Other Topics => Polls => Topic started by: Blake on February 23, 2004, 06:18:31 pm

Title: Was The War Necessary?
Post by: Blake on February 23, 2004, 06:18:31 pm
Yes I mean George W. Bush ect..What do you think?

Wow if this won't spark a debate, what will? *sits back*

Also what do you think about this: Do you think they have Osama in such a tight area as to where they could grab him at anytime they feel necessary...Sorta like, they'll catch him in october to try to give Bush the White House back?
Title: Was The War Necessary?
Post by: Laura on February 23, 2004, 09:53:29 pm
Haven't we've been here before??? good lord not again!! I'm sure there are millions of threads about this issue, actually I KNOW there are.. too tired to search tho.
Title: Was The War Necessary?
Post by: Vultch on February 23, 2004, 10:10:51 pm

dont start a new thread just to create an argument (or "debate" to put it nicely). You can argue about the war in those threads.
