Other Topics => Polls => Topic started by: zurielshimon on August 18, 2003, 09:01:52 pm
Just so you know, sayyouwould suggested I post this, so I saidIwould. :D I think we all know what I voted, and if you don't, you should.
Just so you know, sayyouwould suggested I post this, so I saidIwould. :D I think we all know what I voted, and if you don't, you should.
haha no I didn't!! lol jk!! Ya I did!!! but it was his idea!! I just thought he should do the thread!! haha
Oh crud, I thought you meant on her head, and I accidentally said "let t grow naturally", so + 1 for the 1st and - 1 for the 1st
I think it's wonderful that lots of people are voting, but not replying. Anonymity is often encouragement to be honest. :)
i have a cousin who was a girly girl, i mean pastel dresses, nails done, the whole nine...
then one time we saw her after she went to europe. she cut her hair off, stopped shaving, her pits were disgusting and her legs were gorilla...
sick. that is not sexy and anyone who thinks it is is just odd.
Ahem. I don't need you to tell me I'm odd. I can do that very well by myself! :razz:
LOL :lol:
I think a few of you people are weird. I'm gonna need a few more votes before I can make any kind of determination.
Actaully I could care less either way. As far as head hair length, some women really do look great with short hair, but usaully they have to be good with their makeup and such. If you want to attract people who are attracted to women then you have to have some sort of feminine identity going on. Alot of people identify a woman as someone with long hair, shaved legs, ect. That is what they are used to.
My comment in the other thread was just a joke about the beard and chest hair. :)
I feel rather uncomfortable around someone who is rather uncomfortable with the way they naturally are. If someone has a big mole or something, I can understand removing it because it's obtrusive and potentially cancerous. But to shave almost all your hair off and paint over your face to me is simply unnatural and somewhat perverse. For the same reason, I'm not one who likes what is referred to as "body art". I just don't feel right being intimate with someone who has things (other than clothes) on their body they weren't born with, or without things (other than an umbilical cord) that they were, excepting of course for health issues.
Now I want to go dig up that thread about what love means to me.
I feel rather uncomfortable around someone who is rather uncomfortable with the way they naturally are. If someone has a big mole or something, I can understand removing it because it's obtrusive and potentially cancerous. But to shave almost all your hair off and paint over your face to me is simply unnatural and somewhat perverse. For the same reason, I'm not one who likes what is referred to as "body art". I just don't feel right being intimate with someone who has things (other than clothes) on their body they weren't born with, or without things (other than an umbilical cord) that they were, excepting of course for health issues.
Now I want to go dig up that thread about what love means to me.
Do YOU shave daily? Why? Do you bathe? Why? Do you wear cologne? Thats not what you are like "naturally".
Do you comb your hair? WHy? Thats not what your hair looks like naturally? Do you ever condition your hair? Put spray in it? WHy? Thats not what it looks like naturally?
Do you wear clothes? Are they colored? Do they coordinate? Why? Thats not what they look like naturally?
Am I making a big enough point here, or do I need to beat it to death a little more?
Your reasoning is HORRID. Women shave and wear makeup to make themselves more attractive to men. Men shave, wear cologne and dress nice to make themselves more attractive to women.
If you have a problem with this, then your problem is with NATURE, LIFE and HUMANS in general, because doing things to make yourself more attractive to the opposite sex is done by the majority of animals on Earth.
I feel rather uncomfortable around someone who is rather uncomfortable with the way they naturally are. If someone has a big mole or something, I can understand removing it because it's obtrusive and potentially cancerous. But to shave almost all your hair off and paint over your face to me is simply unnatural and somewhat perverse. For the same reason, I'm not one who likes what is referred to as "body art". I just don't feel right being intimate with someone who has things (other than clothes) on their body they weren't born with, or without things (other than an umbilical cord) that they were, excepting of course for health issues.
Now I want to go dig up that thread about what love means to me.
