Other Topics => Creative Endeavors => Topic started by: JazzyManda on July 30, 2005, 09:13:21 am

Title: Maple Leaf Rag
Post by: JazzyManda on July 30, 2005, 09:13:21 am
I love this song with a fiery passion. Too bad I can only play 3 lines of it...

Title: Maple Leaf Rag
Post by: zurielshimon on August 01, 2005, 05:51:16 am
I love this song, too! :D I hate how Motorola butchered the melody up on its "Maple Leaf Rag" ringtone standard on most older phones.  My favourite Joplin tune would be the "Magnetic Rag".
Title: ....
Post by: NoelleNC on August 01, 2005, 02:40:30 pm
Hey I have a question and I may be sounding really dumb (because I don't know much about composers), but do you know any George Winston songs? I have a bunch of his songs on my mp3 playlist and I don't know if he is just one of those people that plays famous classical songs for a living, but I was under the impression he wrote a lot of the songs I know by him himself. I think he's the guy who does the peanuts theme song, but I like a bunch of other songs by him too.

And Jamie Cullen is great :)

about the song: I've never heard it, but good job ;) I'm sure someday you'll be able to play more than just 3 lines haha.
Title: Re: ....
Post by: JazzyManda on August 01, 2005, 02:58:40 pm
Quote from: "NoelleNC"
Hey I have a question and I may be sounding really dumb (because I don't know much about composers), but do you know any George Winston songs? I have a bunch of his songs on my mp3 playlist and I don't know if he is just one of those people that plays famous classical songs for a living, but I was under the impression he wrote a lot of the songs I know by him himself. I think he's the guy who does the peanuts theme song, but I like a bunch of other songs by him too.

And Jamie Cullen is great :)

about the song: I've never heard it, but good job ;) I'm sure someday you'll be able to play more than just 3 lines haha.

Aw you haven't heard it? It's probably my favorite Scott Joplin/ rag time song. It's one of those songs that just makes me smile.

Hmm, I only know him as a New Age pianist.
Vince Guaraldi wrote Linus and Lucy (Peanuts song).  That one I can actually play. yess

Oo, and I can play the whole page now (though I don't really do the song justice)! But considering the page isn't that long.. well, I only added about 6 more measures but hey, it's a hard song!  :razz:

Quote from: "zurielshimon"
I love this song, too! :D I hate how Motorola butchered the melody up on its "Maple Leaf Rag" ringtone standard on most older phones.  My favourite Joplin tune would be the "Magnetic Rag".

Yeah me too!
I haven't heard Magnetic Rag... I'll look for it though

Title: Maple Leaf Rag
Post by: beerto on August 13, 2005, 12:59:07 pm
oooooo!! :D  I've been trying to learn that song for a while... i only have the first line down and i have to play it really slowly ...have any tips?
Title: Maple Leaf Rag
Post by: JazzyManda on August 21, 2005, 01:09:59 pm
Quote from: "beerto"
oooooo!! :D  I've been trying to learn that song for a while... i only have the first line down and i have to play it really slowly ...have any tips?

Playing it slow to start out with is the key to playing it fast. Repetition and the metronome are your friends. :)

Title: Maple Leaf Rag
Post by: Arwen on August 22, 2005, 10:13:49 am
Wow, that's really good! I love that song, aslo. It sounds really difficult.
Title: Maple Leaf Rag
Post by: beerto on August 22, 2005, 12:43:19 pm
thanks for the tip... i practiced a ton and have the first page down...but it doesn't sound close as good as yours......I have a yamaha keyboard too.....what do you use to record your songs?
Title: Maple Leaf Rag
Post by: GeNuInEwAnNaBe69 on October 04, 2005, 12:58:03 pm
my friend plays that song as a duet with her brother
it sounds really great

u have great taste in music!
Title: Maple Leaf Rag
Post by: JazzyManda on October 16, 2005, 08:21:41 pm
Quote from: "Ms.Arwen"
Wow, that's really good! I love that song, aslo. It sounds really difficult.

Thanx. I love this song too. And yeah, it's pretty hard. It's a song that is way above my level, but I wanted to play it, so I practiced it a ton! and now I can play it at 100 for a quarter note, 1st-2nd movement. I'm still working on the 3rd

Quote from: "beerto"
thanks for the tip... i practiced a ton and have the first page down...but it doesn't sound close as good as yours......I have a yamaha keyboard too.....what do you use to record your songs?

I use my crappy sound card software called SoundBlaster. I think you can buy it for 50 bucks at like Best Buy. It's really nothing special. I'm hoping to get Cubase and Reason soon...(probably Christmas)

Quote from: "GeNuInEwAnNaBe69"
my friend plays that song as a duet with her brother
it sounds really great

u have great taste in music!

Yeah, a lot of my piano inclined friends play this song.. I guess I'm just joining the club. haha. And thanx. I take pride in my taste in music.. I'm very jazz oriented but I'll occasionally branch out to some of the pop music out there.. i.e. Vanessa

Title: Maple Leaf Rag
Post by: Jay_Oh on October 26, 2005, 01:24:17 am
yeah, I love playing this song, I play it all the time (Dustin may have heard me play it before?? dunno)   :)
Title: Maple Leaf Rag
Post by: zurielshimon on October 29, 2005, 10:02:10 am
Yes, I believe I have, at least part of it. :D
Title: Maple Leaf Rag
Post by: whitehouses81680 on December 23, 2005, 08:58:50 am
i play that song as a duet with my little brother

it sounds awesme

we played it for a piano recutle
the crowd was blown awayq