a LOT. Tempering this with rationale is important to a happy life.
Why do you think most Romantics died young? Cause their emotions made them do dumb shit, or they got depressed and off'd themselves.
And you are a pessimist. :wink:
Pessamist are never dissapointed.
:lol: :wink:
And you are a pessimist. :wink:
Pessamist are never dissapointed.
A had a conversation on this the other day
if you expect the best and get mediocre, it will still be a dissapointment, and if you fail, it will be a disaster
now if you expect the worst, and get mediocre, you are quite pleased, if you get the best, you dont shut up about it for thirty days :mrgreen:
what is your definition of a strong crush, and how is it differnt from love
well, I think there are many different definitions for these matters, love is different for everyone. I will try to answer your question in the way i think of this.
Having a crush on someone, is what you can get on that guy that you think is oh soooooooo cute, and who you ask a simple question to or sit at the same table at lunch with (when you're brave enough...). you might not know him very well yet though. its a sort of 'mild obsession' about a person you might say. you like what you see, and you want to see more. many serious relationships have started out this way, but not all. if you have a crush on someone, you should get to know that person better.
so you get to know this person very well. and by that i mean what he (or she for that matter, im certainly not being prejudiced here...)is really like on the inside. you might have shared a lot of experiences, spent a lot of time together and you share a special bond. take this, and add a million other things like, chemistry, tears, laughter etc and you have love. its a deep thing, but oh so wonderful.... Liking someone usually involves liking their personality and who they are as a person and is deeper than a crush. Loving someone is even more than that. It's hard to explain what love is because different people consider it differently.
a crush is like an infatuation tho, it only last for a small period of time, when it comes to liking someone, you can like a lot of people, it is almost used as a general term, as for example i like your sister or brother, it can be used in just a general way, and being in love is when you know for a fact that the person you have feelings for is the one that you want to spend your entire life with, love is basically an extremely strong feeling that you feel towards another person, that basically leads to a deep affection, desire and devotion towards that person that makes your heart go crazy...
..... i hope this helped you out moogs21
oh and ...
people say I'm a pessimist. Even though I don't know most of the people who say this about me, I'll assume they're bastards. Yeah, it'll make an ass out of you and me. But mostly you. .. :mrgreen:
Ok i rambled..time to go to the beach..
Crushes suck. They REALLY do. They're just when you think someone's 'hot', you don't really pay attention to the guy's other attributes, just his looks. You wanna like the person, a lot more, but you don't and you can't udnerstand why . . .
A had a conversation on this the other day
if you expect the best and get mediocre, it will still be a dissapointment, and if you fail, it will be a disaster
now if you expect the worst, and get mediocre, you are quite pleased, if you get the best, you dont shut up about it for thirty days :mrgreen:
AMEN brother Pete!
The best part is, you always strive for the best, but expect the worst. That way when we actually get what we strive for, it's like the happiest day ever!
it's like being a Bengals fan. When they loose, you just shrug and move on. But when they win ONE little game, it's a frickin party!
people say I'm a pessimist. Even though I don't know most of the people who say this about me, I'll assume they're bastards.
Does anyone else see the exceptional Irony in this? By immediatly assuming these people are assholes, you are expressing a pessamistic sentiment.... thereby making their statements true. You are indeed a pessamist. Funny how that works.
people say I'm a pessimist. Even though I don't know most of the people who say this about me, I'll assume they're bastards.
Does anyone else see the exceptional Irony in this? By immediatly assuming these people are assholes, you are expressing a pessamistic sentiment.... thereby making their statements true. You are indeed a pessamist. Funny how that works.
Your statement is true, bastard :wink:
people say I'm a pessimist. Even though I don't know most of the people who say this about me, I'll assume they're bastards.
Does anyone else see the exceptional Irony in this? By immediatly assuming these people are assholes, you are expressing a pessamistic sentiment.... thereby making their statements true. You are indeed a pessamist. Funny how that works.
