Vanessa Carlton => Live Shows => Topic started by: emmy on November 16, 2004, 10:10:33 pm

Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: emmy on November 16, 2004, 10:10:33 pm
[discussion] (

w00t!  Laura called me, I'm listening to wanted right now :) :)
Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: tylor2000 on November 17, 2004, 01:10:38 am
Hey yo! Are any of you back home yet?

Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: Laura on November 17, 2004, 01:29:21 am
I am! just got back... Emily, sorry I hung up after Wanted I didn't know if you were still there or could hear it but she didn't play Annie  :cry: so since I figured she wouldn't I just decided to call you back during The Wreckage. But I hope you liked TW, ATM, & Twilight also! The security peeps kept pointing this light towards my way too so I was all paranoid, & in the middle of Twilight one came toward us all mad (long story) so I was like "I think I better put my phone away" lol

VC looked at me a few times during the show cuz I was like front row, litterally touching the stage so I got all giddy. Oh & I got to meet VC! I got her to autograph the inside of my cd booklet & I'm like "thank you so much!" & shes like "oh your welcome" she was soo sweet. I'm very happy. Steph did u end up taking a pic. of that? lol I was so nervous in line.

Meeting everyone was cool too. It was kinda like whoa. I didn't recognize katia & Let at first then I'm like "r u guys the nessaholics?". I was a bit shy, so in the beginning I didn't really talk a lot, I was a bit nervous, but towards the night I got to chatting it up more. Divasteph & Manda you guys r soo nice! I had a good time getting to know you guys. Everybody else was nice to.

And I did get about 3 pics. of Vanessa. Tho my camera was an automatic flash so I was like "shit!" I told my mom not to take another one but she did, so sorry bout that cuz I know Nessa doesn't like flashes but it was only in the beginning & end so I'm sure it was fine.

And SF was def. my favorite song of the night surprisingly. It wasn't one of my favorites on the new album but now I'm in love with it. Twilight, Swindler, She Floats, & Morning Sting were also. She seemed to change the lyrics of Afterglow tho. She didn't do the "As I sit here in this dark room" part I don't think, which is my fav part of the song so that was weird.

I'll post pics. soon!!
Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: emmy on November 17, 2004, 08:47:45 am
Yah, I was wondering what happened when you hung up after Wanted.  Thanks soooooo much for calling me though!  But   :cry:  I wanna hear Annieeeeeee...

No, but seriously, it sounds like you had an awesome time!
Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: Alecs on November 17, 2004, 09:52:22 am
I'm glad you guys got to go and meet up.

Let called me last night during "Papa", and I got to hear San Fran, Ord. Day, Swindler, White Houses, and it then the phone died halfway through Afterglow. I was just excited to get to hear ANY of it! :D

Thanks Let! :)

Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: B on November 17, 2004, 10:13:04 am
I don't really have time now to post a full review and that of the show (which I will do later) since we are all up on two hours of sleep about to roll to the SF instore, but let me say it was great to meet all of the peeps. :) I really did enjoy meeting everyone and being front row like a mutha.

The setlist was:

OD (D&C, w00t!)
Who's To Say
White Houses
Morning Sting
C'est La Vie
She Floats
Half A Week Before The Winter
The Wreckage
A Thousand Miles

I ended up doing the M&G after being indecisive about it all night, and asked V to personalize it for me, so that was cool  :D

Aiight, we out. More later, lol
Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: Steveau on November 17, 2004, 02:47:14 pm
Great meeting all of you. Especially B, Katia, Laura since it was the first time meeting you. Great seeing John, Jess, Let, Nicole. I loved the show and the sound was excellent. Unfortunately, I had to leave after the show and didn't get to see Vanessa but I saw her Sunday and I know she saw me during the show because she smiled right at me at one point. Can't wait for her next show here.
Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: Jessica on November 17, 2004, 05:11:02 pm
Quote from: "Emily"
Yah, I was wondering what happened when you hung up after Wanted.  Thanks soooooo much for calling me though!  But   :cry:  I wanna hear Annieeeeeee...

No, but seriously, it sounds like you had an awesome time!

:) nice sig
Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: emmy on November 17, 2004, 05:13:29 pm
Quote from: "STARGiRL"
Quote from: "Emily"
Yah, I was wondering what happened when you hung up after Wanted.  Thanks soooooo much for calling me though!  But   :cry:  I wanna hear Annieeeeeee...

No, but seriously, it sounds like you had an awesome time!

