Other Topics => Polls => Topic started by: tricia on March 15, 2003, 07:59:38 pm

Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: tricia on March 15, 2003, 07:59:38 pm
It seemed silly that it was listed out there, but not in here
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: Vultch on March 15, 2003, 08:02:04 pm
I got Mountain Dew in my blood.
Title: Re: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: kaysha on March 15, 2003, 08:02:30 pm
Quote from: "DixieChck615"
It seemed silly that it was listed out there, but not in here

are you implying that my choice of forum verbage is SILLY!?! :)

Oh, and i chose Pepsi... i am a computer geek.  But I drink a hell of a lot of Ice Tea too, which was NOT on there!  *mumbles* :)
Title: Re: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: tricia on March 15, 2003, 08:04:14 pm
Quote from: "katia"
are you implying that my choice of forum verbage is SILLY!?! :)

No!  *nods*

I also bleed Mountain Dew, though I gave it up for Lent.  *dies*
Title: Re: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: Vultch on March 15, 2003, 08:07:57 pm
Quote from: "DixieChck615"
I also bleed Mountain Dew, though I gave it up for Lent.  *dies*

YIKES! When I got my wisdom teeth yanked I had to go off all caffene t for a few days... not fun! But the pain meds for the teeth helped with the headaches from the caffene cold turkey.
But thats over now and my blood has turned yellow yet again.
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: B on March 15, 2003, 08:10:26 pm
I'm an "Other". I'll go with Gatorade, or Powerade. Yum.  :D.
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: i dont know what to put on March 15, 2003, 08:10:39 pm
I chose alcohol.   :wink: I'm only 18, but you only have to be 19 to drink here so i'm close enough.  My favourite drink is whiskey with Apple Peach juice.
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: PintOGuinness on March 15, 2003, 08:14:58 pm
I chose Alcohol... if I need to name a brand... you have serious issues...  :wink:
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: tricia on March 15, 2003, 08:15:57 pm
*was waiting for Jason*  LMAO
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: LostDwarf on March 15, 2003, 09:50:27 pm
:roll:  SNAPPLE~!!!

Breakfast: SNAPPLE
Lunch: SNAPPLE x 2

A typical day of snapple drinking for me. lol

Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: Wonkies on March 16, 2003, 03:43:44 am
Coca Cola
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: eclv on March 16, 2003, 04:34:41 am
I would have to go with water but right after that would be coffee   :)  
then of course the water, barley, hops, rice mix  :wink:
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: LostDwarf on March 16, 2003, 10:29:09 am
what the hell is hops?
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: Ghisy on March 16, 2003, 10:31:19 am
My fav' are Diet Coke (regular, lemon or vanilla, they're all good!) and Diet Dr Pepper (yeah baby!!).
But we just get Diet Coke and DC with lemon here, no Dr Pepper *sigh*  :roll:
Title: ?
Post by: vive-la-france on March 16, 2003, 10:38:45 am
i didn't know we had all of this in France   :lol:

I choose Orange juice, i know that's not original but....
i like Ice Tea too  8)
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: Jophess on March 16, 2003, 10:54:28 am
Soda: Vanilla and Cherry Coke
Title: Hops are....
Post by: High On Lullabies on March 16, 2003, 05:03:59 pm
Part of the Barley plant and...
'Hops, a minor ingredient in beer, are used for their bittering, flavoring, and aroma-enhancing powers.  Hops also have pronounced bacteriostatic activity that inhibits the growth of Gram-positive bacteria in the finished beer and, when in high enough concentrations, aids in precipitation of proteins.'
Oh and I have to say Chocolate Milkshake, though I very rarely get to drink it.
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: LemonFreshSmurf on March 16, 2003, 06:30:52 pm
chocolate milk!! im torn between that and vanilla coke but i have to say..but 0.000000001% chocolate milk wins  :D
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: aleera84 on March 16, 2003, 06:34:20 pm
Mine is soda!
Im a cola girl, couldnt really live without it LOL. :lol:
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: GermanSusi on March 17, 2003, 12:35:48 am
alcohol -- hee hee u can drink alcohol with the age of 16 ..ok just beer but with 18 u can drink everything

Please,don't think I just drink alcohol I also love coffee
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: Vultch on March 17, 2003, 12:40:34 am
Quote from: "GermanSusi"
alcohol -- hee hee u can drink alcohol with the age of 16 ..ok just beer but with 18 u can drink everything

damn I grew up in the wrong country!
Damn U.S. 21 drinking age *shakes fist*
However only once did I get kicked out of a bar cause I was underage.
With the beard I looked much older than I was.  :twisted:
But now that I'm 22, I could care less about legal age limits.

Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: joshua1001 on March 17, 2003, 12:47:11 am
has to be coffee.... i cant start a day without it LOL
Title: coffee
Post by: David Hart on March 17, 2003, 09:16:12 am
Dosen't matter what kind...I have about 10 cups a day, I can't live without it!!!
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: kev222 on March 17, 2003, 09:33:26 am
Water for me.