Grakthis why you always gotta go on and on about something....i can't stand when you do that....for things that happen to me I may or may not be a pessimist,so what, for things that happen to other people I may or may not be a realistic fucking what.. I don't know if that is any better, but i am not going to make it an issue for me right now......
Grakthis why you always gotta go on and on about something....i can't stand when you do that....for things that happen to me I may or may not be a pessimist,so what, for things that happen to other people I may or may not be a realistic fucking what.. I don't know if that is any better, but i am not going to make it an issue for me right now......
Jen why you always gotta talk about stuff.....i can't stand when you do that....
Thank you for making my day Jennifer.
The point I was making is that you clearly imply that you are NOT a pessamist, then make a statement that would indicate you ARE a pessamist. This is called Irony, and it ranks high on the unintentional comedy scale.
You following me here sweetie?
Crushes suck. They REALLY do. They're just when you think someone's 'hot', you don't really pay attention to the guy's other attributes, just his looks. You wanna like the person, a lot more, but you don't and you can't udnerstand why . . .
well i'm very aware they really suck. but i'm not attrated to this guy because of his looks. i like him 'cause hes got a great personality and hes talented...
well i'm very aware they really suck. but i'm not attrated to this guy because of his looks. i like him 'cause hes got a great personality and hes talented...
But isn't that really the same thing? He's attractive because hes talented and hes got a personality type you like which is causing you to not pay much attention to his looks.
Same basic principle.
well i'm very aware they really suck. but i'm not attrated to this guy because of his looks. i like him 'cause hes got a great personality and hes talented...
But isn't that really the same thing? He's attractive because hes talented and hes got a personality type you like which is causing you to not pay much attention to his looks.
Same basic principle.
yes i guess so. not to mention i'm (most likely) the only girl in school that likes him like that. his looks arnt bad either, hes got this 'look' to him, that i guess only i can see :roll: . i guess i just like him all-around. wish i could get to know him better
get to know him better! What's stopping you?
Oh, and btw, "smilers never lose and frowners, they never win" Jason Mraz....
Oh, and btw, "smilers never lose and frowners, they never win" Jason Mraz....
Pessamists do more smiling than optimists because we never get blindsided by bad things. We always get what we expect.
get to know him better! What's stopping you?
Oh, and btw, "smilers never lose and frowners, they never win" Jason Mraz....
the fact that hes going off to college
Then it could be lost love..silly it doen't matter if he is going to college or could meet people in the strangest way..i know i have and i am really shy when it comes to guy..i usually get speechless or nervous but i dont let that stop me from pushing the button (which is why i now have a date for the 4th of july besides that, i think you should make your move before its too late..i mean wouldnt you rather know what would happen then not knowing at all? Go for it girly! :lol: although i know you may seem scare to get to know him b/c hes going off to college and you may start to like him more etc etc blah blah...when it comes to love nothing should come in the way..not even distance..even if you guys were meant to be somehting rather then just talk about it all the time and "wonder" :wink:
that is so totally awesome.
thats the response for everything.
Andrew: How can you live your life like that? Always expecting the worst? It would make me so depressed, do you never get excited about anything? "strive for the best and expect the worst"- so basically you work your arse off and then expect for it all to go wrong. Maybe you are much happier when things do work out, but i really don't believe in living life in that way.
And love: how could it not exist? if it is simply a chemical reaction then what makes people move thousands of miles to be with each other? Why is it so extreme? Why do people feel such strong emotions when they first see someone? Even if it has been proven, you can choose not to believe it and that is what i'm choosing!!
and unrequited love SUUUUUUUUUUUCks, i think there should be a ermmm law passed against it. lol
And love: how could it not exist? if it is simply a chemical reaction then what makes people move thousands of miles to be with each other?
Im wondering what makes that happen to Rosie, if you find out tell me i need to make someone move :mrgreen:
that is so totally awesome.
thats the response for everything.