Do YOU shave daily? Why? Do you bathe? Why? Do you wear cologne? Thats not what you are like "naturally".
Do you comb your hair? WHy? Thats not what your hair looks like naturally? Do you ever condition your hair? Put spray in it? WHy? Thats not what it looks like naturally?
Do you wear clothes? Are they colored? Do they coordinate? Why? Thats not what they look like naturally?
Am I making a big enough point here, or do I need to beat it to death a little more?
Your reasoning is HORRID. Women shave and wear makeup to make themselves more attractive to men. Men shave, wear cologne and dress nice to make themselves more attractive to women.
If you have a problem with this, then your problem is with NATURE, LIFE and HUMANS in general, because doing things to make yourself more attractive to the opposite sex is done by the majority of animals on Earth.
Not to mind Andrew that natural selection deems that the more attractive and fit have a better survival rate with any species, the typical male likes his girl plucked like a turkey from the neck down. IF all girls were hairy, i bet some of them wouldnt even be decipherable from boys
whats that, its pat! :mrgreen:
Do YOU shave daily? Why?
I do not shave daily, but occasionally, and only because my job right now requires it. Both I and my fiancée would rather that I keep a full beard.
Do you bathe? Why? Do you wear cologne? Thats not what you are like "naturally". Do you comb your hair? WHy? Thats not what your hair looks like naturally? Do you ever condition your hair? Put spray in it? WHy? Thats not what it looks like naturally?
I bathe because to not bathe is unsanitary and could lead to health issues. I wash, but do not condition, blow dry, or spray, my hair. I don't brush my hair every day, but when I do, it's to keep it out of my eyes and again, because my job right now requires it. I don't wear cologne, but I do put on deodorant. Why? Because the odor is caused by bacteria and bacteria are a health issue.
Do you wear clothes? Are they colored? Do they coordinate? Why? Thats not what they look like naturally?
I wear clothes because if I didn't, it could lead to health issues. Are they coordinated? Are they ironed and pressed? Never! Unless they're my work clothes and they are all of the above because my job requires it.
Am I making a big enough point here, or do I need to beat it to death a little more?
You have made little point except to point out that most people are vain and concerned with such trivial issues in life that they lose sight of what's really important.
Your reasoning is HORRID. Women shave and wear makeup to make themselves more attractive to men. Men shave, wear cologne and dress nice to make themselves more attractive to women.
My reasoning isn't without flaws because I am human and I make mistakes. I want a woman to love me for who I am and I want to love her for who she is, not for what she puts on or takes off.
If you have a problem with this, then your problem is with NATURE, LIFE and HUMANS in general, because doing things to make yourself more attractive to the opposite sex is done by the majority of animals on Earth.
As a matter of fact, I do largely hate the world and I'm not wild about the way people behave, but I love one and love all, regardless of what their flaws may be. No one is perfect, but one is at peace accepting this rather than spending one's entire life futilly trying to attain perfection.
Thank you. That is all.
So you are telling me that NOTHING you do in life is for the sake of vanity? You don't decorate your house? Your car isn't a color you like? You don't burn candles that smell good in your house? Your fiance doesn't wear any makeup? She doesn't wear nice clothes? You don't wash your car regularly? You don't own any fancy dress clothes? No decorations on the walls? No statues? You dont paint the walls in your house? No wall paper?
Frankly, if you try and claim this, i'm going to call you a liar or clinically insane. Because I just don't believe that any human of sound mind is capable of this.
I bet if I spent 30 minutes in your home/apartment I could pick out 50 signs of vanity.
NOT ONLY are you seemingly claiming this for yourself, but you also seem to be insisting that this is the kind of lifestyle OTHER people should live as well?
And THIS comment takes the cake:
I want a woman to love me for who I am and I want to love her for who she is, not for what she puts on or takes off.
LOL. How immature and spoiled does THIS sound? So wait, so since you want a woman who loves you at your WORST, you shouldn't ever be at your best? Thats what this statement says.