:) nice sig

Haha, I knew you'd like it ^_~
Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: Laura on November 17, 2004, 06:24:00 pm
Oh I forgot to mention Low Millions, they were awesome! My first time seeing them & I loved their music & they sounded great live. I think I have a crush on the lead singer, ahh what's his name, Adam I think? oh geez I kept staring at him during the show, lol he is just too cute! a little too old for me I suppose but he is just so cool. When we were in line waiting to meet V, sitting on the stage I sware I could've seen him in the VIP section at the table across from me. He smiled at me to but I didn't know if it was him, haha.

It was so funny tho, during one of their songs he kinda spit on this guy in front by accident. He was the guy behind us in line, I felt bad. But I could see some of us laughing, poor guy lol.
Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: Manda on November 18, 2004, 05:37:01 pm
The Show was definately awesome and Emily let me just say that I love your sig so much, I want one!!!

Okay now to the good and bad stuff...

Well I got there late, a whole lotta traffic that I wasn't really expecting, I should have since the same thing happened when I went to the HOB a long time ago.

I got in line and I was at the very back so I called Laura and she let me go up front with her and it was really great seeing her! It was great meeting you and I'm going to keep in touch. :)
Then I saw Stephanie doing some weird dance and we hugged, then I hugged Nicole who was very nice. And I met some other NESSAholics too which was great!

I was going to sell my extra ticket, but I was talking to my friend Chantal and I wasn't paying attention and I ripped the side part off that they rip off and he said I couldn't use it and some guy kept trying to take it from my hands saying, "oh they'll take it so let me just have that one..." I kept saying no and thankfully I didn't give him that ticket or else I would have been shit out of luck.

The place was small but I liked it except when it got really crowded and I couldn't see since I'm short. *cries* But then towards the end of the show some couple let and I saw pretty damn good!

Then I was supposed to take my friend home by 11:30 and there was a meet and greet and I thought I would have enough time but I guess I didn't. I did get another autograph (and I bought a shirt, a red one.) and then I went outside and on the way home my dad was angry with me because it was 11:15, then we dropped my friend Chantal off at 11:35, my parents said that I would be grounded for the next 4 weeks but since I told them she didn't get into trouble I'm only grounded for like 2 weeks...which still sucks but its better than 4.

It was one hell of a good time!


Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: Steveau on November 19, 2004, 12:06:28 am
Everyone that was in the group picture I took that wants to have a copy e-mailed to them please PM me their e-mail address. Thanks
Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: kaysha on November 19, 2004, 01:11:03 am
Quote from: "Steveau"
Everyone that was in the group picture I took that wants to have a copy e-mailed to them please PM me their e-mail address. Thanks
c'mon Steve!  You KNOW I want them pics :) :) :)

Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: eclv on November 19, 2004, 08:38:55 am
LA was cool. Sorry you got grounded Manda, and um I coulda sworn we hugged too.  :(  kidding it's all good.

I met Kevin Lovejoy and Lauren someone or another who plays with Hilary Duff. (that's how he was introduced to me, haha) I guess that's impressive  :? Definitely cool I guess. Ron Fair was there too, she gave him a shout out. Yes, he was wearing the hat in cause you wanted to know, haha.

Vanessa was looking lovely after her Leno performance. I asked her how it went and she gave me the thumbs up and "It was good." Which it was. We watched it when we got to my house after our long ass drive in the fog.
Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: emmy on November 19, 2004, 09:51:19 am
Quote from: "Manda"
Emily let me just say that I love your sig so much, I want one!!!

Thanks!  Lol, me make a sig though, I haven't made anyone a sig since I made my nessafamily sigs on the o board, hahaha!  If you want me to try tho, PM me ^^

And btw, I wasn't at the show, but I wanna see the group pic!!!!!
Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: Manda on November 19, 2004, 01:02:33 pm
Quote from: "eclv"
LA was cool. Sorry you got grounded Manda, and um I coulda sworn we hugged too.  :(  kidding it's all good.

I met Kevin Lovejoy and Lauren someone or another who plays with Hilary Duff. (that's how he was introduced to me, haha) I guess that's impressive  :? Definitely cool I guess. Ron Fair was there too, she gave him a shout out. Yes, he was wearing the hat in cause you wanted to know, haha.

Vanessa was looking lovely after her Leno performance. I asked her how it went and she gave me the thumbs up and "It was good." Which it was. We watched it when we got to my house after our long ass drive in the fog.

I think we did hug! :P

I didn't get to take the group picture, but if we ever have another meet up somewhere in the near future *hopes* then I'd love to be in it.

I did take a picture on Stephanie's but she's in Europe so me don't know....

Oh and Emily I would so love if you could make me one.

Go nuts! Suprise me!

I'm still grounded and I'm here at the library...I've read 4 books in the past like two days....not good.