And love: how could it not exist? if it is simply a chemical reaction then what makes people move thousands of miles to be with each other?
erm, a deluded state of mind? lol, guess im deluded myself. :)
Im wondering what makes that happen to Rosie, if you find out tell me i need to make someone move :mrgreen:
lmao, pete, why don't you just say it? we all know who you are talking about! :razz:
lmao, pete, why don't you just say it? we all know who you are talking about! :razz:
You have NO idea who im talking about :mrgreen:
lmao, pete, why don't you just say it? we all know who you are talking about! :razz:
You have NO idea who im talking about :mrgreen:
lmao, pete, why don't you just say it? we all know who you are talking about! :razz:
You have NO idea who im talking about :mrgreen:
im not bragging, how the heck would she know who i like? Unless of course you told her since you seem to notice EVERYTHING i do.
oh pete hello to you're such a cutie when you're i love when you're that way
anyway i didnt tell her anything.. maybe she had a premonition..people get those things sometimes... :wink:
of course you're not bragging everytime i see you post something its about how happy you are about it..which i think is so amazingly sweet lol..i am really happy for you honestly so i am not going to make a fuss about it with you would make no sense now would it?..i didnt think so.. :mrgreen:
yay..i knew i would get you to talk to me again in some way..i'm good like that i guess *shrugs*
P.S.I noticed everything about everybody silly goose...don't flatter yourself.. :razz:
have a nice day...bye
oh pete hello to you're such a cutie when you're i love when you're that way
anyway i didnt tell her anything.. maybe she had a premonition..people get those things sometimes... :wink:
of course you're not bragging everytime i see you post something its about how happy you are about it..which i think is so amazingly sweet lol..i am really happy for you honestly so i am not going to make a fuss about it with you would make no sense now would it?..i didnt think so.. :mrgreen:
yay..i knew i would get you to talk to me again in some way..i'm good like that i guess *shrugs*
P.S.I noticed everything about everybody silly goose...don't flatter yourself.. :razz:
have a nice day...bye
run run run ya mouth, you should enter that thing in a marathon, peace
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah..and running it for a long time has got me so far.....
Andrew: How can you live your life like that? Always expecting the worst? It would make me so depressed, do you never get excited about anything? "strive for the best and expect the worst"- so basically you work your arse off and then expect for it all to go wrong. Maybe you are much happier when things do work out, but i really don't believe in living life in that way.
Rosie, its hard to explain in such a short space, but yeah, basically you got it right. While I always HOPE for the best, I always expect the worst. Because, more often than not, things never work out exactly the way we hope. So I play the odds.
The way I see it, there is nothing more heartbreaking than dissapointment. When you get your hopes up and expect something wonderful and it just doesn't happen. That is a HORRIBLE feeling.
You say you can't live life expecting the worst, I say I can't live life with constant dissapointment. I'd spend my whole life disspointed in mankind, disspointed in coworkers, dissapointed in movies, CD's, sports teams etc. I hate that feeling.
You say that it would make you depressed, but really, it's just the opposite. I am one of the LEAST moody or depressed people you will ever meet. Because I never have to overcome dissapointment. I've just lowered my standards of what makes me happy. So little things make me happy now. It doesn't take the world to make me smile, it just takes something small.
Think about it. If you expect a new car for christmas, and you get a pair of skates, you're gonna be bummed out. If you expect a lump of coal and you get a pair of skates, you're gonna be tickled. So all you have to do, is not be bummed out about expecting that lump of coal. Which is just a matter of lowering your expectations.
And love: how could it not exist? if it is simply a chemical reaction then what makes people move thousands of miles to be with each other? Why is it so extreme? Why do people feel such strong emotions when they first see someone? Even if it has been proven, you can choose not to believe it and that is what i'm choosing!!
and unrequited love SUUUUUUUUUUUCks, i think there should be a ermmm law passed against it. lol
unrequited love. Ah. such a Romantic (with a cap. R) concept. Ironically enough, that's my favorite era of literature.
