Other Topics => Completely Off-Topic => Topic started by: Laura on February 19, 2004, 08:56:32 pm

Title: I'm nervous! (blood drive)
Post by: Laura on February 19, 2004, 08:56:32 pm
I have no flippin idea why but I signed up for the blood drive at school! ahh! Is it true that it takes them 9 minutes to take a pint of blood?  8O

I know you have to weigh over 110 pounds and all which I do (wow that's like the millionth time i've admitted that today!  :oops:) and I know all the other questions they ask you and all that shit and I'm good to go, I'm just scared that I am going to faint or something. My friend fainted last semester when she did it, (not to mention someone just fainted in my Drama class not from that tho I don't think) but eh, anyof you guys ever do a blood drive at school? I told my Choir teacher and she was all "that's pretty gutsy!" lol. I'm not sure when it is or anything, she asked me and I wasn't quite sure. But yeah, someone in my English class also told us we had guts for signing up, now I am all  :?

Hey, I am getting out of Algebra so woohoo for that! Haha
Title: I'm nervous! (blood drive)
Post by: B on February 19, 2004, 09:04:22 pm
Don't worry. It isn't that big of a deal. Doesn't hurt much either. You'll be fine.  :)
Title: I'm nervous! (blood drive)
Post by: Holly on February 19, 2004, 09:12:01 pm
That does take a lot of guts! (but this is coming from a needle phobic, lol).
I'm not allowed to give blood. My blood pressure is low, my blood sugar is low, and I have a low ammount of blood to begin with, haha. And I get dizzy every day as it is. So I would for sure pass out.
But for most people it's fine! Ive gone with people to get it done, and they had a blood drive at school, its no big deal! Don't worry! And you're doing such a good thing!
Title: I'm nervous! (blood drive)
Post by: Laura on February 19, 2004, 09:12:01 pm
Okay I feel a bit better now. Thanks Brian & Holly!
Title: I'm nervous! (blood drive)
Post by: Scotty on February 20, 2004, 12:27:50 am
My gran gave it all her life, she has a gold medal thingy for it
Title: I'm nervous! (blood drive)
Post by: loveplasticlove on February 20, 2004, 12:34:20 am
I can never give blood because I don't stop getting tattoos! haha

And Scotty... that is so cute... hug your g-ma for me.
Title: I'm nervous! (blood drive)
Post by: jlmusicchick on February 20, 2004, 11:51:55 am
I can't because, even thouh i weigh a little over 110, i'm still "not up to their requirements"  :evil: I was really looking forward to too!
Title: I'm nervous! (blood drive)
Post by: Chloe on February 20, 2004, 01:25:01 pm
as soon as i'm old enough i'm donating blood. you could be saving someone's life when you donate and i think that would be an awesome feeling.
Title: I'm nervous! (blood drive)
Post by: Gina on February 20, 2004, 01:29:43 pm
i'm with holly, i can't give blood because of my needle phobia- though I'd really like to, to help out people. . .

good luck you'll be fine, pretty much all the seniors gave blood (excluding me and a few others).. and there really weren't any probs
Title: I'm nervous! (blood drive)
Post by: Manda on February 20, 2004, 05:54:31 pm
Quote from: "Gina"
i'm with holly, i can't give blood because of my needle phobia- though I'd really like to, to help out people. . .

Same here, when I went to the ER I passed out when I saw the needle.


I'm sure you'll be strong enough to do it though!

Title: I'm nervous! (blood drive)
Post by: Holly on February 20, 2004, 06:02:44 pm
Quote from: "Amanda-Panda"
Quote from: "Gina"
i'm with holly, i can't give blood because of my needle phobia- though I'd really like to, to help out people. . .

Same here, when I went to the ER I passed out when I saw the needle.

I've done that at a doctors office! But I guess their's no better place to faint. I have to say though, it was VERY freaky waking up with 3 doctors over me until I figured out what happened.
But that's not the reason I can't do it... I would if that were it. But my blood sugar and pressure is too low, and I have a low amount of blood as it is...
Title: I'm nervous! (blood drive)
Post by: emmy on February 20, 2004, 06:24:25 pm
i have O blood, and thats usually the kind they want, right?  well, i would donate, except I don't weigh enough... hah.
Title: I'm nervous! (blood drive)
Post by: Manda on February 20, 2004, 06:30:18 pm
Quote from: "Holly"
Quote from: "Amanda-Panda"
Quote from: "Gina"
i'm with holly, i can't give blood because of my needle phobia- though I'd really like to, to help out people. . .

Same here, when I went to the ER I passed out when I saw the needle.

I've done that at a doctors office! But I guess their's no better place to faint. I have to say though, it was VERY freaky waking up with 3 doctors over me until I figured out what happened.
But that's not the reason I can't do it... I would if that were it. But my blood sugar and pressure is too low, and I have a low amount of blood as it is...

I'm afraid of needles. when I woke up I was being wheeled in to the table, they did stick me though.  :(

he said I could scream as much as I wanted because it was a painful one, and it sure as hell was. 8O

Title: I'm nervous! (blood drive)
Post by: emmy on February 20, 2004, 06:33:07 pm
i think i was more afraid of needles when i was younger... i havent had a shot or anything like that in a REAL long time, like 6th grade or something.  And I remember I pretty much cried and the nurse called me a baby.  She wasn't nice.

