Other Topics => Completely Off-Topic => Topic started by: Tia on May 21, 2004, 02:24:57 pm

Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: Tia on May 21, 2004, 02:24:57 pm
You rawk! We worship you :mrgreen:

Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: Scotty on May 21, 2004, 02:38:19 pm
Tia ->(

Me ( Happy Birthday!
Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: JazzyManda on May 21, 2004, 03:03:59 pm
hey happy b-day!  :D

Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: vt on May 21, 2004, 03:33:01 pm
:happybirthday: earthling Pete!
Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: Chloe on May 21, 2004, 03:49:23 pm
happy birthday!!! :D
Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: tylor2000 on May 21, 2004, 04:43:50 pm
Happy Birthday logikal!

Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: sayyouwould on May 21, 2004, 04:47:14 pm
Quote from: "Scotty"
Tia ->(


ah no... :razz: :P
Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: Holly on May 21, 2004, 04:53:16 pm
happy birthday Pete!!! :)
Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: B on May 21, 2004, 07:43:01 pm
Happy birthday!
Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: KULPDOGG on May 21, 2004, 08:06:08 pm
happy happy birthday to yoU.

Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: Blake on May 21, 2004, 10:16:50 pm
:happybirthday: Pete!!!
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: joann on May 22, 2004, 04:35:58 am
Quote from: "Tia"
You rawk! We worship you :mrgreen:


well..........I miss you, Pete
hope you have a memorable day
of course, even if you do, by the time you are as old as me you will have forgotten it

have a happy anyway!
Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: neos on May 22, 2004, 05:22:57 am
Happy Birthday!! :D
Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: Si on May 22, 2004, 06:02:12 am
Happy happy birthday, Peterrrrrr
 :blob:   :happybirthday:   :blob:  

:jester:   :bday:

I hope you're having a wicked day
Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: NESSAussie on May 22, 2004, 06:30:44 am

Happy Birthday Pete :P Be sure to enjoy a beer this arvo :wink:
Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: rosieposy87 on May 22, 2004, 08:58:13 am
Yaaay! Pete, you always make me laugh! We will fight Grakky and his SILLY views to the death!

Hope you have a really great day,

Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: kev222 on May 24, 2004, 12:04:51 am
Happy Birthday Pete :)

Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: jlmusicchick on May 24, 2004, 03:46:27 am
Happy BDay :-)
Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: Logikal X on May 24, 2004, 05:55:39 am
Thank you guys!!!  I forgot about such things,  But also i was away for the weekend =)   *hugs* for everyone
Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: BWilli on May 24, 2004, 07:47:05 am
little late here....Happy Be-Lated Birthday
Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: Tia on May 24, 2004, 08:54:07 am
Quote from: "Scotty"
Tia ->(

It's an old joke we had from the o-board :wink:
Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: Logikal X on May 24, 2004, 10:16:35 am
Quote from: "Tia"
Quote from: "Scotty"
Tia ->(

It's an old joke we had from the o-board :wink:

you forgot the qoutes, "joke"  :razz:
Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: LimeTwister on May 24, 2004, 11:15:57 am
happy birthday.
Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: divasteph on May 25, 2004, 06:53:44 am
whoa - pete - i havent talked to pete in forever- happy bday loggie!
Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: Tia on May 25, 2004, 06:58:59 am
Quote from: "Logikal X"
Quote from: "Tia"
Quote from: "Scotty"
Tia ->(

It's an old joke we had from the o-board :wink:

you forgot the qoutes, "joke"  :razz:

Details :roll:
Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: Logikal X on May 25, 2004, 07:35:15 am
*sigh* acceptance  :wink:
Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: Tia on May 25, 2004, 07:40:35 am
Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: Logikal X on May 25, 2004, 08:27:08 am
thanks for the uplifting and influental conversation  8)
Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: NoelleNC on May 25, 2004, 08:47:11 am
aww look at this :) cute. umm i saw you on your birthday but happy birthday online? hehe... *HUGS* you are sweet and cute, many thanks for being born, k? :) i wuv uuuu
Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: Logikal X on May 25, 2004, 08:49:43 am
Quote from: "NoelleNC"
aww look at this :) cute. umm i saw you on your birthday but happy birthday online? hehe... *HUGS* you are sweet and cute, many thanks for being born, k? :) i wuv uuuu

aww  :mrgreen:  i had the best birthday ever!
Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: NoelleNC on May 25, 2004, 08:55:50 am
yayyyy... youre the best  <3  :rainbowafro: <--- hehe, that's what all the girlies like i guess, haha.
Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: Logikal X on May 25, 2004, 10:06:26 am
yeah two thumbs up for rainbow afros!  

you are better ;p
Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: vanessafan18 on May 25, 2004, 11:27:19 am
Happy belated birthday Pete! I hope you had a truly amazing day xoxo *birthday hug*xoxo
Title: Happy Birthday Pete!!
Post by: Tia on May 25, 2004, 11:48:59 am
Quote from: "Logikal X"
thanks for the uplifting and influental conversation  8)


Quote from: "Logikal X"
Quote from: "NoelleNC"
aww look at this :) cute. umm i saw you on your birthday but happy birthday online? hehe... *HUGS* you are sweet and cute, many thanks for being born, k? :) i wuv uuuu

aww  :mrgreen:  i had the best birthday ever!

Awww...isn't it cute!? :mrgreen: