Other Topics => Completely Off-Topic => Topic started by: Laura on July 14, 2003, 06:19:31 am
You know for some reason, that line in the newest whitestripes song keeps reminding me of the Oprah show Everyone's got a story to tell. I just keep thinking they stole that line from her show, lol
Sorry, just thought i'd mention that, :lol:
Not that I watch Oprah but Um, yeah :oops:
from the queen of england to the hounds(sp?) of hell.
You don't like Oprah?
I get all happy when I get off of work at 3 so I can be home and showered by 4 to watch Oprah!!! Yes, my friends make fun of me for it. :oops:
Would you lie, steal, or kill for Oprah?
I like Oprah, but I ain't doin that!
i would eat for her :D
way to bring that up
Oh, I love the White Stripes! Meg is such a cutie!!! ;)
Inspirations and influences for a song come in from all directions and they're literally everywhere. Most of them we're not even aware of. Who can say just what comes from where?