Take Care everyone!
Title: paparazzi...
Post by: onajourney on November 19, 2004, 03:28:54 pm
did any of you guys spot Stephen Jenkins?
He was cruising at the back of the GA area just prior to the show.

Any body get some good pics of Vanessa?  wishin' & hopin'!
*crosses fingers*
Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: loveplasticlove on November 19, 2004, 03:34:26 pm
show was nice :) feet killed me but I enjoyed it. :)
Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: Steveau on November 19, 2004, 04:38:19 pm
I have about 8 pictures. I'll post them as soon as I can have them scanned.
Title: cool...
Post by: onajourney on November 19, 2004, 05:41:13 pm
Quote from: "Steveau"
I have about 8 pictures. I'll post them as soon as I can have them scanned.

i'll bet you got some good ones. :D
Title: Re: paparazzi...
Post by: B on November 20, 2004, 01:54:58 am
Quote from: "onajourney"
did any of you guys spot Stephen Jenkins?
He was cruising at the back of the GA area just prior to the show.

Any body get some good pics of Vanessa?  wishin' & hopin'!
*crosses fingers*

Yeah, we saw Jenkins chatting it up with a bunch of peeps after the show, didn't go up and bother him though.
Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: divasteph on November 23, 2004, 11:13:14 am

Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: Manda on November 25, 2004, 12:17:26 pm
I got a shot of Vanessa at the Santa Monica meet and greet and Stephanie is in the whole right side!  :razz:
Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: eclv on November 28, 2004, 01:02:01 pm
It was a no digital camera venue. I only got one picture.

Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: Lord Star on November 28, 2004, 09:32:54 pm
Quote from: "eclv"
It was a no digital camera venue. I only got one picture.


Sexy! EHehee
Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: Manda on November 29, 2004, 01:51:06 pm
Quote from: "eclv"
It was a no digital camera venue. I only got one picture.


Oh my, I saw you take that picture, and the stupid Roxy Security was asking you to come with them so they could take your cam.....they almost took mine because it had flash.

I thought I was going to get kicked out!

Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: eclv on November 29, 2004, 02:22:02 pm
That wasn't me, that was Steph.
Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: eclv on November 29, 2004, 02:23:19 pm
oh wait, it was me. Jacque got me in trouble, it was her. I didn't even use my flash. Haha

Yeah, I just ignored him. It was the last damn song.
Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: Manda on November 29, 2004, 04:09:49 pm
yeah, it was the last song. So he just left, but I saw him trying to take you away to take your cam.
Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: Laura on November 30, 2004, 12:30:33 am
Yeah, that dumbass security dude ruined my favorite song!! I was so pissed. I enjoyed the beginning of Twilight but I got distracted when the security guy came over. I will always hate security people from now on. Or well, the rude ones anyways.
Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: MyLifeIsLikeATM on November 30, 2004, 06:00:10 pm
Quote from: "eclv"
oh wait, it was me. Jacque got me in trouble, it was her. I didn't even use my flash. Haha

Yeah, I just ignored him. It was the last damn song.

I'm sorry Let  :(

i have pictures...if someone wants to upload them
Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: kaysha on November 30, 2004, 06:17:04 pm
yah!  i want to see 'em!
Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: divasteph on December 09, 2004, 12:43:36 am






Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: divasteph on December 09, 2004, 12:51:50 am




Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: B on December 09, 2004, 01:09:39 am
Nice pics!  :D

Where in the hell am I looking? LOL. The pic I got with you on my regular camera turned out well  :)
Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: eclv on December 09, 2004, 09:11:28 am
I am glad my pictures came out well. I couldn't see anything and I was just clicking. Haha.
Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: Manda on December 14, 2004, 09:13:28 pm
Yikes!  8O
Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: Laura on December 17, 2004, 06:36:43 pm
ahh my picture with Vanessa, I look like such a dork but I <3 that picture lol. Thank you sooo much for taking that Steph <3

I'll post my pictures to since Steph just posted hers

My vc autograph (sorry about the date, the digital camera I used is weird)

Me & Steph

Me & Manda


VC again
Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: Manda on December 17, 2004, 11:26:24 pm
My goodness, I look bleh.... :D

But still, it was so awesome meeting you Laura!
Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: divasteph on December 18, 2004, 03:39:07 am
hey manda i think the pic of you and me is cute --- xoxo
Title: 11/16/2004: The Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA (review)
Post by: Laura on December 18, 2004, 04:04:46 pm
Yea your guys' pic. does look cute!

I look so weird in all of these pics. lol
Title: Nice....
Post by: onajourney on December 23, 2004, 03:55:30 pm
great pics everyone...thanks for posting!
Steph! yours are awesome  :D