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Messages - Kasatania

Pages: [1]
Quote from: "Ohmman45"

what a stupid question! with that money i can bait anyone, even Ms. carlton! well... she already has alot of money..... and so does her agent...... but along the line somewhere theres has to be someone i can pay to arrange a meeting with her

Quote from: "Manda"
smoking some crack?

yes, crack. I LOVE CRACK! i'm absolutley kookoo for crack!

it makes me see similarities between musician's and their music style. when i come down from it i start to become tone deaf.

Other Musicians / Everyone has a double out there somewhere
« on: December 06, 2004, 04:24:40 pm » (Gravity) (white houeses)

Maybe they should get together and do a duet someday. (won't happen)

Quote from: "BWilli"
shouldn't this be under "Other Musicians"?   :D

well it still does relate to vanessa.


Just listen to a few of her songs, you'll know what i mean.

Recommended: Dive, Yubiwa, Dakishimete, and Yakusoku Wa Iranai, and Kaze go fuki hi.

moved to Other Musicians -Vulturemod

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Unproffesional conduct
« on: December 03, 2004, 12:07:48 pm »
"if i could *burp* fall, into the *burp* do think time *burp would pass us by *burp* because you know i'de walk a thousand *BUURAAAAAAAAAAP* mile... i i could just see you... *burp* tonight."

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Unproffesional conduct
« on: November 30, 2004, 10:17:20 pm »
well she is only human and i guess it couldn't be helped. I attended her show at the soiled dove when she came to colorado. during "A thousand Miles" she stopped after the first verse and said "I'm sorry, i really have to burp." so she turned away from the mic and did so... Now if it were any one else i would demean them for such unprofessional conduct. just a funny story i thought you might like to hear.

Live Shows / Re: Vanessa Carlton at the soiled dove.
« on: November 29, 2004, 09:37:58 pm »
Quote from: "kaysha"
Quote from: "Kasatania"
The show was great i must say. The oepning acts were okay except for this duo who called theselves "The TRampolines". I loved the stories she had to tell before each song too. the only thing i regret is bringing a date to the concert... whiny little woman. she cost me a chance to meet vanessa and get an autograph.
oh bummer, sorry to hear that. ( about not getting to meet Vanessa )

Do you know the set list or if they allowed cameras at this show?

What did you think of the low millions?


the low millions were very good. they reminded me of "The Pillows" a japanese band. as for cameras. i saw camera flashes going off all over the place and there was one man up front with a rather large cameras taking pictures of Ms. Carlton from every angle. BTW what did you think of it when Ms. carlton said she had to burp right in the middle of the second verse in "A thousand Miles"? if it were any one else i would demean them for such unproffesional conduct.

Live Shows / Vanessa Carlton at the soiled dove.
« on: November 28, 2004, 10:10:23 pm »
The show was great i must say. The oepning acts were okay except for this duo who called theselves "The TRampolines". I loved the stories she had to tell before each song too. the only thing i regret is bringing a date to the concert... whiny little woman. she cost me a chance to meet vanessa and get an autograph.

merged with existing review thread -katia

Pages: [1]