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Topics - Posi

Pages: [1]
Other Musicians / Strata!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: October 27, 2003, 04:47:58 pm »
This band is beyond awesome you guys!!

These guys just got signed to Wind-Up! Check them out and please listen to the music on their site They have their own little player but on there are a few tracks that are all acoustic (they rock too) on there. They have alot of MP3s on too! Sleep is my absolute favorite and when I asked the singer Eric, he said its one of the bands all time faves too and will be doing a new version of it with choir and strings!!

I went to the show last week at the Voodoo Lounge in San Jose, after their set I asked Eric, the vocalist, how it felt to be Label mates with Evanescence. He paused slightly and said, "Uh, It feels great!" He was sweet. I can't wait to see them again at a show. Their stage presence was very strong.

Before they played, the band before them was having some technical diffculties and their bassist ended up walking off stage, throwing his bass down on the stage. When Eric got the mic he said something along the extent of your band being a marriage and with it getting tough sometimes you gotta work through it and that he hoped they worked out their differences. I wish more bands could have that outlook.

They will be around along time. I can feel it.

Introduce Yourself / Posi has arrived...
« on: July 19, 2003, 12:28:22 am »
Hi everyone! My name is Posi...  *everyone says hi to posi*

...and I am from the [E]xodus Board. I have been regged here for awhile but hadn't gotten the time to Introduce myself yet because I am a busy busy person (otherwise known as a 'Nazi' aka. Mod) at [E]xodus.

So! I am here by the sweet wishes of yours truly Katia and BVulture, the most handsomest guy in the entire world. :) And look forward to making this a 2nd home for me. Can't wait to get to know everyone! XOXOXOXOX

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