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Messages - Will

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Completely Off-Topic / University Life
« on: September 19, 2006, 10:29:48 am »
Quote from: "TSE"
I live in an engineering only residence hall.

That's the only way to go if you're an engineering major. It's fun getting together and making fun of all the artsies. ;)

Quote from: "rosieposy87"
All i can say is, take a mattress topper- the mattresses there are no only rank, but horribly uncomfortable too. hehe.

The mattresses at my school are actually pretty good. It all depends. A mattress cover is a must, but not necessarily a topper.

Completely Off-Topic / University Life
« on: September 18, 2006, 01:14:23 pm »
It's ok to go home over the weekend occasionally, especially to do stuff like do laundry and get a break from DC food. Just don't do it that often.

I know that she was an AOL user in the past.

Completely Off-Topic / Make-Up Tips!
« on: September 13, 2006, 04:15:55 pm »
Quote from: "kev222"
That's only because the mods are all lazy.

You do know that I can ban you myself now, right?  


General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Scott "The Piano Guy"::A Thousand Miles
« on: September 11, 2006, 02:29:06 pm »

Polls / New Facebook: Love it or hate it?
« on: September 08, 2006, 05:52:41 am »
Something I wrote in the large protest group's forum:

"I'm really not convinced that Mark's new "news" model is superior to the old "encyclopedia" model the site has used in the past. For me, Facebook is a way for me to contact people in my courses for clarification, a way for me to find out more about that cute gal I've had my eye on, a fast way to communicate with friends, and nice way to look at my friends' pictures. Now diffs are being broadcast all over the place, whether I want to see them or not. Why the hell do I need to have all this stuff thrown in my face? If I want to look for friends who have updated their profile, I'll click "My Friends" and have it display that information. If I want to look for new pictures of my friends, I'll go click on "My Photos" and display that information. I NEVER want to know when somebody has written on somebody else's wall. I don't want all this information horribly jumbled together and displayed in one place. The guiding principle should be, make information available so that users can look at if if they request it. If not, don't display it."

Polls / New Facebook: Love it or hate it?
« on: September 07, 2006, 10:58:51 pm »
I'm hoping Mark's new "news" model will fall flat on his face and we'll get our old "encyclopedia" back.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Scott "The Piano Guy"::A Thousand Miles
« on: September 07, 2006, 05:58:09 pm »
Why does anyone care whether or not he plays this in the same key that Vanessa does?

Polls / New Facebook: Love it or hate it?
« on: September 06, 2006, 10:12:49 am »
For those of you with Facebooks, what do you think of the changes?

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Scott "The Piano Guy"::A Thousand Miles
« on: September 04, 2006, 01:12:02 pm »
He's not playing what Vanessa plays because what she plays is too boring for solo piano. He's not singing along, so he needs to jazz it up a tad.

Completely Off-Topic / I got into Law School
« on: August 29, 2006, 03:20:33 pm »
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
Lmao, i love how you're telling me i'm wrong about something you know NOTHING about.

I NEVER said you were wrong. I only said that I find it hard to believe that such a thing because law is a complicated subject and it is impossible to touch on all the major topics in substantial depth in three years, let alone one. It turns out the UK really does have low standards in legal education.

Completely Off-Topic / I got into Law School
« on: August 29, 2006, 10:35:18 am »
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
Not true about the 2 undergrad degrees-here you can do a normal undergrad degree in whatever you like and then you do a law conversion course where you 'convert' your degree into a law qualification. It costs £10,000 (about $20,000) and takes a year.

I find it hard to believe that one could learn all they need to be a lawyer in a single year, especially since English law is quite a bit more complicated than US law. What you're talking about sounds more like a paralegal training course.

Completely Off-Topic / I got into Law School
« on: August 25, 2006, 04:57:15 pm »
Bill Gates has his billions because of his mother rich mother working at IBM getting him in the right place at the right time.

Completely Off-Topic / I got into Law School
« on: August 24, 2006, 08:02:13 am »
Quote from: "Logikal X"
Lets check with the statement i was referring too "Salary isn't a direct measure of your value to society or anything"

And now with importance "Salary isn't a direct measure of your importance to society or anything"

Pretty much proves that what you were trying to derail my statement with is incorrect.   I'm not so sure he meant "Salary isn't a direct measure of your monetary value to society or anything"  because that would be a completely redundant and pointless statement.

It doesn't matter. Salary, by definition, is the value society ("the market") gives to a person. If you're talking economics (salary was the topic of discussion), it isn't unreasonable to assume that you're using economic terms.

Quote from: "Logikal X"
Edit:  "To estimate or appraise as being worth a specified sum or amount."  That sum or amount being determined by what Will?

The job market is what dictates that.

Completely Off-Topic / I got into Law School
« on: August 24, 2006, 07:31:15 am »
Quote from: "Logikal X"
The distinction between value and importance?   Oh um let me look up "value" in the dictionary....

1.   relative worth, merit, or importance

Let's check with a real dictionary, the OED.

value, n. I. 1. a. That amount of some commodity, medium of exchange, etc., which is considered to be an equivalent for something else; a fair or adequate equivalent or return. Phr. value for money (freq. attrib.).
value, v. I. 1. trans. To estimate or appraise as being worth a specified sum or amount. Const. at, to, or with inf.

In any case, when talking economics, the above definition is the only one used.

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