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Topics - PaintedBlack

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Live Shows / 11/12/2004: Soiled Dove - Denver, CO (review)
« on: November 13, 2004, 09:16:15 pm »

So I went to the show Friday night, and yes, she was great! It was my first Vanessa show and I was blown away. It was really terrible though because I got there at 9:00, and my friend forgot her ID, so we had to drive all the way back home to get it. Fortunately Vannessa Carlton wasn't performing until 10:45, so we had time. When we came back, they didn't even check our IDs!! We drove all that way back home for nothing, I was kind of pissed. Eventually we walk in though, and there's NO place to sit, so we had to stand the whole time. I didn't mind though because it was for Vanessa, and she put on a hell of a performance!

After the show was over, I left, but waited outside because I wanted Vanessa's autograph. She came out the back side of the club, in this cute little pink pea-coat. She blended in real well, no one even noticed her, but I did. So I went and caught her and asked her for an autograph. She barely acknowledged me, and didn't seem like she was going to do it. I was the only one following her, it's not like she was being chased by fans or anything. So before she got on her tour bus, she signed my Harmonium CD Cover. I don't want to complain, because I should be grateful that I had the opportunity to meet her and get an autograph, but it was a really crappy signature if I must say. I'm still kind of upset about it, because it just looks like a little squiggle mark. I always thought that Vanessa Carlton appreciated her "Nessaholics?" Can anyone give me an explanation why she would have done this? I went home really sad and dissappointed because of this. I remember purchasing these tickets the day they went on sale and Vanessa acted like she couldnt give me the time of day for a simple, solid, autograph? Perhaps she was in a hurry or something, I don't know, but still... I was the only one there, asking for an autograph, she could have made time and been a little more courteous. Does anyone agree or disagree with me?

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