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Messages - VanessaPiana

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I didn't think it was possible, but I can now play and sing to HAWBTW. I don't do it at the same beat as VC, though; even though I can't really sing, I do it more like Bob Dylan. But I also love singing along to VC's music as well as Mariah Carey, Alicia Keys, and Christina Aguilera.

Among the list of performances, songs, and videos pertaining to VC, I also spotted a video performance of a young woman who performed 'Rinse' in the orignal key with her band [G# or Ab Minor; VC brings it down to G Minor in her performance]. The woman actually did the song justice by making it her own [vocally]. I honestly don't know how she could've sang and played such a difficult song like that at the same time. I guess I won't understand until I learn it myself. [If you scroll down the list of YouTube videos and songs pertaining to this, then you'll find it.] You guys have to check it out. If you like it, then fine. If you don't, then that's fine, too.

Quote from: "me and my piano---tim"
^^^ that's pretty impressive! how long've you been playing for? the only song I learned by ear was white houses... and it took me FOREVER.

I've been playing since early May of '04, about 2 mos. b/f my 19th b-day. I've grown a lot since then. If you told me then I would play certain songs, I would've thought you were crazy.

I can't play as many songs as I would like b/c 1)I don't have the time 2)I use the painos at a local university music building b/c I don't have one @ home 3)I don't have a computer at home, so I can't print out as much paper as I would like and 4)Since I'm really poor, I can only put $1 on my printer card, which I purchased from the local library, where I use the Internet. With some songs, I didn't print out all the pages b/c 1)It would've been a waste of paper AND my money 2)VC makes the chords pretty much repeat themselves at the end, so I learned the rest by ear.

Someone said that HAWBTW was hard; it wasn't to me. Not the easiest song I've played, but I've mastered it pretty well. The only problem is that I'm still having trouble with the instrumental break, which has all the 'broken chords'. I'm always falling behind there.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Harmonium and the winter
« on: October 05, 2006, 06:57:29 pm »
I agree with the various opinions about the mood that HARMONIUM puts you guys in. Y'all read my mind. It brings me back to that time when I bought the album back in early 1/05. [I wanted to buy it Xmas Eve from Wal-Mart during the Xmas rush, but found I didn't have enough $$$; I guess it wasn't time. Embarrassed the hell outta me.] At first, I didn't like most of the songs, but I loved every song by the time I refunded it back @ Wal-Mart 3 weeks later [at the end of January] b/c I needed the money for something else. I didn't want to take it back, but had to. Moreover, her album got me the hard time I was going through then. But other than that, the album reminds me of mid-winter, when it's the coldest in my area and it snows. Her Sessions@AOL remind me of the fall. She should be releasing them soon if everything goes fine.


General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Vanessa's Covers
« on: October 05, 2006, 06:52:17 pm »
Quote from: "bluebutterfly"
ew. vanessa should NOT cover alicia keys songs. that's just wrong. it's got to be older stuff...the beatles would be really left field for vanessa. i dunno. maybe 'satisfaction' by rolling stones?

Why are you VC fans always clowning on AK? She my homegirl and can play the hell outta those 88 keys. [And no, I'm not interest in starting any debates on who's more talented; it's a waste of my time and breath, as well as your own, okay?] I won't say who I like more, but I believe that they're both equally talented, just in their own ways. Comparing them is just plain unfair. I guess that's coming from someone who listens to all kinds of music [yours truly].

Anyway, since I'm really familiar with their music, I think the perfect song that VC should cover by AK is 'Dragon Days' [from her sophmore album] b/c the lyrics are very much in Vanessa's league; AK wrote the song by herself. Here are the lyrics and see for yourself. No copyright infringement intended.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / what songs can you play on the piano?
« on: September 18, 2006, 07:46:08 pm »

Best Behavior [L.H. melody too difficult to play]
Superhero [boring @ beggining]
Sway [didn't get the rest of sheet music]
Time Is On My Side [kinda boring]
She Floats [too boring]
C'est La Vie [too boring]
All I Ask [didn't print out last page of song]


