Other Topics => Other Musicians => Topic started by: jessicaweiser on March 31, 2003, 02:44:05 pm
Shameless? Yes. This is a post promoting my own music...
The reason is because I recently took a huge step and quit my day job and moved to a new city and began a tour of the US. I stopped listening to my head and listened to my heart, all in the name of music. However, my bills are slowly mounting and I could really use some support.
I have put my album onsale at CD Baby for April. It's $10 + shipping if you buy it through them.
Or you can look at in the store and either send $11 via pay pal (to for After Silence or $25 for all 3 of my albums. And I'll include some stickers and postcards and if you whine enough I'll send you a poster too.
I would REALLY appreciate it. The album is a mix of piano/guitar/etc songs backed by an extremely good band... I am really proud of this album and it is a bit heavier/deeper than what you hear on the radio, but the tunes grow on you and are pretty to listen to :)
Thanks so much for your support!!! :)
Haha Jess, that's what this section is for :)
I have the album, it's amazing. So go buy it.
Yeah...that chick Jess is pretty kick ass
Yup support her please she is great
Thank you my friends. I <3 you all.
Danny, a little birdie told me that a present is on your way this week... ;)
Wow! What you're doing is awesome and takes tremendous guts to do! Hopefully I'll get that brave someday. Best of luck to you, Jess!
Wow! What you're doing is awesome and takes tremendous guts to do! Hopefully I'll get that brave someday. Best of luck to you, Jess!
brave indeed!
jessica is amazing!
do you only get the stickers and stuff if you buy 3, or can you get the stickers and stuff if you but one?
i feel really stupid, but how do i get the $11 dollar one, I only found the $14 dollar one...
I haven't really heard you yet...but I keep saying I'm going to go to your I'll be at the next one for sure!
thanks guys!
nikkee, i'm so sorry that we won't be able to hang out in Cali (and Tricia too). i feel horrible that i had to cancel my tour :( i hope to get there soon...
LimeTwister--check your PMs, I sent you the amount there :)
thanks guys!!
nikkee, i'm so sorry that we won't be able to hang out in Cali (and Tricia too). i feel horrible that i had to cancel my tour :( i hope to get there soon...
aww it happens! Just go to the NYC show in July! :)
ooooh, i'm game. I'll buy the entire package... but i hate whining, and i'm probably bad at it... but i would like a poster, signed? I'll add the $5 for the poster... ayup. and stickers and such! w00t. then i'll bring the CDs in and bombard my co-workers ;)
p.s. Good luck with stuff!
Maybe I missed it somehow, but are there any clips of your music on your website?
Maybe I missed it somehow, but are there any clips of your music on your website?
hell yes!
Thanks Katia for the order.
:) You guys rock.
Nikkee, if I can be there for that show (ie: get off a job I think I'm going to be getting :/) I DEFINITELY will. But it isn't looking good. Not only have I not seen Vanessa perform live, but I also haven't met any of you guys yet :( Plus if we were in NYC together we could go to the place where I got my nose pierced and get my tattoo! :)
jess, misses living in NYC :(
Jess... I'm sorry it took so long to put my money where my mouth is... I'm dropping my $25 tonight for the complete collection.
I love your music I really do!! Let me know if you plan on hitting Atlanta anytime... I'd love to meet you finally...
Best of luck always!!!
Jason, I got it! Thanks so much! :)
I'm going to take these orders to the post office tomorrow guys.
Thank you soooo much :)
Yay Jess is getting support!
keep goin guys!
Yay! Thanks you guys. The orders are appreciated, but if you don't dig the music, then I understand.
If anyone has connections to their college Student Activities Board, send me a PM :)
how about this Jessica...I'll download your song "consolation" i believe it's called, on KaZaA.
if I like it, I'll buy it.
*waits patiently for CDs*... the whole clip thing is just not cutting it! =)
Jess, i think you should encode the CDs into mp3 but keep them in a hidden section for those impatient people that do order the CD (like me!) 8O
They'd prolly get out anyway tho :(
( Plus if we were in NYC together we could go to the place where I got my nose pierced and get my tattoo! :)
jess, misses living in NYC :(
I'll get inked with you! I want to come to your next show! I never leave NYC it's really sad.
ack, keith, "consolation" is SO not what i'm all about -- i recorded that song as a demo when i was sick (so vocals=crap) in early 1999. it's not what my songs now are like at all. i mean, i'm ok w/ the song, but it's definitely not my best or favorite.
here guys, you can hear 4 full-length songs here:
I think the songs I like best on the album are "october" "falling further in" "loneliness" and "vine" :)
I like "After the Rain" :P
I'm gonna download some of your songs and listen tomorrow... yay...