I want a woman who will love me when I look my worst too. But does that mean I can't try and look my best? I want a woman who will love me when i'm poor and homeless, but does that mean I shouldn't try and keep a job and house?
BTW, you also semi-contradict yourself. You say:
I do largely hate the world and I'm not wild about the way people behave, but I love one and love all, regardless of what their flaws may be
How can you hate the world but love everyone in it? hmmmm.
You're a meany Andrew! :razz:
but I do put on deodorant. Why? Because the odor is caused by bacteria and bacteria are a health issue.
I rarely use deodorant...I shower daily and have never had body odor issues, so for you to say not using deodorant causes a health issue is completely false, Adam and Eve(or the first humans) did not have deodorant, yet they survived. You are merely using the deodorant so you dont smell how you WOULD smell normally.
I only use deodorant for dates, which i dont have all that often...and also when im going to go do something that is exerting which i know will make me smell. Overall this means i use deodorant about once a week. (and im not dating currently)
I need to shave, lol. Also, I was recently in Ohio for my cousin's wedding, and I should have gotten some big-ass prze, you know why? 'Cause I shaved twice on his wedding day. Just for him! So, yeah . . .
Not showering is nasty. Also, I use anything like perfume, deodorant, hair gel, anti-frizz crap, lotion, shaving cream, tooth paste, soap, Pantene Pro-V (:D) Listerine, etc., any hygene or toiletries I'll use. It's not right when people don't. ;)
You're a meany Andrew! :razz:
Yes. But sometimes you HAVE to be mean to make a point. Of all people, I would think you understand this, Will :wink:
I heard somewhere our natural odours are actually very appealing to the opposite sex...but they just become unpleasant because of I guess thats why you can still smell good if you just wash a lot and dont ever really use deodorant.
oh and how is bacteria a health issue if its just on your external body?
I'm not even going to bother quoting in this reply - it would just make this post really long, and it's already going to be long enough. You know what was said, and you'll recognize what I'm answering in each part if you've been following along.
I don't personally burn anything so it can smell good, or spray, or plug in, or anything else. I try to keep things from smelling bad like taking out the garbage and replacing the bedsheets occasionally, but that's about it. My car usually smells like food, but that has a lot to do with my job too.
My car is white. Why? It keeps cooler in the sunlight and is easier to see than most other colors. I do wash and wax my car. Why? Mainly so the paint won't come off, causing the body to rust. I intend to hang on to this car for another six years if I can.
The walls in my room are a light blue color. They were already painted when I moved in, and I've seen no reason to change them.
No, my fiancée never wears dresses and isn't a fashion-addict. I've never seen her wear makeup.
Now to close another big compartment in your argument: Define vanity. My dictionary defines it as undue or excessive pride in one's appearance or achievements. When this discussion started, it had nothing to do with vanity. It had everything to do with what different people considered attractive. Vanity and attraction are two completely separate, yet often confused concepts.
Everyone has their favorite blend of tea, and what is beauty to one may be disorganization to another. Some people gaze in awe at a Picasso; I stare in puzzlement. My dream car may be a Buick while yours may be a Bugatti. Being attractive is one thing; being over-the-top is quite another, and even with that, different people have different standards for what constitutes what.
Even without being the least bit vain, I can make myself, my house, my car, or anything else very attractive. I'm neither a straightforward conservative nor a rugged traditionalist, but the more natural, pure, and conventional things appeal to me more as a whole than the freehanded and revolutionary.
My fiancée is a very beautiful, intelligent, humorous, and talented young woman. That doesn't even begin to describe her, but to think that either one of us is an all-function-and-no-form human being is ridiculous! Mind you, form should always follow function and never the other way around.
I suppose you want to hear from my other side now. Well, certainly! I do actually like white because when it's clean, it looks clean! And it doesn't show scratches nearly as easily (and mind you there are lots of them, under the wax). The whole reason I even chose the model of car I have is that I found it the most attractive model in my price range. Regardless of how useful a vehicle may be, I won't buy an ugly automobile.
