Other Topics => Completely Off-Topic => Topic started by: JazzyManda on August 17, 2005, 07:32:34 am

Title: Ipod Photo Owners...
Post by: JazzyManda on August 17, 2005, 07:32:34 am
I have a question.

You know how when you play songs the "album art" of that song shows up next to the title of what you're currently playing on your Ipod. Well, I've noticed that album art only appears next to the songs I've bought off Itunes (which isn't that much if you compare it to the amount of CDs I have). So, I was wondering if it is possible to somehow add photos to songs you haven't bought off Itunes. Because none of the CDs I have on my Ipod show art work except for the ones I've bought off of Itunes so... yeah

Hopefully at least one of you has an Ipod photo..

Title: Ipod Photo Owners...
Post by: Grakthis on August 17, 2005, 10:45:12 am
The photo is embeded in the MP3.  The only way to get the photo into an MP3 you have ripped yourself is to have a software package that either looks up the album art on the internet for you or else lets you add album art yourself.

You have to do this in your MP3 ripping application (which is likely iTunes, because you suck and people who suck use iTunes).

If you were smart you'd get MusicMatch and use their supertagging options to let it lookup the album art for you.
Title: Ipod Photo Owners...
Post by: Will on August 17, 2005, 12:29:25 pm
Quote from: "Grakthis"
(which is likely iTunes, because you suck and people who suck use iTunes).

iTunes kicks your butt.

How to embed pictures in your mp3s in iTunes? Select your song, go to get info, go to the artwork tab, and click on the "add" button.
Title: Ipod Photo Owners...
Post by: Grakthis on August 17, 2005, 01:05:24 pm
Quote from: "Will"
iTunes licks your butt.

Fixed for accuracy :dr evil:
Title: Ipod Photo Owners...
Post by: LimeTwister on August 17, 2005, 01:28:30 pm
Quote from: "Grakthis"
Quote from: "Will"
iTunes licks your butt.

Fixed for accuracy :dr evil:

and you enjoy it.
Title: Ipod Photo Owners...
Post by: JazzyManda on August 17, 2005, 04:03:53 pm
Quote from: "Grakthis"
The photo is embeded in the MP3.  The only way to get the photo into an MP3 you have ripped yourself is to have a software package that either looks up the album art on the internet for you or else lets you add album art yourself.

You have to do this in your MP3 ripping application (which is likely iTunes, because you suck and people who suck use iTunes).

If you were smart you'd get MusicMatch and use their supertagging options to let it lookup the album art for you.

I have Music Match on my computer as well as Itunes. I've been using Itunes for my Ipod because that's what the Ipod came with. I didn't think MusicMatch would do anything different, but maybe I'll give it a try...

Quote from: "Will"
Quote from: "Grakthis"
(which is likely iTunes, because you suck and people who suck use iTunes).

iTunes kicks your butt.

How to embed pictures in your mp3s in iTunes? Select your song, go to get info, go to the artwork tab, and click on the "add" button.

I've done that before.. but I have nothing to add. Where do I get the art work from?

Title: Ipod Photo Owners...
Post by: NESSAussie on August 18, 2005, 04:45:44 am
Quote from: "JazzyManda"
I've done that before.. but I have nothing to add. Where do I get the art work from?

Go to an online retailer and search for the single/album featuring the artwork
you're after; i.e. (

Right click on the single/album image and save to your desktop as a JPG; i.e. (

Select the track in iTunes you wish to embed the image with and drag the JPG
icon from your destop, dropping it over Drag Album Artwork Here in iTunes :thumbsup:


Title: Ipod Photo Owners...
Post by: Grakthis on August 18, 2005, 10:16:00 am
Quote from: "JazzyManda"
I have Music Match on my computer as well as Itunes. I've been using Itunes for my Ipod because that's what the Ipod came with. I didn't think MusicMatch would do anything different, but maybe I'll give it a try...

If you have the full version of music match, then add the song to your library and one of the options (Either in properties, or just by rightclicking) is "supertag" which is where it looks up the song title and such in their giant database.
Title: Ipod Photo Owners...
Post by: Logikal X on August 18, 2005, 10:17:11 am
I use soulseek and windows media player  :o

free ftw
Title: Ipod Photo Owners...
Post by: JazzyManda on August 18, 2005, 08:30:19 pm
I tried finding a pic on the internet and adding it through Itunes and it worked just fine. Thanx for all of your help guys. :)

Title: Ipod Photo Owners...
Post by: Will on August 19, 2005, 11:46:37 am