Thanks, Emily :) 8)
Jess, i barely have any money at the moment but when i get some i am going to buy your album and Stephen Speaks'. WOW i just love getting things from other countries- i really really do.
Yeah, I downloaded them and they were cool. I sent you a PM on the other VC board... I think I might buy the CD.
Yeah, I downloaded them and they were cool. I sent you a PM on the other VC board... I think I might buy the CD.
*gasp!* you should PM jess here, that way she comes back more often to visit us here ;)
Her songs rock, i'm waiting for her CDs to arrive =)
Jess is a sweetheart and i'm thankful that i've gotten to know her :D
Jessica rocks! Too bad I missed her performance, but she is still and awesome musician and a nice person!
Jess is freaking awesome.
As a person and musician...*shakes fist that she's not coming to Cali in two weeks like she was supposed to*
She is "freaking awesome*
Writes, Plays, Sings.... Woowwwwwww
Aww you guys are so nice :) I love the people here sooo much.
I have to say... I have had such a hard time recently. Being a musician (and I'm sure if any of us ever sat down and had a 1-on-1 conversation w/ Vanessa she agree w/ me), is really difficult. Because it's such a pure and beautiful thing--music and singing and playing an instrument--but there are so many other little things that cloud the experience... Like dealing with shady club owners, flakey musicians, rude people, people who talk during your set, etc., etc. I could go on for days. But it is so nice to have support somewhere... So I just had a hell night and I have to say that it is so nice to log on here and see some support. I cannot really even express how much it means to me. Some days I just want to quit.... I know in my heart that if I just gave in I would regret it... so I keep plugging away and trying... but it's very difficult some days.
Thank you all for your kind words. I know that this is just a message board and it's hard to get tone and all that from words here -- but just know that I say this with 100% sincerity and I truly appreciate the support so much. And I hope I get to meet you all in person some day and give you a hug :)
Already bought the album. The production is terrific, and so is the artwork. Looks like a major label release....can that be far behind???
Already bought the album. The production is terrific, and so is the artwork. Looks like a major label release....can that be far behind???
No way :( I don't think that would ever happen. That is me being a realist.... I don't think I'd ever want a deal anyway... too much b.s. involved. Unless it was an indie.
Thanks for the compliments, though! :)
Jess rocks, nough said
Yeah, I downloaded them and they were cool. I sent you a PM on the other VC board... I think I might buy the CD.
*gasp!* you should PM jess here, that way she comes back more often to visit us here ;)
LOL, I PMed her there because she was online there, hehe... next time I will remember the lovely nessaholics board, even though most of yallz hate me.
most of yallz hate me.
*gasp* What A think to say! Not true, not true at all!
Just to let anyone who has ordered a cd through me recently know - I'm mailing them all out on Monday! :)
Thanks again!
Review of After Silence (
Review of After Silence (
thats who i was gonna do my article on, I was hoping to get my CD soon.
I've gots all of her CDs. Me likes. ;)
i will own 2 soon lol, i sent my money last week.
I sent a bunch out this week, but w/ Easter they said at the post office they might not get there until Monday (Even tho Easter is Sunday so I really didn't get that, but umm yeah!). And LimeTwister, yours will most likely go out tomorrow.
Thanks you guys. Anyone else wanna order? I have a $600 bill due in 2 weeks and I have $3 in my bank account. LOL! I just LOVE being broke ;) haha.
Jessica, needs. a. miracle. NOW.
Oookey, me decided I will buy one, hehe. Should I send the money through money order??
As far as ordering:
Pay pal address:
Snail Mail:
Jessica Weiser
PO Box 904
Fishers, IN 46038
After Silence (the new album) is $11
Thanks peeps! :)
Tomorrow night I was planning on catching an awesome night of music at the Brown Bag in Modesto. Now my plans are shot. :P
You should still go. I feel so bad I had to cancel the tour :( It's so depressing.
Tricia have you heard Megan's new mp3 that is on her site. It's sooo good. I love her songs.