The fact that love is a strong emotion doesn't prove its existance. Lust can make people move thousands of miles to be with someone else too. Anger can make people do some nutty things, but its not a magical force either. It's just a strong emotion.
it IS possible to believe in love as a magical force... but if you do, then you are a very superstitious person. Which is ok. It's just something you should acknowlege about yourself.
Then it could be lost love..silly it doen't matter if he is going to college or could meet people in the strangest way..i know i have and i am really shy when it comes to guy..i usually get speechless or nervous but i dont let that stop me from pushing the button (which is why i now have a date for the 4th of july besides that, i think you should make your move before its too late..i mean wouldnt you rather know what would happen then not knowing at all? Go for it girly! :lol: although i know you may seem scare to get to know him b/c hes going off to college and you may start to like him more etc etc blah blah...when it comes to love nothing should come in the way..not even distance..even if you guys were meant to be somehting rather then just talk about it all the time and "wonder" :wink:
and it comes back to love. i dont think of it as love..but i still dont know what my definition is of love (reason of making this thread)
i dont want to get hurt, my parents would never aprove of me dating someone so much older, and the biggest reason, i scare him, and the biggest reason---if he thinks of me as anything, i'm sure its as a (strange) friend
BUT my plan (as of now) is to wait untill he goes to college, i'll continue to email him, slip in something about me having a crush on him
that way if he feels the same way, we could do something when he comes back for homecoming
and if he doesnt, then it wont be horrible, i wont have to face him that much
BUT my plan (as of now) is to wait untill he goes to college, i'll continue to email him, slip in something about me having a crush on him
Emails are :twisted:
anyway, i guess you're right.....maybe you made this thread because you felt confused or lost lol..nothing wrong with that really...but i really think you should tell him how you feel and stop worrying about what or what may not happen whatever the turnout may be there are still other fishes in the sea and you are young and still have your life ahead of you , so do not worry about some little crush...i'm not an expert on me..i've done some pretty messed up things that hurts me but i don't worry my life away about it..its a great thing to be in love ..its really an fun and exciting expierence and it brings happiness but it could also destroy you in some wierd way bleh....nothing is more important then friendship...once you loose can be the most painful thing ever. ..enjoy what you have now and be happy.....and don't chase after love let it find you..... :wink:
good luck :mrgreen:
i dont want to get hurt, my parents would never aprove of me dating someone so much older, and the biggest reason, i scare him, and the biggest reason---if he thinks of me as anything, i'm sure its as a (strange) friend
And the most honest reason; because you're AFRAID.
"Fear is the mindkiller. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past me I will turn to see fear's path. Where fear has gone, there will be nothing. Only I will remain."
i dont want to get hurt, my parents would never aprove of me dating someone so much older, and the biggest reason, i scare him, and the biggest reason---if he thinks of me as anything, i'm sure its as a (strange) friend
And the most honest reason; because you're AFRAID.
"Fear is the mindkiller. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past me I will turn to see fear's path. Where fear has gone, there will be nothing. Only I will remain."
yes i am afraid, but it could never work out
see i am normally against highschool relationships....they never work out, and i dont want to get hurt over something that wasnt necesary
but now i'm not sure on what is necessary
yes i am afraid, but it could never work out
see i am normally against highschool relationships....they never work out, and i dont want to get hurt over something that wasnt necesary
but now i'm not sure on what is necessary
Better to get hurt when you're young and it doesn't mean as much. Getting hurt a few times builds up your calouses. Makes it hurt less later. If you think you can go your WHOLE life without ever getting rejected, then you're dellusional.
its just i dont want to start a thing, knowing i'm going to get hurt
It's too late for me to answer your questions but I just wanted to give my opinions about love. Love exists but I think most people mistake attraction for love way to often. I think the true test of love is: are you willing to let that person go if it'd be better for them or would make them happier. If you can say yes I think that's real love.
