Other Topics => Completely Off-Topic => Topic started by: nicole on April 05, 2003, 05:32:01 pm
I'm willing to make some if anyone wants em.
OO OO!! ME ME!! I would be eternally (okay, maybe for the first couple weeks :wink: ) grateful!
ok :)
any requests?
you want certain colors, pictures or quotes?
there ya go...
you are welcome, darling.
anyone else?
i feel so special... i didn't even have to ask but nik thought of me <3
*shows off new sig*
*stares in awe*
:) ohhh. could u please make one for me?
:) ohhh. could u please make one for me?
of course...
any requests?
I'd love one. I'd love one with red in it cause red's my fave color. And maybe my name too if possible =)
I'd love one. I'd love one with red in it cause red's my fave color. And maybe my name too if possible =)
*goes to make sig*
Thanks! You're too sweet :)
Gracias =)
you are welcome...
hmmm.... anything is good for me. but could u put a pic of orlando bloom and a pic of nessa in it?
hmmm.... anything is good for me. but could u put a pic of orlando bloom and a pic of nessa in it?
darn i wish I saw this before I made your sig! :( sorry!
That ok, thanks nikkee, i love it!
there we go, i almost forgot about the [img] thingy
if you go to your profile you can add the url and you wont have to copy and paste the URL everytime to have a sig.
ohhh, ok. thanx!
you are very welcome :) isn't that a lovely feature?
haha yes it is. i like this board sooooo much better than the other one.
haha yes it is. i like this board sooooo much better than the other one.
indeed... much better. no more zoo :)
We heard you the first time. :wink:
We heard you the first time. :wink:
You posted the same thing twice... you probably did it on accident... I was bustin' your chops.
You posted the same thing twice... you probably did it on accident... I was bustin' your chops.
thanks for bringing that to my attention! I didn't even notice!
hehe... no problem... I'm the post Nazi!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
hehe... no problem... I'm the post Nazi!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
now now now
btw those smilies freak me out!
I know... I'm a big fan of the smilies... this is my personal favorite
I need a new sig :( But it has to have my face on it...all of sigs are an homage to ME!
I need a new sig :( But it has to have my face on it...all of sigs are an homage to ME!
hahaha ok I'll see what I can do.
click on my link under my sig...I have a bunch of cool pics of me! Nikkee you're the best! I love the sig you made for me with the HUGE heart on it. heehee
hope ya like it!
HaHa It's the hotness!!! Thanks nikkee!!!!!!!!
HaHa It's the hotness!!! Thanks nikkee!!!!!!!!
glad you like it.
I'm in the mood again :)
I'm in the mood again :)
if your really bored and you wanna make me one,
maybe something neat to put above the sig i have now? i really like this one that Jason made me, if you have any ideas...or somethin i don't know, lol
I'm in the mood again :)
if your really bored and you wanna make me one,
maybe something neat to put above the sig i have now? i really like this one that Jason made me, if you have any ideas...or somethin i don't know, lol
sorry bout you can't have two sigs unless they total upto 120 pixels. We have a rule about sigs.
Sig Rules: Size limit -- Width=400 & Height=120. If we find that your sig is larger than 400x120 we will PM you and you have 1 week to resize it. This means you may only have a picture (or multiple pictures) in your sig reaching a total of 400x120... you cannot have two pictures that are each 400x120 totalling a sig that is 400x240 or something.
really? ok it's cool. hmm would you be willing to make me an avatar if you can? just if your bored, lol :D
or know anyone else that might want to?
that I can do, dear. what do you want?
yay...thanks nikkee! can you put a recent picture of nick carter on there and put "Nick Carter rocks" or somethin like that? lol with a neat background to? im bad at coming up with this stuff sorry :roll:
ahh that's so awesome! thanks nikkee!
anytime! its so 80s teehee!
nikkee it's not working for me...i tried going to my profile thing and putting in the URL and it still didn't work :cry:
i gotta run, but i'll be back maybe tonight or in the morning to see if it'll work...
are you at wonkies's house?!?
so you don't know why it's not working :?:
I have no idea. I'm sorry I can't be much help. Maybe Kev222 knows? or wonkies...or katia.... They are great with computers.
So nikkee, why can't you make sigs can't you make sigs at your own house/whatever you live in? why do you have to go to wonkiesiesieieise'ss house??? :?:
wow nikkee, since my sig now isn't the right size it would be so amazing if you could make me a sig the right size and everything. I would love a sig made from these pictures here but just anything would be great, i really understand if you're too busy.
Rosie :)
of course I have time to make you a sig! :)
She does make the best sigs!!!