You guys should all check her out: - really good music, very beautiful! :)
8O I didn't mean to depress you! LOL I <3 all of Megan's stuff. She is too freaking awesome.
Jessica kicks serious butt (previously i would have said ass, but "THE RULES AND REGULTIONS" tell me not too, but yet, i do it anyway. Dont worry i'm just playing with you!!)
Yes, anyway. Jessica weiser is really amazing. Listen to "October"
I got my CDs yesterday.. Thanks Jess!!! I guess that one positive way to start off the long road of Job hunting :)
Loving them... Indifference is turning out to be my favorite song...
Thanks guys :) aww.
Jason, it's so weird that is your favorite... it almost didn't end up on the record because I couldn't finish the lyrics... I adore the music to it and I think it turned out so well, but I was never satisfied w/ the lyrics... I do wish I could re-record it... My husband says that one needs to be in the background on a WB show or something. LOL :)
The 2 EPs are OLD, btw. And they are home recordings... so... they aren't the greatest. ;)
ps: Please sign up for my mailing list if you <3 me :) I can either sub you (PM me your email address) or there is a way to sub on my site. The e-mail updates I just send once/month. And I haven't sent a snail mail thing in about a year... last time I sent them I spent a few days working on them and i sent them and they were destroyed in the mail :(
Live in New York City
Saturday 5/17 - 8 p.m.
The Baggot Inn -
$5 cover / 21+
also featuring lyle koehnlein on guitar and lisa shufro on violin
If you come out be sure and come say hi after the show!!!
I'll have cds for sale for $10
thanks :)
Live in New York City
Wrong coast.
*subliminal hint*Seattle*subliminal hint*
I've only heard the 4 songs from After Silence, but I really dig em! I think "October" is my favorite of the batch.
I've only heard the 4 songs from After Silence, but I really dig em! I think "October" is my favorite of the batch.
it really is a great CD!
Thanks guys! I appreciate it!
I'm recording a live album this fall, it's going to be different and cool... more details coming soon I hope. It'll be recorded in Indianapolis if anyone wants to attend the taping (it's free)
ah, there is a signed copy of my album on ebay right now... and yes i put it there as a test... so if you're looking to get the album for cheap, it's there right now and i'm not sure if people will bid on it or not! you could get it for $1.99! do a search for my name on ebay!
ah, there is a signed copy of my album on ebay right now...
WOOHOO (!! I won it! :D only $1.99 lol
I can't wait to hear the whole thing.
you got the deal of a century, my friend :)
now if i could just sell the other 1,000 i have sitting here i'd be all good! tell your friends, please :)
Thanks guys! I appreciate it!
I'm recording a live album this fall, it's going to be different and cool... more details coming soon I hope. It'll be recorded in Indianapolis if anyone wants to attend the taping (it's free)
if there was a way to get there I would I will be there mentally...but don't think about it while playing, don't wanna mentally distract you. :wink:
I won it! :D only $1.99 lol
I can't wait to hear the whole thing.
Ya cheap Bastard.. pay that girl what she's worth... ;)
Jason, I dont think you realize just how dirty that sounded.
Ya cheap Bastard..
Damn right I'm cheap, I'M DUTCH! lol (also poor)
LMAO @ BV...I'm Dutch too...I bought all 3 very worth it
*loves tricia* :)
All right, so i guess im gonna have to go check out the site and listen to some clips now hu? Sheesh. Peer pressure is a bitch :wink:
LOL. Only if you want to. :)
My site has been up/down all day though. Damn server! Grr!!!
Full-length mp3s: (the Vanessa songs don't work right now though)
*loves jess*
good stuff... I gotta get you cd soon!
a lil bump for jess.
thanks peeps!
bv, your cd should be arriving this week! yay! let me know when you get it ok?
Well......I would buy it, but right now I don't have any money, and I am working on my own CD...LoL!!
Keep one aside for me, I want to get it soon!
I have about 500 left so I think I'll have one when you're ready ;)
Or we could just do a trade when yours is done. I usually do that w/ other artists :)
Well......I would buy it, but right now I don't have any money, and I am working on my own CD...LoL!!
Keep one aside for me, I want to get it soon!
are you really?
Yes but it isn't exactly wha Jessica is doin....
It's not me singing....its better....I will explan later....gotta run...I'm going to WaL*MaRt
I look in the mailbox today to find a package waiting. w00t!