Ick, but I have to get some vaccination or whatever to live in the dorm at uconn -_-
Title: I'm nervous! (blood drive)
Post by: Manda on February 20, 2004, 06:41:53 pm
Quote from: "Emily"
i think i was more afraid of needles when i was younger... i havent had a shot or anything like that in a REAL long time, like 6th grade or something.  And I remember I pretty much cried and the nurse called me a baby.  She wasn't nice.

Ick, but I have to get some vaccination or whatever to live in the dorm at uconn -_-

what a mean nurse! :P

Title: I'm nervous! (blood drive)
Post by: sayyouwould on February 20, 2004, 08:33:11 pm
My papa benny used to give blood to the blood drive at his temple all the time. I would give blood but I think I'm too young. But maybe I should look into that.
Title: I'm nervous! (blood drive)
Post by: snapple936 on February 20, 2004, 09:02:53 pm
haha that's really weird, because i also just signed up to give blood. i'm not scared, mainly because when i had a ski accident a couple of years ago they had to take blood every half an hour. i got so used to it that i could sleep through them taking blood. so now i'm thinking that it's my duty to give blood to save others, in case i'm ever in a situation where i need blood (or one of my loved ones needs blood).  it's the karma thing. like, letting a car go before you at an intersection- i also do that in hopes that someone else will let me go later. haha. um, ok.


EDIT- my bad! good luck with your blood. i'm sure it'll be great! :-) and just think, you could be saving a life... and YOUR blood could be in someone else's body.. and that's just a litttttle weird. :-) jk. you'll do fine!
Title: I'm nervous! (blood drive)
Post by: Laura on February 20, 2004, 09:40:49 pm
Quote from: "snapple936"
EDIT- my bad! good luck with your blood. i'm sure it'll be great! :-) and just think, you could be saving a life... and YOUR blood could be in someone else's body.. and that's just a litttttle weird. :-) jk. you'll do fine!

Wow, now that you mention it, it does sound kinda weird lol

But about being scared I don't think i'll be too scared.. at least not until the day of the actual event lol. But like just last semester I had my knee accident where my kneecap popped out at school while I was in the lockeroom after P.E. when I fell  & the paramedics had to come and stuff and so if I can handle having my kneecap popped out for over a freakin hour (it seemed forever until they popped it back in!) I think i'll be okay now that I think of it lol
Title: I'm nervous! (blood drive)
Post by: jessica73 on February 21, 2004, 01:11:57 pm
I hyperventilated when I saw the needle and the bag for how much they would be taking the first time, when I was in 11th grade o_o Almost fainted, I panicked so much. And the screaming involved.  :oops: How embarassing.
Title: I'm nervous! (blood drive)
Post by: Manda on February 29, 2004, 11:34:24 am
I signed up for the blood drive on Friday.

Please help me out and tell me what goes on, I asked the girl Nelly and she was like, "oh it doesn't hurt one bit! they give you a free movie ticket and cookie after"

I dont think that will help me after they drain me of my blood...

I'm so scared of needles but I want to help out, no one was signing up so I gathered my courage and did, but now going through with the blood drive is going to take another big ounce of courage!

help! (details...pain.... blood...*oh god*)

Title: I'm nervous! (blood drive)
Post by: Laura on February 29, 2004, 11:48:43 am
haha- well we haven't had ours yet.. I have no clue when it is or anything, I haven't heard anything about it, but that is not fair, we don't get shit after we give blood lol it's okay tho, it'll be for a good cause.

I forgot all about the blood drive until my thread was bumped up, I wish they would say when it is.. ahh my school is bad with that stuff. They don't tell us anything until like two days before hand, so yeah lol
Title: I'm nervous! (blood drive)
Post by: Manda on February 29, 2004, 11:56:38 am
Ours is like this week, because I think I saw on the banners around school that it was March 2, but I may not be sure.

you think that cookie and free movie ticket is going to help me???

hell no!!!


I'm soooooo stressing about it...

Title: I'm nervous! (blood drive)
Post by: Chloe on February 29, 2004, 11:58:15 am
Quote from: "Manda"
you think that cookie and free movie ticket is going to help me???

mmmm cookies and moooovies...LOL
Title: I'm nervous! (blood drive)
Post by: Manda on February 29, 2004, 11:58:50 am
yes laugh Chloe. but I'm scared shitless!


Title: I'm nervous! (blood drive)
Post by: Laura on February 29, 2004, 01:37:30 pm
ooo, how funny- march 2nd is going to be your worst day and it is going to be my best day! bwahaha

I'm just kidding.. good luck tho, you'll do fine. I don't get nervous about this stuff until like the day of, so I'm not worried. It won't kill ya.. so don't worry about it.
Title: I'm nervous! (blood drive)
Post by: Manda on February 29, 2004, 05:58:09 pm
My friend said they get to go home right away after they give blood!

not cool!

Title: I'm nervous! (blood drive)
Post by: Laura on March 01, 2004, 09:49:47 pm
It turns out we do get a snack & something to drink after! woohoo! lol

I'm not sure if I'm gonna go through with it.. we got the slip today that it is on Thursday. I'm still thinking about it lol
Title: I'm nervous! (blood drive)
Post by: Manda on March 01, 2004, 10:11:34 pm
I'm not!

My mom gave me the low down...they say she has really good blood, my mother.

and she said it hurt, the needle is huge and its very painful.


she said the third time she gave blood was her last because it was an awful experience.

I'm not signing my papers!



(good luck to you if you do!)