Other Topics => Polls => Topic started by: JazzyManda on December 29, 2003, 08:30:26 pm
i'm getting mine done tomorrow. yay! lol
i hope it doesn't hurt too much and i hope they're even. lol
it wont hurt...
yup...I have 5 holes in my body and I'm eager to become like that guy BV posted. :D
it wont hurt...
ewww ewww ewww
i said EARS!!!! EARS!!!!! :cuss:
not full body
oh eww :icky:
yup...I have 5 holes in my body and I'm eager to become like that guy BV posted. :D
yeah, i've put it off long enough. i've just been too scared it will hurt a lot, but then everybody says it doesn't so... guess i'll do it. :)
oh my god, can you say OW?
and... yes i have my ears pierced, i did have my cartilage done... twice, but its closed up both times, gotta get that redone. Belly button soon, but not til i get my tummy flat like i want it to be haha.
oh my god, can you say OW?
and... yes i have my ears pierced, i did have my cartilage done... twice, but its closed up both times, gotta get that redone. Belly button soon, but not til i get my tummy flat like i want it to be haha.
lol yeah. i want my belly button done too, but parents won't let me. :cry:
do like Amy Lee
do like Amy Lee
um, ok?
do like Amy Lee
cute, but I fear the end will get los in here skin...
i have five ear piercings and i didn't think any of them hurt. i want to get my nose pierced.
good luck!!!
i have five ear piercings and i didn't think any of them hurt. i want to get my nose pierced.
good luck!!!kelley
aww thank ya
I'm afraid of needles... :oops:
Don't know why... just have been ever since i remember. It'd be so hard for me to get... but I do want to get my ears and my belly button done... and possibly my nose (a tiny stud). But if I do get peircings I want to get them all at once to get it over with. And the belly button and nose rings would have to wait till i graduate since my school wouldnt allow it. And I have to wait until I move out (and like Gina said, get a flat stomach) to get the belly button, cause my mom would kill me, she'd be fine with the nose ring though.
ears pierced twice, and cartilage on my right ear. I'd get my eyebrow like amy but i hafta work in a corporate environment ;)... having my cartilage pierced shocked my family this year for xmas... maybe next year i'll pierce my tongue or get a tattoo or something ;)
I'm just about the only person I know who doesn't have piercings or tattoos. It used to be different to have those and nows it's more odd to not. Now I'm the odd one. :?
ears pierced twice, and cartilage on my right ear. I'd get my eyebrow like amy but i hafta work in a corporate environment ;)... having my cartilage pierced shocked my family this year for xmas... maybe next year i'll pierce my tongue or get a tattoo or something ;)
Ohhhh that's soooooooo cool!!!
When I turn the legal age to get a tattoo I'm going to get one on my hip like a chinese symbol or something. :D
I'm just about the only person I know who doesn't have piercings or tattoos. It used to be different to have those and nows it's more odd to not. Now I'm the odd one. :?
yeah i know what you mean Alecs. i'm like the only girl i know that doesn't have her ears pierced. lol. but i'm not getting them done because of that.. i've always wanted my ears pierced i've just been to much of a chicken to get them done. lol
I don't know what i'd do if i didn't have my ears pierced! Earrings are the perfect addition to every outfit i own! i LOVE earrings!!
well I had mine done when I was a baby and a few years ago a bf and I were on the couch and he pulled the pillow from under my head and it kinda ripped the bottom earring. It never pulled it all the way through but just enough to do damage years later. Well as my plastic surgeon explained it, I heal too well and developed a keloid sp? Where it deveopled like a growth a nasty ass like ball on my earlobe (so gross)
I got it cut off can I say that it was the most disturbing thing ever. I didn't feel it but I could hear the cutting etc. So now he says I can only wear clip ons, how lame is that. He says any more trauma might cause it to come back. :cry: which even though I got it cut off there is still a 30% chance it will come back. It was 50 but I went through like 3 shots of steroid a week *ouch* wish me luck!!
My ear looks nice now.
This was probably a little bit too much information, sorry :oops:
well I had mine done when I was a baby and a few years ago a bf and I were on the couch and he pulled the pillow from under my head and it kinda ripped the bottom earring. It never pulled it all the way through but just enough to do damage years later. Well as my plastic surgeon explained it, I heal too well and developed a keloid sp? Where it deveopled like a growth a nasty ass like ball on my earlobe (so gross)
I got it cut off can I say that it was the most disturbing thing ever. I didn't feel it but I could hear the cutting etc. So now he says I can only wear clip ons, how lame is that. He says any more trauma might cause it to come back. :cry: which even though I got it cut off there is still a 30% chance it will come back. It was 50 but I went through like 3 shots of steroid a week *ouch* wish me luck!!
My ear looks nice now.
