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Messages - mellsbells12

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picture it..

mells is in the car w/ her mom..and i hear the little piano part start..its about 80 degrees outside, windows down, sun out, and i start blasting it cuz i havent heard it on the radio in a long time...and when she started the "i, i, dont.." parts i got chills, goosebumps up and down my old every time i either hear or play that song..hhaha my mom was giving me weird looks

just thought i'd share

i miss everyone

much <3

<3 mells <3

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / STEPHY!
« on: May 26, 2003, 02:38:08 pm »
you completely stole my topic

i was JUSt going to post this!! haha joking, i love you so much

i actually was going to post this though---i have been to home depot 5 times since saturday...(my father and i are redoing molding and base and waynescotting in the kitchen)  and i was in there...and a coldplay song came on and i was happy..then after coldplay i was like "wait a tick, this is vanessa!!" and it was twilight, i was so surprised, people were staring at me...either because i was singing or carrying 16'  wood poles!! haha

much <3

<3 mells <3

Completely Off-Topic / oh man!
« on: May 05, 2003, 05:43:33 pm »
you guys rock!! this is absolutely insane!! thanks for everything!!! ahhhh i cant get over how many bday wishes!! this is great! i've had like the happiest day, i'm so glad i know all of you and that i got 2 threads  on the and one on the! hahah i feel special!! barely anyone knows who i am over there anymore, but thanks everyone! i <3 you all so much!

<3 melly <3

Other Musicians / coldplay!!
« on: May 04, 2003, 05:05:51 pm »
oh man, first i loved "yellow" then i loved "trouble"  and now "CLOCKS!" its awesome, i love all the drama in it, like the different violin-sounding sounds coming out of the background with the change of chords and all the pounding symobls in the end, its just amazing

i was at my friends house the other night and they played "dont panic" another really great song,  that i suggest downloading to everyone!

coldplay is definitely amazing as well (theres probably a whole topic on this and i was just too lazy to click back haha sorry)

<3 mells <3

Completely Off-Topic / omg!!
« on: May 04, 2003, 05:00:51 pm »
thanks joey!!! haha thats awesome..sweet 16!

our like hall principal announces it on the morning announcements each day whos bday it is..i'm gonna die when they say my name tomorrow!

haha and guess what NY!? I GET MY PERMIT TOMORROW!! LOOK OUT! lol

thanks joey =)

<3 mells

Creative Endeavors / heres one
« on: April 27, 2003, 02:25:49 pm »
i wrote it like a week and 1/2 ago, its my way of just letting things go, this poem was really cool though i wasnt even thinking, this was all what my pen wrote (haha sounds crazy but i cant even remember thinking any of this) ...wicked cool feeling!


it kills to watch
'the one' walk by
i feel stung
by some unwatned fly
as love burns inside
one eye follows
one eye wanders
watching him go by
i know i'll get hurt
so why waste time
i just want so bad
for someone to be mine
why do i sink so low
and go underneath the shallows
to see what you give
to yearn inside to even live
i want it before this candle goes unlit
and i wont have anything
but the love that i never got to give
i dont want to live this life
full of regrets that just might
cause this candle to be less of a delight
i dont want it to end
i dont know what to do
all i can think
is to follow right after you
i follow straight on the imprinted steps
something that my mind has already set
as perfect for a guide
within each deep stride
i hope to find the answers
i hope to find you
possibly waiting for me
then i can live up to
the fantasies that could be
i open the door
don't even know your name
and you probably shouldnt know my 'claim to fame'
you move even mysteriously closer now
raising your perfect brown eyebrow
with your sweet deep eyes
looking back into mine
until both ours are closed
and the sensation is what i remember most
i had that one kiss
the one i didnt want to miss
i fell in love
until the day my candle went unlit
and still inside
i know i have you to thank for it

Introduce Yourself / aww!
« on: April 27, 2003, 02:22:22 pm »
thats completely awesome!!!

i love your signature there

i'm melly, i'd love to get to know people in ireland, i have a best friend that moved there (shes originally from there though) and long long lost family!! its kinda sad, but oh well

how old are you?  i'm gonna be 16 next week

i'm from upstate, NY, USA

<3 mells <3

Live Shows / hey tricia!
« on: April 27, 2003, 02:08:09 pm »
my mum dropped off the disposable camera today, i wont get them back until tomorrow around 4 though (stupid drug store closes at 6:00 tonight grr)

but i will definitely email some!

much <3

<3 mells

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / haha awesome!!
« on: March 15, 2003, 08:46:38 pm »
i'm glad to be here..finally something quite normal!!

<3 mells

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / hey guysss!!!
« on: March 15, 2003, 08:42:06 pm »
its mells!! finally a normal board!! i <3 you guys, i miss you all so much and i apologize for not coming on as usual as i used to, been quite busy!

i still love vanessa--at the party i went to tonight the DJ's were young so i requested A Thousand Miles and only like 15 people were there, so it came on, and my friend joe and i were like dancing to it and everyone else just watched..but it was cool that joe stayed out there  with me, we were dancing normal not slow dancing or anything, but it made me happy to hear vanessa so loud and everything, and once it came on everyone like came over and screamed MEL ITS YOUR SONG!!

it was cute =)

much <3

<3 mells <3 :lol:

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