I got the After Silence CD cranked at the moment. :D
It's quite good.
after the rain, has to be the sadest song....and Jess your vocals on that song, are like perfect...
After the Rain is my favorite
Jess where are mine? BWahahhaaha...
*hugs Jess*
Jess where are mine? BWahahhaaha...
*hugs Jess*
she gets really busy, I noticed this first hand.
I'm sorry Danny :( It's in my car. I'm an idiot.
And I even sent BV's to the wrong address. And I just sent a poster for Katia out this week which should've gone out months ago.
Needless to say, I need someone to handle this stuff for me;) Hehe. I'm so sorry, I just take on so much and then get overwhelmed.
Danny it'll go out this week and it'll be worth the wait.
And thanks guys for liking the album. I really not 100% sure what I'm doing in the future... Because of $$ and stuff music is probably going to be on the backburner for awhile... I have some new song ideas and I might record a live album in the fall, but I'm not sure right now. Thanks for the support! :)
ps: Limetwister that's so weird that you'd say that about After the Rain and my vocals being perfect... because I was in the studio one day and I was trying to record vocals for one of the other songs... I can't even remember which... and I was having such a bad day and I was so pissed off that I couldn't get this one song right. So we decided to move on and do a demo of A.T.R... well I guess partly because I was already in a bad mood and partly b/c I was thinking about who I wrote it for I just felt really empowered... I sang it and that was it. One take (Except one part we fixed in the end I think) :) That is probably one of the things I'm most proud of about the album.
Jess it is so cool
I still <3 u in every way =)
And whatever you decide to do with your music we will support you all the whatever you have to do...
you never know, in your downtime and being away from music the time you might write or spawn your best material...
I understand me and it is all good.
Talent never fades ...
I dropped ur name in scotland Jess to a couple of friends and showed them ur website but i dunno if they ordered anything. :(
I only promote extreme talent!!!!
Keep up the music!!!!! 8)
So, how many takes does it usually take you to get a song right when recording? I'm afraid that when I start recording my stuff at a studio(not on my computer like I do now) that I'll waste a lot of time re-recording the songs that it'll cost a lot more money than I had hoped it would.... Oh, I have a CDs worth of songs right now, hehe... but they aren't copyrighted... How many songs all together do you have? I need to write more, learn more, and all so I can play in coffee shops and all... because people won't want to just be hearing the same thing everytime I play, lol..
I dropped ur name in scotland Jess to a couple of friends and showed them ur website but i dunno if they ordered anything. :(
I only promote extreme talent!!!!
Keep up the music!!!!! 8)
Thanks!! :)
So, how many takes does it usually take you to get a song right when recording? I'm afraid that when I start recording my stuff at a studio(not on my computer like I do now) that I'll waste a lot of time re-recording the songs that it'll cost a lot more money than I had hoped it would.... Oh, I have a CDs worth of songs right now, hehe... but they aren't copyrighted... How many songs all together do you have? I need to write more, learn more, and all so I can play in coffee shops and all... because people won't want to just be hearing the same thing everytime I play, lol..
Honestly, I did most of the vocals in 1-3 takes. Really it was kind of the same with piano and guitar when I recorded those too. I just made sure I practiced a lot before I went to the studio so I wouldn't waste anyone's time (the studio I recorded in was expensive). There were little parts of songs that I started to obsess over and maybe took me a few more takes than usual, but that's because I am a perfectionist and wanted things to sound just right.
I think I have like 30 songs or something, but I rarely play the old ones.
If you want to copyright your material put it all onto one cd (just make a compilation, even if they are rough recordings), type out all the lyrics and print and fill out form PA. It costs $30 but this way you are protected.
Good luck :)
...I recently took a huge step and quit my day job.....I stopped listening to my head and listened to my heart
i'm beginning to think thats what i should do....
If you want to copyright your material put it all onto one cd (just make a compilation, even if they are rough recordings), type out all the lyrics and print and fill out form PA. It costs $30 but this way you are protected.
my ELPS teacher said you could go the "poor man's route" and make a copy of everything, and just mail it to yourself. The post office dates it, and if you keep it sealed. Then if anyone copies you, you have proof it's yours.
If you want to copyright your material put it all onto one cd (just make a compilation, even if they are rough recordings), type out all the lyrics and print and fill out form PA. It costs $30 but this way you are protected.
my ELPS teacher said you could go the "poor man's route" and make a copy of everything, and just mail it to yourself. The post office dates it, and if you keep it sealed. Then if anyone copies you, you have proof it's yours.