This was probably a little bit too much information, sorry :oops:
wow, that really sux, but i'm glad it's better now
thanks Amanda, me too. It's really funny cause it wasn't until like this summer that someone even noticed it. If I pointed it out they would say they never noticed it. But I knew and that is what means the most. I guess, huh.
well I had mine done when I was a baby and a few years ago a bf and I were on the couch and he pulled the pillow from under my head and it kinda ripped the bottom earring. It never pulled it all the way through but just enough to do damage years later. Well as my plastic surgeon explained it, I heal too well and developed a keloid sp? Where it deveopled like a growth a nasty ass like ball on my earlobe (so gross)
I got it cut off can I say that it was the most disturbing thing ever. I didn't feel it but I could hear the cutting etc. So now he says I can only wear clip ons, how lame is that. He says any more trauma might cause it to come back. :cry: which even though I got it cut off there is still a 30% chance it will come back. It was 50 but I went through like 3 shots of steroid a week *ouch* wish me luck!!
My ear looks nice now.
This was probably a little bit too much information, sorry :oops:
I have had that happen to my friends as well. What's even worse is that I had a female friend in high school tell me about one time when she was drying off with a towel after a shower when a string got caught on her nipple piercing and it ripped her skin and was a BIG problem!!! She said it hurt worse than anything. she was so embarrased because it even caused one breast to swell bigger than the other for a week. She hardly left the house.
Ouch! 8O
Nasty! This thread makes me feel all funny in my tummy! Poor Let, nope never even noticed but it must've been so nasty! And clip-ons!?! What an insult to lovely Let! Pah!
I have no earrings or girlfriend has her ears pierced but i have yet to see her ever use them, probably closed up...We are just plain undecorated people but i dont think theres anything wrong with going either way, as long as you dont end up like the lady kev posted....Uhm, well thats beyond too far.... but i dont think earrings arent gonna make a round peg fit in a square hole if ya know what im sayin, so whatever you do its not really that big of a deal unless your with someone who has a fetish for it :razz:
haha, you guys crack me up!!
Rosie, I would post a pic of my ear before and after but well...
haha, you guys crack me up!!
Rosie, I would post a pic of my ear before and after but well...
do you have actual pics from b4 and after of your ear alone??? :o
yes I do
yes I do
hmmm... :?
hehee.. i had mine pierced 5 times ... in the same holes that is.. the kept closing and getting infected but don't worry.. the worst that can happen is that you faint.. i did that the first time :D
lol wow. some interesting stories, but mine is very uneventful. i got mine done a little less than an hour ago. it was fast and not too painful and she evened them up very nicely (thank God!). i have a pic of my left ear i think. lol
it's just a small gold ball. i have to leave them in for 6 weeks!! 8O that sux. i hate wearing gold. lol. oh well. haha
lol. my hair is a little frizzy today. hate it when that happens :?
*raises hand* i have my ears pierced, i do ido.
1 word NO.
I've got 3 on each ear and I wanna get the top of my right one pierced! :D
Kevin really scared me with that pic....
*falls on the floor*
Manda 8O
Kevin really scared me with that pic....
*falls on the floor*
Manda 8O
i know, tell me about it :roll:
I don't have my ears pierced . . . My ears, I have a thing where they're close too my brain and BAM! my brain's pierced and I have no more memory. :D I do have my bottom lip pierced, though it's slowly but srely OMG! I just had the term and lost it . . . Oh! Closing in. :D See, I can't wear it to school (obviously . . . shitheads), and I don't wear it that often, so. I want my ns pierced, though, too! And my belly button, but nothing really really weird. :X
That guy?! Eww! No way that is way over the top and ouch that really has got to hurt!!!!
I have my ears done but I think that's all the pain I can cope with! I mean it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would, but there's a weird story to how I got them done!
I went in for a normal appointment for my asthma, and my mum said while I'm there ask about ear piercing and how much. So, I asked him and he got this ear gun thing out and said would u like it done right now? 8O Minutes later my mum came to see me and I had my ears pierced! She was shocked but she was also said it looked very pretty......and the fact it was free made her happy! :D But like Katia I think my parents would freak if I came out of somewhere with a free tattoo or any other piercing!!
Oh and Amanda it won't be too bad I promise. and it's so great once you have it done I don't feel me unless I have something in my ears now!
Georgie xoxoxox
That guy?! Eww! No way that is way over the top and ouch that really has got to hurt!!!!
I have my ears done but I think that's all the pain I can cope with! I mean it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would, but there's a weird story to how I got them done!
I went in for a normal appointment for my asthma, and my mum said while I'm there ask about ear piercing and how much. So, I asked him and he got this ear gun thing out and said would u like it done right now? 8O Minutes later my mum came to see me and I had my ears pierced! She was shocked but she was also said it looked very pretty......and the fact it was free made her happy! :D But like Katia I think my parents would freak if I came out of somewhere with a free tattoo or any other piercing!!
Oh and Amanda it won't be too bad I promise. and it's so great once you have it done I don't feel me unless I have something in my ears now!
