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Messages - rosieposy87

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Polls / How many countries have you been to?
« on: June 18, 2005, 11:11:47 pm »
Oooh forgot to say i'm going to Turkey this summer!

Polls / What is your favorite "new" song?
« on: June 18, 2005, 05:04:10 am »
I can't believe how good these songs are! Its quite a different style of music from c'est la vie, papa, etc- i like it SO much more! Its the kind of music i've been hoping she'd make!

P.S I haven't been able to d/l The One so if anyone wants to gmail it to me at i would love you forever. hehe.

EDIT: I have it! Thanks SO much Steveau!

Introduce Yourself / New Here :)
« on: June 15, 2005, 11:08:20 am »
BBC America!! You legend! Have you seen Alan Partridge? It is actually the funniest show EVER made. I love him! What other shows? Hmmm they show such old stuff on BBC america.

Completely Off-Topic / Happy Birthday jlmusicchick!
« on: June 13, 2005, 04:38:39 am »
OMG jess! I'm so sorry, i have been so busy lately! I didn't mean to miss your birthday!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Everyone here, including me, loves you to absolute pieces Jess! You're so kind and thoughtful and generally GREAT! Glad to hear you had a good day. Though you still can't drink! HAHA!

Polls / Ordered the Harmonium Piano Book?
« on: June 11, 2005, 08:54:05 am »
I have never had a problem with ordering online- i say order it from Amazon and then if it doesn't come the worst thing that can happen is that you cancel your order and you get your money back.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Vanessa on "Celebrity Charades"
« on: June 11, 2005, 08:52:29 am »
How ODD!

I think he's guilty- but no one will ever really know the truth. All thats clear is that there's a whooole load of weird stuff happening at Neverland! I have no idea what the jury will decide though.

Completely Off-Topic / Happy Birthday Vultch!
« on: June 07, 2005, 01:02:57 pm »
Haaaappy Birthday!

Completely Off-Topic / Just a little we <3 Katia thread.
« on: June 07, 2005, 03:44:43 am »
YAY! We love Katia, and not just in a cupboard love way- though mostly...bwahaha. Where for art thou Katia, eh!? We miss you!

Completely Off-Topic / Happy Birthday my dear Gina!!!!
« on: June 06, 2005, 12:20:33 pm »
Haaaappy Birthday Gina! I know we don't talk so much anymore but i hope you have an amazing birthday- you deserve it!

Polls / What would the son of a monkey's uncle be?
« on: June 06, 2005, 07:02:31 am »
I just figured that out too. Because the question doesn't ask what the monkey is in relation to anything.

Completely Off-Topic / Re: Is it true
« on: June 06, 2005, 06:41:58 am »
Quote from: "Will"

Quote from: "Afterglow"
The sister of my mother ( I don't know if it s Uncle, Aunt or something ) is 38 and still lives with my grandmother

It is aunt. And sorry. That is pathetic.

Do you mean that is pathetic that she still lives with her grandmother? Because that is purely an interpretation from an individualist country that places emphasis on Locke's 'life, liberty and property' - in a collectivist culture that may be perfectly acceptable, the woman may care for her grandmother and enhance the values of family.

I'm not at all saying Afterglow isn't full of crap, but the interpretation that living with your parents/extended family is weak and pathetic only works in a meritocratic individualist society.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / STARS GET NAKED FOR JANE
« on: June 05, 2005, 08:19:10 am »
Quote from: "amberbeads"
America does sell sex at every opportunity, but the general public also freaks out every time someone is naked.

I know, its odd! But definitely not sexually repressed. It doesn't really make much sense in this context.

Polls / What would the son of a monkey's uncle be?
« on: June 05, 2005, 08:10:51 am »
Its not a cousin is it? isn't it a nephew? I'm pretty sure it is.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / STARS GET NAKED FOR JANE
« on: June 05, 2005, 07:52:04 am »
Quote from: "Will"
Quote from: "VanessaPiana"
did you know that America is the most sexually-repressed nation in the world?

Quote from: "VanessaPiana"
i can see that you're from England, so you don't know what you're talking about, b/c as an American [a NATIVE one, mind you,] i know what my country's all about, and we happen to be one of the most sexually-immoral nations in the world. i've seen enough to know that. i say that because we pervert sex and decency at every turn, and it's only gonna get worse with time, so i don't plan to delude myself by sticking my head in the sand when it comes to the facts.

You (not Rosie) have no idea what you are talking about. Please come back when you understand the meaning of "sexually-repressed" and "sexually-immoral." They are not the same thing.

LMAO, she's thick as a fucking plank Will- i think we shouldn't bother. I actually cannot stop laughing at this girl. She is:

a) illiterate

Steveau- America is the country that sells sex at every opportunity, saying you are a very sexually repressed nation just isn't true (look at your magazines, tv shows, advertising) and also an inaccurate use of Freud's term.

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