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Messages - david

Pages: [1]
oh my god, good news. Next year I'm going to finish my chinese studies there. It's always a good thing to know there are also some amazing fans.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / all I ask...
« on: November 26, 2004, 04:46:44 am »
what a song, with all the instruments arund her voice and the piano,..oh, it's so brilliant. Today it's the first time I listened to it, and I don't understand why is not in Harmonium, it's so great. :o  8O

I'm a little bit confused bexause I don't know which it's the best way to order harmonium.It's a Japanise version of the album very expensive  8O but with the dvd (and who knows..maybe many other extras). In the other way, there's the official web possibility, it's cheaper but maybe there's only the little documentary.
what do you thing about it??? :?  :?

Live Shows / european tour
« on: October 04, 2004, 09:13:40 am »
anyone knows anything about any possible european tour?? I tell this because Vanessa never came to Spain so I never went to a concert of her.
It's a pity, maybe in the future

moved to existing thread-let

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