Other Topics => Creative Endeavors => Topic started by: Prophetic on September 02, 2005, 11:50:43 am

Title: Ameriteen (Cover, MP3)
Post by: Prophetic on September 02, 2005, 11:50:43 am
So, this is the song I'm working on right now. You can't really hear me through it and I can't remember how the bridge goes no matter how hard I try. Thanks to maag for the transcription.  :lol:

Rapidshare and YSI, since either can be pretty nasty
Title: Ameriteen (Cover, MP3)
Post by: maag on September 05, 2005, 01:18:34 am
I don't hear your voice! Do you sing? About 0:50 I hear nothing.
The version is slow, but the part of the change of tune is very slow. And, finally, you have to check better the measurement.
Title: Ameriteen (Cover, MP3)
Post by: Prophetic on September 05, 2005, 03:57:31 am
I did sing, however my piano is very loud. Where was I off? I did little things to make it my own (not singing the bridge.  :roll:). Whenever it's somebody elses song I mostly look at the chords and what kind of pattern the notes take on the page.

I doubt it's any better, I tend to like the song slow. It's a sad song, so I think it should be treated like that.

Thank you for the comment.
Title: Ameriteen (Cover, MP3)
Post by: NoelleNC on September 09, 2005, 07:21:26 pm
Not to be mean, but I think you should just play and not try to sing along bc you are kind of tone deaf... the playing is good though
Title: Ameriteen (Cover, MP3)
Post by: JazzyManda on September 09, 2005, 08:09:48 pm
Sorry I didn't comment on this earlier Mathew.  

I can say the piano is great, but I agree that you are not singing in tune or in the correct key.

I'd try recording yourself singing with the Vanessa version.  This should help you get an idea of what the pitches should sounds like etc. because we all know we sound better when we sing with the recording!  :D  haha.  Then try playing along and singing to the Vanessa version and it will sound a million times better! :)

Title: Ameriteen (Cover, MP3)
Post by: Prophetic on September 10, 2005, 08:34:55 am
Thanks... I'll um... keep on trying. Best way to improve is practice. I won't subject you to it again.
Title: Ameriteen (Cover, MP3)
Post by: NoelleNC on September 20, 2005, 08:13:00 pm
aw no. the piano was really good! no need to be ashamed
Title: Ameriteen (Cover, MP3)
Post by: Prophetic on September 21, 2005, 02:32:05 am
Choir has started up again so now I can notice when I'm not in tune / in the wrong key because obviously everybody else is singing different notes. So I just practice a lot for the performances.  :D
I wasn't ashamed, I'm fully aware my voice is crap. My dad told me that when I wanted to join chior. I'm sure my voice would be worse if I didn't join choir.  :?