Georgie xoxoxox
lol that's cool you got it done for free.
yeah, it wasn't that bad. i got them done that day, i posted a pic. :)
mine were pierced when i was 6 months old
I can't believe I did it, but I got my ears pierced this morning! 8O
Haha... I thought I never would!
Nope - I have NOTHING pierced!
I have 2 holes in each ear. The first set didn't hurt at all, just a little pinch..I got those whgen I was 6yrs old from the doctor. When I was 13, I got the second holes done by one of those Silver and Gold connection kiosks in the mall..that hurt me a lot...I think the lady was inexperienced. I recommend having your doctor do it or going to an experienced jeweler. Just remember the lower down on the ear they do it, the less likely it is to hurt. So if this is your first hole, don't worry too much about pain.
Just sing a VC song in your head while they're doing it, that'll probably distract you from any discomfort. I hope I didn't scare you at all.
My mom and my grandma both had bad expiriences while getting their ears pierced and always had problems so my mom wanted to make sure mine were done right, so we went to a doctor. We actually went to one of the top dermatoligists in the country, and it was really cheap since I brought my own earrings so that was good! She told me I have to most symmetric ears she's ever seen.. O_o haha, that was strange, but ok. First she gave me a shot or novacaine to numb my ears... that stung quite a bit, but I didnt even feel when she poked the earrings at all! Right now my ears are a lil sore... but they're good! :D
Holly - yay you! I can't believe she have you Novacain though. The pain's very bearable without any drugs... Oh well =)
i dont know why she does, but she does that with every patient I guess
2 holes in each ear and a cartilage piercing in the right.
None of them hurt.
I got the regular ear piercings at the mall. It's not that hard for them to use the gun. I would think that a shot of novicane would hurt worse, since mine didn't hurt at all.
I got the cartilage done at a tattoo parlor on Haight-Ashbury in SF. Wonderful shop, very professional, not one bit of pain. Loved it. Let and Joe and Danny and Nicole were there, so they know I didn't wuss out or cry. It felt good. :D
Let took that picture literally 10 minutes after I got it done. It's hardly even red! :D
It felt good. :D
You little masochist, you! :razz:
lol yeah.
mine didn't hurt much either
but i would think cartilage would... idk
the only semi-disturbing part was feeling/hearing my cartilage break. Not painful...just kinda like popping a knuckle. You know?
the only semi-disturbing part was feeling/hearing my cartilage break. Not painful...just kinda like popping a knuckle. You know?
yeah i want to get my cartilage pierced. i wouldn't really be worried about the pain, but i heard that since there isn't much blood flow in that part of the ear, it's easy to get infected, or it's hard to get rid of infection... something like that
it's easy to get infected, or it's hard to get rid of infection... something like that
Both. My friend had hers done a while back and it went septic. She had to wait for it to heal totally (6 months-ish) and had it pierced again. It still goes weird sometimes :?
I got my ears pierced about 2 months ago. It didn't hurt me at all, but I was worried it would.
ive had my ears pierced since i was a baby... i think like 5 months old
i got my nose pierced 2 weeks ago, i love it! =)
yeah i want to get my cartilage pierced. i wouldn't really be worried about the pain, but i heard that since there isn't much blood flow in that part of the ear, it's easy to get infected, or it's hard to get rid of infection... something like that
Well, you just should clean it often... I didn't clean mine like the three times per day they told me to, and it did get infected. And I almost took it out. But I didn't and it healed up. I think getting the cartilage pierced, or at least for me, didn't hurt at all. Before I had done that, I got my ear pierced about in the middle (I had like five piercings in one ear at one point) and I think that actually hurt more.
i got my nose pierced 2 weeks ago, i love it! =)
I'm getting my nose pierced tomorrow! Does it huuuuurt?
i got my nose pierced 2 weeks ago, i love it! =)
I'm getting my nose pierced tomorrow! Does it huuuuurt?
im not a fan of nose piercings only thing I dislike really about Vanessa, Joss and Xtina.
don't do it Tia noooooooooooooooooo :o
i got my nose pierced 2 weeks ago, i love it! =)
I'm getting my nose pierced tomorrow! Does it huuuuurt?
Nice. Tell everybody!! *not special*
*not special*
special enough for the olympics ;)
lol. I wanna see a pic with your nose pierced! I was thinking about getting mine done, but I'm poor... I also wanted to get a tattoo but I am too poor for that as well, lol.
Got my ears pierced when I was three =)
i wanna get my nose pierced too... do you think the hole would be visible if you covered it with make up?
do you think the hole would be visible if you covered it with make up?
I'll let you know.
I did it! 8O
thats so awesome!
I'll let you know.
I did it! 8O
Picturesss! I want to see!
I'll let you know.
I did it! 8O
Picturesss! I want to see!
yeah me too.
i swear, this year, there were a bunch of people who got their nose pierced over the summer