Sure Alcohol is great, but after a night drinking, who's there to stop you waking up in a couple of hours with the nightmare dry/soar throat? Good old Water, that's who.

Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: badsrx7 on March 17, 2003, 05:57:34 pm
addicted to diet pepsi

i cant get off that stuff

it's amazing

Title: I have to have......
Post by: CaliGirl20 on March 18, 2003, 10:29:37 pm
Coffee, or some form of coffee drink....Even tea!  Like chai for example, is one of my #1 fave drinks to get at a coffee house..eah, gotta have that soy nonfat chai latte =)
Title: coffee
Post by: David Hart on March 19, 2003, 09:44:45 pm
coffee coffee coffee
Title: huh?
Post by: coprat24 on March 26, 2003, 02:54:17 pm
DR>PEPPER!!!!! its the best drink ever!!!!apparentley i drink too much and i worry people.
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: MartUK on March 26, 2003, 08:12:40 pm
I vote alcohol. It's big and it's clever, kids, just like swearing.

I usually go for beers, in particular European wheat beers and Belgian lagers. Budweiser alcoholic risotto is great on a hot day though...

Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: MandyJ421 on March 28, 2003, 11:39:37 am
Cherry Coke all the way!
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: divasteph on March 28, 2003, 11:41:01 am
cherry coke is good!
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: divasteph on March 28, 2003, 11:56:22 am
My Favorite Ovary - Is from a vine - I like Red Wine... and White Grape Juice!
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: vive-la-france on March 28, 2003, 01:27:31 pm
yeah !! Steph  Red Wine LOL
it's made at my home  :D  :D
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: Steavis on March 28, 2003, 03:18:57 pm
simply apple juice, it's by far the superior juice
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: zurielshimon on April 12, 2003, 06:04:22 pm
Vanilla Ice on coke!

 :lol: I mean Vanilla Coke on ice!

(It's only good cold tho; otherwise it takes like medicine!)
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: Holly on April 15, 2003, 03:18:51 pm
ok... i'm weird, but my fave drink is milk, lol, i used to despise the stuff growing up, but now i love it!
but i guess thats cause i've never been a HUGE fan of sweets, i mean i like them, but i dont LOVE them
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: zurielshimon on April 15, 2003, 09:21:32 pm
I don't drink a lot of milk.  I can have a little bit now and then, but if I drink like a whole glass, it'll give me gas and the runs real bad for a while.  It turns out I'm lactose intolerant to a degree.  That gives me a good idea for a topic:  Anybody with little odd health conditions?  Like asthma, rickets, scurvy, lactose intolerance, arthritis, etc.  I could type quite a long reply to something like that.
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: PintOGuinness on April 16, 2003, 05:26:42 am
Woah...  8O

*Calls Tricia over to discuss new "TOO MUCH INFORMATION" addition to the FAQ*

LOL ;)
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: zurielshimon on April 16, 2003, 07:39:03 pm
:lol: I am Mr. Too Much Information!

Thank you, thank you!  I'll be here all week!
Title: drink!!
Post by: baker with a mission on April 17, 2003, 01:46:34 am
i'm 18 and it's legal to drink alcohol in Ireland then so i would drink WKD blue but when sober (nomally I am) i drink coca~cola soda's or i'm starting to get hooked on that new vanilla coke!! :D
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: tylor2000 on April 17, 2003, 11:19:19 am
whatever is available......

I've like mixed cocoa, water and with no this point I don't have a favorite........all utility.....whatever works...except other people's bodily fluids and such...but I guess I didn't need to specify that.....

how about cinnimon, sugar, water?...that is not so bad.....

Title: I LOVE dr.pepper
Post by: Mountaineer on April 17, 2003, 11:24:50 am
and coca cola
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: LimeTwister on April 17, 2003, 01:49:48 pm
Quote from: "zurielshimon"
I don't drink a lot of milk.  I can have a little bit now and then, but if I drink like a whole glass, it'll give me gas and the runs real bad for a while.  It turns out I'm lactose intolerant to a degree.

i know what you mean.
Title: hmm
Post by: MeechNess on June 12, 2003, 05:13:13 pm
I put juice because I guess you could call SoBe juice... since it's fruity and stuff... lol
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: Ms.Redd on June 18, 2003, 09:44:32 am
apple or orange or grapefruit juicw for me... the first being my main choice. :)
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: Manda on January 12, 2004, 10:29:08 am
Milk with ice.


Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: Alecs on January 12, 2004, 06:09:06 pm
I gotta have water all day long just to survive the dehydration from all the alchohol from the night before. Whiskey at night and water by day. :wink:
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: Manda on January 12, 2004, 06:14:19 pm
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: Gina on January 12, 2004, 07:09:18 pm
Strawberry banana or Pina colada smoothies.. my ultimate fav. And yes i have my own smoothie machine, so i make them regularly :wink:
Title: What's your favorite beverage?
Post by: Manda on January 12, 2004, 07:20:21 pm
ewww, thats

I dont like pina colada diddly squat! j/j



in that case, I love Milk, and I love margarita's, hey I'm hispanic, you think I dont drink a little now and then? YUM!
