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Messages - LifelessPie

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 32
General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Re: lol
« on: August 05, 2004, 11:53:41 am »
Quote from: "DutchNessaHolic"
geez , it in one of the news posts it says : DOWNLOAD

 geez wow i'm SORRY 8O   :roll:

Other Musicians / Vanessa Carlton
« on: August 05, 2004, 11:23:50 am »
this vanessa girl sounds cool, i'll have to check her out..


Completely Off-Topic / Famous people you share a birthday with?
« on: August 05, 2004, 11:09:53 am »
Adams, Ansel - February/20/1902
Albert, Edward - February/20/1951
Altman, Robert - February/20/1925
Atterbury, Malcolm - February/20/1907
Baillie, Kathy - February/20/1951
Barkley, Charles - February/20/1963
Blake, Amanda - February/20/1929
Blech, Hans Christian - February/20/1915
Carter, II, Ann - February/20/1910
Cielecka, Magdalena - February/20/1972
Cobain, Kurt - February/20/1967
Crawford, Cindy - February/20/1966
Cummins, Dwight - February/20/1902
Daly, John - February/20/1914
Davis, Kimberly - February/20/1973
Delfino, Majandra - February/20/1981
Duncan, Sandy - February/20/1946
Eldard, Ron - February/20/1965
Erhardt, Heinz - February/20/1909
Fletcher, Bramwell - February/20/1904
Friedenbaum, Ed - February/20/1964
Friend, Philip - February/20/1915
Gaze, Heino - February/20/1908
Geils, Jerome - February/20/1946
Grahame, Margot - February/20/1911
Head, Anthony Stewart - February/20/1954
Hearst, Patty - February/20/1954
Hilaire, Melissa St. - February/20/1974
Hodgson, Joel - February/20/1960
Hoffman, Joseph - February/20/1909
Hoskins, Kerri - February/20/1970
Huber, Stefan - February/20/1978
Jabaley, John - February/20/1969
James, Brion - February/20/1945
Jones, Mary - February/20/1915
Kaye, Nathan - February/20/1974
Knight, Jack - February/20/1938
Leigh, Mike - February/20/1943
Littrell, Brian Thomas - February/20/1975
Lontoc, Leonardo - February/20/1908
Matheson, Richard Christian - February/20/1926
Michel, Andre - February/20/1910
Michelsen, Randi - February/20/1903
Moro, Frederica - February/20/1965
Natale, Juan Di - February/20/1969
Nikowitz, Erich - February/20/1906
O`Neill, Jennifer - February/20/1948
Pavlin, Tom - February/20/1978
Poitier, Sidney - February/20/1924
Pottier, Sidney - February/20/1927
Richardson, Jake - February/20/1985
Rowland, Rodney - February/20/1964
Sainte-Marie, Buffy - February/20/1941
Searpati, Giulio - February/20/1956
Stewart, French - February/20/1964
Strauss, Peter - February/20/1947
Stubbs, Imogen - February/20/1961
Swanson, Hannah - February/20/1989
Taylor, Lili - February/20/1967
Tripp, Paul - February/20/1916
Trump, Ivana - February/20/1949
Tucker, Rex - February/20/1913
Unser, Bobby - February/20/1934
Vanderbilt, Gloria - February/20/1924
Wilby, James - February/20/1958
Wilson, Nancy - February/20/1931
Winter, Ophelie - February/20/1974
Wood, Drew - February/20/1976

i looked it up on that site that Clarice did,

also, i share a birthday with Yulia Volkova from t.A.T.u. *feels highly priveleged*  :D

Quote from: "amberbeads"
go to and download it.

do you know where it is on the site? all i can find is the trl thing...i can't find the song....sorry, it's probably right in front of me and i just don't see it, but i looked tons of times and i can't find it... :oops:

Completely Off-Topic / Recent Pictures Thread Part 2
« on: July 30, 2004, 10:52:53 am »
great pics everyooooone.
heee so many lovely people :D

Completely Off-Topic / Re: read and tell me what you think
« on: July 30, 2004, 10:41:27 am »
Quote from: "Blake"
what a fuckin and tell me what you think

Okay, despite my online persona, in real life, I'm a fairly good kid. Each week I spend about 3 hours mowing the entire lawn, then I whip out the weed eater and go around and make sure everything looks great. Not only that, I sweep the drive way and the road around our house, and from time to time (about every two weeks) I'll just wash the cars (1 large truck, 1 stations wagon, and 1 honda) WITHOUT BEING ASKED! I keep my room pretty clean, and I do the dishes from time to time. Today dale (or fasha) leaves a note that I need to vacum out the car and cut a spot I 'missed' around the back of the house. I do it. I do everything, for 2 weeks while my mom and sister were out of town, I cleaned the house, took calls for him, did all kinds of shit NOTHING FOR MYSELF except go to practice.

Now today, my mom asks him if I can have $150 so I can go to cross country camp...Most everyone on our team is going, and it would be a great time slightly a vacation other than the massive running we'd be doing. So I think by now, now that I've worked the entire summer and driving myself insane...What does he say? What does he say? "He doesn't deserve it!"

Tell me that is not a dick head!

9) Remember to watch your language if possible. We just want to point out that we do have quite a few younger visitors and just avoid the use of heavy swear words if possible. We aren’t going to strongly enforce this but assume everyone will use their best judgement

Keep the subject line clean please. -Vulturemod

parents can be completley and totally unfair..
hopefully he will realize how much you've done and let you go, you defibetly deserve it.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Downloading Harmonium
« on: July 30, 2004, 10:33:47 am »
i won't download it, i don't think. i downloaded Folkore (Nelly Furtado's 2nd album) when it was leaked and when it came time to buy it, i was just as maaaaaaaaaaaajorly extremly extremly excited and anxious to get it as i would've been if i ddin't download it..but i stil don't think i'm gonna download Harmonium when it comes out..

Other Musicians / Sarah Connor
« on: July 30, 2004, 10:28:14 am »
ehhh i don't like Bounce, but i don't not like it..i just doesn't really interest me i guess...who knowss heee..

Other Musicians / JOJO
« on: July 30, 2004, 10:20:13 am »
the song is okay..kind of...

SHE'S ONLY LIKE A MONTH OLDER THAN ME I THINK...i'm supposed to be famous before her lmao...too bad i have nothing to be famous for ehehehee.

Other Musicians / Modest Mouse
« on: July 30, 2004, 10:16:17 am »
Quote from: "Blake"
I didn't like it first 3 times, but now it's sooo addictive.


that's great how everything is working out, congragulations :D  :wink:

Polls / First look at "White Houses" NESSAholic insanity
« on: July 30, 2004, 09:29:24 am »
i didn't tape it or anything (don't know how..) so only once..and i don't know where to find it on the itnernet, if it is on here or any other nessa site anywhere..

 :(   :?

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / The Favorite Vanessa Game!!
« on: July 29, 2004, 07:50:23 pm »
Quote from: "nessaRox"
With Amy Lee or Kelly Clarkson!!

What do u think the Harmonium promotion tour will be called?

UMMM..i have noo idea.

what do YOUU think the Harmonium promotion tour will be called?

Polls / What's your screen resolution?
« on: July 28, 2004, 05:33:59 pm »
iiiiiiiiii...have no idea. 8O '

probably the one with the most votes, but who knowsss.

Polls / Will "White Houses" flop?
« on: July 28, 2004, 05:27:31 pm »

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