What was the first thing I noticed about my fiancée the first time I ever saw her? She was really cute!
Do I care what I look like? Well, of course! When I see people who are ugly, stink, or look like they've just survived a bomb attack, I tend to look the other way, unless they appear to be in need of some assistance I can render or direct them to. I suspect that most other people do the same thing. Not that I want to be ultra-careful or politically correct in any way, and I certainly don't care whether or not I appeal to someone in any way (aside from my fiancée), but one of the last things I would want to do is to offend someone by the way I look or smell. I will at least make myself presentable to other people if I'm going out to public places.
And two final replies to comments made by my fellow board members:
Yes, I hate the world, but no, I don't hate the people in it. Whether or not you know it or believe it, this world is going to hell at an alarming rate. Even if you don't accept or have never read the Bible, the evidence is all around you. While I can't even guess at when we're scheduled to arrive there, I know I don't want to be stuck here when it happens. I never want to be so wrapped up it what is going on here that I lose sight of my priorities and neglect my highest duties. It's impossible not to be here while we're alive, but we can control how we associate with the rest of society. And what is our highest duty? It's to share with others in the world with us the love that we have been shown just by our very creation and the gift of life and the power to choose what we do. We have been given so much, and yet most of us don't realize it until it's lost. How selfish of us it is if we who have found joy and meaning in life don't share it with others!
And as for Adam and Eve, true, they didn't wear deodorant and they survived just fine. You can also survive bee stings, a cold, indigestion, and sunburn, but that doesn't mean they're not health issues. And even though bacteria on your skin are normal, they can cause staphylococcal infections.
And as for Adam and Eve, true, they didn't wear deodorant and they survived just fine. You can also survive bee stings, a cold, indigestion, and sunburn, but that doesn't mean they're not health issues. And even though bacteria on your skin are normal, they can cause staphylococcal infections.
Yeah, you might get a staph infection if you slice your armpit open and dont shower for 10 days....bee stings arent an issue unless you are allergic...theres levels to everything. In the celebrity world, appearance is everything...thats how a lot of the people come into fame, the way they appear to the world. In the lives of people like us, no appearance isnt a necessity, but it is definitely a tack in for charisma, and does help in events such as job interviews and dates(depending on the female/male of course, some being more picky than others) The fact that you find the natural things more attractive is your preference, and thus you admit you like how it looks "better"...your comparisons prove your appearance is important to you.
I define vanity as doing something SOLEY for the purpose of appearing attractive. In my book, it doesn't HAVE to be over the top or excessive. Anything done for the sake of appearances is vanity.
Second of all, my problem with your statements WASN'T that you have different tastes than i do. On the contrary, I think its a wonderful thing. If you find women who don't shave attractive, more power to you. I have no qualms with that.
My qualms arose when you suggested that it was somehow BAD or WRONG for those of us who DO require that a woman shaves, wears makeup and wears nice clothing for us to find them attractive. And the point I was trying to make is that everyone does things purely for the sake of being attractive, and I dont see why you would criticise the popular opinion of what a woman must do to be attractive.
If you did not INTEND to suggest or say that there is something wrong with those of us who have a different opinion of what is and is not attractive, then i suggest you state as much. But clearly, that is the connotation of your posts and is the reason so many people reacted the way they did.
Otherwise, you are showing a form of reverse descrimination. You are different and don't like all of the people who are the same? Why isn't their opinion just as valid as yours?
To be frank with you, I think everyone is wrong. Please, however, don't infer from this that you should think I'm right. :?
Wrong to desire a woman who shaves? No.
Wrong to require that a woman shave? Yes.
To be frank with you, I think everyone is wrong. Please, however, don't infer from this that you should think I'm right. :?
Wrong to desire a woman who shaves? No.
Wrong to require that a woman shave? Yes.
