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Topics - VCfosheezy

Pages: [1]
General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / a few questions, a few comments...
« on: January 26, 2004, 07:47:31 pm »
how many copies of Harmonium are you guys going to buy?

will vanessa be at the grammys on feb. 8th? or is it the 9th?

will the dvd be on every copy of the cd? or just like, the first 100,00 like third eye blind did.

ok, comments:

i'm proud to say, vanessa's apart of one of the most hilarious moments in LoveLine radio history (to me, at least)... it's when this 18-yr.old dorkoid calls in asking how he can ask his girlfriend to have a threesome. have you guys heard her on loveline? SO freaking funny. i still listen to it and laugh my ass off.  (loveline is a call-in radio show  that gives medical advice for sexual deviants/dysfunctional people/"snot-nosed pukes". it's hosted by dr. drew and adam carolla)

i was reading some other posts in a 3eb forum the other day. someone quoted stephan as calling BNN "a load of crap" w/ "after- school special" themes. even though she wrote it, he felt as if the songs didn't represent who she is now at all, or when she performed them. <-- i agree, but it still made for good music, despite the fact.  :roll:

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Anybody seen these before?
« on: January 13, 2004, 03:21:43 pm »


and if so, i believe i deserve an  :roll: face. i think every post of mine has related to stephan and vanessa, lol.


Old-fashioned romance seems to be coming back into fashion, judging by the chivalrous behavior of a fan who worked his way to the front of a Michelle Branch press conference in Hong Kong earlier this week to present her with an impressively sized engagement ring -- and a glance at a somewhat less impressively proportioned portion of the marital contract. The unidentified gent dropped his trousers midway through his marriage proposal, leaving Branch stunned enough to walk out before taking questions from the press. While that might've taken the wind out of Michelle's sails for a night, she can console herself by remembering that, unlike Vanessa Carlton, she doesn't have to go home to Stephan Jenkins.


:sighs: I hate Rolling Stone sometimes.

That's pretty hilarious about the guy dropping trou in front of Michelle Branch though. HAHA!

Don't know if this has been posted yet but I was looking through an old InStyle magazine from Sept 2003 and there's a picture of Vanessa at BCBG Max Azria, she's wearing a light gray herringbone vest, w/ midriff showing, a brown tilted fedora and jeans with the pointy shoes. She's standing with her hands on her hips and not really smiling. :?

It also says this: "Taking in her second show of the day, Vanessa Carlton was feeling the fashion-world peer pressure. "It's very stressful. I don't know how other people can get different outfits together for every show," she said. "It's just not going to happen for me. I ended up wearing a shirt that I slept in."

And I found this tidbit on the ExtraTV site: And few beauties could resist ribbing TV's Charlie about not being picked on the “Bachelorette!” Vanessa Carlton said to him, "Now you can score any chick you want!”

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Does anybody know...
« on: January 07, 2004, 12:53:38 am »
where I can find C'est la Vie on mp3?

I'm trying to burn a cd of her unreleased songs and live stuff. I only have the video clip of C'est la Vie (found on here) and I dunno if only the audio'll transfer onto CD.

um, and speaking of unreleased songs and live stuff, does anyone know where I can find some of that flavor?

I haven't heard:
San Francisco
All I Ask

or, basically a whole live show of hers. I've downloaded a show but it won't play for me somehow. Help!, My computer's incompetent. :cry:

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Pomegranates
« on: January 05, 2004, 11:16:41 pm »
I saw the old Stephan Jenkins MTV Cribs tonight, and he mentioned Vanessa a few times... First he was like, "My girlfriend [flashes to a clip of ATM video] lives out of a suitcase [hangs head in shame], and, that's where she lives [points to a corner where a suitcase overflowing with clothes and a laptop stacked on top is]... She plays the piano, ya know." He's got a really cute lisp when he says "girlfriend". Or when he talks period! (If you couldnt tell- I REAAALLY like him.)

Then the next mention is when he's showing us his fridge and he's like: "My girlfriend (with the lisp!), she eats pomegranates, and when I say that I really mean, she eats them obsessively."

Oh yeah, he also had a VC poster framed up in his 'office'. AND he put on a red unicorn VC beanie near the end. Awh. He really does promote her a lot doesn't he?

My point, and title, is that after I found out about the pomegranate thing I had to have one! Have you guys ever found yourselves buying or trying a certain drink/food that you know your favorite band/artist likes?

I do it all the time.. :oops: and was just wondering if any of yall do too.  :?:

Introduce Yourself / Hi ya'll, i'm new...
« on: January 02, 2004, 08:16:55 pm »
:arrow: LOL, and i want a new username already. pfft, VCfosheezy. what was I thinking?!  :?  sooo corny!

anywho, my name is Nikki and I've been lurking around these boards for the past 2 months or so. I'm a new fan, and I can't stop listening to my BNN cd! Every night, with the headphones I tell you. I'm just as anxious as ya'll are for the new record.  

I got curious about Vanessa after I found out that she's dating "Old Man Jenkins"  :razz: , who I just LOVE... and yeah, I was just discovering him and 3eb at the time too. That was about 3 months ago. I think they make a pretty perfect match... especially after looking at those pics of them at the Marc Jacobs show during Fashion week. they look so happy together!

My favorite songs from her at the mo' are Ordinary Day, Rinse and C'est la Vie. Haven't heard a whole lot of the unreleased/old songs yet, like Birdie and All I Ask, but I will soon.

Hrmm, what else?

That's all for now.  Just happy to be a nessaholic!

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