Actually this will not stand up in court. I know that a lot of people suggest this, but there was a whole thing about how if you went to court you could still lose if you do this way.
...I recently took a huge step and quit my day job.....I stopped listening to my head and listened to my heart
i'm beginning to think thats what i should do....
On the one hand, I want to tell you GO FOR IT! :) No matter what, doing what you love in life is the most important thing... and I truly believe that.
On the other hand... Be prepared for a long, hard road. When we planned all this out we had X amount of money saved which definitely did not turn out to be enough. If you are a musician, you have to learn to deal with rejection, not getting paid, b.s. in the industry, flakey musicians, and a whole lot more. Get used to selling things on ebay to pay your rent, eating rice and mac and cheese for dinner frequently, and not being able to pay bills.
Now, i don't mean this to be negative at all... All I'm saying is 1) formulate a plan way in advance, 2) don't quit a job until you have something to fall back on, 3) Prepare yourself mentally and emotionally--know that it won't be easy, but be strong enough to be willing to take that chance.
I wish anyone who follows their heart the best... it is one of the best things I've ever done, even if it hasn't been the easiest...
im definately put money into getting all three. your song "Vine" has got me interested...i want to become a musician too and everything your saying is exactly what ive been told. be prepared to get some doors shut in your face. my parents have told me not to get my hopes too far up, but i love them cause they are still supporting me all the way. lol...the other night my mom asked me to sing her a song to go to sleep... ;)
There is new info on my website about what I'm going to be doing next...check out the Journal area of the site
There is new info on my website about what I'm going to be doing next...check out the Journal area of the site
*Checking out the site*
It's totally cool! I love the photography!
Thank you! Those are some of the photos we used on the album :) My friend Noah shot them and he is amazing:
Thank you! Those are some of the photos we used on the album :) My friend Noah shot them and he is amazing:
Yeah he did awesome job! You piano playing is awesome! I'm listening to the clip of "Falling" it's great!
( (
Thank you!! :) You rock! I need to get my piano out of the case... I haven't played it in awhile and I am getting separation anxiety ;)
falling as in falling further in?
I love that song...It's great! i haven't listened to jessica in awhile (well actually it was a month ago)...
jess, how have you been btw?
Hey! :) I have been OK...really busy doing a bunch of work for other artists and working as Director of Communications to make some $$$ for the next album... it has been fun, but I'm crazy busy. Instead of surfing the web I'm also trying to hit the gym for a few hours each night, so that has been occupying my time. But I miss you all :) And I hope to start writing for my album soon and that you'll all dig it when it is released.... I might do a pre-order/donation thing too to help raise money.
Have to promote her ;)
i noticed that the news on ( says that Jessica (Weiser) has designed a new look for the website. I'm looking forward to seeing it...
thanks for the bump and yes i'll be designing jessica harp's new site. jess is a good friend of mine and i'm helping her out by giving her site a fresh new look that will reflect her new tunes... but it will not be done until the new year. she does have a new board up so feel free to stop by. warning: we are a bunch of freaks. ;)
ps: i have a new page of downloads up: - more coming SOON
also i am planning on recording a live album on 2/14 in indianapolis. i will be accepting donations to help me press it as i am totally broke... so i need to raise a lot to get it out... it'll be a limited edition cd, those who donate will get albums and other free stuff. more info soon. PM me if you want to help out, or be a secret benefactor or something ;) xox
My album is onsale at CD Baby for just $5!!!!!!!!
You have to buy 3 albums to get it for the sale price, but there is a ton there that is for sale.
Have fun!
5/15 - show in Indy is going to ROCK. Come see me!!! <3
Thanks for the info. I hope you'll come see us on the west coast soon. :)
wow jessica- you are A M A Z I N G!!
Anything new with your career?
^ thanks for the compliment
i'm working very hard on new material. i'm also considering (very very seriously considering) doing an acoustic version of my album "after silence" -- my voice has grown a ton since I recorded that, plus the songs sound SO different acoustic... i really like them in their stripped-down format.