Well then i must be wrong :razz:
And as for Adam and Eve, true, they didn't wear deodorant and they survived just fine. You can also survive bee stings, a cold, indigestion, and sunburn, but that doesn't mean they're not health issues. And even though bacteria on your skin are normal, they can cause staphylococcal infections.
isn't staphylococcus just from inflamed, pus-like bodies on the skin? like pimples or boils. its also in the nose and throat and such I think. obviously that makes staph a hygiene issue, but not to do with deodorant would it? but I guess the bacteria that does have to do with deodorant could be harmful too...especially if you're like a chef or something, right? I dunno...sorry in advance if I've upset anyone.
And as for Adam and Eve, true, they didn't wear deodorant and they survived just fine. You can also survive bee stings, a cold, indigestion, and sunburn, but that doesn't mean they're not health issues. And even though bacteria on your skin are normal, they can cause staphylococcal infections.
isn't staphylococcus just from inflamed, pus-like bodies on the skin? like pimples or boils. its also in the nose and throat and such I think. obviously that makes staph a hygiene issue, but not to do with deodorant would it? but I guess the bacteria that does have to do with deodorant could be harmful too...especially if you're like a chef or something, right? I dunno...sorry in advance if I've upset anyone.
Nope, a staph infection is very serious and occurs when the bacteria gets into your body, its usually accompanied by immense swelling and if it reaches your bone marrow can paralyze or partially disable you.
isn't staphylococcus just FROM inflamed, pus-like bodies on the skin? like pimples or boils. its also in the nose and throat and such I think. obviously that makes staph a hygiene issue, but not to do with deodorant would it?
but thats a harsh call...I didn't know it did all that shit.
Staph is actually the cause of those boils and whatnot. The boils are the result of the body trying to fight off infections of staph germs that have gotten into the skin. The infections result from not washing the skin.
Staph is actually the cause of those boils and whatnot. The boils are the result of the body trying to fight off infections of staph germs that have gotten into the skin. The infections result from not washing the skin.
Actually thats not the case, Most staph infections occur when people get open wounds dirty or when people are sick sometimes your body isnt strong enough to fight off germs that live on your body all the time.....Staph is all over cannot possibly wash it off, if you take a shower its back and growing in 5 minutes...The only thing you can do is treat your wounds properly and make sure you are properly cared for when sick
To be frank with you, I think everyone is wrong. Please, however, don't infer from this that you should think I'm right. :?
Wrong to desire a woman who shaves? No.
Wrong to require that a woman shave? Yes.
So now that you have shown your color.. let me make a final point. I do not find a woman who does not shave attractive. I cannot find a woman who does not shave attractive. And you want to JUDGE me for this?
That makes you closed minded and inconsiderate of others feelings and oppinions. AND a hyprocrite. You profess that people should be open minded about YOUR tastes in women, then you proceed to declare that it is wrong for me to have my own standard of beauty that doesn't conform to your own? Pathetic. That's the worst form of hypocrisy.
Now that we have established that you are a person who no longer counts in ANY discussion. I will move on to other topics with people that actually matter.
I specifically said that I don't really want anyone to think I should be right just because I say something. We're all wrong - about something. Who can deny this fact? If you don't want to be with a woman who doesn't shave, that's your business and I wish you all the happiness in the world! But to be a lord over another person and demand certain things for a conditional incentive isn't right, unless the relationship is strictly business.
If I sounded like I was saying that I'm right because I think this and everybody else is wrong because they think that, my apologies. Even if that's the way I felt, then I would still be wrong because I'm not the only one who feels this way. One person, or lots of people, may think that eating ham is disgusting, unnatural, and wrong. That makes it disgusting, unnatural, and wrong for them so they should not eat it, but for those who find no offense in it, let them eat until they are full!
The more the merrier, just as long as it's on her head.
Well, for the four of us who like it, I have this to say: I now firmly believe that the majority are lost and it's up to an elite few to lead the world. May we reign wisely! :)