ATM [learned most of song by ear]
The Wreckage [learned most of song by ear b/c of repetitive chords]
Afterglow [learned the last part by ear after bridge]
White Houses [in both B and C, learned last part by ear]
Wanted [learned mostly by ear]
Who's To Say [learned mostly by ear and sight b/c of repetitive chords]
HAWBTW [learned part of bridge and last part by ear b/c of repetitive chords]

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / V's most difficult song on piano?
« on: September 18, 2006, 07:39:33 pm »
Easiest: Afterglow [at least I can get through this one w/o mistakes] and The Wreakage [I can get through this one w/o flubs, but it's trickey]

Funnest: ATM [I can feel my adrenaline rushing; can get through w/o mistakes], Wanted [I learned most of the riffs by ear, and this one's appropriate for pounding for your angry days], and HAWBTW [this one's really catchy]

Hardest: Papa. 'Nuff said. White Houses [in both keys, but in different areas]. I can't seem to get my fingers to relax and play as smooth as silk, like VC. Plus the song tires my hands out. Best Behavior [the beggining riffs] b/c I haven't developed suffiecient strength in my left hand to play the L.H. melody, so I quit learning the song. If you're a lefty, then this song is your friend.


General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Scott "The Piano Guy"::A Thousand Miles
« on: September 06, 2006, 02:41:00 pm »
I don't really like the way he plays this song. I'm embarrassed to even watch it. He didn't play it in its original key. I had to stop watching b/c it was torture to my ears how they were playing and how that guy was explaining it. I learned most of the song by ear, too. I play it a little different from VC chord-wise, but I don't take away from the riffs or rhythm. When I get to, 'If I could fall...', instead of using the ususal Gb/E chord that VC does, I start out on the B chord, but play the same riffs, just different chords. But it sounds just as good. I wish I could show you guys. The ironic thing is that B is a more difficult chord to play in b/c it has 5 sharps/7 flats, but ATM is easier to play in this key. But White Houses is easier to play in C Major, though [I play both versions].

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Official Vanessa Pictures Thread
« on: August 29, 2006, 02:17:44 pm »
I have many more, but I'll have to post them later. I got them from many of Van's unofficial websites. [Go to the'Official List of 'Nessa Sites' thread.]

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Official Vanessa Pictures Thread
« on: August 23, 2006, 04:00:16 pm »
Quote from: "VanessaPiana"
Here's some more pics of Vanessa Carlton:

This is one of the SEXIEST pics Van has taken. Here's some more:

This one looks 80s-style:

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Official Vanessa Pictures Thread
« on: August 21, 2006, 06:49:58 pm »
Here's some more pics of Vanessa Carlton:

This is one of the SEXIEST pics Van has taken. Here's some more:

This one looks 80s-style:

The album version is definitely in C Major on the album. Van plays it in B Major live. It's not that hard to figure out what key each version is in, b/c I'm a musician myself; I have an ear [sometimes a weird obsession] for what key certain songs are in.

For the Chord Illiterate, Here's a list of what key most of Van's songs are in:

A Major/F# Minor- Best Behavior [around D chord], Pretty Baby [ends in Bb], Wishin' And Hopin', Annie [around D chord], Red Ditty, or Sway

Bb Major/G Minor- Private Radio and Wanted

B Major and G#/Ab Minor- ATM, White Houses [live version], All Is Well, and Rinse

C Major/A Minor- White Houses [album version], San Francisco [F in the bridge], Ordinary Day, Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me, Devil Dance, Afterglow, All I Ask, Paint It Black, Twilight [ends in D Major/B Minor], and Paradise

D Major/B Minor- Superhero, Where The Streets Have No Name, Swindler, Prince, Sway, and C'est La Vie

Eb Major/C Minor- This Time, The One, The Wreckage, and PYHOM

E Major/C# Minor- Who's To Say [around A chord], Everybody's Got To Learn, Ameriteen [B Minor in middle], Unsung [ends with E Minor], and HAWBTW

Gb Major/Eb Minor- Papa and Morning Sting

G Major/E Minor- Time Is On My Side, She Floats, and Birdie

Correct me if I'm wrong about any of these [which I'm pretty sure I ain't].


...then for that reason, if Vanessa ever tried to sue us for copyright infringement, then she couldn't accuse us of copying her work note-for-note.  :D

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