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Messages - clamicas

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Completely Off-Topic / The Official Sig Makers Thread...Part 2.
« on: June 30, 2007, 06:48:42 pm »
Quote from: "givemer0mance"
can anyone make me an av or sig with these lyrics "i'll be there for you, even if saving you sends me to heaven" or maybe a picture of red jumpsuit apparatus?

Vanessa Songs / Lyrics / Sheet Music / new catagory on the board ----
« on: June 30, 2007, 05:51:21 am »
this forum - category is a great idea =)

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Re: A longer cd
« on: June 26, 2007, 08:01:08 pm »
Quote from: "reveng_desire"
Quote from: "UltimateVC"
I wished she produced a really long record like Christina Aguilera's albums like Stripped, which contained 20 song, and Back to Basics, which contained 22 songs.

Back to Basics suuuuuuucks. It's too happy. Christina doesn't deserve to be happy!!!


I don't think Vanessa should go that far. Maybe 15 or 16 tracks.

I like Back to basics I don't think it's 'too happy' there are some great songs , some happy some sad and very personal.

Anyway...I agree that 16 tracks would be good enough!

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / article
« on: June 26, 2007, 11:10:30 am »
Quote from: "reveng_desire"
what is t4p?

thanks for posting

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / article
« on: June 26, 2007, 10:29:25 am »
June 26, 2007, 10:10 AM ET

John Benson, Cleveland
As the Oct. 9 release date for her third album, "Heroes & Thieves," approaches, singer/songwriter Vanessa Carlton has inked with a surprising label: hip-hop music entrepreneur Irv "Gotti" Lorenzo's the Inc.

"I think Irv is a fantastic A&R man, and he really can't contain his excitement," Carlton says. "He has like, no filter, when it comes to expressing himself, and I thought that unbounded energy was so appealing. He's a fantastic music executive. They're hard to find. So, I took the step."

It's an important step for Carlton, whose 2002 platinum debut "Be Not Nobody" was followed by the critically acclaimed but commercially disappointing 2004 A&M effort "Harmonium." The 26-year-old artist says "Heroes & Thieves," which was completely written before she joined the Inc., was produced by Third Eye Blind's Stephan Jenkins and includes a few songs she co-wrote with Linda Perry. The first single, "Nolita Fairytale," goes to radio in early July.

"It's a pretty uplifting album with a lot of layers going on in," Carlton says. "[There are] very complex arrangements but everything just makes me feel good and not in a simplistic way. It's the most honest album I ever made, and it's the only record I've made that I really look at as a body of work as opposed to a bunch of songs put together. I think that shows. It really does feel like a real album."

Currently, Carlton is opening a few dates for Stevie Nicks, with a large club or small theater tour planned this fall to coincide with the release of "Heroes & Thieves." Already getting stage time is the upbeat "Nolita Fairytale," the mid-tempo "Spring Street" and the ballad "Home," which Carlton hints could be the second single.

Having experienced the ups and downs of the music industry over the past five years, Carlton feels as though she's finally catching up to her career.

"I feel like I have more of the tools to be in charge of my own career," Carlton says. "I think I'm at that spot. I was there at the last record, but I feel like I have a much more clear vision of who I am and where I want to go. Clarity brings a lot of energy and power. I'm excited about that."


"Home," which Carlton hints could be the second single.

wasn't HOM going to be the second single??

Vanessa Songs / Lyrics / Sheet Music / "Home"
« on: June 26, 2007, 10:21:08 am »
Quote from: "portions.for.foxes"
Sorry for the double post but... you guys are all probably going to think I'm on crack or something... but the clip of Home just makes me think of "When You're Alone" from Steven Speilberg's movie "Hook", and I love that movie because it was a big part of my childhood when I was a kid, I was obsessed with pirates and Captain Hook. lol

That's the song if you're interested, it's really pretty. Haha.

hehe, I can hear the resemblance to it =)

"Home," which Carlton hints could be the second single.

According to the billboard article the song is called "home"

Vanessa Songs / Lyrics / Sheet Music / "Home"
« on: June 26, 2007, 10:19:05 am »
Quote from: "itsthefiveofus"
ok I am we have a recoarding of house?? or home or whatever and what song was that?

steve edited his first post, look under the lyrics for a clip

Vanessa Songs / Lyrics / Sheet Music / SURVEY! your top 10 song pls
« on: June 26, 2007, 10:18:21 am »
01.Morning Sting
04.Hands on Me
05.Half A Week Before the Winter
06.Who's to Say
08.All Is Well

Vanessa Songs / Lyrics / Sheet Music / "Home"
« on: June 26, 2007, 09:41:43 am »
wow, I loved the vocal!

thanx steve =)

Vanessa Songs / Lyrics / Sheet Music / "Fools Like Me"
« on: June 26, 2007, 08:21:18 am »
thanx steve =)

Completely Off-Topic / The Official Sig Makers Thread...Part 2.
« on: June 23, 2007, 08:15:10 pm »

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / V's Site is (Kinda) Back Up!! =]
« on: June 22, 2007, 07:54:13 pm »
Quote from: "Gingernut"

Maybe that is what it could look like. It looks kinda like VC's style.
I dunno. Its from the inc site

yeah, that's what I was thinking too, I think maybe the new pink-purple leaf-y curls will replace that old style. I do like that style, it has been done before by other people, but nevertheless it's pretty and better than the beige.

Other Musicians / Amy Winehouse
« on: June 22, 2007, 07:39:23 pm »
my favorite from the album is Tears Dry on Their own, I love that song!!

Completely Off-Topic / The Official Sig Makers Thread...Part 2.
« on: June 22, 2007, 07:29:20 pm »
Quote from: "Manda"
Clarice, I was wondering if you could make me another Sig/Avatar
but this time with Marla Sokoloff and Avril Lavigne.

When you aren't too busy and I'll find some nice pictures.

Whenever you have time let me know if that will be okay. :)

sorry I missed this one, do you still want this theme or do  you want something else?

I loved the song with just the piano actually,on the recorded version I loved the percussion! I enjoyed the melody and how personal the lyrics are to her and I loved the fact that her apartment was a bit messy and she doesn't seem to mind,but the editing of that video...was like a cheap high school graduation video with cheap effects and why was it spelled HEROS??? in the video and in the video description :?:  :?: and the "V TV" cheap! note to irv: increase her budget!!!

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