It's too late for me to answer your questions but I just wanted to give my opinions about love. Love exists but I think most people mistake attraction for love way to often. I think the true test of love is: are you willing to let that person go if it'd be better for them or would make them happier. If you can say yes I think that's real love.
I agree....
its just i dont want to start a thing, knowing i'm going to get hurt
Thats so true, i suppose you have to weigh up the odds- is your enjoyment of the relationship going to outweigh the hurt you will feel?
I don't know, i spent 2 years chasing this guy and he asked someone else out the other week- without finishing things with me first, and that hurts. I can't say i wasted my time, but it really wasn't worth it. So i reckon make a conscious decision, and plus- do you really know you're going to get hurt? or are you just assuming that?
Thats so true, i suppose you have to weigh up the odds- is your enjoyment of the relationship going to outweigh the hurt you will feel?
I don't know, i spent 2 years chasing this guy and he asked someone else out the other week- without finishing things with me first, and that hurts. I can't say i wasted my time, but it really wasn't worth it. So i reckon make a conscious decision, and plus- do you really know you're going to get hurt? or are you just assuming that?
At y'alls (you like that? Y'all. Im from KY! woo hoo!) age, even if you KNOW you are gonna get hurt at the end, i'd still say go for it. It's good experience and builds character. Besides, if you expect it, then it doesn't hurt as much.
Thats so true, i suppose you have to weigh up the odds- is your enjoyment of the relationship going to outweigh the hurt you will feel?
I don't know, i spent 2 years chasing this guy and he asked someone else out the other week- without finishing things with me first, and that hurts. I can't say i wasted my time, but it really wasn't worth it. So i reckon make a conscious decision, and plus- do you really know you're going to get hurt? or are you just assuming that?
At y'alls (you like that? Y'all. Im from KY! woo hoo!) age, even if you KNOW you are gonna get hurt at the end, i'd still say go for it. It's good experience and builds character. Besides, if you expect it, then it doesn't hurt as much.
I know what you mean- definetly. It doesn't mean its hurts any less though, because i don't know any better than how it hurts now, do you see what i mean? And i woul definetly agree that if you know what you're in for then its easier, because believe me i had no idea what i was in for and its mucked me up.
I know what you mean- definetly. It doesn't mean its hurts any less though, because i don't know any better than how it hurts now, do you see what i mean? And i woul definetly agree that if you know what you're in for then its easier, because believe me i had no idea what i was in for and its mucked me up.
So maybe what I mean is not that it "hurts less" but that it's less dissapointing? Like, knowing a stove is gonna burn you doesn't make it burn any less, but because its less of a shock to your system, you can respond to it better......
The good news for you, Rosie, is that you're young and you have plenty of good dating years ahead of you. I know you might feel rejected/confused/hurt right now, but in the long run, you're better off without him.
Today I tod a guy that I was gonna lean over and kiss him. Though, I've never kissed anyone before. Hmmmm.
Today I tod a guy that I was gonna lean over and kiss him. Though, I've never kissed anyone before. Hmmmm.
Little Cece is growing up right before my eyes.. : (
It was Alex, too! Cristina.
He really wasn't supposed to be doing it, but this is him standing on the hot tub.
It was Alex, too! Cristina.
He really wasn't supposed to be doing it, but this is him standing on the hot tub.
Frightening, lol.
Its all a figment of your imagination. ; )
I must say, that stomach belongs to the sexiest I've yet encountered.
I must say, that stomach belongs to the sexiest I've yet encountered.
The ass is where its all at : P
Eventually, it all ends up somewhere in the vicinity of the ass. That is correct.
