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Messages - gemmapaintsitblack

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Completely Off-Topic / ...
« on: August 26, 2004, 10:21:10 am »
that is the sweetest thing ever.

glad they published it!  :D

Completely Off-Topic / heyy
« on: August 26, 2004, 10:12:45 am »
Brian  :D

I'm doing alright..So much has been happening recently I wouldn't know where to begin.

And how is your fine self?


Completely Off-Topic / Erm...
« on: August 26, 2004, 10:02:53 am »
Well I haven't been here in forever, I suspect people will have probably forgotten who I am entirely, but I heard whitehouses and I thought I would drop back here, I missed posting!

Hope everyone is well.

xx Gemma xx

Completely Off-Topic / at last. my internet is back.....phew
« on: July 10, 2003, 03:22:23 pm »
Quote from: "PintOGuinness"

believe me.. I freak out to be without my connection for a few hours... :)

haha a few hours?  :oops:  me too....shhhh  :wink:

Completely Off-Topic / Recent Pictures Thread
« on: July 10, 2003, 02:10:57 pm »
Quote from: "TSE"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"

Huh!? and what do u mean matey!? Lol, me and my best friend have this category for blokes, we have 'fittays when they're older' ahh the chuckles.

It's like another language!  8O

ah rosie, the scary thing is, i understood perfectly every word you said.
ah the secret language of the brit crush chums  :wink:

Completely Off-Topic / at last. my internet is back.....phew
« on: July 10, 2003, 12:47:36 pm »
don't you hate computers when they mess up?

and is it sad to be overjoyed at the return of internet capabilities?

ah well... :wink:

Completely Off-Topic / :)
« on: June 29, 2003, 02:09:40 pm »
oh rosie!!!!

awwwwww  you and adam make the cutest couple ever. seriously all that worrying for nothing...

okay so nothing "more" happened but you seemed to have the most amazing night, and....things may "develop".

maybe that night served its purpose in the sense that it made him realise how bloody lucky he is, and he won't be such an idiot about some things in future.

i'm so so glad you had a good time :) and you looked gorgeous.

and about me growing up? pah! my little crush chummete is all grown up too!!

*tear* - hahahaha


Completely Off-Topic / 'I Need Advice'- the Return!
« on: June 26, 2003, 08:18:13 am »
rosie darling you will be fine
we all know how lovely you are, and how adam should thank his lucky stars you are even going with him. i'm glad i refrained from hitting him when you told me of all his silly antics (that boy does try a Nessa Crush Chums patience!!)
But don't worry. Things will turn out the way they are meant to. eugh that sounded really awful and totally unhelpful, but...if the moment is right, go for it. you won't regret it either way, because whatever happens you will find out the way he feels. no games, and no silly tricks.
But alas crush chum, i know he likes you one hell of a lot, cause you're great, and quite frankly i think that mr adam will be one lucky boy tomorrow night.
Have fun, enjoy yourself, and don't worry!


and don't forget to take plenty of pics! we all wanna see you looking swanky!! :lol:

hehe thanks pete, but remember...thats if i get into uni  :wink:

but i'm not too worried about that right now...

i'm just concerning myself with partying with my girlfriends before we all go our seperate ways. we have 3 more nights out planned this week alone, and we only leave for uni in 2 months  :wink:

any excuse...

thanks guys.
uh. i kinda already started the partying last night  :wink:
and my head is suffering this morning as a result... :lol:



finally. finally. finally.
sixteen exams later i'm through with college...well...if i pass this year that is...
no more stress until results day..
i am officially out of college  :wink:

Completely Off-Topic / UK people or maybe US people
« on: June 26, 2003, 04:50:01 am »
hahaha thats sooo funny. bbmak are from my town. useless info i know.

oh well.


and i'm not sure about him looking like cameron, but awww cam is sooo sweet and cute, although there is some perverse underlying character to him....

Completely Off-Topic / Odd Habits
« on: June 26, 2003, 04:46:15 am »
heh yeah fellow little british ballerina.
but i have like, now officially left college, and with me moving to london in aint gonna be happening for a while  :(  gutted.

and oh my god rosie hehe that emoticon sooooo looks like the white stripes video !!! :infinity:


Completely Off-Topic / awwwww
« on: June 22, 2003, 10:01:28 am »
yay nerea

i still have three exams left. spanish literature, french literature, and theatre studies  :roll:

but....i feel i may need to party too....hehe

Completely Off-Topic / Odd Habits
« on: June 20, 2003, 03:37:21 am »
oh my i have so many of these. im sure i am obsessive/compulsive, but its fun hehe

1. ok this is probably the most worrying. i study spanish and french, and every word that comes out of my mouth, i translate into french/spanish in my head. even right now i'm translating what i'm typing. i even do it with song lyrics whilst im listening to a song..i thought it was jst me until yesterday when my fellow french/spanish student told me she does it as well. we were both so relieved hehe, or maybe it just means we're both mad??

2. whenever i leave the house i have to go straight back home to check my front door is shut properly and my dog is safe hehe.  it makes me late everywhere.

3. when im listening to a cd i imagine the notes on the piano, like trying to work out the song and the notes, except im not home/ at the piano.

4. when im bored, or waiting for someone, i watch strangers going about their business and wonder what they must be like, imagining peoples lives is so fascinating.

5. i do ballet, and i practice dance steps under the table when im sat down.

:oops: im officially odd

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