Other Topics => Polls => Topic started by: Manda on January 08, 2004, 05:20:21 pm

Title: Two Funny Shows Poll!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Manda on January 08, 2004, 05:20:21 pm
which show is better in your opinion, Saturday Night Live or Mad TV???

Personally I am a fan of Mad TV, I always crack up when I watch that show I love Rusty, he is my favorite character.

Manda :D
Title: Two Funny Shows Poll!!!!!!!!!
Post by: LimeTwister on January 08, 2004, 06:44:26 pm
oh i don't know! lol..i love mo collins and the red haired lady....

I love mo collins' lorraine character...has me rolling everytime!

but I also love saturday night live.
Title: Two Funny Shows Poll!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Manda on January 08, 2004, 06:46:17 pm
coolies, thanks for replying and clicking!


Title: Two Funny Shows Poll!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Jophess on January 10, 2004, 08:51:39 am
Hmmm.... Mad TV is funny, I like the bald guy from Less Than Perfect.

And "He looka like a man" was pretty funny, but....

Ana Gasteyer owns.

I'm going with Saturday Night Live.
Title: Two Funny Shows Poll!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Manda on January 10, 2004, 08:54:25 am
good job bamboo bimbo!


(i love that name)

I think Mad TV is way funnier though