Yes, as it does to all those out there with a strange vision. : )
hmmm..i think love is patience....and you need to stop worrying about it so much...because many people who are known to rush into it so fast is the one who gets hurts the most...theres so many people out there who are into theirselves,or wanting more, playing games, all that kinds of stuff.....if you really really dont want to get must protect your heart and realize things may not always be as you expect it to learn from it and you become matter how is a great thing..i belive in "true" love....i think it does exist..people just go about it the wrong way....i'm talking to this guy name brad and we have so much in common but he having a hard time with his past relationship which is holding him back from wanting to be with me or anybody else but we are friends and whos know what may happen...i'm patience..she has treated him so bad from everything he told me i actually cried..for a second because he really loved her, she just didnt return the feelings back which is very i'm going to be there as a friend to comfort please stop fearing so many things because rather you want to believe it or will get rejected in some way or another....but its going to make you stronger....which is a good thing... :wink:
So maybe what I mean is not that it "hurts less" but that it's less dissapointing? Like, knowing a stove is gonna burn you doesn't make it burn any less, but because its less of a shock to your system, you can respond to it better......
Yeah, i agree totally with that. And i can see that the more times it happens, the quicker you become able to react to it. Despite the fact that it may hurt in equal measures each time.
The good news for you, Rosie, is that you're young and you have plenty of good dating years ahead of you. I know you might feel rejected/confused/hurt right now, but in the long run, you're better off without him.
Thats just what i keep telling myself, i'm just not talking to him or txting him or anything which is strange because its only about 2 weeks after the Ball- its okay, i just need to let it go! (read my LJ, lol)
i got my heart broken
:( :cry: but i didnt have to say anything
i think thats a good thing?? i dont know
what happened?!! 8O
its a good thing because it will make you may hurt for a while..but other then'll be just fine
i'm not hurting to much, i've been preparing myself for awhile..
sure it hurts..but i dont know
what happend?
--whispers-- he doesnt like girls
ok i dont want to talk about it right now
and its from a reliable source i trust them
and in all truth i knew it
but i just kind of made myself not believe it
--goes back to not talking about it--
Do you think love is real? yes i definately do
why or why not? when someone comes along and can change your whole life around, and make you happier than you ever thought you could be even in the worst situations how could you not?
if you do...
do you believe in love at first sight? nah not really but i do believe that you could have a connection with someone without any words being spoken..... which could lead to love
can one person be in love with another, while they dont love him/her back? of course, and it happens to people all the time unfortunately
can you fall in love more than once? my personal opinion, you can think you've fallen in love many times, but really i do think theres one person that you'll truly fall for and when you do then you realize that all the other past relationships that you think you've been in love in really you havent come close to feeling what you feel for this person. if that makes any sense what so ever. ultimately i believe theres one person meant for everyone.... god im gonna stop or i'll keep rambling
have you ever been in love? i believe i am right now...
i'm not hurting to much, i've been preparing myself for awhile..
sure it hurts..but i dont know
what happend?
--whispers-- he doesnt like girls
ok i dont want to talk about it right now
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat! 8O 8O 8O
Are you saying he's......GAY?
hmmm..well look on the bright side atleast he doesnt like girls which shouldnt have broken your heart at would have made me laugh...then again i know what ya didnt expect it
*snif* sorry..
i'm not hurting to much, i've been preparing myself for awhile..
sure it hurts..but i dont know
what happend?
--whispers-- he doesnt like girls
ok i dont want to talk about it right now
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat! 8O 8O 8O
Are you saying he's......GAY?
hmmm..well look on the bright side atleast he doesnt like girls which shouldnt have broken your heart at would have made me laugh...then again i know what ya didnt expect it
*snif* sorry..
no thing is i DID expect it
but you know, you cant help who you like!
it still kinda hurts...hes the first guy i really liked. i mean sure i've had little crushes here and there
but this was a big crush. it was a crazyer crush. i've never liked someone that much, and it kinda scared me
but i think i'll be ok
eye sea!..
eye sea!..
today i found out i still like him (i saw him)
8O i know i know
and i'm going to see him next week to...