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Messages - mellsbells12

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Creative Endeavors / wow mal!
« on: August 25, 2003, 03:58:00 pm »
thats awesome, i dont post here much but i love reading things and i had to post to that..i'm loving the piano melody and your voice, very amazing

i try to write songs, i have about 5 written now, i just made on 20 minutes ago, it only took me 10 just comes so easy for some reason, and its soo much fun to watch the success and grow from one song.

great job hun. *another fan* :)

<3 mells

Completely Off-Topic / aww
« on: August 16, 2003, 05:09:22 pm »
joey babes...i'm glad your day was awesome

mine wasnt too good, the only good part was hearing the virgina people in work say "ya'lls" and i thought of u within a split second.  

much <3 hun

<3 mells


have a great day, i <3 you always! thanks for everything you've done, and keep working on the new album!! i cant freaking wait!!!!

<3 always<3

mells bells

Completely Off-Topic / aww
« on: August 12, 2003, 05:24:57 pm »
i dont have MTV2 but i was really hoping they'd at least play a CLIP of "san fran" cuz i want to hear it sooo badly!! lol

why cant the new album come out sooner?!?!?!

<3 mells

Other Musicians / Pete Yorn
« on: August 12, 2003, 05:22:41 pm »

i still <3 you gina, i always make typos..and a fool of myself..*remembers yesterday...*


<3 mells <3

Other Musicians / Pete Yorn
« on: August 12, 2003, 11:10:49 am »
my sister randomly in the music store wanted me to buy his CD "music from the morning after" and its really good.  he has a newer CD that i havent heard yet.

the song "strange condition" is in the end of The Sweetest Thing with Cameron Diaz..its a really good song

another good one is "life on a chain".."nancy" is pretty, and "black" is cool too..

i'll try to find his homepage or something, lol but check him out hes really good, his newest single is like "crystal...(something)" lol i dont know much.

gooooood stuff :)

<3 mells

Other Musicians / oo
« on: August 12, 2003, 11:04:21 am »
damien rice--joey u got me hooked on "volcano" i love it!! its awesome

school--ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh give me time before i have to think about that madness

<3 mells

Completely Off-Topic / The "T" in often is silent
« on: August 12, 2003, 10:56:16 am »
lol interesting..i definitely pronounce the T

SI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 i miss you so much

<3 mells

Introduce Yourself / *hugeeeee smile*
« on: August 11, 2003, 06:33:43 pm »
ahh its good to be back

and katie! i havent talked to you in ages, everytime i see Delta's name or think about her i automatically think of you, its so terrible and i sent soo many well wishes for her.

thanks guys =) definitely i'll be here more often hehe

<3 mells

Completely Off-Topic / ahh!
« on: August 11, 2003, 06:26:29 pm »
thank you you're a darling!!! lol...what else is new?!!???!?!?!!?!?!!..she didnt play afterglow at oneonta, but when i was using the huge computer downstairs i listened to that clip again of MTV and heard it better, it sounds really cool! and i'm looking forward to "she floats" on the album, that song grows on me more and more!

and i'm hooked on red ditty again!! (i know this is all in the wrong forum), lol i just screw up too much!

<3 mells

Introduce Yourself / awww
« on: August 11, 2003, 06:19:52 pm »
i love you katia!! you're great..thanks, i looked SOOO stupid for like 5 minutes there, lol my hero = katia

<3 mells <3 <3 <3

thank you thank you thank you!

Completely Off-Topic / aww!!
« on: August 11, 2003, 06:15:48 pm »
katia!! thats so sweet!!! thank you so much, i think i just missed you at oneonta, or saw u but didnt know it was you talking with roy, *stupid* but yea, on the next tour i'll try and get to one of the shows closest and we need to hang out!!! i miss you and gina and everyone soo much!!

and katia i need help!! i posted like 3 of the same thread on the other forum...*stupid* i was trying to fix three things and posted 3 times..i'm so sorry!!!! anyway you could delete 2 of them ? lol

ahhh!!! i'm so happy katia said that, it made my day!! :) love you gurls!!!

<3 mells

Introduce Yourself / its mellllyyy
« on: August 11, 2003, 06:06:50 pm »
c'est moi--MELLS

i know people know me, but some people dont know that much about me..or so i think !

nicknames-- melsy, mells bells, melissa (real name lol) or meliss

i've only been to one VC show, and i was WICKED lucky to go to that, and it was the time of my freaking life!!!  i know that sometimes someone my age cant get to every show, and then i dont post much anymore--but i love reading the site :) but still in heart i'm a TRUEEEEEEE nessaholic, and what vanessa gave me, and most of all --all you fans have given me will travel with me EVERYWHERE!! you guys constantly run my mind

when i'm not around VC sites :P i'm usually just playin piano on my own, i recorded some stuff w/ my crappy crappy recorder on my laptop ..but its kinda fuzzy, and hopefully if i keep taking music classes in high school and college i will go into the music business or french ..haha random, yet the only things i'm good at

yes..once again french is another passion, dont ask me why but i do really well in french classes, and the language comes easy for me!! french people..french cities..i love you!! i actually hate the real world, but since its in France i watch for the little culture clips *dork i know* but its fun

i also play muchos soccer and softball outside of school, soccer is just starting, today actually was the first day of Major League Soccer Camp where these coaches from England come and help us train before tryouts next week !! EEK!!  softball just ended a couple weeks ago, this year it wasnt as fun as usual because theres always people who ruin things, and it was one of those years, but softball is softball--and it just makes you stronger to go thru with it

everyone has their beginner starting stories on what got them hooked to V, and mine was that my ex-boyfriend moved to hawaii and definitely just stopped calling and everything, and a month before he moved when i was contemplating how to deal w/ a NY --> Hawaii relationship, it was V's first TRL performance, the green lace, the water bottle--everything i remember, and i remember she played "a thousand miles" and i was crying, i wanted to be just like her in that moment..then it took like 4 months to sign up on the VCMB, but ever since i've had a blast!

some weird things that i'm in love with are DOGSSSS and RAIN!! those are 2 random things..
--dogs- because they're adorable ..except for violent ones, i have a cute little jack russel that i've posted pictures of a couple times!
and rain--i just think its a beautiful thing to capture when it happens, last night actually i was outside and it started downpouring and just looking through one rain drop and seeing the house lights glisten through it was awesome!

alright..well if anyone actually read all of that, i hope you got to know me better, or was semi-interesting!!

PM me anytime, i'll try and post more..but i finally got a job, and soccer starts then school starts and things go crazy--but everyone here is running my mind all the time!! thanks for everything :)

<3 mells <3

Completely Off-Topic / Recent Pictures Thread
« on: August 11, 2003, 05:42:57 pm »
my beautiful gina !!! :)

i miss being with u at the concert sooo much..and i hardly post here so you know its amazing if i post for you :)

i love you to pieces..YOU TOO JOEY!!

<3 mells

hahahaha you know me wayy to well limey

and rosie thats soo cool!!!!!!!!

hehe i <3 u guys and miss ya, im sorry i dont come around much, i feel so deprived, i only have 12 posts =(

i especially miss the VC concert i got to attend, good times

stay real everyone!!  i'll try and stop by more after this week (exams)

<3 mells <3

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