So I should begin recording later this year. I might just do one big album w/ all the A.S. tracks (actually I might not put the Neil Young song on) and the other new songs, or do a double album, which I've wanted to do forever. OR do an EP. it sort of depends on $$ and stuff......
but things are happening. I've just really enjoyed hibernating and not putting so much pressure on myself to write and stuff. And I'm listening to a lot of new music to become inspired. I go through these periods where I don't write and I just listen a lot and I start to get ideas and then the songs just pour out...and that's kind of where I'm at right now.
thanks for keeping the thread alive (it's alliivvvvvvvveee). i <3 you guys :)
also the album is now available at iTunes, rhapsody, napster, etc., etc. basically anywhere you can buy mp3s online, you should find the album or the individual tracks. i'm also working on getting my first and now sold out EP "what has happened" up.
Jessica Weiser is hot.
You should buy her CDs. They're awesome. And I know...I have all 3. :D
thanks guys xox
i just updated my site tonight, finally, and have some shows in the midwest this fall and will be recording soon. i think i'm going to do an ep w/ a lot of songs about my past and some really super personal stuff but we'll see....
finally heard your stuff and liked it. Nice of you to reply. You are super sweet. Your pm's were nice. :)
I was going to e-mail you this, but never got around to it!
Anywho--I was thinking that you could do a CD with selected songs from all your material (not just A.S.)...Like leave a few A.S. songs off and put other songs from other recordigns (does that make sense?...I hope so.)
Good luck with it all!
you mean a greatest hits album? LOL. i hate my older songs (pre-AS), so i don't really want to re-release them ;)
i actually decided what i'm going to do -- an EP, hopefully with a release at the end of the year. i'm going to have a special donation thing again for pre-orders to help raise the money for duplication. it'll be cool...
hey don't forget my copy ;)
good luck with it all Jess
you mean a greatest hits album? LOL. i hate my older songs (pre-AS), so i don't really want to re-release them ;)
i actually decided what i'm going to do -- an EP, hopefully with a release at the end of the year. i'm going to have a special donation thing again for pre-orders to help raise the money for duplication. it'll be cool...
you're starting to sound like me with my older stuff lol...maybe change them around or something...there are some really good songs pre AS.
and I can't wait to hear new stuff from the JW!
hey don't forget my copy ;)
good luck with it all Jess
danny have you ever gotten my emails that i need your addy again? and i asked someone else and they never sent it to me either :P
send it to me:
and i'll send them asap
Bump for Jessica. Check out her site and listen to some music.
Jessica (me) is going to release a single at Christmastime... you'll see. Something I think some people will like lots. :)
More news soon... taking a break from shows for the rest of the year. :)
Jessica likes to talk in 3rd person
I can't wait to hear!
I have something new to upload tomorrow :) It's special for Christmas. Stay tuned for linkage :)
I have something new to upload tomorrow :) It's special for Christmas. Stay tuned for linkage :)
right on!
Can't wait!
yes I like the linkage! :D
"what child is this?" here:
It's just a simple computer demo thing. Just a fun project we did over a long weekend.
Hopefully back in the studio this year to record new material...
Greensleeves! Yay!
I love it, Jessica! You must come back to Cincinatti.
What child is this is good.. I liked it a lot...
So.. I'm trying to find her album.. Does she have an album?
I'm trying to find videos... but it's so hard
I don't like songs that much.. I like Videos
Oh My God....
I'm impressed... Her voice is that beautiful.... I can't believe... I'm in love now.............. Now I'm listening to her album.
She's really good...
Now I want her album... I need to find somewhere in Brazil where I can buy it... Because I won't buy out of Brazil anymore after what has happened to Harmonium..
But...I'm really impressed.. Her voice.. Her melody......... I'll become a fan
Thank you guys so much! :)
I'll mail an album to Brazil -- do you have Pay Pal? E-mail me privately for payment info. It's $10, but then shipping would be a bit more.
Thanks for the support! I appreciate it!
woot. Thanks for that!
You're getting better! It's always great to hear you.
Thank you guys so much! :)
I'll mail an album to Brazil -- do you have Pay Pal? E-mail me privately for payment info. It's $10, but then shipping would be a bit more.
Thanks for the support! I appreciate it!
Thanks.. But I promised myself that would never buy something out from Brazil.. because I bought my harmonium in 11/11/04 and until today I didn't recieve it... And I think it's gonna take a long time... But I think I'll look for... Maybe it's out here and I don't know
Jessica Rocks! you can still order CDs. Her myspace is: